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PANDAQUEEN 26th Nov 2023 11:47 PM

Went to doctor after my fall. I was also x-rayed and had a rash on my working hand checked.

I turned out I need a sleep study and I was diagnosed with compression of the discs in my vertebrae.

I was given half a muscle relaxant and was out like a light for a few hours. I just woke up about an hour ago.

I guess I need to go to bed early tonight after having such a day.

11/27/2023: While browsing for soda from small brands, I came across actually 0.0% alcohol sparkling wine by Pierre Chavin.

It was Halal certified, which means under the regulations, it can be served to those in Muslim countries as they are considered "dry countries"
(no alcohol permitted and this isn't anything new in any regards.)

Japan was one of the first countries to make accommodations for travelers from Malaysia, predominantly Muslim tourists, back about 10-15 years ago by making Halal certified products from their regular lines of products. It was on the NHK that Japanese food processing and manufacturing firms were reported to have made the decision.

It was only a matter of time before other countries followed suit and with some Millennials and Gen Z currently looking into low to no alcohol alternatives to beer after studying the effects of alcohol on the human body, the beverage industry is still evolving and isn't stopping at the "Zero Sugar" revolution when it came to soda.

The sparkling wine came in 3 varieties, Rose, Bleu and Blanc. Oddly enough, the Rose and Bleu had been advertised for occasions like baby showers and gender reveals.

Not surprised that the gender reveal ceremony is now ingrained in America, in spite of the ever growing argument on gender reveal ceremonies going way too far like with fireworks (started forest fires) or a cannon (killed the father-to-be).

In case anyone wondered, my parents opted for me to be a no spoiler pregnancy, even if I was around at the time the technology was available to tell if I was a boy or girl.

As much as my curiosity was piqued, I realized I couldn't have something like that in the house, especially with my father's issues with drinking and my fear of the placebo effect. (I come from a large family of STEAM nerds without gallbladders. Our family alma mater is Rutgers of New Brunswick, New Jersey. Actually addiction runs in both sides of mine, so I am screwed over more than IKEA furniture.)

You might definitely find me in a fancy grocery store for people with dietary conditions and issues. Especially since I am considering what to serve for the reception of a wedding, if I ever find someone strong enough to take me at my worst and best. I'm pretty strong in many regards and my father said my spouse "would have to be a LOT stronger than you to handle you..."

He hasn't been wrong about that.

Prior to "dry" drinks, I even heard about radiation neutralizing beers in Eastern Europe where people working at nuclear power plants would drink them after work and before heading home to try to neutralize the effect of radiation on the body.

11/28/2023: Today, I slept in and my parents brought me back some ginger ale, plain seltzer, and instant noodles. I gave them my allowance and they instead bought the food as a gift as I have been not eating due to stress. They gave me back the money.

I already broke out the Christmas special DVDs. Including "A Christmas Story" and "elf" featuring Peter Billingsley in key roles (young Ralphie Parker in ACS (protagonist) and Ming-Ming in "elf" (key player in the plot) and it's actually pretty funny to see the before and after with time and its passage.).

Pasta and marinara was dinner. I made absolutely sure the pasta wasn't overcooked. Not only am I known for gummies, brownies, Japanese rice dishes, but also pasta. I also work on baked goods beyond brownies.

PANDAQUEEN 30th Nov 2023 12:04 AM

Today, my paycheck came in early, so I was able to pay back my parents for...
*The dinners last week
*The gummy candy making machine I had my eye on since Q4 started (33% off MSRP. It blooms, heats, mixes and dispenses the fluid into the cavities of the silicone mold.)
*The rent, utilities and bills

I was able to buy
*My replacement set of DVD discs as some deteriorated (they were professional and licensed, and I am doing essays on the episodes in the set. It set me back a bit.)
*gummy candy mixes in Cherry and Orange. I already have Watermelon, Mango, Lime, and Blue Raspberry and equipment to make bears and even Pokéblocks a la "Binging with Babish". I bought some crunch ice molds for that reason.
*replacement DVD boxes (holds 24 discs) to house my Disney DVD Collection (Lunar New Year, I plan on having a Disney Movie marathon doing each universe in chronological order of release and within it, the stories canonical order so, for example, the 1989 The Little Mermaid, I would start with Ariel's Beginning, The original movie and Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (knock at the sequels all you want, they kept the lights on at Disney Animations' studios. Sequels, regardless of success, are usually made either as a storyline extension or a lifeline for studios to have money to continue.)
*socks (underwear for the feet)
*my parents' gift cards (I was able to find them something they could work with.)

