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PANDAQUEEN 28th Dec 2022 11:09 PM

My Boxing Day gift came in the mail...

... but when I opened it, I found the doll shoes I collect and this pair in particular, had two left shoes.

It reminded me of the line from Adventure Time.

Jake: I keep finding baby shoes...what the heck, man? And they're all lefties...

So, I waited two days and I am slighted by this oversight.

PANDAQUEEN 3rd Jan 2023 9:31 AM

Some troll taunted me when I was on Twitter. He tried to make it look like I was an Andrew Tate fan. I blocked the troll and deleted my comment, which pointed out he used to play chess before MMA fighting.

(IRL, I absolutely hate him with every fiber of my being and heart and soul because of his misogyny, anti-anime comments, toxic masculinity and his crimes against humanity involving both him and his brother.)

Argh, what a miserable time to be alive in this era of the Internet! You can't expose a fraud without getting caught up in a crossfire of childish commentary.

simmer22 12th Jan 2023 12:39 PM

Getting up for an over-the-web meeting for work, and slowly realizing it's probably the wrong day.

I hate when they say things like "meeting the first Thursday from now" or "the coming Thursday" or something like that, when it's Monday, and they don't even care to put a date anywhere. I mean, on a Monday this could mean the Thursday that same week or the Thursday the next week. I need an actual date to know!

I was actually ready for that meeting today! Next week I'll probably oversleep or struggle with the login or something

countrygirl824 17th Jan 2023 4:34 PM

What ruined my dad is the constant pounding my neighbors do. Almost every day I keep hearing this pounding from them as if they are hanging something up and it gives me a headache. If I knew who was doing it I would complain to the landlord about it but i'm not sure who's doing it. Plus our maintenance man quit leaving tons of projects unfinished including my closet there hardly opens. I wish we could get someone in my apartment complex that actually does there job it's so annoying.

simmer22 17th Jan 2023 9:23 PM

Slight nausea all day. Not the kind that makes me not want food at all, or makes me throw up, just either something I ate last night that disagrees just enough to put my system off, or very low-grade stomach pain. I don't think my body is entirely sure which. Maybe both.

Also, one person at work who keeps going "and then do this" five seconds before I do it (I know, I'm at it!), or over-explains everything when nothing needs to be explained (I know how to do my job, thank you very much - I don't need a running commentary on everything I do). Really didn't need that today...

And surprise meeting I wasn't prepared for whatsoever (but at least that one went well).

Plus certain people who keeps you going forth and back and forth and back. When you think you're finally done, they're all "but I needed to do that!" (which they could've said five minutes earlier and it would've been a LOT quicker/easier at the time, but oh, no!)

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Jan 2023 7:38 PM

Woke up from a nap to a false charge on my Amazon account. Had to fight with the bank. The only information I gave was my real first and last name. (Considering changing my real name legally and I know it would be like resetting every copy of the Pokémon games: hours of work. Especially when it came to banking, health and shopping.)

To clarify: my first AND last name are actually common in my area. There were a few people who share my real name.

simmer22 24th Jan 2023 4:03 AM

Not today spesifically, but it's just a constant buzzing annoyance I can't get rid of. A while back I was shopping, and heard this really great song over the speakers (probably radio). Trouble is - I can't remember any of it, just the general theme and tone, and I have absolutely no idea who the artist was (other than it being a male voice and in English, which comes at least 100 on the dozen), or even a single line of the song, so I'm kinda stuck in the searching process. I'm reasonably sure I would've recognized the song if I heard it again, but so far I haven't, and I think I've cruised Youtube far and wide just to maybe snap up a hint of the artist or the general singing style, or just... something.

It's so frustrating, because recently I've listened a a bit to the radio (work, cars, bus - people leave radios on a lot) and seems nobody plays that song. Like... ever. I mean, any other songs from pre-60s through 2023? Sure. A lot of them on repepat (some a LOT on repeat!). That particular song? Nope, not a chance.

simmer22 24th Jan 2023 8:22 PM

Was about to go to bed (very late/early in the morning) when I heard screaming. Turns out mom had fallen and broken her wrist on a quick trip outside (wasn't even icy on the road).

So called the emergency number, were told to wait until the doctor's office opened (3 hours later ) to get an appointment for her. Met up for that one, then were sent to the hospital (thankfully, a family member drove us there - it's some distance away), waited some more, she got the arm partially set (waiting for surgery at a later point, too), and then some more waiting and finding various places (that hospital is one giant labyrinth of completely identical doors), yadda yadda, the whole ordeal. Finally got home almost 12 hours after the accident.

She's in pain, and I've slept maybe 1,5 hours the past 30 or so hours (brain is over-tired, and barely stringing together anything right now, so the day has been quite miserable - I'd planned to sleep in today...)

