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EvilOverlord 26th Nov 2009 8:45 AM

Why can't Edward read Bella's mind? Cos she doesn't have one!

meggie272 26th Nov 2009 8:52 AM

Why Twilight sucks:
Because Twilight is badly written crap.

Because Edward is abusive and Bella is totally submissive. And it is portrayed as "truu luvv!1"

Because the Twilight fans are really stupid

Because the werewolves are pedophilic.

Because imprinting is sexist and horrible, and takes away the right to make your own choice.

Because Bella is whiny.

Becaus Bella never shuts up about Edward and his incredible *beauty*

Because there are so many plot holes it is a literate Swiss Cheese.

That is why.

EvilOverlord 26th Nov 2009 9:56 AM

good point on the literate swiss cheese. Only why are we disgracing switzerland by comparing it's cheese to twilight?

meggie272 26th Nov 2009 12:34 PM

Good point.

Apologies to the Swiss. And cheese.

Anything else with holes I can compare it to?

Arisuka 26th Nov 2009 9:55 PM

I went to see New Moon with my friends, we were so ready to laugh out butts off.
But we weren't the only ones having a good time, the whole audience (apart from a couple of pre-teens) was laughing so bad at times

I'll never get that image of Bella and Edward running smiling in the woods, the whole audience just cracked up seeing that

The whole Twilight is just pathetic, but so very amusing. :D

J. M. Pescado 26th Nov 2009 11:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by crazycentralgurl
4. How are Vampires gonna drink blood from animals? That's non-sense.
Okay, so Twilight is stupid and sucks, and the main characters are bimbos and pedophiles, but I can answer this one: Drinking blood from animals is easy, I do it all the time: First, you bite them in the neck, opening some major arteries. Then, you drink their blood. Really, it's quite easy. Then you peel them and eat them.

Phoeberg 27th Nov 2009 12:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by J. M. Pescado
Okay, so Twilight is stupid and sucks, and the main characters are bimbos and pedophiles, but I can answer this one: Drinking blood from animals is easy, I do it all the time: First, you bite them in the neck, opening some major arteries. Then, you drink their blood. Really, it's quite easy. Then you peel them and eat them.

I hope you throw the bones out when eating the peeled bodies.

la_mamba_negra 27th Nov 2009 9:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by meggie272
Good point.

Apologies to the Swiss. And cheese.

Anything else with holes I can compare it to?

u can always compare it to a strainer. lets all the substance and good flavors go away. keeps the lumpy crap around.

crazycentralgurl 30th Nov 2009 4:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by J. M. Pescado
Okay, so Twilight is stupid and sucks, and the main characters are bimbos and pedophiles, but I can answer this one: Drinking blood from animals is easy, I do it all the time: First, you bite them in the neck, opening some major arteries. Then, you drink their blood. Really, it's quite easy. Then you peel them and eat them.

Well I didn't actually mean how. I just meant Vampires are always known for drinking blood from people, so I thought it was odd that they were drinking blood from animals...

meggie272 30th Nov 2009 12:19 PM

Exactly. Twilight is a literate strainer, with lots of purple prose and not much actual meaning.

Case ended.

crazycentralgurl 30th Nov 2009 11:41 PM

Okay I don't know why I'm in this group because I don't "hate" Twilight or anything.
But, I started reading it again.. (hah) and I don't see how it's soo bad.
I don't like alot of things about it, but it's not absolutely horrid.
The whole badly written thing I guess I don't understand because I don't really see those kinds of things, I just like books for the story line, and not the words used and whatnot.. if that makes any sense..

criminalmindscrazy 1st Dec 2009 12:21 AM

lol @ beautifullyflawless (way at the top), i know. i was bored in study hall at school so i asked my friend if i could borrow her Twitwit book and see what was so great about it. i seriously couldn't get past three pages either! it SUCKS! twifans, what the h*** is so freakin amazing about it???? I mean, seriously, the vampires freakin' sparkle? what the h*** is that?! couldn't they just die? like in all vampire legends? Stephanie does write like a three year old, stringing together words in 200 pages of crap. bella's just a frigin' idiot if she thinks Edward is actually going to ever love her. Just go live your life instead of read 200 pages of crap, alright?

