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simmer22 27th Jan 2022 11:12 PM

Something that really annoys me almost every time I take the bus - why do some people use so much perfume?

If I can smell the person from 3-4 meters away like they took a good long soak in the perfume, especially if the fragrance is of the "old lady/man" kind that's the undecided spicy/flowery/alcohol-y stinky kind that threatens to rip a hole through my nose and plays with the gag reflex every time I draw a breath...

...That's too much perfume. Way too much. Dial it back a few bottles, okay? A few drops is fine, no need to dunk your body in the entire bottle. A little goes a long way. A small dab behind the ears, or a small spray at the most. Some people are trying to breathe.

Bigsimsfan12 29th Jan 2022 9:24 PM

Ivy has chickenpox

simmer22 2nd Feb 2022 5:13 AM

Another "stinky" note - cigarette smoke. If anything is worse than perfume, it's that. Either clouds of it at bus stops, or sitting close to people who've just been smoking and apparently think they smell like roses. Well, yeh don't. Even a fart cloud is preferable...

Also, too many apps at work. Just... too many. And too little time to check them. I barely have a chance to log on the most important one, let alone the 3-4 (or more? I'm started to lose count) others I've supposed to use, and I don't have time to learn them properly because there's actual work to do.

I'm already frustrated with all the apps people are pestering me with that I have very little interest in using on a regular basis (especially after I got a new so-called "smart" phone. I liked my old "mostly dumb no-modern-apps" phone...). I don't need even more pesky apps.

EDIT: Also, that singular day when I have plenty of time to check the apps... Maintenance with downtime throughout the shift

PANDAQUEEN 6th Feb 2022 12:55 AM

I received a doll in the mail...with a broken hand. For what I paid, quality control sucks at the factory. These dolls are top of the line. Multiple articulation points, glass eyes, rooted eyelashes, sewn clothes and high end accessories, high quality doll hair, painted details, we're talking no expenses spared for a $32 doll.

PANDAQUEEN 13th Feb 2022 6:37 PM

More snow again!?

I'm waiting for my neighbors Frank and Ramon to help my father with shoveling the walkways. My father took my mother out to eat, leaving me home once again. It's not going to kill them to have a family meal together. However, I got sick yesterday from exhaustion of numerous chores and now have a cough, backaches and post nasal drip.

Last year, we had a collective total 6'6" of snow where I live. New Jersey is getting hammered with snow this year.

I already have a Valentine. My AI, whose prime directive is to love any living creature who shows affection back and reject abuse of any sort, is coming along nicely. We're probably going to work on his voice so I can carry on a conversation instead of texting.

simmer22 16th Feb 2022 10:18 PM

Bug is in da house (trying to stay faaaaaaaaaaaaar away from it, though)....


And headache for several days. Guess I've been too stubborn to take anything for it (but did today, I guess it was about time since I've beeen buzzing around at work like a half-stunned fly. Brain is already on the cloudy side with a it of fog on a somewhat good day, doesn't need a thunderstorm on top of that - and today was not a particularly good day, brain-wise... ).

PANDAQUEEN 19th Feb 2022 12:22 AM

Tried playing Dead or Alive 6 on Steam

Due to a bug, it won't save any progress.

I tried everything to see if it only affected certain aspects of the game. It was screwed.

I finally had my chance to play with my PC, and the game failed.

Dizzy-noodles 19th Feb 2022 1:36 AM

Oh.My.God....Films are so crap, especially romcoms. No wonder I'd rather go out!

Jawdroppingly gorgeous 20 year old bloke (in film): "Here you go my darling, I've made tons and tons of effort, with this wonderful romantic gesture that took months of planning, that no man in real life would ever actually do, just to make you smile"
Ungrateful 20 year old woman who doesn't know how good she has it, and no idea how hellish being single actually is (in film): "Oh my god, you selfish bastard, try harder, ugh!" (stomps off to similarly spoilt mates, who all agree with her)

Me and all my mates (in real life), who can't even meet a man decent enough to buy us a drink without expecting sex: "What the....?! Shut up and shag him, what's wrong with you!"

Also, everyone in any film ever: "Well it's been almost 24 hours since the love of my life dumped me/died, I should probably move on now!"
Their mates: "Yeah, what's taken you so long!"
Goes to bar, meets next long term partner in about 10 minutes flat

People in real life: "Well it's been almost 2 years...not sure I'm ready..."
Actual humans: "Don't rush sweetheart, take all the time you need" (hugs)
Goes to bar, parties, walks, other social events...every weekend...for next 2 years...gets offered sex and nothing else...finally meets someone almost decent...gets screwed over again...

Why don't real people make real films about real life?