Either way, I had otherwise had a day. Mom is still angry with her pink eye.

Random thought: If Gordon Ramsay was a cake, he'd be similar to the Teeny Meanie Creme Cake with a Raspberry filling from Chowder, right down to the agitated state of being.

Some quotes to support the thoughts:

"Great, just great! I can finally see and I see ugly 1 and ugly 2! What, is that a nose or a parade float?" (The chef Chowder apprenticed under had a huge nose. To the point of ridiculous)

"So are you going to stand there like lumps on a log or are you going to finish decorating me?"

"You call that handwriting? My crumbs make more sense!"

PANDAQUEEN 30th Nov 2023 9:58 PM

Had to do last minute shopping with my stash of money.

A soda with low sugar content as I am trying to wean myself off it and onto stuff like hint, a flavored water without sweeteners or major allergens\dietary objections and those blackout curtains I need for my room as I have sensory overload issues.

Good thing I had the money on hand. But now I have to give up my housekeeping allowance to keep up with my new challenge of fruit and vegetable consumption.

PANDAQUEEN 1st Dec 2023 9:18 PM

Today my low sugar soda came in the mail. It wasn't as heavy as I thought. Still waiting on my blackout curtains.

Tomorrow, I am waiting for an assload of stuff. The DVDs, the socks, the gummy candy mixes, and my parents' gift cards.

Today, I felt like ordering through DoorDash and I tipped the driver rather generously as it's the financial life blood for them, regardless if they are doing it full time or as a side hustle.

The weather here is about to get rainy.

Update 12/02/2023: We got the curtains up and then my parents told me I needed another set. I can wait until payday tomorrow to order a second set.

Noa1500 2nd Dec 2023 10:25 PM

Kind of weirded out. I was as minding my own business hunting down a bottle of normal gingerale (nasty 0% seems to have replaced most of the normal ones) because the 0% tastes like washing up liquid, and I dont want to drink soap. That's waaaay on the bottom row, and of course the 1 bottle left is at the very back. So I'm like inside the shelf trying not to drop the cake I'm holding and also keep my glasses from sliding off my face when I over hear a very uncomfortable conversation right behind me.

As I'm rummaging and basically fighting for my life, I hear this very upset lady rant at her husband(?). According to her it's all his fault that she's miserable in this country and that she should've divorced him when she had the chance to, but now (apparently) she's old and her life is basically over now so what's the point in even trying anymore. She keeps going on about some stuff and she's very probably not ok (super yikes though).

In the mean time I've gotten what I needed and managed to pull myself back up without dropping anything. I turn around to leave and man is just standing there with his shopping trolley just kind of staring at her like ??? while she's getting more frustrated and is hitting her legs with her fists. I'm not sure how old theyre really are but like I'd say late 50s to mid 60s but both are looking good, but neither looked very happy even if the man was trying to keep a blank face during the drama.

I figured getting out of there sooner was probably the better thing that I could do and maybe find a more responsible adult, like you know incase one of them looses their shit in the drinks section or in case something esle was happening. Very glad to have bumped into a group of Real AdultsTM who did actually ask me wtf was happening (like a mental break??) and I was like dude I have no idea and was happy to leave it for them to sort out (if needed). I guess it turned out ok since security wasn't called?

PANDAQUEEN 4th Dec 2023 12:26 AM

Bought fruits and vegetables for my diet, then went to the doctor for my ankle, so x-ray, ACE bandaging, Voltaren, a flu shot, and now, in my voicemail inbox, I was told that I need physical therapy.

I got paid and started working on my hair extension project...

Elynda 4th Dec 2023 6:03 PM

Today I never felt more like there might be a green plumb bob floating over my head (or perhaps red would be more like it) and that some unsympathetic simmer with a warped sense of humour was in control.

