Zerbu's Ultimate Careers Updated (29/05/22)
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- Fix for an issue that caused sims to not autonomously use objects for some careers if you didn't have some pushed mod installed (29/05 extended this fix to some parts I missed, your political and journalism careers should now have fully functional autonomy)
- Added French translation by SecretX
- Slacking off due to low mood will now happen at a lower mood so sims won't be slacking off because they didn't have their 5th snack of the day, boohoo
Mini-hotfix 14/05/22
- I left the last lessons page blank :facepalm: fixed
- Fix for the sometimes buggy high school queue
- Mod should now try to cancel out EA's annoyingly pushy musical instrunent watching and default (non-steated) podium lecture watching
UPDATE 11/05/22
Phew! Can't believe it's been, what, 9 months since the last update?! At least this one is kind of huge, so it might aswell be worth the wait! It was supposed to be even bigger and better-tested but at this point I was feeling like I'll keep delaying indefinitely if I don't push something out already so.... brace yourselves for (and pls read carefully!):
- Opportunities are back! Well... sort of. In the file section you will find a new mod (which requires ani's The Job Board mod, thanks ani and previously GameFreak130 for this one) and University Life, that adds a new "What's up at Work/School?" interaction to the job board. Once clicked, there's a random chance you'll get a career opportunity, career event or a notification that there's no work for you now. If you got an opportunity, you'll have an option to "Report Back" to complete it. If you wish to trigger active job tasks (not opps) for semi-active careers (Medical, Film), you'll still need to trigger them with TestingCheats, for now, but hopefully not for long! This little mod is intended to be used with UC, but you can even use it without it. If there's enough demand, I could make a version that only needs UL, but I just really liked the combo with ani's job board. Thanks Battery for helping me fix this thing!
- Much improved slack-off behaviour! Sims will now slack off randomly based on their mood, traits and random chance. They also have more to do. They will chat, share interests and generally interact with each other as they see fit (random weirdness ensues), if you have FloTheory's nap/sitting mod, they will also relax in sofas and living chairs. Slacking off is also now compatible with ani's have coffee with me mod, so they'll be able to drink coffee with that mod installed.
- Ingame lessons! Finally, you can see what objects and activities will (or should) boost your performance (they are not all autonomous, though). You will find them under the name "Open Careers". Note that this is kinda WIP and a little rough around the edges, it struggles to fit in the box sometimes, some pics are silly and things are mostly named what I have them in the code, shoot a message in the comments if something doesn't make sense,
- New menu for assigning careers to lots - assigning careers to lots is now done in a neater pop-up menu (still one career at a time) which should make it easier to find your career if you have billion of them installed, like me. There's also a new option to check which careers are assigned to a lot. City hall options for assigning careers are for now still nested in pie menus.
- Speaking of City Hall options, school can now be set as 'career type' for custom careers (intended for these 'fake uni major' careers, the reverse is also possible, if for some reason you want change a custom school to use objects of some other career (like culinary school acting like culinary career?)
- Nicer class aesthetics - there are two new interactions: Listen to Lecture, which lets you watch a podium lecture while sitting down and playing some animations similar to Uni, this is basically the same as EA's 'listen to lecture', but it's seated and you can actually click it, it looks more rough than Uni lectures, since those are a 'situation' instead of a single interaction and the order of animations is always the same, but at least now we have something; Sit at Class, which is basically the same thing as Listen to Lecture, but it's added to the whiteboard instead
- Schoolkids with unfinished homework will now be able to do their homework at school.
- Business Planning interaction on the business planner is replaced with one which prevents sims from stealing the planner as soon as they use it. Violin stealing should also be prevented, but now sims will only use the violin if they have it in their inventory.
- Last few months have seen so many cool new mods come out, and of course I had to add support for them, so you can now gain performance with zoe22's flower arranging, PJSims post register, printer, generic register, ani's merchant mod, sweeping mod and more, check out the ingame lessons for more!
