Report Card Fixes
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- 2024-08-24: Added a Traditional Chinese translation for the memory stuff and the F report card. 非常感謝, tokoshietowa!
- 2024-07-14: Added a Spanish translation for the memory stuff and the F report card. ¡Muchas gracias, areyoufeelingX!
- 2024-05-19: Separated the F Report Card memory token from the rest of the extended mod, by the request of Bulbizarre. The function remains the exact same, so no re-download is necessary, unless you like to put similar mod types together within your Downloads folder.
- 2024-02-10:
(1) Fixed the fix for the bug I made in the extended mod regarding the handout of F Report Card memories.
(2) Further optimised the code for checking for and handing out A+ Report Card memories in the base and extended mod again. Also fixed an oversight.
Please re-download. - 2024-02-09:
(1) Updated the base and the extended mod with a better routine to allow repeated cheering for a second A+. This will no longer access unused Sim person data, so if you do use the... certain 18+ stuff pack, it might work again with that. No guarantees though.
(2) Fixed a bug I accidentally made in the extended mod where Sims would never get F Report Card memories. Thanks to miremie for the report.
(3) Added a Thai translation for the memory stuff. ขอบคุณมาก, miremie! - 2024-01-31:
(1) Updated the base and the extended mod to fix a bug where a kid would, unintentionally, never cheer when getting out of the school bus. Thanks to Christophee for the report.
(2) I also made it so then, if a kid ever slips down from an A+ to a B+ or lower, and then becomes an A+ kid again, they will be able to cheer again despite already having an A+ memory. This applies to both the base and the extended mod. Please do not use this new version if you have... a certain 18+ stuff pack, as I had to use an unused Sim person data attribute to achieve this, which that might also be using. - 2024-01-19: Updated the No A Plus Spam mod. It is now Base Game-compatible instead of requiring NL, and skips an unnecessary Set to Next loop while still achieving the same result. This also fixes an oversight of mine which would've led to "Local out of range" errors. Please re-download.
- 2024-01-18:
(1) Optimised the base mod, extended mod and compatibility patch. They will not idle for 16 ticks, meaning kids will return from school a little more timely again.
(2) Fixed the Hungarian translation, I messed up when trying to put it in.
(3) Added a Polish translation. Wielkie dzięki, Nopke! - 2024-01-17:
(1) Made a new, stripped-down version which literally only has the fixes for the D memories, A+ report card interactions and late kids not being affected by their mood. It does not change anything else with the grade calculation and it does not contain the custom F Report Card memory. It is now the new base mod, while the old base mod is now "ReportCardFixesAndChanges". This new base mod is NOT compatible with hardergrades, as it's intended for players who wish to only fix bugs, and not change how the game behaves. If you wish to swap to this version, please make sure no Sims have a "Got F Report Card" memory or gossip thereof.
(2) Made a further change to the D Report Card memory routine. Now, kids will only get the memory if they slipped to a D+/D/D- from a C- or higher grade, and no longer if they slipped from a D+ to a D or from a D to a D-. This applies to both ReportCardFixes and ReportCardFixesAndChanges, so please re-download. - 2024-01-15: After waiting to see if any other translations would roll in, I have now decided to add the Hungarian translation. Nagyon szépen köszönöm, kaligi!
- 2024-01-05:
(1) Updated Report Card Fixes with a new feature. Since the Nightlife EP, the game performs a check if the kid already had an A+ previously, and will skip all further actions if so. This is just not realistic if the kid's grades end up slipping at some point, and may even cause problems for other processes to function properly, such as letting the player know that grades are slipping, or my Mr. MONSTER mod. So I changed it to this: If a former A+ kid slips down to B+ or worse, they will take their report card out as usual again.
(2) As requested by lorijune, who wanted their A+ kids to never cheer again, I have created a third, optional mod that will make sure kids behave. This will work on its own, just like NoAPlusSpam-improved. Please do not use nocheeringhack by Pescado to nix this behaviour, it never got updated beyond University and there were changes to the Report Card interactions since. - 2024-01-02: Made a compatibility patch that combines syberspunk's Harder Grades with my changes. I did one version for v1, which only uses the kid's Logic skill, and one for v2 which also checks other skills as well as aspirations and interests to do the grade calcs. See the Conflicts section for other changes I made to Harder Grades to make it compatible with my mod. The inTeen version of hardergrades should work like v2 so get that if you use it. I will not do a patch for the Harder Harder Grades version. It's just too ridiculous.
EDIT: Hotfix update to fix an "Undefined Transition" error. Please re-download the compatibility patch if you've already got it. Sorry!
Happy New Year! Despite being on holiday for nearly a month now, I haven't forgotten about Sims 2 at all. In fact, I kept modding anyway! This 'bre just can't let it go.
I hate getting rid of features the game comes with, but I like adjusting them so then they make more sense. After my countermeasures against Vermin! memory spam, I had to do the same for those pesky D Report Card memories. Both on the kids' and the relatives' side.
While I was at it, I also tweaked school grade calculation as a whole, because it seemed a bit flawed to me.
Let's dive into the details!