I've been more or less confined to the house since my father's recent passing, apart from regular shopping trips to Tesco which is, conveniently, only a short walk away. But today I had determined that I really should attend to some important business. And since part of this involved a visit to my bank, this necessitated a bus ride into town. So I had made everything I needed to take with me ready to hand the previous evening, and was up betimes (for once) washed, dressed, breakfasted and had my coat on, ready to leave, when I heard a strange gurgling sound coming from the kitchen. I thought at first that I'd left a tap running and my washing up bowl was overflowing. No, it wasn't that! Water was running out from the cupboard under the sink, and closer inspection revealed that it was coming from one of the pipes underneath.
And it got worse. As I tried to locate the source of the leak, what had started a trickle soon became a gusher. I can only suppose there was ice in the pipe (it has been rather frosty lately) and now the ice has melted and split the pipe. Anyway I had to go outside and turn off the water supply before the whole house got flooded. It's a good thing I noticed that gurgling before I left for town, otherwise things would have been a hundred times worse. I then had to call a plumber, but he won't get here till tomorrow morning and I just hope he won't keep me waiting around all day, which is something I've come to expect recently. Meantime I've had to go and buy several bottles of water to tide me over.

Well, so much for taking care of business! Instead of my first trip into town for months I spent most of the morning mopping up. I shall have to put it off til Wednesday now.

PANDAQUEEN 5th Dec 2023 11:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Elynda
Today I never felt more like there might be a green plumb bob floating over my head (or perhaps red would be more like it) and that some unsympathetic simmer with a warped sense of humour was in control.

I've been more or less confined to the house since my father's recent passing, apart from regular shopping trips to Tesco which is, conveniently, only a short walk away. But today I had determined that I really should attend to some important business. And since part of this involved a visit to my bank, this necessitated a bus ride into town. So I had made everything I needed to take with me ready to hand the previous evening, and was up betimes (for once) washed, dressed, breakfasted and had my coat on, ready to leave, when I heard a strange gurgling sound coming from the kitchen. I thought at first that I'd left a tap running and my washing up bowl was overflowing. No, it wasn't that! Water was running out from the cupboard under the sink, and closer inspection revealed that it was coming from one of the pipes underneath.
And it got worse. As I tried to locate the source of the leak, what had started a trickle soon became a gusher. I can only suppose there was ice in the pipe (it has been rather frosty lately) and now the ice has melted and split the pipe. Anyway I had to go outside and turn off the water supply before the whole house got flooded. It's a good thing I noticed that gurgling before I left for town, otherwise things would have been a hundred times worse. I then had to call a plumber, but he won't get here till tomorrow morning and I just hope he won't keep me waiting around all day, which is something I've come to expect recently. Meantime I've had to go and buy several bottles of water to tide me over.

Well, so much for taking care of business! Instead of my first trip into town for months I spent most of the morning mopping up. I shall have to put it off til Wednesday now.

Talking about simming...I really have sort of abandoned time with mine as I had been busy with my housekeeping duties for my parents as my mother, who had been out of work due to a bad case of conjunctivitis (pink eye).

Who knew a house of a decent size could get so disgustingly filthy without my help?

I also noticed new life sim games like Paralives, Life by You, and inZoi are starting to gain traction.

As much as I enjoy The Sims, I want to look at its competition and see just how addictive it is.

I really haven't had much time to rest and yet I need to stay off my feet, but this means I lose my allowance for cleaning up the house because I am laid up.

I need to do something soon. I really hadn't had much of a day off since early August this year when I started. Not even after falling asleep and off the toilet on the day before Thanksgiving.

PANDAQUEEN 6th Dec 2023 3:26 PM

Called for an appointment for physical therapy. Didn't get an appointment yet. And to whomever trolled me, I don't find it amusing to pick up the slack when learning a trade, having to feed myself and look presentable. Also, not everyone can afford college. (This is like the first time in months someone trolled me.)

As for today, I have been driven crazy at home on the matters of people saying I have been doing things incorrectly. However, someone else did the dishes terribly and I now have to pick up that slack. (Yeah, I sound like Gordon Ramsay when it comes to health and safety regulations. I'm a tiny grumpy thing who knows her family deserves better.)

Talking of which, I am going to give a better gift to my parents as right now, my health is a better present and my current Advent calendar surprises and Chanukah gifts are plant-based foods, medicines and vaccinations for the Christmukkah season.

"If you don't have your health, what do you have?"
-The Princess Bride

Only silver lining today is I have been otherwise fine. Beyond my ankle, I am feeling fine. That and the first snow of the impending winter season.

EmilieHak 6th Dec 2023 3:30 PM

Ive been laying in bed all day with covid and really bad migrane aura, but i kindaaa got better and wanted to play the sims 3 soooo im hoping to get better soon :-)

simsample 6th Dec 2023 5:53 PM

@PANDAQUEEN Just ignore trolls, it takes no skill or brains at all to make fun of someone. But it does take skill and brains to try to overcome the difficulties in life and be a better person, as you are.

