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Too Small!

Date Posted: 28th Nov 2020 at 9:53 AM

Well, I started creating the lot and placement of paths, homes and play park; but not too happy with the size of homes as not big enough for two or three bedrooms - looks like my only option might be to have three-storey townhouses rather than suburban two storey terraced homes.
Perhaps I should start again with a city apartment block or create new TS3_TS2 objects...?
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Surburban Apartments

Date Posted: 27th Nov 2020 at 11:32 AM

Now read over the rules for uploading lots and I think I get it but will be sending to Moderators for any corrections needed.

I was having a think about what type of apartments - city or suburbs and this time I am going to try suburbs.
I have in my mind's eye what I kind of want but can I achieve it? I just hope there is a lot size big enough for six terraced homes and small playpark area...
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Time to Decide

Date Posted: 26th Nov 2020 at 1:59 PM

Just uploaded the Design & High-Tech Stuff - Bedroom, time to make that decision!
I am swaying towards building a new apartment lot with hopefully good layouts, and able to create a few bedroom sizes rather than all the same, so various Sim families can reside together.
I better check out the rules for uploading a lot...
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What next?

Date Posted: 25th Nov 2020 at 9:30 AM

On the home run to complete the Sims3 Design & High-Tech Stuff items into Sims2 objects (and probably finishing my favourite Sims3 Stuff packs! ) , it is time to start thinking about what to do next...
Should I continue doing more Sims3 conversions or move on and submit lots for Sims2 and Sims3?
I also noticed, I haven't done a Sims3 kitchen conversion - maybe I should...
I also have a Sims3 world I finished back in the Spring that I could edit to bring it under the threshold size of 50mb - should I do that?
Should I convert some Sims4 items into Sims2 or vice versa?
Alternatively, I could convert some Sims3 objects for Sims4 - although there appears to be lots of these items already uploaded?
Wow - so much I could be doing...
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