With this mod in your Downloads folder, a couple of things change when children or teens come home from school.
- In a vanilla game, a student gets a "Got a D Report Card" memory each time they come home with a D+ or lower grade, which to me is really only a memorable moment the first time... certainly not every day. I changed the code accordingly - so the memory is still repeatable, but it will only be given another time if the kid's grades have improved above D territory first, but then go down again, for example if a child had a D+, then got a C-, but then went down to a D-.
- Kids that show up late to school are set to always lose 1 grade. For some reason, being late skips all checks for the Sim's mood by default, which is weird. If you're already late then teachers will certainly not overlook your grumpiness in class. I simply rerouted the instruction so it still performs mood checks as normal, meaning that being late gives an extra -1 penalty on top of the mood penalty or bonus.
- Since Nightlife, the game performs a check if the kid already had an A+ previously, and will skip all further actions if so. This is just not realistic if the kid's grades end up slipping at some point, and may even cause problems for other processes to function properly, such as letting the player know that grades are slipping, or my Mr. MONSTER mod. So I changed it to this: If a former A+ kid slips down to B+ or worse, they will take their report card out as usual again, and if they make it to A+ territory again, they will also cheer again.

I wanted to go a little bit further beyond just fixing things, so I did some changes that go beyond the scope of the base mod and put them into an extended version.
Firstly, some more memory stuff I felt needed doing:
- Teens can get F report cards without being taken away by the Social Worker, but they do not actually get a memory for failing at school - none at all! I thus chose to fill the gap with a new "Got F Report Card" memory. I've thought of it for a while but I decided to make this memory repeatable - hopefully your Sim won't see it so often.
- Some languages use the worst grade in the memory text (such as a "6" in German) instead of the 2nd worst (would be "5" in German), which never made sense in the first place, so I changed that. If any translator sees this, I'd appreciate if you could check the "Got a D Report Card" and "$Subject Got a D!" memories and adjust their texts as well, if your language has this oddity. Thank you!
It seems though like Maxis intended to make it more likely for grades to change the better or worse their mood, and even get a bigger bonus or penalty for even better or worse moods, but the effect in the final game is null because the base chance for a grade change is already 100% and the other mood thresholds lead to the same outcomes. So I changed things up:
- A Sim with a very good (+76 or higher) mood will always experience a grade change: 2/3 chance for a +1 grade change, and a 1/3 chance for a +2 change.
- A Sim with a good (+35 to +75) mood has a 1/2 chance of no grade change, a 1/3 chance for a +1 grade change, and a 1/6 chance for a +2 change,
- A Sim with a bad (-1 to -25) mood has a 1/2 chance of no grade change, a 1/3 chance for a -1 grade change, and a 1/6 chance for a -2 change, and
- A Sim with a very bad (-26 or lower) mood has a 2/3 chance for a -1 grade change, and a 1/3 chance for a -2 change.

The third download is a compatibility patch for syberspunk's Harder Grades, to be used together with my Report Card Fixes And Changes mod. The base mod without the additional changes is not compatible with this mod. See more on this in the Conflicts section below.
The fourth download is a better approach to what Pescado tried to do with his noaplusspam mod, which was coded in a way that it can remove the wrong memories and is prone to errors due to a coding oversight. It also does nothing to prevent the "Sim Got an A+!" memory spam on family members. I have thus created a version that does what Pescado tried to do, but improves on it: Kids will now only get one A+ memory in their life, and parents will only get one A+ memory for each kid. This is a stand-alone mod that you can use even without the main mod.
Download #5 is an extracted resource from twojeffs' Homework Sometimes mod, in case you don't wish to have the other features of this mod and instead only want A+ kids to stop cheering. Pescado's nocheeringfix does it too, but was never updated beyond University and conflicts with my Report Card Fixes With Changes, so I opted for this alternative.

Report Card Fixes, No Cheering For A's, No A+ Spam:
Compatible with the Base Game.
Report Card Fixes And Changes:
Expansion Packs: Nightlife or higher.
This is because of a reference to a different BHAV which did not exist in the base game or University.