- Many more autonomous activities, time to place some objects as seen in the, wink, lessons page and discover them (some hints: have a broom at a witch school and some printer paper in your inventory)
- "Report Back" option appears as soon as you get a career opp instead of when you are supposed to.... report back. Pls don't be a dirty cheater... at least this once.
- "Report Back" doesn't seem to appear when you save and reload with an unfinished career opportunity. Finish your work or try cancelling (or completing it in one of the dirty rabbithole ways)
- "School" option for setting a (custom) career type at city hall is an empty string (box with no text)
- In my game, schoolkids who do their homework just sit on the nearest ground and do it right there on the spot, although some testers reported that in theirs they actually go to a desk to do it.
- On rare occasions, high school queue may get.... spammy for some reason
- Add active jobs for medical and film to job board
- Make city hall menus neater, too
- New interaction to make you able to request fortune-telling and make those inactive open fortune tellers more useful
UPDATE 23/08/21
- Per request - all active Sims will now have all their UC interactions cancalled out and be sent home once their workday is done, just as inactives have been doing. You can cancel 'Go Home' interaction if you wish them to stay on the career lot.
- Practicing writing on the computer now increases school performance. It has been a pushed interaction since the original mod but turns out it was omitted as a performance interaction. Now works.
- Added some gameplay tips/insights to the bottom of this document to help you make the most out of this mod and integrate it into your gameplay (will be updating it further)
- Teens will autonomously Learn Programming Basics with Arsil's Programming at school
UPDATE 01/07/21
Fixed an issue with Film/Music careers caused by some residual testing code that made the queue get messed up in these careers.
This problem is now fixed and it should not appear in any other career either. Please report any bugs you may discover (do tell me which careers or objects are causing issues if you find any).
UPDATE 25/06/21
- City Hall and Lot menus will now have my name on them
Was suggested to do this in order to differentiate it from the original
- Mod is now tunable ingame via Battery C# Utility
You can still use the mod as a standalone, but the Utility will enable you to tune it to your liking. Just click on the ground (or shift+click if you are using Nraas selector to move mod menus like me) -> Battery -> AutoMod Menu and then select this mod and change values as you please. For now it will work on a per-save base but working on making it exportable - Arsil's Stand Up Comedy Microphone is the first modded object that Sims can use autonomously (more to come!) so you can have NPC standup comedians entertain your sims in your town. Available in FIlm/Music and derived careers
- Optimised and cleaned the code up a little
- Added a file for Zerbu's Lot Events mod that is compatible with this one and won't crash your game! Should function the same otherwise.
Note that this list is subject to change and not all objects and interactions were tested, the game is more stubborn about some interactions than others. And of course, not everything will be autonomous, mainly common sense-based (if an interaction needs the player to control, such as picking from a menu etc, it likely isn't autonomous).
