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Dizzy-noodles 15th Aug 2021 2:50 AM

Sometimes I I really wish I was male - sex always makes me falll in love and I can't imagine it from the other side - are you just all robots?

PANDAQUEEN 20th Aug 2021 11:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Dizzy-noodles
Sometimes I I really wish I was male - sex always makes me falll in love and I can't imagine it from the other side - are you just all robots?'re normal.

Feeling this way is normal for a good portion of women.

Sex and falling in love...that is part of life. Trust me, crushing on numerous men in the the STEAM careers is, for me, just another way to escape when I get overwhelmed.

I'm currently caring for my father who is laid up with a new knee.

simmer22 20th Aug 2021 6:55 PM

Found a moth (or some kind of black, furry insect with wings) in my freshly washed waterbottle - and I'd already drunk some before I noticed (EWWWW!), which means the bottle has to be washed again (ain't drinking any more from that one before it's clean again). That thing most likely was there half the day, because there's no other way it could've gotten into a sealed bottle than while it was drying on a towel for a bit before I filled it up. I have no idea how I didn't spot the thing sooner, though

These little critters are getting on my nerves... Anyone wonders why I don't like summer? This (along with heat) is the main reason. Can't stand the tiny critters. They are E V E R Y W H E R E!

Bigsimsfan12 21st Aug 2021 8:21 PM

Burnt my arm while getting potatoes out of the oven

PANDAQUEEN 24th Aug 2021 8:55 PM

Just very sore from helping out around the house. Especially since I have my father's knee to care for, to which he took a picture of his freshly unbandaged scar and bruising and said "One for the album..."

My mother sent me a conflicting set of text messages that didn't line up with the ones my father received about tonight's plans. I had given her my money I earned for the small favors and she said I would have the money deposited in her bank (we used different banks due to an issue. I can't change banks due to the red tape from the government, but that's entirely different.) and she would write a check for me that I would deposit via my bank app on my phone.

However, my father was told a different story.

So, I have to wait this out until my mother texts back on her afternoon break.

Edit: my mother eventually got the money and frozen desserts accounted for. I just need to have a check written out.

aisquared 28th Aug 2021 8:29 PM

You haven't yet confessed your feelings to your crush and then suddenly another person enters the picture. Made the situation 101% even harder..

PANDAQUEEN 31st Aug 2021 2:07 AM

When your circadian rhythm is wrekt over a PTSD episode and your next therapy appointment is at the end of the next month.

At least the outreach network caught me at dinner time to talk during the twice a week talks.

Bigsimsfan12 31st Aug 2021 9:53 PM

Tried to talk to my boss all day because according to my midwife I should be on medical suspension. It took all day to get hold of her, finally did after the shift (I wasn't suppose to be there for) ended. She didn't have any answers. She didn't look through the guidelines I printed out from the Gov website and Maternity Action website. She wants me to come in on Thursday to talk. I feel like she's going to try to convince me my midwife is wrong. I have such bad anxiety its so hard to talk to her, I usually just give in to try and leave ASAP, but I am literally a heavily pregnant asthmatic who isn't yet vaccinated, working in a red-zone care home during a pandemic in an area with increasing cases.

Times like this I wish my anti-anxiety were safe during pregnancy.

simsample 31st Aug 2021 10:04 PM

@Bigsimsfan12 Visit your GP and see if you can get signed off for the anxiety, and then ask your boss to sort this out over the phone with you. Protecting yourself and baby is #1 priority!

PANDAQUEEN 2nd Sep 2021 12:41 AM

Our dinner was interrupted by the Emergency Alert System (EAS) every 3-5 minutes and my family had to stay in the basement for a few minutes when the wind picked up.

This is the remnants of Hurricane Ida.

EDIT: Internet got knocked out. Using cellular service. About 10 people died in my area due to disobedience to the instructions.

PANDAQUEEN 9th Sep 2021 8:52 PM

Doctors said I had something called "metabolic syndrome"

My waistline should be 35" and's not. I'm wide around as I am tall (63"). I have two measuring tapes, one of which maxes out at 120".

So they took me off some pills and replaced it with a different one that should reverse the stubborn weight issue and for once, make it go down.

PANDAQUEEN 11th Sep 2021 1:00 AM

Spent today taking naps and crying. Had to work on technical difficulties on my computer but I failed to get the desired effect. Didn't cry over that, but it was a blow to my ego and my father's pride as tech support technician.

PANDAQUEEN 16th Sep 2021 7:16 AM

The pattern of bad connections concerning a new medicine. Apparently, 2 doctors I have no prior familiarity with are holding up a medicine I need to control depression and the issues with weight that goes with depression.

I am practically starved of sleep and I ran out of one of my pills.

My family's doctor, DB is working in conjunction with all my doctors. She's like gone full-on Dr. Gregory House mode. Weirdest thing she told me last time I saw her was she has 2 pet pigs. I warned her that pigs are smarter than they let on. (I neglected to mention how food-oriented they are in learning behaviors and tricks)

Edit: it's 3:15 in the morning and I am laughing at a crudely animated pigeon throw a temper tantrum, wanting to drive a transit bus while an audience of 2nd graders scream "NO" as per the directions of the bus driver.

PANDAQUEEN 8th Oct 2021 10:39 PM

Just had received a blood order to give blood for a test from my cardiologist. Just saw him. Nice guy, but he's too animated than I can tolerate and there's a reason you shouldn't feed me caffeine after a certain point in the day.