Here is a list of all currently available translations for the modified memory text strings for the "Got a D Report Card" and "Sim Got a Bad Grade!" memories, as well as the newly added text strings for the "Got an F Report Card" memory.
Unsupported languages will display the old, unmodified text for the base game memories, and the English memory description for the "F Report Card" memory.
Language | Available? | Creator |
English (US/UK) | ✅ | Me (Blueybre) |
German | ✅ | Me (Blueybre) |
Spanish | ✅ | areyoufeelingX |
Polish | ✅ | Nopke |
Chinese (Traditional) | ✅ | tokoshietowa |
Thai | ✅ | miremie |
Hungarian | ✅ | kaligi |
If you know your way around SimPE and would like to translate into your own language, feel free to contribute! You shall be given due credit.
All relevant text strings are found in the CTSS "Catalogue Description" files. See above on information on what needs to change.

Report Card Fixes:
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Grade - Update | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FBE051B | JobDataSchoolGlobals | 0x00002016 |
Report Card - Memory A+ | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FBE051B | JobDataSchoolGlobals | 0x0000203A |
Find - A+ Memory | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FBE051B | JobDataSchoolGlobals | 0x0000204A |
Function - Main | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F970AD0 | Memory - Knowledge - First A+ Report Card | 0x00001001 |
Report Card Fixes And Changes:
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Grade - Update | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FBE051B | JobDataSchoolGlobals | 0x00002016 |
Interaction - Report Card | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FBE051B | JobDataSchoolGlobals | 0x00002032 |
Report Card - Memory A+ | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FBE051B | JobDataSchoolGlobals | 0x0000203A |
Find - A+ Memory | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FBE051B | JobDataSchoolGlobals | 0x0000204A |
Tuning - Grades | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7FBE051B | JobDataSchoolGlobals | 0x00002004 |
Function - Main | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F970AD0 | Memory - Knowledge - First A+ Report Card | 0x00001001 |
Catalogue Description | Catalogue Description (CTSS) | 0x7F9F0031 | Memory - Knowledge - D Report Card | 0x000007D0 |
Catalogue Description | Catalogue Description (CTSS) | 0x7F6EB70F | Memory - Knowledge - D Report Card - Family | 0x000007D0 |
Catalogue Description | Catalogue Description (CTSS) | 0x7F6EB70F | Memory - Knowledge - D Report Card - Family | 0x000007D1 |
No A+ Spam:
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
CT - Add Memory | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F970AD0 | Memory - Knowledge - First A+ Report Card | 0x00001002 |
CT - Add Memory | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FB09B14 | Memory - Knowledge - First A+ - Family | 0x00001002 |
No Cheering For A's:
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Report Card - Brainiac Monster | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FBE051B | JobDataSchoolGlobals | 0x00002022 |

My Report Card Fixes And Changes mod adds all needed resources for the new memory "Got an F Report Card!" with the GUID 0x00FF3DAF. Since they have the group 0xFFFFFFFF, they should not conflict with anything.

Any mod that changes the resources listed above will conflict with my mod. Please let me know if this is the case and I'll see what I can do about the conflict.
- simler90's School Come Home Mod conflicts with Report Card Fixes And Changes but is fine to use in conjunction, just make my mod load after his. I included the fixes simler90 made so then children will route away from the school bus before they take out their report card.
- Cyjon's Partial Homework Credit conflicts with the base mod and the extended version both but will fully function along with my mod as long as my mod loads after it.
noaplusspam from MATY conflicts with the base mod and the extended version both and I will not solve the conflict for the original version of this mod as it was done half-hearted and does not work anyway. If you want no A+ memory spam, please get my version of it, which is the fourth file on this page.
nocheeringfix from MATY conflicts with Report Card Fixes And Changes and I will not solve the conflict for it as it was never updated for newer EP's. Please get No Cheering From A's, the fifth file on this page, if you intend to stop kids from cheering over A+ grades forever.
syberspunk’s Harder Grades presents an alternative approach to grade calculation based on a Sim’s skills, aspirations and interests. Since I can get behind the approach, I decided to make a compatibility patch for v1 and v2, where v1 is the simple one working only off the Sim's Logic skill, and v2 is the complex one. Only use this with the extended version of my mod, NOT with just the base mod. With this patch in, the memory fixes will still work like in the base mod. Additional changes:
- v2 only: I dumped their small changes to kids cheering in favour of simler90's school bus routing change that I retained in my base mod. v1 did not make this change.
- v1 and v2: Kids that are late still won't skip all other calculations.
- v1 also still has the chance to give +2 or -2 grade changes. The likelihood for that to happen is about the same as with my base mod, but additionally tied to the kid's Logic skill.
- For v2 only, I had to waive the mood influence changes because syberspunk completely changed the calcs for this version.
The correct load order for all involved mods is: hardergrades > PartialHomeworkCredit-NL > SchoolComeHomeMod > zLimeyYoshi_ReportCardFixesAndChanges > zzzhardergradesv1/v2. My mods are renamed accordingly so then you don't have the hassle. Unless you have a custom naming convention for your mod library, it should work as intended out of the box.
Mods I know that also change report card interactions but do not conflict with my mod in any way:
- Homework Sometimes by twojeffs, besides making homework happen only sometimes, affects how children react to A+ report cards (they won't run up to their parents anymore), which does not interfere with my mod.
Note that if you use this, you will not need No Cheering For A's. The functionality is included in that mod.