And of course, WIndows says "hello" with an update/restart cycle (I need to have that one on a monthly basis, or it checking for new updates every hour or whatever it is freaks out the harddrive. Knew it was today, but really didn't need that one on top. Plus the AV also wants to restart for updates. And for F's sake, Windows 11, I don't want you, at least not now - GO AWAY! )

simmer22 27th Jan 2023 7:22 PM

Realizing the next 5-6 or so weeks probably will be mom backseat-driving on household tasks. Oh, the fun

Dizzy-noodles 1st Feb 2023 1:28 AM

Person: "How single are you?"
Me: "Well... my elderly aunt won't even text me back, so..."

simmer22 10th Feb 2023 10:33 PM

Wekend/week from hell (and it's barely even started).
'Nuff said.

Ruslan 16th Feb 2023 6:31 PM

One time, somewhere in 2019 (summer) i accidentaly spilled tea on my laptop. Then it started glitching out. Then it absolutely broke, i couldnt turn it on or off. But then sometime a couple of days after that, i had this really weird dream. In the last seconds of the dream i heard something "Wake up, and turn on your laptop." Somehow, the laptop started WORKING again! But only for 15 minutes, then it actually turned off and stopped working completely again. Then i got it repaired. Lesson: Never drink any liquids near your computer or laptop.

simmer22 21st Feb 2023 10:04 PM

So, apparently, every time power is cut in the house, our wifi just "up and leaves". Has happened at least 3 times now, when we've had various electric work done, and they've momentarily cut power. Everything else comes back on fine, but the wifi goes "NOPE!"

Last time it reset on its own (or perhaps after a bit of fiddling with the settings and some waiting time), but this time it needed a full reset on a different box (had to call support, would've never figured out what was wrong otherwise, cause that particular reset button just looked like a tiny hole with no markings, and I'd never even known it was there). It also messes with the TV - which worked fine after the reset, until it suddenly went "nope!" after several hours and demanded the password (can't remember that happened the last time).

I swear, this is getting more and more annoying the more times it happens... One would think the wifi would come back on its own when everything is all fine and dandy after a controlled power cut, but oh, no, it just HAS to be extra difficult.

Anyway, if it ain't broke but still ain't working, turn it off and do a complete restart before panicking. 9 out of 10 cases that works (and the last one is a neighbor doing yardwork where they're not supposed to, but that's a different story).

simmer22 22nd Feb 2023 5:02 PM

We've got fairly new lines, and the box/equipment is also fairly new, but I think the new equipment is more sensitive to changes. The old boxes/wifi survived pretty much anything, but our past TV/internet company joined another one and we got new equipment, and since then there's been issues all over.

I miss our old boxes - they had lots of useful functions (the forward button that let me see an hour long subtitled episode in about 10 minutes... yeah, don't have that any longer).

PANDAQUEEN 25th Feb 2023 1:41 AM

Falling asleep for 6 hours after lunch.

I was at a doctor's appointment today and I had been prescribed antibiotics.

"Lord, give me HM04 to deal with what I can't change on my own..."
-a wise Pokémon fan

PANDAQUEEN 28th Feb 2023 5:16 PM

My gastroenterologist office called and said I need an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. In other words, they'll knock me out and stick a camera in both ends, to be blunt. 😱

I am pretty scared. 😱

Not gonna lie, I worry about it. What if I have stomach cancer? 😱

I had stomach issues since I was in my early 20s, with my gallbladder removed when I was 22. (In my father's family, it is almost customary to have your gallbladder removed to be a full fledged member of the family.) 🤣

simmer22 28th Feb 2023 7:42 PM

^ At least they knock you out. Ever tried doing those awake? Not fun... 😖

Pretty much only nagging at work today, and phones ringing all the time. Even when I was about to leave (was already closing in on overtime) the phone rang twice (on the "wrong" phone, a stationary phone in an office space that people may or may not be in - and not the smart choice of the cell phone the person in charge carries with them).

Then there's extra work because people have had a week to do it but probably haven't started it last week like they should've, and also not checked what's been done, so nobody bothered starting until yesterday, and only managed to do a little bit, leaving most of the work for us.

Plus a lot of other very annoying things.

