The Sims Medieval
Date Posted: 29th Jun 2017 at 3:32 PM
This info use to be on the Sims 3 website that is now gone.
Thanks to @RoryAusten22 for re-posting it in the The Sims Medieval thread.
Tired of building up new kingdoms each time you change your ambition? Miss your Royal Family, hoping that some day your heir would rule your kingdom with a new ambition? Follow these steps and you'll find yourself using your first kingdom for any ambition that you want.
The only bad news is that you can't do this if your kingdom already ran out of Quest Points. If you have a backup of your kingdom where there are still QPs (and thus, available quests to complete), then congratulations, you can do this.
EDIT: You can actually play too if you already ran out of QPs using the cheat "showallvalidquests", and everything will work fine, but you won't be able to earn Kingdom Points. There's no XP either, but you will gain XP by completing quests.
1) Play your kingdom until you ALMOST run out of Quest Points (not to be confused with Kingdom Points; KPs). This is really important, please do not run out of QPs. Save and quit your game.
2) Go to your "My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims Medieval\Saves" folder.
3) Create a "Backup" folder and copy there your kingdom save game (let's suppose it's named "Kingdom1"). In our case it will be a folder named "Kingdom1.tsm" with 3 files in it.
4) Run The Sims Medieval again and complete the New Beginnings ambition by spending all your remaining QPs.
5) Tadaa!! Now you have new ambitions to choose. Choose any and start a new kingdom.
6) As soon as the new kingdom loads up, save the game and name it whatever you want, we will call it "Kingdom2".
7) Quit the game and go again to MyDocs\...\Saves folder.
8 ) You're now supposed to see 3 folders: Backup, Kingdom1.tsm and Kingdom2.tsm.
9) Open backup and you'll see Kingdom1.tsm (which is a previous stage of the original Kingdom1.tsm in Saves folder). Well open Kingdom1.tsm (the one in BACKUP, NOT IN SAVES folder) and copy the file "WorldCastle_0x00000000.nhd".
10) Now go to Saves folder and open the folder "Kingdom2.tsm" and paste it there.
11) It'll ask you if you want to replace the file, click YES.
12) Load The Sims Medieval and... VOILÀ!!!!!!! You are now able to play your very 1st kingdom with the new ambition you selected!!! And you'll say "Oh well thank you, but now I have 1 QP, I can't play!!". Yes you can, just:
1) Enable "testingcheatsenabled" in your "C:\Program files\Electronic Arts\The Sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Ini".
2) Right click "Commands" and click properties. Tick off "Read only" if it isn't already and click accept.
3) Now go back to the list in Ini and right click on "Commands" , open it using using WordPad and you'll see "testingcheatsenabled=0". Change "0" to "1" and save.
With this enabled, once you're in the kingdom, you can open up the cheat box (CTRL+SHIFT+C) and type in "setqp (number)", making you able to set as many QPs as you wish in the kingdom. For example, if you're wanting to play as legit as possible, you'd type: setqp 50
You can repeat this process as many times as you want whenever you're wanting to change ambition. But remember, it is extremely important to not run out of Quest Points.
If you're going to post this on any other site please quote and credit me. Thanks and have fun! ))
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3 Base Game Hoods Fixed to Resurrect
Date Posted: 5th Jun 2017 at 5:56 PM
I have fixed all the dead and all the deleted ancestor's in the 3 base game hoods, Pleasantview, Strangetown and Veronaville so they can be resurrected by there family.
I have not fixed any face templates or the 2 females in Veronaville that have the (what I call) the 4 foot long tooth coming out of there chins.
These should be considered for testing for I can not guarantee that they are free of bugs or corruption.
The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection:
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Censor Remover for Sims 2
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Sims 2 4GB Memory fix
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Date Posted: 7th Sep 2015 at 4:46 AM
Install the said files and folder as follows:
a) _EnableColorOptionsGMND.package:
This file must be copied into your Downloads folder (overwriting any older version you might already have in there).
b) _EnableColorOptionsMMAT.package:
This file must be copied into your *PROGRAM* installation folder (not in the Documents folder!).
In a standard installation, the exact path is C:\PROGRAM FILES\EA Games\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Sims3D
but if you have changed the installation path while installing the game, it may be different.
NOTE 1: regardless your game configuration (i.e. the EPs that you have installed), the location for the MMAT file is always the one pointed out above.
NOTE 2: The name of the folder "The Sims 2" may be different, if your game is installed in other languages than English.
c) "Extras" folder:
Open it and you will find 2 subfolders, "MyDocuments" and "ProgramFiles".
c1) Open the "MyDocuments" folder and move the entire "zCEP-EXTRA" subfolder, along with the several files contained in it, in:
(My Documents)\EA Games\The Sims 2
NOTE: *DO NOT* put the "zCEP-EXTRA" folder into the Downloads. It goes into the main "The Sims 2" folder!
c2) Open the "ProgramFiles" folder and move the entire "zCEP-EXTRA" subfolder, along with the several files contained in it, in:
(Program Files)\EA Games\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog
NOTE: I mean the PROGRAM FILES folder! It's the one where you installed THE GAME (usually, C:\Program Files)
Install path for UC.
C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Double Deluxe\Base\TSData\Res\Sims3D\
C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Double Deluxe\Base\TSData\Res\Catalog\
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Clean and empty Neifhborhoods for Sims 2
Date Posted: 18th Aug 2015 at 11:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Jawusa
First, install my clean stealth hood templates. There's a link in my signature.
Then go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\UserData. There you should see a folder called 'Neighborhoods'. Rename that folder to something else, e.g. NeighborhoodsDisabled.
You have just disabled the first group of townies.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 University\TSData\Res. There you should see a folder called 'NeighborhoodTemplate' Rename that folder to something else, e.g NeighborhoodTemplateDisabled
You have just disabled the dormies.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Nightlife\TSData\Res. There you should see a folder called 'NeighborhoodTemplate' Rename that folder to something else, e.g NeighborhoodTemplateDisabled
You have just disabled the downtownies.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Open For Business\TSData\Res. There you should see a folder called 'NeighborhoodTemplate' Rename that folder to something else, e.g NeighborhoodTemplateDisabled
You have just disabled the second group of townies.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\TSData\Res. There you should see a folder called 'NeighborhoodTemplate' Open that folder and take out 'T001' 'A001' and 'M001' but don't take out 'V001'.
You have just disabled the vacation local townies.
Now, you can create your neighborhood and no sims will be added to your neighborhood. You can add your custom university, downtown, shopping district and the three custom vacation destinations and there won't be any sims.
After you have attached the last subhood to your neighborhood, close the game and rename the folders back to their actual name. Now you can open your neighborhood and create your own sims and the neighborhood will only include your sims.
Best looking way to make clean and empty hoods by @Jawusa
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Fix for the dreaded black boxes under Sims
Date Posted: 18th Aug 2015 at 3:15 PM
Just saw this and it works so no longer need to edit the .sgr's.
Quote: Originally posted by Lili975
By the way, I see that your shadows are set to medium, if it's because of the dreaded black boxes effect, you can disable the shadows for sims only and keep them on max for objects/buildings, by adding this code
boolProp simshadows false
to your userstartup.cheat file (if you made one) or by modifying a line in the game settings.
Tested this out and now I have max shadows ingame again.
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