Men's Georgian/Rococo Smalls.

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"For those cold dark shipboard nights,
We've got boxers, briefs, and tights;
Made from cotton, silk, or satin,
In styles Anglo, Dutch, and Latin!
When you sail don't take a chance
Wearing nothing 'neath your pants.
Silver's Long-Johns!
(They breathe!)"

I hope there is somebody out there cool enough to recognize this lyric

But yes! The eighteenth century, it has long been my favourite, and so I do not understand why other people will fail to recognize it as the best. I find so little available for my eighteenth-century 'hood, especially when you look at the vast quantities of nineteenth-century stuff. What's so great about Victoriana, huh?? What's so great about Regency??? Has the Civil War done anything for ME???

Nah I'm just kiddin' brothas. Historical fashion in general is fun, and I love all periods equally. (That was a lie.)

WELL ANYWAY. This is a pair of pants for your eighteenth century Sim men. I'd have added a shirt, but sadly could find no suitable mesh (does anyone know one with nice sleeves?). Maxis mesh. No expansion packs needed.
ACTUALLY--I have Pets, and apparently things made with Pets only work for games with Pets...? How roundabout.

I am pretty sure they are 100% accurate? The only thing is that when I read books, they always describe breeches of this period as "low-slung", but fail to mention HOW low-slung, and of COURSE there are no good pictures. So I just left the waistband where it was originally.

Wow. Time for me to stop rambling and YOU CAN GET BACK TO YOUR LIFE.
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