SimlishLiars 9th Oct 2021 11:43 PM

I am changing my anti depressant medications ,I am so bad tonight, I feel the craving, not severe but I got two side effects.

Bigsimsfan12 12th Oct 2021 11:42 AM

Yes. Put the heavily pregnant employee in the windowless room with no seating, air circulation, close by bathroom facilities or air conditioning (or even just a fan) for 12 hours per day. Great idea.

simmer22 12th Oct 2021 8:41 PM

Stupid kids in their pre/early teens and their extremely annoying way of being. Can't even let someone sit in some quiet and peace waiting for the bus. Just have to nag and ask stupid-arse questions. When I'm tired from work, I don't have enough brainpower left over to deal with that kind of brats. If you're not waiting for the bus, please go elsewhere to look for some common decency, and leave me the %&$# alone

PANDAQUEEN 13th Oct 2021 10:58 PM

Lousy drive on the way home!

My mother almost dinged a smart car. She and I joke that there are clowns in the car and we almost sent the clowns flying. Smart car, dumb driver.

People backing out, speeding by, you name the asshole infraction, it happened, okay? Good.

Only good takeaway from the day was I picked out my birthday gift as my mom is clueless about the dolls on my dresser (I rarely let people in my room unless I am having a really awful time). It was a rare doll.

PANDAQUEEN 16th Oct 2021 12:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
Wheeee! Are we having fun yet?

5.3% inflation on pretty much everything under the sun with no end in sight.

I was aware of the cost of living adjustments.

The wacky weather is another. It's 80°F in Asshole, USA and yet, the leaves are falling.

simmer22 20th Oct 2021 6:22 PM

Amazon charges postage for each item these days, and their packaging ends up looking like it's been dropped from a plane - so I've decided to order the books I can order from someplace else instead. At least that company has free postage over a certain amount, doesn't reuse the same cardboard for the 10th time (I swear that's gotta be why Amazon's packaging is so flimsy), and the tape doesn't literally fall apart in the seams...

Nevermind they might be a bit cheaper - I want my stuff delivered safely to me this time, and not in the "just barely in one piece" way I got them the last 2-3 times.

The rest of the gifts (not much, just for close family) I can get in shops close by.


Anyway, what kind of ruined my day (and will probably be ruining several days forward) is mom's new hand soap. It smells like old lady's perfume (the kind of really heavy smell that hangs in the air for at least a couple hours after the old lady has left the room). I had to air out the bathroom for half an hour before I could go in there. Turns out when I looked at the back of the thing it has several probable allergens plus a bunch of perfume in it. No wonder that smell stays for days! Ugh! And she's even got a refill of that horrible thing
No, absolutely can't throw it away because it was a gift - I mean... I'm almost hoping someone gets a skin reaction from that concoction so we have a good reason to chuck it out Just hoping she'll rush through that awful soap and go back to the regular one she uses, because it's one I don't mind too much using.

Until then, I'll stick to my regular perfume-free soap for sensitive skin, thank you very much... It has probably less than 1/4 of the ingredients and none of the smell)

Bigsimsfan12 21st Oct 2021 12:23 AM

Everyone in the house is ill. We're always ill. Really we need a week or two to relax and finally kick the plague that has been attacking our house for the last month, but neither of us can afford to be off work that long. So we're both struggling along either working long shifts or looking after a sick toddler on our own while also being ill.

Called 111 last night because Ivy was screaming in pain for hours. She keeps asking for the toilet but when we take her she says "wheres the wee gone?", so probably a bladder infection, on top of the chest infection, sinus infection/flu and conjunctivitis. 111 arranged a doctors appointment at 2am. Doctor was useless, told us to give her paracetamol. We explain she spits it out. "Put it in yogurt!". We have tried. "Custard?". Still nope, we have literally mixed it into everything we can think of. "Only other thing I can suggest is suppositories". Can you prescribe some suppositories? "No, you'll have to arrange another appointment". We all end up sleeping from about 6am-10am. Called up the doctors first thing "sorry no appointments. You should have called at 8am" "can you just write a prescription, she had an appointment at 2am" "No". Ugh.

simmer22 21st Oct 2021 2:20 AM

Also, effing spiders! Not talking "itsy bitsy" ones, but those with roughly 6-8 cm leg-span. Been catching at least a couple every week. Eww! For some reason if they manage to run away, they tend to show up in my bedroom (get away you creeps!)

At least it's not the 10-12++ cm ones. Had a few of those running around the house a couple years back. One crawled around on the wall, and another found a "home" in the kitchen sink.

I'm just glad I don't live in Australia, or anywhere else where these things can be dangerous...

Bigsimsfan12 21st Oct 2021 10:48 AM

Lost my voice. I hate when I'm getting better and then wake up the next day waaaaay worse. Everything hurts. And at some point I need to shower and look at least mildly presentable because I have to go into work to sort some paperwork.

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Oct 2021 8:37 AM

Sorry for the lateness of my replies.

I currently have been preparing for my 34th birthday party.

We have been very busy. Sushi rice, rice vinegar, sugar, veggies, eggs, wasabi, soy sauce, nori and caffeine-free cola have been on the list.

Bigsimsfan12 23rd Oct 2021 3:07 PM

Well dang, my post count just dropped by 1,000 or so... I'm gonna have to start posting more.

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