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Bchbch Walk 2nd Sep 2010 8:12 PM

All of them except the bathroom.

TPBM likes to ride roller coasters.

Mosomashu 3rd Sep 2010 5:17 PM

Yeah, I guess. But I freak out about them for ages beforehand. I just don't like turning corners, especially spirals. I always think the cart is going to come off the track.

TPBM hates candyfloss.

Raindrops757 23rd Sep 2010 6:40 PM

Nope, I love Candyfloss.

TPBM listens to Lady Gaga.

PharaohHound 23rd Sep 2010 7:14 PM


TPBM listens to Liszt.

Rabid 23rd Sep 2010 8:20 PM

Never heard of him/her/it.

TPBM prefers autumn to spring.

Phoeberg 23rd Sep 2010 9:56 PM


TPBM doesn't watch TV.

Jaylo 24th Sep 2010 1:07 AM

nope. I love tv

TPBM is feeling kinda shivery right now

Rabid 24th Sep 2010 1:22 AM

Nope. Just got out of the shower and so I'm hot.

TPBM can't wait for the season premiere of The Big Bang Theory tonight.

PharaohHound 24th Sep 2010 2:57 PM

I don't watch that show.

TPBM is tired.

lethifold 24th Sep 2010 3:00 PM

Bloody exhausted.

TPBM feels rather sick.

fthomas 25th Sep 2010 2:12 PM


TPBM watches Friends.

lilmisssunshine96 25th Sep 2010 6:33 PM

i do not watch Friends. im a NCIS addict.

TPBM is an NCIS addict like me :D

Rabid 25th Sep 2010 7:34 PM

God no, I hate crime shows.

TPBM can't wait for Late Night to be released.

PharaohHound 26th Sep 2010 2:29 PM


TPBM can reach a book from where they're sitting.

lethifold 26th Sep 2010 2:32 PM

Three, actually.

TPBM has had/will have a busy day.

thedivineone 26th Sep 2010 5:55 PM

I wish.

TPBM likes Ink pens.

lilmisssunshine96 29th Sep 2010 2:57 AM


the person below me hates ketchup

PharaohHound 29th Sep 2010 3:05 AM

YES! Horrid, icky stuff. Yuck, yuck, yuck!

TPBM subscribes to at least one magazine.

SimsShine 1st Oct 2010 8:31 PM

Nope, sorry. :P

TPBM is reading this post on the screen right now.

thedivineone 1st Oct 2010 9:15 PM

Um, yes?

TPBM is going to bed soon.

Rabid 3rd Oct 2010 6:24 PM

Nope. It's noon where I am.

TPBM is allergic to something.

PharaohHound 3rd Oct 2010 10:30 PM

Not that I am aware of...

TPBM can snap their fingers with both hands.

Ranta 3rd Oct 2010 11:44 PM

Yes, but my left hand is pretty bad.

TPBM is wearing socks.

Mosomashu 5th Oct 2010 10:13 PM


TPBM is wearing leggings

Phoeberg 5th Oct 2010 11:15 PM

No, I've only ever worn them once in my life.

TPBM is wearing red at the moment.

Ranta 6th Oct 2010 12:09 AM


TPBM would rather spend time in the mountains than at the beach.

Phoeberg 6th Oct 2010 12:13 AM

Both equally for me, as long as the beach wasn't a popular tourist one.

TPBM can't swim.

PharaohHound 6th Oct 2010 12:26 AM

Not true, I took swimming lessons for several years as a kid.

TPBM has watched a movie this week.

Phoeberg 6th Oct 2010 12:29 AM

Yes, several.

TPBM has an irrational fear/phobia.

PharaohHound 6th Oct 2010 12:39 AM

Hot ovens/open fires (doesn't sound irrational, but I take it to an unhealthy level.)

TPBM can see a musical instrument from where they're sitting.

Phoeberg 6th Oct 2010 12:41 AM

No, I left my guitar at home but I really miss it at the moment.

TPBM can reach a book from where they are sitting.

Liekomgz 6th Oct 2010 8:59 PM

Most definitely.

TPBM is either eating or drinking something.

DigitalSympathies 7th Oct 2010 12:08 AM

Yes, cereal. Mmmm. Cereal.

TPBM knows someone whose job is considered "not a real job".

Liekomgz 7th Oct 2010 2:09 AM

Nope. not considerbly.