@EmilieHak Oh no, I hope you feel better very soon!

PANDAQUEEN 6th Dec 2023 10:04 PM

Thanks. I used to work with really jerky people in an office setting more than once and I would either ignore them or at least belittle their mockery for attempting to throw me off with me using the old "You? I'm ignoring!" In various interpretations.

Anyway, the holidays are going to be lean this year since my mom got pink eye and my dad is awaiting a rheumatologist and had to leave his job at Walmart due to joint pain and fatigue.

I see an endocrinologist in the near future for my weight loss mystery or rather, my lack of weight loss. If it's not Cushing's or Hashimoto's, it might be insulin resistance. We're unsure right now.

I have been eating vegetables and fruits, taking laxatives (different reasons) and my daily meds, drinking water, essentially I am nothing more than a houseplant with complex emotions right now.

PANDAQUEEN 9th Dec 2023 3:11 PM

Today, I removed the goo left over from prescription pill bottle labels (it takes canola oil and heavy duty paper towel scrubbing), began learning about making gummies with a machine (they came out more like sticky gelatin), took a hot shower (GORK how long since I had one last), started laundry (it was either "Laundry today or naked tomorrow". I wouldn't have cared either way, but I need to wash my shirts for physical therapy...that and my mom needs the washer and dryer when she gets in.) and I got it done before 9:00AM

This evening, I received a hefty check from my grandfather to make up for the fact he was busy with Grunkle Charlie's funeral around my birthday and my aunt Lucinda recently had her dialysis port removed. She's able to take up swimming again. My father is going to hold on to the check for now.

Things are looking up. Knowing Aunt Lucinda, she may mail her gift out late. She's currently quarantined for 3 months until she has the kidney transplant fully accepted in her body.

We lost 3 family members this year, but I am dealing with it fine. I am better at grief counseling than marriage counseling.

Either way, I have been working on my new checkbook.

The Christmas stations play "Last Christmas" by George Michael of Wham! and "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey so many times, that when my mom and I boot up Alexa, we make a friendly wager to see how many songs into the start that they get to those songs in particular.

Right now I have earned about $32.50 out of $39 possible this week because I don't get vacation time for housekeeping. I work everyday during peak season and when I hurt my back and ankle, well, I wasn't of much use to my family when my health needed to be priority #1.

PANDAQUEEN 10th Dec 2023 4:51 PM

Today, I put in my 2 weeks notice after having to work nonstop since early August and not being allowed to rest after my fall, which my doctor advised as well as my physical therapist.

Besides, they can keep the $100. My allowance has been raised by $29. Once I stop doll collecting in Spring 2024, I free up my money and will save it for my robotics project. Also, I will be working on buying real estate.

I hear good thing about the housing market in the USA and just want my own place. No group home, no apartment, my own house as my place where I have access to a remote job that doesn't pay subminimum wages and nearby services for everything.

My parents are disappointed in me like my estranged older sister. What is wrong with them? I have enough trauma from childhood that a once a fortnight visit to the therapist is not enough.

simmer22 10th Dec 2023 7:49 PM

Watching the new Doctor Who Donna specials - was a bit worried I wouldn't be able to see those (been seeing all the mini-spoilers all around, and hoped for a conclusion to the storyline) - and then randomly came across someone saying they were available at Disney+ (which I have through some other subscription, but haven't opened in a while).

Great fun to see the old gang again (The Doctor and Donna is one of my top companionships in the series, and of course awesome with a brief hello to Wilf).

PANDAQUEEN 11th Dec 2023 11:06 PM

Same shit with the government every December, different clowns telling me what is coming to me. (I recently received an update on my allowance from the government. I will be paid $29 more a month. My ties to them are minor, but matter due to my disability. Wasn't really much compared to last time, which was a major increase.)

For now, I am waiting on a refund. (Something took forever to return.)

I also am working on a video project. Personal, but otherwise I am busy. (I am handy with programming with wizards for Physical Media.)

As for today, I have a great deal of things to do. Beyond prepare for physical therapy and vaccinations, tomorrow is just going to be a busy day otherwise. I also have to go grocery shopping tomorrow with my mother.

So I am a bit moody in the long run. Today, I have been left alone, thinking about "food insecurity" from Thursday's session with my therapist (I am currently trying to cook for myself, but I feel so tired.)

