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Are you like me? Do you love (certain) vampires but take offense that just about every default Uni major causes your little demons to burn? Do you wish there were some way to let your little vampires get a higher education in something normal?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have the solution! Introducing...


All I've done is taken the default majors and tweaked them to allow your vampires to attend night classes. An hour's worth of work, but all 11 majors are accounted for (however, if your vampire is undeclared, he or she still has normal class times - it's complicated but there's no way to change that without overriding the default "undeclared" major for all your Uni Sims).

Now, I know what you're saying - "But NavyBabe09, what about when my vampires need to go to their final exams? Won't they just burn up then?"

Au contraire, my lovelies! Yours truly has anticipated this problem! The solution? Your vampire Sims no longer need to attend their final exam, because I have taken away the "not-attending-final" penalty! Yes! For each and every major, your vampires will have no drop in grade for missing the final! If, by some miracle, your final exam falls after dark, you may still attend and receive the grade boost, but no longer will not attending hurt your grade!

Nothing else in these majors have changed - the skill requirements and class titles are the same as the defaults. I merely adjusted the times and took off the penalty, and presto! Vampire-friendly majors! All the majors pull their icons from their regular counterparts, and while there is some text squishing (see Mathematics Major screenshot), I don't know how to make the font smaller.

If you would like to see any other majors, please let me know!

Also, you need the Careers Made Easier download here ( to change your major to the vampire-friendly ones. This is a buy-mode object that costs a mere Simoleon.

Final comment: all 11 majors are in one .rar file, but they are all clearly labeled so you can delete the ones you don't want...if that's possible! Download today!
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