TPBM has made created supernatural(vampires, witches, etc.) in their Sims 2 game?

Phoeberg 7th Oct 2010 8:36 PM


TPBM does a sport in their freetime.

Mosomashu 26th Oct 2010 2:52 PM

If you count rollerblading...

TPBM is looking forward to Halloween.

PharaohHound 26th Oct 2010 4:32 PM

Yeah, though I think at 18 I'm officially too old to trick-or-treat (I stopped when I was 15)! Handing out candy is fun.

TPBM has more than one job.

NightlyEMP 29th Oct 2010 3:56 AM

Nope, just one job.

TPBM knows for sure what their career is going to be.

zakkp 29th Oct 2010 10:56 PM

I don't want A career. I want to accomplish and try MANY things in my life. So false.

TPBM is in love...

NightlyEMP 30th Oct 2010 6:22 PM


TPBM is not dressing up (or did not dress up) for Halloween.

PharaohHound 30th Oct 2010 9:02 PM


TPBM has at least one younger sibling.

alyash94 30th Oct 2010 9:05 PM

Nope. Dressed up yesterday for school and might possibly dress up for tomorrow night.

TPBM is currently in high school.

NightlyEMP 30th Oct 2010 10:35 PM

No, I don't have any younger siblings. I have a brother who's 3 years older.
No, I'm not in high school. Right now I just work, but I'll be starting college in the spring.

TPBM still lives at home.

zakkp 31st Oct 2010 5:56 AM

Yes, ma'am.

TPBM is over 18 years old.

NightlyEMP 5th Nov 2010 2:34 AM

Yes, I'm 19.

TPBM is very self-confident.

NightmareCandle 5th Nov 2010 3:18 AM

LOL Nooo.

TPBM just smirked. Because they read this and I MADE YOU SMIRK I SAW THAT.
Don't hide it.
I saw it!

DigitalSympathies 5th Nov 2010 5:27 AM

Nope, I was taking a sip-o-water. XD HA.

TPBM goes on here more than they actually play the Sims.

PharaohHound 5th Nov 2010 1:45 PM

LOL, true! At least, lately.

TPBM plays games on a console.

pandemonium 9th Nov 2010 6:24 AM

Nope, I'm too busy to play anything anymore.

TPBM is irritated with someone at the moment.

Rawra 9th Nov 2010 8:10 AM

Nope, I'm not. Surprisingly... I'm not! Even though I usually am. Lol.
TPBM looked at the clock before reading this.

HEAVEN-SENT 9th Nov 2010 11:51 AM

nope,i dont even have a clock lol

TPBM is going out today?

Phoeberg 9th Nov 2010 12:36 PM


TPBM is wearing a bracelet?

PharaohHound 9th Nov 2010 2:35 PM


TPBM has a headache.

Rawra 9th Nov 2010 5:33 PM

Yes. Yes, I do. Because of that moron from college... damn, long story!

HEAVEN-SENT 9th Nov 2010 5:43 PM

^you forgot to put a question^

TPBM is listening to music?

stygia2002 9th Nov 2010 6:22 PM

Close...I'm watching Supernatural music videos.

TPBM is obsessed (in a good way) with something cool.

minus. 9th Nov 2010 6:22 PM

Edit: yeah, I'm quite passionate about a couple of things.

TPBM is fluent in French.

Rawra 9th Nov 2010 6:37 PM

Sorry for above, I forgot the question.
That's true lol.
TPBM is in love.

HEAVEN-SENT 9th Nov 2010 7:02 PM

True with my lovly girlfriend of 3 years :D
TPBM like watching friends?

PharaohHound 9th Nov 2010 7:31 PM

I've never watched it.

TPBM has owned an "exotic" pet (i.e., not a dog, cat, fish, bird, horse or rabbit)

HEAVEN-SENT 9th Nov 2010 7:35 PM

yes a snake

TPBM has got school or college tomoz?

Rawra 9th Nov 2010 7:43 PM

Hell yes!
TPBM is very bored.

HEAVEN-SENT 9th Nov 2010 7:45 PM

TPBM is female?

zakkp 10th Nov 2010 1:19 AM

Not technically :x

TPBM is green?

PharaohHound 10th Nov 2010 2:15 PM

Green how? Green all over like an alien? Green as in a very vaguely defined sense of environmental friendliness? No to the former, and kinda to the latter.

