Glitter Fairy Wings *A Recolor from Xmsims*
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Additional Credits:
The Xmsims- For giving me permission for this upload.
The earrings and hair beads are from xmsims.
The eyes, lips and sim are mine. This sim will not be uploaded.
FairyWings Xmsims Recolor.rar
Uploaded: 10th Jul 2007, 51.4 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available | (non-MTS link) |
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by JosephTheSim2k5 6th May 2005 at 5:24pm
46 46k 11
by Dea 13th Apr 2006 at 10:14am
10 11.4k 3
by q3tbo 26th Jun 2006 at 6:54pm
13 21k 10
by smangirl16 25th Jul 2006 at 5:41pm
+3 packs
Open for Business
by Emma_Barrett 22nd Aug 2006 at 1:29pm
5 47.4k 16
by lilsweetiecori 10th Oct 2006 at 10:28pm
38 102k 76
by Silus 9th Nov 2007 at 3:12am
12 34.2k 29
by Silus 12th Dec 2007 at 1:05pm
10 32.5k 20
by Sweetmegara 7th Jul 2007 at 12:48pm
My first upload. more...