GameDeveloper - ArtAppraiser - Business:
- Academic Business Planner
- Whiteboard
- Book Skill
- Book Written
- Bookshelf
- Fruits Veggies Stand
- Shopping Register
- Mirror
- Podium
- Practice Writing
- Practice Programming Basics
- Drafting Table
- Invention Workbench
- Sculpting Station
- SketchBook
- Glassblowing Workbench
- Easel
- Video Game System
- VR Goggles
- Work Computer (mod by KittyTheSnowcat)
- Toy Machine
- Be Interviewed with Mobile Radio Station (by another Sim)
- Scan Work Of Art
- Gem Cutting Machine
- Phone Table
- Tablet
- Sewing Machine
- Mod A Game
- Do Freelance Work
- ani Register (Savvier Seller)
- Restock Item (Savvier Seller)
- Critique Art
- Go To Art Gallery
- Printer
- Post Register
- Merchant Register
- Merchant Restock
- Generic Register
- ani Browse (Savvier Seller)
- SimState Restock
- Florist Table
- Mobile Radio Station
- Whiteboard
- Newspaper
- Book
- Bookshelf
- Book Written
- Camera
- Video Camera
- Write RabbitHole Review
- Write Report
- Practice Writing
- Blog App
- Mirror
- Podium
- SketchBook
- Interview
- Write Comic
- Scribbling Pad Practice Writing
- Scribbling Pad Write Report
- Scribbling Pad Write Review
- Read Inscription Plaque
- Keystone Panel
- Pushable Statue
- Sarcophagus Look Inside
- Sarcophagus Hide
- Wall Lamp Lever
- Treasure Chest
- Hobby Shop Register
- Relic Analyze
- Critique Art
- Deliver Newspaper
- YouTube (ani's SimTube mod)
- Printer
- Bicycle
- Industrial Oven
- Future Food Synthesizer
- Fridge
- Stove
- Microwave
- Deep Fryer Vegas
- Bar
- Hot Beverage Machine
- Teppanyaki Grill
- Wood Fire Oven
- Grill
- Food Processor
- Counter
- Sink
- Dishwasher
- Nectar Maker
- Trash Compactor
- Fortune Cookie Maker
- Ice Cream Maker
- Book Recipe
- Canning Station
- Baker Station
- Garden Station
- Bar Professional
- Call To Meal
- Generic Food Maker
- Nectar Bottle
- Cow Pasture
- Chicken Coop
- Tractor
- Scooter
- Print Recipe
- Hunting Bow
- Meat Grinder
Sports Agent - Athletic:
- Soccer Goal
- BBall Hoop
- Ballet Barre
- Driving Range Golf Tee
- Skating Rink
- Treadmill
- Workout Bench
- Training Posts
- Training Dummy
- Rock Climbing Wall
- Firewalk Pit
- Half Pipe
- Surf Area
- Surf Board
- Trampoline
- Chin Up Bar
- Car Racing Formula
- Car Racing Vintage
- Mountain Bike
- Exercise Bike
- Jogging Track
- Whiteboard Make A Game Plan
- Foosball Table
- PingPong Table
- Hoverboard
- Ride Here
- Go For Ride
- Swim Here
- Hacky Sack
- Ski Run
- Mechanical Bull
- Train Sim
- Computer WriteNovel (Sports)
- Soccer Goal
- BBall Hoop
- Ballet Barre
- Driving Range Golf Tee
- Skating Rink
- Treadmill
- Workout Bench
- Training Posts
- Training Dummy
- Rock Climbing Wall
- Firewalk Pit
- Megaphone
- Podium
- Trampoline
- Chin Up Bar
- Chess Table
- Computer Hack
- Tomb Trap Disarm
- Rifle
- Car Pickup 2door
- Pushable Statue
- Rubble Pile
- Fixer Car
- Invention Workbench
- Archery Range
- Salute Flag
- Detonate
PT Alien Test Subject - Science:
- Science Research Station
- Whiteboard
- Brain Enhancing Machine
- Group Science Station
- Anatomy Skeleton
- Chemistry Lab
- Bot Making Station
- Chess Table
- Domino Table
- Drafting Table
- Invention
- Invention Workbench
- Weather Machine
- Mind Meld
- Garden Station
- Rock Analyze
- Routine Machine
- Scuba Dive
- Underwater Cave Explore
- Wishing Well Explore Underground Caves
- Computer Solve Hard Problems
- Computer Overclock
- Take DNA Sample
- Analyze Pond
