No More Meteor Showers (Into The Future)

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XML Tuning Mod: This mod is designed to remove the Meteor Shower event from the future. This event is 'supposed' to take place in the quest lines and then is supposed to be repaired afterwards or continue if you fail to repair it... however... every time I've 'repaired' the issue in the quests... it has continued. They were literally happening so fast that by the time you cleaned up one... another hit. I also saw that this was an issue on several YouTube Sim videos. So I figured it would be best to make my own shut off switch. The Meteor Shower event is supposed to take place in creating the Distopia future where the planet has suffered horribly... you've called down meteors in the past... you've told sims to litter... you've basically done everything wrong and thus the Distopia future is born. However upon leaving the quest in the future (all future building quests do carry on into the future even if only breifly), by repairing the timeline in Distopia or even by repairing it in the present time (or by dropping the oppertunity without going to Distopia or by leaving Distopia), the meteor showers are supposed to end... 'supposed to' being the key point.

Put the mod in once you want the meteor showers to end and remove it when you want them to happen for a quest or whatever reason. Also it has been reported that this Into The Future Meteor Shower event will chase you into the other worlds... as the picture depicts.

This will not stop the normal meteor events that rarely happen to unfortunate Sims who get struck by them (This event has been around since the base game and almost never happens).

Again, this is for the Into The Future (non-lethal) Meteor Showers. This mod should stop them completely. So you could consider this a mod to act also as a fix for the meteor shower bug. Although the chances of getting a meteor shower was actually a 40% chance which... seems unfortunately very high.

Specifics: Uses the MeteorShower_0x8c3733285f852756 XML script. Will conflict with any mod that also uses this script although it shouldn't conflict with anything else.
<kRandomMeteorShowerIntervalTime value="999999"> (value was 197)
<!--Time, in minutes, to wait before rolling to see if we randomly spawn a meteor.-->
<kRandomMeteorShowerChance value="0"> (value was 0.4)
<!--Percent chance (between 0 and 1) of the sim triggering a meteor to fall.-->
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