Food Variety for Picnic Basket
scr2.jpg - width=1027 height=640
scr3.jpg - width=1366 height=593
Hullo ^^
This is a XML tuning mod that adds more recipes to the list of food that you get from the Picnic Basket.
The recipe/food is picked randomly from two lists: one is for non-vegetarian and the other is for vegetarian sims.
The default settings of the game are:
- Hamburger and HotDog (for non-vegetarians)
- GrilledCheese and PeanutButterAndJelly (for vegetarians)
The default settings of the mod simply add two basegame compatible recipes to each list, but
I'd like to encourage anyone to tune the settings yourselves. All it takes is S3PE (or Postal).
I've heavily commented the _XML in the package, trying to highlight the noteworthy tags
used to edit the settings and to easily understand how it works.
I've included in the xml, as comments, a list of every compatible recipes that come with the
basegame and with each EP (to use those, the relative EP must be installed). With compatible
I mean all foods that can be eaten with a hand as "utensil", because those work well (or just
"make more sense") with the animation used when eating seated at the Picnic Blanket
(the Picnic Table uses standard eating animations).
As far as I'm concerned you can also use Spaghetti, but the animation will look weird.
I can't guarantee that all foods I quoted will look good in the animation, I haven't tried them
all and I don't even have some. The clipping you see in the screenshot is due to the "top"
weared by the sim: the sleeves are too large.
In a list, you can also insert the same recipe more times. Why?
Example 1. The list contains: hotdog,hamburger
- change to get hotdog: 50%
- change to get hamburger: 50%
Example 2. The list contains: hotdog,hotdog,hamburger
- change to get hotdog: 66%
- change to get hamburger: 33%
This is an XML override mod that involves only one resource (in GameplayData.package):
Name: PicnicBasket_0xa35ba8f494061978
TGI: 0x0333406C-0x00000000-0xA35BA8F494061978
Additional Credits:
All respective authors and contributors of the tools and tutorials for modding TS3.
MTS and all modders who made the game much more enjoyable.
Uploaded: 7th Feb 2015, 2.6 KB.
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Updated: 13th Feb 2015 at 2:22 PM
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