Hacienda Dynara

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furnished alone the living room dining room, cooks and external
two bedrooms, two bathrooms, terrace, pool and square for car


Lot Size: 4x3
Lot Price: 104.305

Custom Content by Me:
- pili_recubrimiento-acantilado
- piedra3
- pili_ojas verdes
- piedra2
- pili_recubrimieno dunas
- set_ozieri 
- set-memphis 
- set_metalic 
- suelo de piedra natural 
- Grandes losetas de piedra 
- piedra en tus paredes 
- serie-art 
- set_memphis 
- grandes losas de piedra 
- imitacion ladrillos 
- set-metalic 
- aparador dining modena
- lampara techo Joe
- mesa dining modena2
- alfombra metropoly
- pil-rug-metropoly-natural
- centro mesa rosas
- pili_cortina-indivivual-diafano
- deco-libros
- pili_jarron1-cosmos
- pili_jarron1-wengue
- jarron1
- silla comedor modena

Custom Content Included:
- 4ESF outdoor2 Syringa by 4eversimfantasy
- Birch Tree Shrubby Larger by khakidoo
- Birch Tree Shrubby by khakidoo
- Kitchen Window by macarossi
- Tür "breeze" by Von Olemantiker
- Fenster "breeze" by Von Olemantiker
- Doppelfenster "breeze" by Downtown sims
- Doppelfenster "breeze" by Olemantiker
- Doppelfenster "breeze" by Von Olemantiker
- Fenster "breeze" by von Olemantiker
- Fenster "breeze" by Olemantiker
- Marokko by blackypanther
- "Eponymous Garden" Lavender by kate
- "Eponymous Garden" Hosta by parsimonious
- KhakidooBirchShrubbyLargerRCLa by khakidoo
- KhakidooBirchShrubbyLargerRCY by khakidoo
- KhakidooBirchShrubbyRCLav by khakidoo
- KhakidooBirchShrubbyRCP by khakidoo
- KhakidooBirchShrubbyRCY. by khakidoo
- KhakidooBirchShrubbysmallerRCP by khakidoo
- Cypress Based Shrub by khakidoo
- Phoenix canariensis (4 m) by alex_stanton1983
- rdrglx_invisibledriveway by roddyaleixo
- Es war ein langer und langweiliger Tag im Geschäft, als 'sie' zur Tür hereinkam. Sie war schön, zerbrechlich und geheimnisvoll und sie erzählte eine Geschichte von schwarzen Bodenfliesen. Da wusste ich, dass sie keine normale Kundin war.  by 2forudevu
- kitchen1 -counter- by jasmine
- kitchen1** -cupboard1- by Jasmine
- kitchen1** -cupboard2- by Jasmine
- kitchen1** -curtain- by Jasmine
- kitchen1** -deco- by Jasmine
- kitchen1** -decocoffee- by Jasmine
- kitchen1** -dishwasher- by Jasmine
- kitchen1** -fridge- by Jasmine
- kitchen1** -stove- by Jasmine
- kitchen1** -trash compactor- by Jasmine
- other 1- Bench by Delphine
- Other 1- Chair by Made by Delphine
- Other 1- hot tub by Made by Delphine
- Other 1- table by Made by Delphine
- cortinaindividual by nazariopilar
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