Seasons Sunrise ans Sunset Time Offset Tweaks
OffsetSetting.gif - width=481 height=196
In seasons, EA set the default day-night length to summer.
In Spring and Fall, sunrise is 1 hour late and sunset is 1.25 hours earlier.
In Winter, sunrise is 2 hour late and sunset is 2.5 hours earlier.
Which means.... if the default sunrise time is 6 am and sunset time is 18 pm then.....
In Spring and Fall, sunrise will be at 7 am and sunset at 16:45 pm.
In Winter, sunrise will be at 8 am and sunset at 15:30.
We only get shorter daytime, but not a longer one in summer.
However, with this mod, you can change it.
You want a high-latitude day-night cycle? Here's it!
There are six flavors, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5.8 hours, which means the offset value of sunrise and sunset time in summer and winter..
In summer, sunrise is x hours earlier and x hours late.
In winter, sunrise is x hours late and x hours earlier.
All of them are set with offset of sunrise and sunset time to 0 in Spring and Fall.
ex. If the default sunrise time is 6 am and sunset time is 18 pm and you choose "3 hour"...
Sunrise and sunset time in each season will be....
Spring 6/18, Summer 3/21, Fall 6/18, Winter 9,15
There is transition of seasons in game, so you'll notice that the daytime is getting longer of shorter in Spring and Fall.
This mod is a default replacement. It will replace....
_XML SeasonsManager_0xda46c4abc19a24ff
You need 1.42 and Seasons to get this work.
If you want to change the degrees of sun, moon and starfield equator, you'll need to tweak Skycommon.ini.
Additional Credits: S3PE
Uploaded: 31st Dec 2012, 1.5 KB.
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