PANDAQUEEN 12th Dec 2023 11:35 PM

This morning, I told my parents I will return to my housekeeping job after the doctors approve my ankle is ready for me to do any more regular housekeeping.

For now, I need to be off my feet for the time being.

Meanwhile, I have to rest and rehab after that fall so I can earn money again.

Health comes first when a human is the one cleaning.

I got tested for COVID-19 as my mother will be working overtime and our Christmas this year will be held on Christmas Eve as overtime is for the next 3 weeks. (That, and my Aunt Jeanne's throwing a party at her house, a 2 hour drive. I rather stay home and catch up on rest.)

Mom, a fan of the Dickens classic "A Christmas Carol" hopes the CEOs get a threepeat of hauntings and let the employees get time off...she is more subtle in her joking.

Bigsimsfan12 14th Dec 2023 12:31 PM

I'm having a self-care day. I really shouldn't because there's so much housework I have to do (I literally have a to-do list for me and husband over the next week with 20 items on, and only 2 are ticked off so far)... but I'm in my primark mens joggers and my thick Bangor uni hoodie, I've got crackers and wensleydale cheese and a can of Hawaiian Punch (because yay in the past few years lots of places have started importing American drinks and I don't have to order them myself and wait weeks for delivery) and I'm watching Greys anatomy while the baby sleeps on me.

PANDAQUEEN 15th Dec 2023 8:33 AM

Looks like if any money comes to me, I will be giving End of Year gifts.

My money burned through this month. And I usually I scream in my head "AW, FUCKING CHRISTMAS!" as this has happened every year in December since I was 19 (when I first got my card) me, I am not jolly during the holidays.

I get somewhat surly when I can't do anything. Especially since I hurt my ankle this year from falling off the toilet this year right before the holidays were in full swing. Now I can't earn my $25\week for housekeeping. (it's rather rigorous.)

I hope to be able to make it up to my parents. My aunt Lucinda send her gifts late. I should try to at least get them something worth their time.

In summation, I hate December this year so much because of my life.

I recently received a letter from the government and although I got more money for general items, my food money went down and now I am insecure about my food insecurity. I find myself stealing food from my parents' pantry.

Trust me, I am turning into a food thief again and this time, I have been angry about the report that $20 in grocery items in 1990 shot up 350% in barely 35 years.

Otherwise, I am happy to have money to work with when I get it...

I was never happy about the financial situation that entails in the holidays.

At least I didn't rack up 10 bad driving charges, one of which would be driving on the sidewalk, which one would assume is safest to walk on. When I read news...the weirder the report, the more I wonder about the planet.

My holidays are somewhat like Charlie Brown. Excruciating and depressing to try to stop and take in the beauty, but sometimes I do have a Merry Christmas.

I am having mixed emotions with this year. I couldn't find the doll I wanted for my collection before I go on hiatus to build the android man of my dreams.

topp 15th Dec 2023 3:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
At least I didn't rack up 10 bad driving charges, one of which would be driving on the sidewalk, which one would assume is safest to walk on. When I read news...the weirder the report, the more I wonder about the planet.
I'm glad they got caught. At least someone documented it, and reported it, and it actually went through or whatever.

The hardest part about driving is being a defensive driver. To see that someone is doing some dumb shit, or perhaps even trying to just straight up provoke you... and for you to not only do nothing about it, but to get away from the situation in the safest way possible.

Some wise guy said that your right-of-way is never taken away - there only exists giving right-of-way. A yield sign means "you should give right-of-way" to oncoming traffic, not "you mustn't take their right-of-way." But what people notice or don't notice, decide to do or not to do... that's a whole another story. It's the truest sentence I've heard, but still have a very hard time coming to terms with it.

There's going to be weird people everywhere, but ultimately, the signs and rules are there only to rule the unruly, and charge the right offender that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Someone driving on the pavement? Great, They don't care. No one got hurt? Awesome, stop bothering Us then! Someone did get hurt? Ok, We will analyze the laws and charge the right people the righteous amount.

Take any other driving offense like this. Someone coming out of a one-way street where you don't expect them (wrong direction)? Well, no one was there to see it, was it? Just taking a quick shortcut, aren't they. Because anyone else living in that one-way street and going the long-way around to exit is dumb, but they're smart. Or, parking the car in front of someone's driveway? Well, it's ok, they have their blinkers on! They're only stopping by to run some errands, anyway! Why would they be dumb like everyone else and find a parking spot miles away, that's counter-productive for their busy schedule! Ultimately, why your nutcase take road if pavement able taking car?