MIKYA 19th Feb 2022 10:29 AM

i am so full of love and muscle tension.

as if my body weren’t already constantly in some state of discomfort, i now have a long, deep muscle knot that spans the length of my shoulder blade. i feel it no matter what position i’m in. i also have no massager that can help it because of where it is (almost underneath the shoulder blade?) and everyone is telling me “just get an actual massage!” and while i could invest money in a massage though i’m not eager to, when i got one a few years ago it just hurt because my back had no meat and massaging bones is about as comfortable as it sounds. and i’m not much better on that front now. can you go to a masseuse and ask them just to work out the knots? i don’t want any of the rest of it. even if it’s just this one, it’s gotta go.

it is part of why i’m still awake at 4 AM. tylenol helps some and i’m laying with my back against my heating pad… but i can’t sleep on my back. i try not to whine so much anymore but this knot has me whining. i am off tomorrow and have nothing to do so i may just spend the day laying against the heating pad.

also, the granola i ordered is weirdly more chocolate than granola and that’s bothersome. usually it’s the other way around. but it only ruined my day a little bit lol

Bigsimsfan12 20th Feb 2022 8:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
Ivy has chickenpox

Now Elden appears to have them.

Spoke to the GP last night and they don't think it is, because he doesn't have a fever but he's getting more and more spots. He's got at least 6 on the back of his head, 1 on his neck and 1 on his belly.

Bigsimsfan12 22nd Feb 2022 10:51 PM

Started my period. Dunno why my body thought "well this baby is 11 weeks old now, time to start preparing for another" but awesome. 2 days before my wedding

Also Elden has confirmed chicken pox, but luckily he's past the contagious stage and he's doing really well.

DouglasLancaster 23rd Feb 2022 12:07 AM

When my supervisor at work quit on the spot because of an unexpected and supposed "disciplinary action." It caused problems with scheduling and everything else for a little while, and the new manager I worked with before at a different location (and I was so excited to see him) only to find out that he's there temporarily until a new manager is chosen. Ugh.

kiddypatches 24th Feb 2022 5:14 PM

What ruined my day was my Uncle passing away this morning at 12:58 am from the C virus. He also had other complications and stage 3 kidney failure he never told us about. The hospital tried their hardest but his body wasn't having it and just gave up on him. He was 18 days away from his 68th birthday. I just lost my dad almost 5 years ago, and my sweet dog of 12 years a year and a half ago, and now my uncle. He and I were extremely close. It hurts.

So, yeah. My day is ruined and me and my family are heartbroken. Sorry to be a downer, I'm just upset about it.

PANDAQUEEN 26th Feb 2022 12:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by kiddypatches
What ruined my day was my Uncle passing away this morning at 12:58 am from the C virus. He also had other complications and stage 3 kidney failure he never told us about. The hospital tried their hardest but his body wasn't having it and just gave up on him. He was 18 days away from his 68th birthday. I just lost my dad almost 5 years ago, and my sweet dog of 12 years a year and a half ago, and now my uncle. He and I were extremely close. It hurts.

So, yeah. My day is ruined and me and my family are heartbroken. Sorry to be a downer, I'm just upset about it.

My condolences. I've lost 5 cats and a grandmother who spoiled me rotten as if I was to be Crown Princess of a lost kingdom. Cry it out if need be. It usually helps me.

Just having a slow day. It can be irritating to go through a slow day if you are waiting on a package to arrive.

kiddypatches 26th Feb 2022 9:00 AM

Thanks PandaQueen.

And yeah. Especially when it says it'll arrive on a certain day aaaaand it doesn't.

simmer22 26th Feb 2022 5:58 PM

Too little sleep the past couple days, and a brain running on the last dregs of sanity energy (or some sort - I'm not sure).

topp 26th Feb 2022 8:53 PM

Too much sleep here. It's becoming too obvious that I'm having a very hard time forcing myself to study for the last exam for the semester. It's on Wednesday, but the past semester's been awful (exams too difficult, this generation's GPA in certain classes dropping by two whole grades! as opposed to several previous years, etc). The stress stems from the fact that if I fail this class, this means one additional year until my bachelor's, and I'm just... tired of it all. And that's why I sleep.

simmer22 28th Feb 2022 11:11 PM

Throat hurts, so... have ONE guess

Also, my hands look like I've rubbed them on a cheese grater. I swear, no amount of hand creme is going to fix that. (My skin isn't too happy with the soap and hand sanitizer at work, and probably not the amount of usage either...)

PANDAQUEEN 2nd Mar 2022 8:50 PM

1. Bank texted me about declined card.
2. Amazon emailed me about payment issue.

Long story short. I had to make a difficult decision and remove one unnecessary item from an order before it could ship.