TPBM has checked their email more than once today.

Phoeberg 10th Nov 2010 2:24 PM


TPBM has eaten out in the past week.

Kaelzxx 10th Nov 2010 5:02 PM

YessGuilty as charged

TPBM is a T-Swizzle fan!

stygia2002 10th Nov 2010 6:22 PM

nope...don't even know who that is.

TPBM thinks all angels should be as hot as Castiel from Supernatural. :D

Rawra 11th Nov 2010 9:08 AM

TPBM is black.

lethifold 11th Nov 2010 9:40 AM


TPBM is procrastinating.

Rawra 11th Nov 2010 10:07 AM

True that.
TPBM has Late Night.

Beccapixie10 11th Nov 2010 10:25 AM


TPBM had a good day

lethifold 11th Nov 2010 10:38 AM

Yesyesyess (:

TPBM has Facebook.

Dreamydre 12th Nov 2010 1:38 AM

I use to, until I deleted it because I spent to much time on it (=

TPBM does not like mashed potatoes.

Phoeberg 12th Nov 2010 1:41 AM

No, I do like it.

TPBM has been to a party in the last week.

PharaohHound 12th Nov 2010 3:21 AM

Naw, I don't much care for parties.

TPBM is not home alone.

Dreamydre 12th Nov 2010 4:32 AM

I will be, once my mom and step-dad step out for the night! ;-D

TPBM is ready for Christmas!!

NightmareCandle 12th Nov 2010 4:50 AM

Nope. I have no reason to be; I'm not getting anything. xD

TPBM has a kitty.

HEAVEN-SENT 14th Nov 2010 4:51 PM


TPBM like the colour purple?

PharaohHound 14th Nov 2010 8:23 PM


TPBM likes the colour blue.

thedivineone 14th Nov 2010 9:11 PM


TPBM prefers lipstick to lip gloss.

DigitalSympathies 14th Nov 2010 9:19 PM

No, I've never tried it. :/

TPBM voice acts.

Rabid 14th Nov 2010 11:49 PM


TPBM sings in the shower.

PharaohHound 15th Nov 2010 12:54 AM

Oh yes!

TPBM is listening to music.

Beccapixie10 15th Nov 2010 1:15 AM

Not currently. Struggling to get iTunes to work so I can, though.

TPBM is planning on seeing HP Deathly Hallows

lethifold 15th Nov 2010 6:45 AM

asfdjkl; yes! Midnight premiere, baby!

TPBM loves vegetable curry.

Rawra 17th Nov 2010 5:40 PM

I hate curry.
TPBM loves pizza!

PharaohHound 17th Nov 2010 6:09 PM

Tomato sauce is gross, so no.

TPBM is gonna see Harry Potter on Friday.

Rawra 17th Nov 2010 8:45 PM
TPBM is single.

alyash94 20th Nov 2010 5:51 AM


TPBM has read all seven Harry Potter books.

NightlyEMP 2nd Jan 2011 7:31 PM

I only read the 1st and 7th. I've seen all the movies.

TPBM did something they probably shouldn't have done on New Year's Eve.

DigitalSympathies 2nd Jan 2011 11:37 PM

Haha, yep!

TPBM got caught watching a movie or TV show that their parents disapproved of.

Dreamydre 3rd Jan 2011 1:25 AM

None comes to mind, me and my mom has the same taste when it comes to movies anyway.

TPBM has a love/hate relationship with rainy days.

Rabid 3rd Jan 2011 1:44 AM

Not really; I find that rainy days make great days for writing. I only dislike them when they impede outdoor plans like going to the zoo or going to the pool.

TPBM has had to get a new cellphone or mp3 player at some point because she broke the old one.

hotaru801 13th Jan 2011 5:19 PM

Of course, hasn't everyone.

TPBM still has stuffed animals from their childhood.

PharaohHound 13th Jan 2011 5:27 PM

Yeah. Like, all of them.

TPBM is a brunette.

Rawra 13th Jan 2011 5:33 PM

Surely she is.

TPBM doesn't like Twilight.

moonbunny13 13th Jan 2011 8:12 PM

Right you are!

TPBM dislikes Cell Phones

Rawra 13th Jan 2011 8:22 PM

I actually love them lol.

TPBM still plays TS1.

Rabid 13th Jan 2011 11:24 PM


TPBM has her cellphone with her right now.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 10:43 PM.
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