Maxis and EA for creating Sims 2 in the first place
The Creators of SimPE and all its plug-ins
DiLight for their template to make custom memories possible
kaligi for the Hungarian translation
Nopke for the Polish translation and a ton of help to get this mod working correctly
miremie for the Thai translation
areyoufeelingX for the Spanish translation
tokoshietowa for the Traditional Chinese translation
My fiancée for being so lovely to have around

As always: Have fun and happy Simming!
~ Blueybre
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_ReportCardFixes.package | package | 1856 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_token_FReportCard.package | package | 6842 |
zLimeyYoshi_ReportCardFixesPlusChanges.package | package | 24900 |
Filename | Type | Size |
COMP-HarderGrades (pick one).zip | zip | |
zzzhardergradesV1_LimeyYoshiReportCardFixesPlusChanges.package | package | 1172 |
zzzhardergradesV2_LimeyYoshiReportCardFixesPlusChanges.package | package | 3288 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_NoAPlusSpam-improved.package | package | 480 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_NoCheeringForAs.package | package | 215 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Memory - Custom - F Report Card by Blueybre
Note from the Creator:
COMP-HarderGrades is meant to only be used with the extended version!
The other two downloads work on their own, so you can pick as you wish with those.
| The BASE MOD that fixes D Report Card Memory spam, the grade calculation for late students and the report card behaviour for former A+ kids.
Uploaded: 10th Feb 2024, 863 Bytes.
| The EXTENDED MOD that also does the changes to the mood influence on grades, and adds the custom F Report Card memory. Requires NL or higher.
Uploaded: 24th Aug 2024, 10.3 KB.
COMP-HarderGrades (pick one).zip
| See the Conflicts section on details what each version entails, what the differences are. Mind the load order.
Uploaded: 18th Jan 2024, 1.8 KB.
| Improves on Pescado's attempt to keep A+ memory spam under control. Works on its own.
Uploaded: 19th Jan 2024, 407 Bytes.
| Like Pescado's nocheeringfix, but not conflicting with the extended mod. Kids that come home with an A+, even if it's their first one, will not cheer to their parents when getting out of the school bus. The kid and parents will still get the memory for it.
Uploaded: 5th Jan 2024, 314 Bytes.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 5th Feb 2025 at 7:25 PM
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About Me
I'm Blueybre, that chaos-loving 'bre. Call me Koko or Bluey. I make mods for Sims 2, my favourite Sims game.
As my title suggests, I like wreaking havoc... but I also like providing useful bug fixes, features or new mechanics.
I make sure my mods can be enjoyed by as many players as possible, so I strive to make my mods as compatible with different game setups as I can. Mac players want to enjoy mods, too!
I love the language diversity we have in the world and so am always looking for human translators to provide translations to languages other than English.
I have been a childhood Sims 1 player but did not get to enjoy the newer games until my fiancée sparked my interest again. Starting with Sims 3, followed by 4, then 2. Nowadays, I choose to only play Sims 2 (and also Sims 3), because they're the zenith of the series in my Humble opinion. (...Get it? Humble? Rod? Haha...)
I prefer building houses over actually playing, and I have made my own custom world on Sims 3. Maybe I'll publish some of my Sims 3 works at some point...
My Sims 3 traits would be: Clumsy, Eco-Friendly, Frugal, Loner, Night Owl. (And a hidden Pyromaniac. Hehe.)
My pronouns are he/him, but to be fair I don't mind what you use to address me.
I am a little obsessed with the British way of spelling words.
I am an Aspie, diagnosed at the age of five, so I may show strange behaviour at times, and used to often jump at people with like-minded interests (such as a certain profile picture) to try and socialise with. I have this under better control now, but it is how I met my fiancée, back in 2012 on YouTube. Engaged since 26/07/2019. :luff:
Besides Sims, I also like Pokémon (duh), Palworld, Yoshi, and Genshin Impact! (Nilou best girl~ :3)