[3t2] All Wall Coverings From The World Adventures Expansion Pack
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The Thumbnail
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The "Chinese Paneled Wall with Crown and Baseboard Moulding" Wall Covering.
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The "Crumbling Painted Stone Wall" Wall Coverings.
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The "Dry Horizontal Stack Stones" Wall Covering.
Collage.png - width=256 height=448
The "European Striped Stone Siding" Wall Covering.
Collage.png - width=512 height=448
The "Paneled French Wall with Ornate Trim and Crown and Baseboard Moulding" Wall Coverings.
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The "Set: Natural Rock Formation" Wall Coverings.
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The "Single-Edged Hieroglyphic Wall" Wall Coverings.
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The "Stone Wall with Carved Chinese Dragon Relief" Wall Covering.
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The "Traditional European Brick Wall" Wall Coverings.
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The Dirty "Traditional European Brick Wall" Wall Coverings.
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The "Wall with Water Element Etchings" Wall Covering.
1.png - width=1854 height=693
"Chinese Paneled Wall with Crown and Baseboard Moulding" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
2.png - width=1856 height=692
"Crumbling Painted Stone Wall" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
3.png - width=1882 height=703
"Dry Horizontal Stack Stones" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
4.png - width=1856 height=683
"European Striped Stone Siding" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
5.png - width=1852 height=691
"(Dual-)Paneled French Wall with Ornate Trim and Crown and Baseboard Moulding" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
6.png - width=1852 height=681
Multiple Versions of "Set: Natural Rock Formation" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
7.png - width=1866 height=669
Multiple Versions of Single-Edged Hieroglyphic Wall" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
8.png - width=1863 height=686
"Stone Wall with Carved Chinese Dragon Relief" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
9.png - width=1869 height=682
"Traditional European Brick Wall" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
10.png - width=1859 height=680
Multiple Versions of the Dirty Version of "Traditional European Brick Wall" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
11.png - width=1865 height=670
"Wall with Water Element Etchings" Conversion In-Game [TS2]
1.png - width=1872 height=673
"Chinese Paneled Wall with Crown and Baseboard Moulding" Original In-Game [TS3]
2.png - width=1898 height=650
"Crumbling Painted Stone Wall" Original In-Game [TS3]
3.png - width=1895 height=646
"Dry Horizontal Stack Stones" Original In-Game [TS3]
4.png - width=1725 height=592
"European Striped Stone Siding" Original In-Game [TS3]
5.png - width=1860 height=642
"(Dual-)Paneled French Wall with Ornate Trim and Crown and Baseboard Moulding" Original In-Game [TS3]
6.png - width=1643 height=563
Multiple Versions of "Set: Natural Rock Formation" Original In-Game [TS3]
7.png - width=1836 height=667
Multiple Versions of Single-Edged Hieroglyphic Wall" Original In-Game [TS3]
8.png - width=1701 height=593
"Stone Wall with Carved Chinese Dragon Relief" Original In-Game [TS3]
9.png - width=1860 height=691
"Traditional European Brick Wall" Original In-Game [TS3]
10.png - width=1842 height=686
Multiple Versions of the Dirty Version of "Traditional European Brick Wall" Original In-Game [TS3]
11.png - width=1813 height=670
"Wall with Water Element Etchings" Original In-Game [TS3]
If you want them all in your game, you can download the bundle with all the wall coverings included in the file section. If you don't want them all, you can choose manually between the seperate files listed there as well. You can also safely delete the .package files of any recolours of the walls in the .zip file that you don't want in your game.
The walls included are:
- Chinese Paneled Wall with Crown and Baseboard Moulding (1 wall) [Paneling Section]
- Crumbling Painted Stone Wall (2 walls) [Paint Section]
- Dry Horizontal Stack Stones (1 wall) [Masonry Section]
- European Striped Stone Siding (1 wall) [Siding Section]
- Paneled French Wall with Ornate Trim and Crown and Baseboard Moulding &
Dual-Paneled French Wall with Ornate Trim and Crown and Baseboard Moulding (2 walls total) [Paneling Section]
- Set: Natural Rock Formation Set (4 walls) [Masonry Section]
- Single-Edged Hieroglyphic Wall Set (3 walls) [Masonry Section]
- Stone Wall with Carved Chinese Dragon Relief (1 wall) [Masonry Section]
- Traditional European Brick Wall (2 walls) [Masonry Section]
- Traditional European Brick Wall Dirty Version Set (6 walls) [Masonry Section]
- Wall with Water Element Etchings (1 wall) [Siding Section]
These are the original names of the walls as they are in The Sims 3, in between brackets is the category that they are found in (same as in The Sims 3 if possible).
There are 24 wall coverings in total.