Caution, severe venting ahead: But then again, what's there with my right-of-way story when there's a car vs. a pedestrian? I almost got run over while crossing the road at the pedestrian crossing TWICE on the same road where my university is, at two separate crossings. Drivers may be distracted because there's lots happening I guess. What can I, as a pedestrian who has looked left-to-right twice, saw no cars, started crossing and then suddenly heard tires screeching and headlights beaming at me, do? The car came out of nowhere, at an inappropriate speed, especially considering there's a school nearby, and almost ran me over. Did they run me over? No - great! Who do I call now that I almost had a heart attack? No one! Because no visible harm was done!?... Yet those same people are the ones that should be distanced away from driving. The ones that cause a near-miss. It's a damn school zone - I don't think every child would run back to the pavement they just stepped away from once they saw heavy machinery flying towards them; I bet they'd freeze instead. Yet... my cute story remains a word of mouth, and no one got charged or points taken away from their license because no one was there to listen to a scary pedestrian's story or install surveillance.

At the same time though, police cars with radars will park at 2 a.m. at the side of an open, clear road that has a speed limit of 80 km/h. They'll scan every vehicle passing there (so a total of maybe 30 per night) and charge them if they speed over 80 in the middle of nowhere. No wildlife, no pedestrians, just a semi-fast road cutting across the sleeping city. But they won't happen to be parked at a school zone during the day, where drivers don't give a flying fuck about it being a densely inhabited busy zone with many hazards around and where pedestrian crossings apparently mean "let's race this pedestrian who's attempting to cross? Will I make it before they commit to crossing? Fuhk, why they crossing, they mad?? The nerve on that kid!..."

Noa1500 15th Dec 2023 9:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by topp
The hardest part about driving is being a defensive driver. To see that someone is doing some dumb shit, or perhaps even trying to just straight up provoke you... and for you to not only do nothing about it, but to get away from the situation in the safest way possible...

... where drivers don't give a flying fuck about it being a densely inhabited busy zone with many hazards around and where pedestrian crossings apparently mean "let's race this pedestrian who's attempting to cross? Will I make it before they commit to crossing? Fuhk, why they crossing, they mad?? The nerve on that kid!..."

Driving behaviour and respect for the rules has gone down so much in recent years. It wasn't so obvious a few years ago, but this year its been insane! Who the hell over takes from the right like an animal!? Or goes down a road in town (max 50 km/h) at 90km/h - when they still have to wait at the light for like 7 minutes!

On my way home today I saw a shitty peugot 107 floor it at a busy intersection and almost get hit by a tram. The car had a red light waay before they crossed. How do I know? I decided not to cross when I should've because it just sounded too loud. Can't trust shit these days

PANDAQUEEN 16th Dec 2023 11:47 PM

I am dealing with a noisy evening tonight. First responder vehicles passed by my house recently.

I am trying to get some rest before dinner and calm down.

I got my COVID-19 test back. Negative results. Still have to reschedule for my shots.

PANDAQUEEN 18th Dec 2023 2:13 AM

Today, I got wind of the update that my father will be seeing the rheumatologist on Tuesday and tomorrow, I get a gift from the United Way office (from what the government has on me, I qualify for a donation from them.)

Then Thursday, I see CS, my therapist over the phone, and Friday is physical therapy.

Sunday the 24th is when we are celebrating our Christmas Day because I will be resting at home while my parents visit my aunt Jeanne and the family on the 25th. Any gifts my relatives give, I probably would get in the evening when they return home.

This week is ramping up.

PANDAQUEEN 19th Dec 2023 12:59 AM

After the car battery conked out, my dad called for a new battery to replace it. However, it required a tool set my father didn't have. Luckily our neighbor, Bob (we called him "Bob the Builder" in endearing manner as he overhauled the construction of the house on his property.) had the tools required for the battery replacement.

Had we not got it fixed, my plans and my mother's plans would have been screwed.

Bigsimsfan12 19th Dec 2023 10:05 AM

Son has a strange rash on his back. The out of hours doctor told us it was chickenpox (though he didn't look at it) but he's already had chicken pox and it doesn't look like chicken pox so I might have to get a second opinion. Right now we're just relaxing watching Cars. He was very warm this morning and tired but now he's happily dancing around the room shouting "McQueen!" at the TV.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 12:10 AM.
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