- Contribute To Free Software Project
- Practice Programming Basics
- Trivia Challenge
- Time Portal
- CE Remote
- Computer WriteNovel (SciFi)
- Science Research Station
- Whiteboard
- Brain Enhancing Machine
- Group Science Station
- Anatomy Skeleton
- Chemistry Lab
- Chess Table
- Domino Table
- Drafting Table
- Baby Swing
- Changing Table
- Body Sculptor
- Give Experimental Drugs ToSelf
- Teach Sit Trick
- Teach Sit Up Trick
- Teach Play Dead Trick
- Teach Roll Over Trick
- Teach Shake Trick
- Teach Speak Trick
- Pet Tub
- Ask About Mood
- Take DNA Sample
- Mood Modifier
- Ask About Day
- Stimulus Response Test
- Ink Blot Test
- Car Motive Mobile
- Mobile Radio Station
- Whiteboard
- Book Skill
- Bookshelf
- Book Written
- Camera
- Video Camera
- Practice Writing
- Mirror
- Podium
- Megaphone
- Tax Collector
- Donation Box
- Sim Compliment
- Give Advice
- Be Interviewed with Mobile Radio Station (by another Sim)
- Sim Share Interests
- Phone Call Throw Party
- Phone Call Invite Over Foreign Visitors
- Start Improved Protest
- Pulpit
- Worship Stone
- Totem
- Computer Write Novel (Political Memoir)
- Printer
- Post Register
- Sim Socialize With
- Salute Flag
- Mobile Radio Station
- Whiteboard
- Book Skill
- Bookshelf
- Camera
- Video Camera
- Practice Writing
- Mirror
- Podium
- Megaphone
- Soccer Goal
- BBall Hoop
- Ballet Barre
- Driving Range Golf Tee
- Skating Rink
- Treadmill
- Workout Bench
- Training Posts
- Training Dummy
- Rock Climbing Wall
- Firewalk Pit
- Trampoline
- Chin Up Bar
- Computer Run Forensic Analysis
- icarus Scolding
- Pistol
- Jetpack
- Dumpster
- Sim Interview (Question, it's the same interaction codewise, just for different jobs)
- Computer Write Report
- Scribbling Pad Write Report
- Go Here With
- Car Police Ownable
- Computer Write Novel (Mystery)
Music - Film - PT Film:
- Guitar
- Drums
- Bass Guitar
- Piano
- Laser Harp
- Violin
- Karaoke Machine
- DJ Turntable
- Dance Floor
- Dance Floor Store
- Ballet Barre
- Video Camera
- Camera
- pose box (Pose Player)
- play box (Animation Player)
- Sewing Machine
- Styling Station
- Comedy Mic
- Perform Comedy Show
- Add Pose From List (Pose Player)
- Telescope
- Write Screenplay
- Flute
- Sax
- Be Interviewed with Mobile Radio Station (by another Sim)
- Tattoo Chair
- Data Disc
- Face Painting Booth
- Give Track Mix
- Actor Trailer
- YouTube (ani's SimTube mod)
- Hypnotizer
- Voodoo Doll
- Magic Cauldron Regency
- Mirror
- Podium
- Megaphone
- Soccer Goal
- BBall Hoop
- Ballet Barre
- Driving Range Golf Tee
- Skating Rink
- Treadmill
- Workout Bench
- Training Posts
- Training Dummy
- Rock Climbing Wall
- Firewalk Pit
- Cow Plant
- Trampoline
- Chin Up Bar
- Cloud Ray
- Weather Machine
- Computer Hack
- Trash Talk Environment
- Convince That Sky Falling
- Steal Candy From Baby
- Swipe Something
- Break Into House
- Miner
- Hypnotizer
- Voodoo Doll
- Magic Cauldron Regency
- Mirror
- Podium
- Megaphone
- Book Alchemy Recipe
- Alchemy Station
- Beekeeping Box
- Crystal Ball
- Moon Dial
- SpellBook
- Magic Fate Ball
- Tasseography (read coffee grounds mod)
- Philosopher Stone
- Snake Charming Basket
- Accuse Of Being Too Rational
- Tell Ghost Story
- Magic Broom Arena
- Computer WriteNovel (Fantasy or Horror)
- Vault Of Antiquity
- Arboretum
PT Mausoleum - PT Bookstore Clerk - PT Grocery Store Clerk:
- Phone Smart
- Bookshelf
- Book
- Mirror
- Mop Puddles
- Mop Burnt Tiles
- Dispose Trash