Ruslan 7th Mar 2023 11:02 AM

My phone screen died (touchscreen unresponsive, probably due to physical damage that it encountered from my total clumsiness sometimes.) and roughly two weeks ago my headphones stopped working.And i used my phone as computer speakers, so essentially now i cant hear any sound from my computer. Hey on the bright side, 12 extra trait points for project zomboid, because i cannot hear any audio anyway (Context: there is a deaf trait in project zomboid that you can pick which fully removes in game sounds, except the soundtrack. 12 extra trait points for positive traits is a bonus, but the problem with this trait is that you literally dont hear any sound. So if you accidentally cause an alarm to go off, a zombie horde will be coming towards you and you literally wont know it, coz you cant hear said alarm). I think i have an old smartphone somewhere though, so maybe not all is lost and i can still use another phone as speakers. And hey, while it is certaintly going to bug me sometimes, i can still play the sims without any audio, since its a game that doesnt very heavily rely on audio.

update: I found the phone! The sim card cannot fit into it sadly, but i can use it as speakers now, which means i can actually hear stuff from my computer. Yay!

Darku_Mage 7th Mar 2023 1:26 PM

I just completed a group project for my textual analysis class. Group projects in and of themselves are something I hate. You'd think that, in college, you'd have evolved past the need to do things like that, but no. But this one was especially bad because we were four people working on the project, I was the one doing the most and one person didn't even respond to any of the messages sent in the Messenger group for the project I don't even know what they look like because they never came to class, and I usually have a very good memory for faces. It's that bad.

I am obligated to write their name on the document, which means I'm basically giving someone credit for something that they didn't contribute to in any way. I really wish we were just given individual assignments ; I wouldn't have to deal with things like this.

simmer22 7th Mar 2023 11:11 PM

Not sure if it's the full moon, but work today was all over the place. People screaming, phone calling what seemed like every ten minutes, I came very close to getting puked on (but fortunately no puke actually happened), and my brain is already quite done from working the weekend.

Also, whomever sets up meeting dates and doctor appointments and whatnots - I want a word with them, cause they somehow keep finding the worst days possible (always the one day off I have in between very heavy work days - I NEED those days to recharge!).

topp 9th Mar 2023 10:27 AM

Is flexing on other people really that important?
To sum up, unfortunately,

yes, apparently.

simmer22 9th Mar 2023 6:35 PM

People who clearly has too much to talk about when there isn't much to talk about, and when other people just want to get home. How is it possible to spend over half an hour with all the talkietalking when several other people can easily spend 10-15 minutes (maybe veering into 20 minutes if there actually is something going on) saying exactly the same? I swear, someone needs to calm down their storytelling time around each and every thing that happens around work, and just pass on the important information. Sheesh... I've got stuff to do (groceries), places to be (home). I don't want to do overtime just hanging around at work waiting for someone to get done blabbering!

Edited to add:

Snow, snow, and even MORE #@#%& SNOW!
It's mid-March - I want spring! 😫🥶

PANDAQUEEN 15th Mar 2023 5:53 AM

My only pair of eyeglasses fell out of my sweat jacket pocket...and into my empty toilet.

It wasn't so much the fact I would have to wash them eventually and I have to deal with nearsightedness until then, but fishing out my glasses was a nightmare.

Either way, I wasn't having a good week. My mother is now threatening to dock $100 from my allowance for EVERY EMPTY DRINK CONTAINER I leave out after a certain point. Well, it got into a shouting match and my father, unfortunately, had to be a referee. Now, I'm too scared to leave a drink unattended for that reason.

Also, I accidentally shut the water closet door a little loud and woke my father up.

This night wasn't my night.

PANDAQUEEN 15th Mar 2023 11:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
I'm sorry you had a bad night, but as a parent, nobody likes being treated like a maid.

The Boy had a habit of leaving empty boxes / containers around. He would leave things like empty milk containers on the counter, leave empty tubes of toothpaste on the bathroom counter and the box for the new tube also sitting on the counter, ect... I warned him 3 times that if he didn't stop, all the trash he was leaving around would be put and left on his bed. Long story short, he didn't believe me until he came home one day to all the stuff he left laying around on his bed.

I only had to do this once, now he cleans up after himself. He had no excuse, he was being lazy and figured that somebody else would just deal with it. That worked when he was a toddler and didn't know better. He's well into his 20's now, he knows better.

$100 per container adds up fast as I have about $500 left over after paying dues. The whole blow-up happened while I was upstairs folding 2 loads of laundry that was clean, but needed my attendance. I forgot I left an empty can when it happened.

Spent today nearsighted. After fishing out my glasses from the toilet, I put them in the sink and soaked them in hot water. Eventually, I took them to the sink downstairs in the kitchen and washed them with hot soapy water.

PANDAQUEEN 18th Mar 2023 12:11 AM

I called my "cyborg" physician (if I told you what was actually wrong specifically, I would be uncomfortable living with it) and said that the pill therapy wasn't working with my implant and was asked if I could come to surgery the Tuesday after Spring starts. I told her to check insurance before going forward and I also got blood work done and my kidneys aren't doing well.

Not my day. I was so happy, but bad news put me down.

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