Date Posted: 13th Nov 2007 at 7:21 AM
I am sad to be leaving but I'm thinking of retiring from modding the sims. I really enjoyed working here and everybody was so nice but I feel I have other things to do. I am in the throws of making simple games and learning more about other programming languages and, thanks to the sims, I am able to do this.
Having said that, I'm happy for people to take up my work and better it, finish it or mod it. I may return in time for the odd mod and hopefully by the time the sims3 comes out, the sims2 will be next to perfect LOL - now there's a case of major want fulfilling. But seriously, it has been loads of fun.
As for the funeral project, it's still buggy but probably as finished as it'll ever get. Unless somebody else wants to try and complete it in which case I'm glad to be emailed in regards to that. There is the matter of the phone system which requires some complex explanation.
Take care everybody and feel free to email me and say "hi". I doubt I'll be able to answer any questions without going through it all again but I'll see what I can remember.
Thanks all,