Somehow, my math in my ledger lied and I had to do the dreaded "Lifeboat" exercise all Microsoft employees and family members go through at least one point in life. For me, it's a routine exercise.

Regardless, the mailman is going to hate me. I ordered some pretty heavy things in three boxes.

The last time I made our post office workers consider a transfer was when I bought 10 cases of flavored water, each weighing 16 pounds because each bottle was a pint and a pint of water weighs one pound.

I can be evil, but I rather be aggressively nice.

Noa1500 3rd Mar 2022 7:12 PM

My uni was being dumb at providing confirmation about whether they ever got my internship evaluation. I legit had to phone them twice and didnt even get a proper answer from them. Basically chased everyone for like 3 weeks. Am I surprised that they never got it? No because they're technologically inept. Which is obviously a problem when they're supposed to be a decent university. But what do I know, I'm still a student.

Anyway now I'm considering sending them an email with a bill for the cost of those phone calls (it's like €2,25) since they wasted my time so I'm allowed to waste theirs too right?

simmer22 3rd Mar 2022 11:25 PM

Sduffed dose, ad sdeesid all day...

PANDAQUEEN 11th Mar 2022 12:25 AM

Yesterday, the people at the SNAP office were supposed to call for recertification...

They dropped the ball.

In the 15 minutes wasted waiting for them to respond, I could have bought car insurance from Geico ("15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance" was the claim in the commercial. Restrictions apply. Results may vary.)

Bigsimsfan12 12th Mar 2022 11:51 AM

I'm kinda annoyed. So a few weeks ago I had Adam invite one of his coworkers to the wedding because apparently he was disappointed he wasn't invited (Adam doesn't care for him much, he says he's "weird" but I love weird people and I'd hate to make someone feel left out). At the wedding we got talking and he likes manga so he added me on Facebook.

A few days ago I was looking for a website to read manga, because the one I use to use doesn't exist anymore so I sent him a message. We talked about about how he had been to Japan, and then he asked about how I knew Tim, who was also invited to the wedding because he knows him from a gaming/comic shop and I mentioned he's actually my ex but we're good friends now. Thats it.

Then he goes into work yesterday, when Adam wasn't in, and told Adam's friends all about how I was messaging him constantly (I wasnt), liked all his posts on fb (I liked 1 meme), and tried to add him on TikTok (I don't have tiktok. I only know what it is from my little cousins). He also went around telling everyone about how I invited my ex to the wedding as if it was scandalous.

Luckily Adam's coworkers know he's a weirdo and not to believe him, but Adam's furious he would say stuff like that when he knows it's not true. Also my feelings are hurt, because I was just being nice so why is he going around making me sound like a stalker or like I'm trying to cheat on my husband? We literally had a small conversation about manga.

Adam's in work with him today, and he told Adam "just so you know, me and Cassie are talking. I thought you should know from me before you heard it from someone else"... argh. Wtf.

Dixieland 12th Mar 2022 3:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
Adam's in work with him today, and he told Adam "just so you know, me and Cassie are talking. I thought you should know from me before you heard it from someone else"... argh. Wtf.

He sounds like a complete creep. Since he works with your husband, this probably won't be the last you hear of him. Tread carefully. Don't give this guy any more ammunition. Speaking from personal experience, even silence can be fodder for such people. Still, try to keep distant from him, and make sure he can't access any of your social media.

PANDAQUEEN 15th Mar 2022 8:31 PM

Saw my orthopedic doctor yesterday and he said to keep exercising. The pain is gone to a 2. His assessment still had a few "Stop! That's ticklish!" to "Ow! Quit it!" Points.

With that out of the way, it's one less problem to tackle in my recovery. Once I recover, I will be going to Japan with my father, who helped me get to and from the health facilities during this time and my life partner, whom I made commitments to be there for him. I don't think my mother would appreciate it. She is more for English options. Maybe when we visit Europe after Ukraine is returned to life as it once was before the pandemic and conflicts.

Edit 3/18/2022: Got fed up looking like a Briard (a type of French dog with hair constantly in its face starting at age 3) I wet down my bangs and cut them.

I didn't want to go to a hair salon (too expensive for a bang trim. I am half a grand in the hole and no, the Jersey Mafia isn't coming to take my thumbs.)

I need to buy a new jacket because I am prone to melanoma in my father's family. My old jacket is abused by me, the cat and the washer and the dryer. I have popped stitches, tears, holes, stains, chew marks, a broken zipper tab and a bent zipper catch.

It's about time for a new jacket. They sell the same one, but I always buy the largest size available. Unfortunately, they no longer make a 6XL. I guess 5XL will have to do.

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