Price per wall:
- Chinese Paneled Wall with Crown and Baseboard Moulding: $8
- Crumbling Painted Stone Wall: $6
- Dry Horizontal Stack Stones: $0*
- European Striped Stone Siding: $7
- Paneled French Wall with Ornate Trim and Crown and Baseboard Moulding &
Dual-Paneled French Wall with Ornate Trim and Crown and Baseboard Moulding: $10
- Set: Natural Rock Formation Set: $6
- Single-Edged Hieroglyphic Wall Set: $12
- Stone Wall with Carved Chinese Dragon Relief: $14
- Traditional European Brick Wall: $7
- Traditional European Brick Wall Dirty Version Set: $7
- Wall with Water Element Etchings: $9
The price per wall is the same as in The Sims 3.
*Note: The Dry Horizontal Stack Stones is weirdly enough not listed as included in this EP in-game, but it is in the game files. As it is a complete wall covering (that has been patched to Base-Game, but with recolours), I've included it in this set (not the recolours, as those were not listed with the WA EP), but if you don't want it and do want all the other wall coverings, you can just delete the file after downloading the ALL walls .zip (like you can do with all the other files in this .zip as well). For some reason it was listed as $0, so that's not an error.
All wall coverings are translated to all the languages they are available in in The Sims 3, these include:
- English (US) [Default if game language translation is not available]
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish (European and Mexican)
- Dutch
- Danish
- Swedish
- Norwegian
- Finnish
- Russian
- Portuguese (European and Brazilian)
- Japanese
- Polish
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Korean
- Czech
- Greek
- Hungarian
The walls are grouped together in alphabetical order if they are in the English translation. Otherwise, they'll be grouped together in non-alphabetical order.
Note: This may cause the walls to not appear as the first walls in their wall section, as they will be categorised in alphabetical order with the rest of all your walls ("European Striped Stone Siding" will, for example, be categorised with your walls that start with the letter "E"). So, don't panic if you don't immediately see these walls when you open their wall section and instead, scroll to their specific letter.
If you play the game in another language than English, it will be categorised as it would be if it was in English (if a certain wall starts with the letter "S" in your language, but with an "E" in English, it will be categorised with the letter "E" walls).
I hope you have fun with this conversion!
[3t2]World Adventures EP Wall Coverings by CT04 - ALL.zip
| All the wall coverings in one bundle.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 1.55 MB.
[3t2]EP01_ChinesePaneledWallCrownBaseboardMoulding by CT04 [WallCovering_Paneling].zip
| The "Chinese Paneled Wall with Crown and Baseboard Moulding" Paneling Wall Covering.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 55.8 KB.
[3t2]EP01_CrumblingPaintedStoneWall by CT04 [WallCovering_Paint].zip
| The "Crumbling Painted Stone Wall" Paint Wall Coverings.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 140.4 KB.
[3t2]EP01_DryHorizontalStackStones by CT04 [WallCovering_Masonry].zip
| The "Dry Horizontal Stack Stones" Masonry Wall Covering.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 73.8 KB.
[3t2]EP01_EuropeanStripedStoneSiding by CT04 [WallCovering_Siding].zip
| The "European Striped Stone Siding" Siding Wall Covering.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 48.6 KB.
[3t2]EP01_FrenchWallOrnateTrimCrownBaseboardMoulding by CT04 [WallCovering_Paneling].zip
| The "Paneled French Wall with Ornate Trim and Crown and Baseboard Moulding" Paneling Wall Coverings.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 128.9 KB.
[3t2]EP01_SetNaturalRockFormation by CT04 [WallCovering_Masonry].zip
| The "Set: Natural Rock Formation" Masonry Wall Coverings.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 276.8 KB.
[3t2]EP01_SingleEdgedHieroglyphicWall by CT04 [WallCovering_Masonry].zip
| The "Single-Edged Hieroglyphic Wall" Masonry Wall Coverings.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 212.3 KB.
[3t2]EP01_StoneWallCarvedChineseDragonRelief by CT04 [WallCovering_Masonry].zip
| The "Stone Wall with Carved Chinese Dragon Relief" Masonry Wall Covering.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 71.3 KB.
[3t2]EP01_TraditionalEuropeanBrickWall by CT04 [WallCovering_Masonry].zip
| The "Traditional European Brick Wall" Masonry Wall Coverings.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 118.6 KB.
[3t2]EP01_TraditionalEuropeanBrickWallDirty by CT04 [WallCovering_Masonry].zip
| The Dirty Version of the "Traditional European Brick Wall" Masonry Wall Covering.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 404.2 KB.
[3t2]EP01_WallWithWaterElementEtchings by CT04 [WallCovering_Siding].zip
| The "Wall with Water Element Etchings" Siding Wall Covering.
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2021, 53.4 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 15th Nov 2021 at 3:14 PM
#3t2, #TS3 to TS2, #Sims 3 to Sims 2, #conversion, #converted, #wall, #wall covering, #World Adventures, #antique, #historical, #Egyptian, #Chinese, #French, #Multi-Language, #Egypt, #China, #France
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