- Grim Door
- ani Register (Savvier Seller)
- Restock Item
- Fruits Veggies Stand
- Broom (ani's mod)
- Sponge (ani's mod)
- Mausoleum
- Vault Of Antiquity
- Massage Table
- Foot Massage Chair
- Phone Smart
- Mirror
- Fireplace Light Fire
- Meditation
- Yoga Rug
- Mop Puddles
- Wash Tub
- Zen Garden
- Clothesline
- Broom
- Sponge
- Generic Register
Astronomer - Bot Arena:
- Telescope
- Space Simulator
- Treadmill
- Workout Bench
- Training Dummy
- Electro Dance Sphere
- Time Machine
- Car UFO
- Stasis Chamber
- Phaser
- Tree Of Prosperity
- Alien Scan Object
- Alien Scan Sim
- Rock Analyze
- Jetpack
- Group Science Station
- Teleporter
- Magnetic Pulse Array
- Mind Melder Module
- Pad Tie Node
- Computer Write Novel (SciFi)
- Servo Bot Arena
- Stellar Observatory
- Bot Making Station
- Servo Bot Pedestal
- Adjust Trait Chips
- Podium
- Whiteboard
- PracticeWriting
- Tutor
- Anatomy Skeleton
- Train Sim
- Scolding (icarus_allsorts scolding fix mod)
- Computer Write Novel (Childrens or Historical)
- Book
School (student):
- Chemistry Lab
- Trampoline
- Soccer Goal
- Work Out
- Domino Table
- Chess Table
- Easel
- Telescope
- Dance Floor
- Dance FloorStore
- Fridge
- Book Skill
- Book Recipe
- Driving Range Golf Tee
- Rock Climbing Wall
- Treadmill
- Workout Bench
- Chin Up Bar
- Guitar
- Bass Guitar
- Piano
- Laser Harp
- Drums
- Violin
- Mobile Radio Station
- Podium
- Anatomy Skeleton
- Whiteboard
- DJ Turntable
- Brain Enhancing Machine
- Science Research Station
- Group ScienceStation
- Stove
- Counter
- Dishwasher
- Sink
- Trash Compactor
- Podium Watch Lecture
- Lemonade Stand
- Bake Sale Table
- Alchemy Station
- Practice Programming Basics
- Sculpting Station
- Sewing Machin
- PracticeWriting
- Watch Presentation Seated
- Toy Oven
- SpellBook
- Minor Pet Terrarium
- Homework
- Magic Broom Arena
I've been playing with the original Ultimate Careers on-and-off for years. As it usually goes with projects as large and ambitious as this, some issues start showing. And of course ideas of what more could be added in and integrated with them.
At first I just found it annoying that high school kids who watch their teacher give lectures at the podium would not get performance from this and (depending on the tuning), at least in my game, actually lost performance from doing so. This made me try to peek into the code to figure out how it works to figure out if it could be fixed. But then in conversation with other Simmers I was flooded with ideas, so finally decided to just contact Zerbu and ask him for the permission to reconstruct and update the mod, and he was happy to hear that there are still people passionate about his mod.
So then what does this version even do?
- Your high school students will actually gain performance from listening to lectures :P
- Ingame tunable via Battery C# Utility Auto-Menu, you don't need a tuning package
- Active Sims will get the "Ultimate Careers" interaction in their queue pushing them to work just as inactive sims do (this was disabled in the original mod but worked), you will still be able to direct them to use things they wouldn't be pushed to autonomously. They will also autonomously go home after hours now, like inactives
- High schooler will no longer spam trying to use the podium so that their teachers can be free to use them
- Culinary staff will cook autonomously
- Fortune Tellers will autonomously use the crystal ball, hypnotiser...
