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Elena_Valero 24th Nov 2009 3:36 PM

I Love Twilight!!!
I Love The Books And I Love The Film!!!!
I Don't Say "edward Is Hot!"
I Love Edward Because He Is The Most Romantic Person In The World!!!!!

Vampire_of_Death 24th Nov 2009 5:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Elena_Valero
I Love Twilight!!!
I Love The Books And I Love The Film!!!!
I Don't Say "edward Is Hot!"
I Love Edward Because He Is The Most Romantic Person In The World!!!!!

If you say those things or not, the fact that you find Edward, senoir stick in the mud, charming attests to you intelligence. You need to wake up and smell the blood, VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE. EVER. And he is not charming, and I am in love with the Joker, so THAT is saying something.

Prosthetics 25th Nov 2009 5:08 PM

I really hope Elena_Valero is just trolling D:

Liekomgz 29th Dec 2009 10:04 PM

I don't like twilight, the storyline is boring to me. I mean, vampires are ok but twilight isn't really my favourite kind of vampire story to be honest.

nightwitch 20th Jan 2010 1:55 PM

Twilight is not a vampy film beacase where's the blood stucking action, I mean what's the point of making a vampire film when no ones turns into a vampire. It's more a lovie doveie film than anything all in all it's a ruddish flim!

lestrange_09 23rd Jan 2010 8:39 AM

What twilight is basically telling me is that if I don't find a man as perfect as Edward, we will all be "okay" since he exists in a story book, which as far as fangirl syndrome goes, is good enough. Ha!
Why subject your mind to such trash. Its like the episode of Sex and the City I watched the other day, about Soulmates. That if you don't find that one "perfect person" thats supposedly going to ride up one their white horse and save you, your never going to find "True Love". This novel could be corrupting young minds into thinking that we exist purely to find our one, and only, significant other. That once we have our first love, its our only love we are ever going to get....whether it lasts or not. It's actually a really dangerous thing to do to yourself, to believe in such a cliche. And twilight presents it, oh so accurately.
Just my two cents I guess, but I do dislike twilight now, and being one year older and wiser, I know that falling in love with a fictional character is a waste of brain cells, especially when they go by the name "Edward Cullen"
Bella is also, what was said before, a "Mary-Sue', for sure. Pathetic really. This book could have been so much better but it was wasted, and by the sound of it, rushed.

fthomas 28th Feb 2010 11:40 AM

I really like the Twilight Saga, books and films, but I do find it funny making fun of it XD.

Kimiko-Chan 13th Apr 2010 10:48 PM

I know nothing has been posted here for a time, so sorry if I am reviving a dead thread, but I joined the group to post here.

Thank you, Vampire_of_Death, for posting this. I knew I disliked Twilight for a reason... I was just unsure why.
But that explains it a lot.
People have always accused me of writing Mary-Sues, but I am more prone to either write ridiculously innocent characters who have life experiences that help them to grow up, and become more serious, or characters with the "Go on and keep smiling; move forward or the world will eat you" attitude, that is just below the surface of their sunny exterior...
Usually the Vampires, when I write them, are better than that though.

fthomas 16th Apr 2010 1:29 PM

^ Nah don't worry this thread and group needs to be brought back alive. Its pretty much dead atm DX
I do like Twilight, but this thread has given me reasons not to like it so much. Lol, I have been accused of
writing a few Mary Sues, but infact, I'm not prone to creating them. Yay XD.

NavyBabe09 17th Apr 2010 2:49 AM

I loathe this series more than anything else in the world. I'm completely serious. That being said, if SMeyer, a waste of 3 people, can get that shitty excuse for a series published, then I can get my own vampire novel published, too. (Took the Mary Sue/Gary Stu Litmus test and my character's a 25, which is pretty decent. I still think my score should have been lower, though.)

Anyhow, thank God for this thread.

KyleTheArtist 17th Apr 2010 3:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by whitewaterwood
Robert Patterson's eyebrows are capable of independent thought and devouring small children.


fthomas 19th Apr 2010 7:40 PM

^ AHAAA! That actually made me LOL

Jaylo 23rd Apr 2010 1:13 AM

dat hilarious

well, my hope for the future of vampires has left me.
I asked some of my younger friends what they though a vampire looked like.
Their reply: a person, except really hot.


NavyBabe09 24th Apr 2010 10:31 AM

My vampires kill annoying Twilight fangirls. Cool enough? (LOL)

Xelith2009 16th Jun 2010 7:35 PM

I agree heavily.
As well as the sparkling in sunlight, which reminds me more of pixies than vampires, Meyer has ruined the anatomy and stretched the mythology of vampires so far so that: they have no fangs, but just normal teeth. They have eyes that change to ridiculous colours, which in the real world would make it completly obvious they were not human (I mean comon, even dim witted Bella realises that Edwards eyes changed from black to yellow way before she knew he was a vampire, pretty big give away). They inject a poison when they bite, what a crappy evolution that when they change they go through "excruciating pain" and that the poison changes them is ridiculous, the idea of a curse, or a blood transfusion works, but poison shouldn't change (sorry I've been using the wrong word for a while, venom, Meyer calls it poison, but that is ingested via eating a poisonous object, venom is injected, fail meyer!) a persons geneology.