- Mod integration - the mod now allows you to gain career performance by using a wide range of mods (as well as some store content which EA somehow "forgot" to include in the game's main dll files, making Zerbu originally unable to use them). Some of the compatible mods:
Arsil's Programming Skill (for Business/Game Development, Science etc);
Comedy Microphone (Music/Film);
Kitabalibar's Yoga Mat (Spa Specialist);
icarus_allsorts' Jogging Marker (Athletic),
ani's Savvier Seller cash register (Business);
Tax Collector (Political);
Mountain Bike (Athletic);
cmomoney's Animation and Pose Players (Film);
buzzler's Scribbling Pad (Journalism);
and many more (updated with new mods from time to time).
Some of the "missing" EA store content included: Canning Station (Culinary), Toymaking Machine (Business), Glassblowing Workbench (Business), Baker Station (Culinary), Stasis Chamber (Astronomy) and so on
NONE of these mods are required and NO code from them has been used, aside from referencing their files while checking if they were installed. You are not required to install anything besides this mod (but UCCareerOpportunities package and Battery Utility will unlock more functions), however, the more things you do have installed, the more options you will have available for you (huge thanks to Battery for providing code snippets making this possible, I could never do it on my own). - Many ingame objects and interactions have been included where they felt appropriate, with consideration of custom careers.
Example of some new ingame interactions included:
Various tomb exploration activities (Journalism, recommended for Archeology-type custom careers);
Horse Riding (Athletic);
Disarming traps (Military);
Training pets (Medical, recommended for Veterinary-type custom careers);
Critiquing Art (Art Appraiser, requires Avant Guarde trait);
Weather Machine (Science);
Stealing Candy from Baby (Criminal);
and more... Check out "Open Careers" lessons page for more info - A lessons page!
Setting the mod up is identical to the original, so you will need to click on a lot, choose "Zerbu" menu and link your desired career(s) to the lot. Then your sims will be pushed to come to this lot and work in open careers. For custom careers, you will need to click on the City Hall, choose "Zerbu" and link them to EA careers before linking them to a lot.
- Sims get skills from using various 'career' objects as they normally would, inclusing inactives, you can use this mod to make your inactive sims more skillful in appropriate activities and have a pretty high-skilled town
- When teenage sims listen to lectures given by a teacher (or another sim), they will gain the skill the teacher is lecturing about, which depends on the teacher's own skills. You can strategically control what skills your future generations will surely learn at school by training the first generation of teachers in what you like (it should work for hidden skills aswell if you have a mod that unhides them)
- Your music career sims can be assigned to venues which have instruments for Late Night bands, that way you can simulate having a band that regularly performs at a venue
- You can use this mod to have inactives and homeless sims perform activities which don't have a role sim but would've made sense to have the option (such as a cook for the Teppanyaki Grill or a snake charmer). You can also use it together with Arsil's Custom Generic Role mod to have more control over your generic roles (within limits of their career's work hours, though)
- You can manually assign an individual sim to his/her home as a workplace, so the sim can work from home in "rabbithole" careers (for example you can have a work-from-home Game Developer or run a Fortune Telling "business" from your house (combine it with other mods, such as MC or Simlogical Ticket Machine if you wish inactive "customers" to come to your home lot autonomously)
- Still on manual sims - you can get creative with this feature: assign a single cook to your school lot in order to have a school cook (you can use it together with Ani's oven), add a little office to your gym or consignment store and assign a Business sim or an Accountant (MissyHissy's custom career), have a Music sim man a DJ booth at a venue that isn't otherwise a music venue, have a comedian do comedy on a mic at a boardwalk etc
- If you use Ani's Business as Unusual Bistro oven, you can combine it with this mod to make it easier to set it up. The oven mod doesn't spawn a homeless sim but lets you choose one and it doesn't assign a special cook uniform. I found it easier to find out what sim is in the Culinary career, assign them to the lot AND the oven - you will have an easier time finding them, they will gain performance and cooking skill and wear their Culinary career outfit
- If you use Nraas Traveller (and "allow on any lot" option in this mod), you can go crazy with how you play certain careers actively - travel to WA worlds or custom worlds with tombs as an Archeologist (Missy's custom career, interpreted as "Journalism" based in this mod) and activate careers in Traveller settings (you may need to place the required rabbitholes/rugs in the world you want to do it in), travel to "alien planets" like Lunar Lakes as an Astronomer
- Use Nraas GoHere door filters if you wish to restrict access to certain areas of the lot to certain sims (such as having employees-only areas), you could even use these filters to restrict access to parts of a lot based on a sim's career level (so that an intern can't just waltz in and use the CEO's computer)
- If you feel like you can't do much within your work hours, you can try Nraas Relativity to make time pass slower so you have more time to slack off and socialise
- If you have a Homeworld University (another feature enabled by Nraas mods), you may find that your students sometimes watch lectures given by non-existent professors (they "listen" to an empty podium). Story Progression does have an option to assign professors, however, you can use this mod for a somewhat different approach to professors, which may be useful if SP doesn't assign them or especially if you want to play as a professor, have your sim take up Education or try out the custom University career (some options the students have on normal professors may not work on these "fake" ones though)
- With the way this mod has been updated, you can now have your active employed sims be played pretty much hands-off, if you have a big family or don't care about controlling that sim's career and wish they'd be as hands-off as they were with Rabbithole careers but still be able to see them and take control if you wish to. They will autonomously go to work, perform their duties and come back home when the time is up. Many performance-increasing interactions are not autonomous, however, so if you wish to use the mod to its full potential, you might want to control some sims like you would playing EA Active Careers/Professions
- Certain career genres use mirrors autonomously (Business, Journalist, Music/Film), which is great especially for mirror-based CC (like ATS3 Lectern or Marker for Actors etc), but if you wish to have purely decorative mirrors on a lot without workers talking to themselves, you can use icarus_allsorts Transmogrifier mod to change their script. I like changing them into curtains since they have no interactions
- If you cannot 'report back' to complete an opportunity at the job board (such as after saving while having an incomplete work oppo), you can use Buzzler's Moar Interactions mod or Master Controller to force your sim to go to work and complete it.
- Before I manage to add semi-active career tasks (Medical and Film), you can spawn these tasks when you have testingcheats enabled and shift-click on a lot that matches requirements of the task you want.
- Zerbu for the original mod and giving me a permission to reuploading it!
- Battery, for enduring my ridiculous n00b questions, helping me with code and giving me snippets from his C# Utility. It isn't required since I'm using separate methods, but do check it out!
- MissPatTS3 for helping me with upcoming documentation
- MissyHissy for her amazing MissyHissy's Job Centre Discord server and allowing me to post early preview versions for other Simmers to test out the changes!
- Akubiz, nbp, MissPatTS3, teacups and desiree-UK for acting as early-alpha testers over at the Missy's Discord server
- zoe22 and echoweaver for answering some of my n00b coding questions
- MTS obviously!
| This is the main file
Uploaded: 29th May 2022, 16.12 MB.
| requires ani job board mod
Uploaded: 11th May 2022, 4.6 KB.
Zerbu - Lot Events 2.0.3 FOR NEW UC.package.7z
| Optional: Resolves compatibility with the new UC version
Uploaded: 25th Jun 2021, 25.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 8th Oct 2023 at 12:58 PM
#careers, #open careers, #ultimate careers, #job, #profession
by echoweaver updated 15th Sep 2021 at 11:20pm
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by echoweaver updated 12th Jun 2023 at 3:56am
+1 packs
by MonocoDoll updated 21st May 2024 at 6:43am
47 36.3k 48
by fantuanss12 updated 29th Jan 2025 at 4:22am
31 9.3k 49
by Arro 2nd Feb 2025 at 12:25pm
2 1.3k 8
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Ambitions |
![]() | University Life |