Ahh that was a well needed rant :3

lovetadraw 17th Jun 2010 5:18 PM

Not being allowed to see it, I can't say I hate or love it. But, if I'm not allowed to see a movie you can bet I'd like it.

I use the Sparkly Vampire Skintone only thing is it tends to look a little greenish if you use non-maxis like skintones.

Ps. anyone wanna bite? I'm thirsty! **moistens lips stares at necks**

Kimiko-Chan 1st Jul 2010 6:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by fthomas
^ Nah don't worry this thread and group needs to be brought back alive. Its pretty much dead atm DX
I do like Twilight, but this thread has given me reasons not to like it so much. Lol, I have been accused of
writing a few Mary Sues, but infact, I'm not prone to creating them. Yay XD.

I bet someone somewhere accuses me of writing nothing but mary-sues.

I like to write myself into stories, but the characters often do have a fatal flaw, and do NOT come out number one. They usually only want love. And fight very hard to find it.

So I guess I more often write mushy love stories covered in a candy-coated action/adventure shell. XD

But yeah, back to vampires.
When I read Twilight for the first time (did not see the movie) I pictured the 'sparkly' more like a glowing, translucent flame across the skin. Or, more like the cold, but alluring shimmer of diamonds. There was no pixie-like constantly moving shimmer. If he moved, she shine moved. That was MY mental image.

I think if the director had the same vision as me, Twilight would be receiving a HECK of a lot less hate and fluster than it's getting at the moment. Might even have made a fan of me.

StarlightBeauty 29th Jul 2010 4:27 PM

Well, I don't know if this was mentioned above or not, but it makes vampires look stupid (*cough* edward *cough*) I don't get why Edward ALLOWS Bella to cheat on him. For the love of Cats! AND VAMPIRES DON'T SPARKLE!

imaeatyaface 29th Jul 2010 4:43 PM

eh, i don't really hate twilight, i just don't get all the hype that's surrounding it. 'cause i read the books and honestly the writing is not that great. maybe (and this is a big maybe) the books would have been better if written by someone who had experience with y'know, writing actual vampires. i also don't get the people saying that twilight is like harry potter! really? no no nooo, the only similarity is RPatz (whom i'm no big fan of, hp or twilight). you see, with hp you...feel harry's emotions. you hate the dursley's, you get excited when he arrives at hogwarts, and get sucked into the magical wizarding world JK Rowling created. but with twilight, i don't know about the rest of y'all but i didn't feel nothing. the only emotion i felt was queasiness during her whole near death/birth thing and empathy for her. but other than that? nada. the characters are too whiny, (don't even get me started on jacob). the sparkling in the sun thing reminds me of fairies. that was actually what i thought twilight was about, before i read the books xD but uh yeah, just my 2 cents.

Prosthetics 29th Jul 2010 11:58 PM

I still think the concept is horrid. Even if it had been written by a better writer, the ideals would still be presented: find one person that you're going to love forever, no matter what. Give up all of your hopes and dreams to be with that person. You NEED a man in your life to be happy. Abuse is okay, as long as he's hot.

Xelith2009 8th Aug 2010 2:49 PM

Oh to add another thing about the Bella love triangle... isn't the love between her and a vampire and her and a werewolf technically necrophilia and bestiality o-o and this is mostly read by thirteen year old girls?!

nusshine386 11th Aug 2010 4:35 AM

just one thing to say "back in the day vampires sucked blood not cock"

dreaming4dreams 11th Aug 2010 7:36 AM

I read the books and thought it was a good idea but it wasn't written well enough. In the books I was yelling Eat her! just for a twist at least. I am really annoyed at how much popularity it is getting. If you spend the time reading the back of the book twilight it tells you that Edward is a vampire and you have to read in so many pages to find that out if you don't read that part. I may see breaking dawn just to see who plays renessme even though I have a feeling it will be an animated baby.

Prosthetics 19th Aug 2010 4:16 AM

Hey guys, I found an awesome video :D

screechingvilnce45 27th Nov 2010 7:09 PM

I hated twilight so much, that i wound up rewriting it. seriously, what was that garbage? i felt like the entire series was just written to enslave the nimble-minded human race to do its extreme and deadly bidding.
It's not a good book, not only does it teach young girls out there that women should be subservient when it comes to finding love, but that falling in love with someone who is emotionally cold and abusive (eclipse anyone?) is okay as long as the guy is hot! ugh, god, i can't believe i read all four of them, what the eff was i thinking? I felt all the more stupid and dissatisfied reading them all then i could ever feel reading badly written Harry Potter fanfiction.
You know, most writers are supposed to get BETTER with each book they release, not progressively worse. Just... I've given up on this 'writer' i'm done with stephenie meyer. I will not read anymore of the garbage she releases.

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