Phoeberg 3rd Dec 2009 12:39 PM

That damn Edward Cullen poster fell on me while I was sleeping last night. It's been firmly on the wall since the end of October and my birthday, and now it falls on me. While I sleep. Nobody wants to wake up to that.

Prosthetics 3rd Dec 2009 4:35 PM

He was watching you sleep. He was fascinated. He got to far off the wall.

Liekomgz 3rd Dec 2009 7:35 PM

I hate Twilight because the storyline seem's corney and stupid to me and it's not intresting.

icandyrocks 18th Dec 2009 8:52 PM

Huuuuuuh... bella, bella, bella
i dont like...

1. the fact that she's obsessing over him just because he's this.
2. begging to become a vampire have no human morals.
3. this face she makes in the movie.
4. everything else.

Little_Lilith 19th Dec 2009 8:06 PM

Why do I hate it:
1. Edward and Jacob are pedofiles
2. Bella can't do ANYTHING without Edward
3. Charlie doesn't try to protect Bella and Reenesme when he finds out that Jacob is a werewolf
4. How many straight men sparkle??
5. Vegetarian vampires - YEAH RIGHT
6. Bella likes Edward because of his look and Edward likes Bella because of her smell o.o
7. The reason that Edward can't read Bella's mind is that she doesn't have any
8. At the last book Bella [vampire] and Jacob [werewolf] are best friends. Uhh...
9. None of the vampires in whole Twilight saga don't have fangs and they don't bite neck, they bite ARMS
10. All of the books are loooong and boooooooring

There you go x]

Ebonova 11th Jan 2010 6:12 AM

1. it's filled with cliches
2. vampires SPARKLE!!! could you imagine Dracula SPARKLING???
3. Edward's a fairy
4. Bella's too whiny
5. Bella should have died a LONG time ago
6. The fans
7. team Edward/ Jacob. IT'S A FREAKING BOOK! THEY'RE NOT REAL!
8. if I had to choose, I'd be Team Guy who Almost Ran Bella Over with a Truck
9. the vampires don't have fangs
10. the vampires don't feed on people. that's just wrong
11. Edward's a 108 year old virgin
12. Robert Pattinson
13. S Meyer couldn't write a book for 5 year olds

oscarzoa 11th Jan 2010 6:31 AM

Te only character I like is Jacob because he is no doubt sexy.
1. Vampires don't sparkle
2. Bella is meant to be normal, but all the guys like her....
3. Bella is always gloomy all the time.
4. Why does Bella love Edward when she finds out he's 108? It's just creepy.
I could go on forever, but no.

sikebg8 13th Jan 2010 3:13 PM

it's the twilight groupies which get to me, especially the one's who see the film and 5 seconds after they think they're vampire
AND the stupid team whateve bags...

deidara12 14th Jan 2010 5:51 AM

Why did they have to steal Linkin Park from me!?

Geah 17th Jan 2010 6:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BewitchedPrue
That damn Edward Cullen poster fell on me while I was sleeping last night. It's been firmly on the wall since the end of October and my birthday, and now it falls on me. While I sleep. Nobody wants to wake up to that.

My bestfriend has twilight posters ALL OVER her bedroom and theres one of Robert Pattinson facing directly opposite the bed so when im lying there trying to go to sleep i have his face staring at me! Creepy!

I can't stand Twilight and don't understand the hype about it; my bestfriend and two of our other friends are absolute nuts for it, my best friend at least likes Jacob and doesn't like Edward but my other friend LOVES Edward/Rob and actually got pissed off with me when i dissed the movie and him. Lol.

I got dragged along to New Moon with those two and couldn't stop laughing through the movie .. i listened to my friends though and didn't moan about it during the movie but straight after started bugging them about how awful it was .. Jeez

1; The acting is absolutely TERRIBLE
2; The story is so unbelievable
3; it nearly put me to sleep, if it's a good movie it won't do that
4; Bella is a whiny gloomy sad sack
5; Why the heck would she waste however many months doing absolutely nothing just for a stupid 'vampire' who isn't capable of proper emotions, jeebus she was missing school and her friends and everything!
6;The books are boring, i read parts of it over my friends shoulder and i can't understand how she can keep reading them over and over and over
7; Stephanie Myers can't write.
8; The books names and covers tottaly copy another vampire series which apaprently is WAY better
9; DRACULA is a real vampire, not this sparkly vegetarian, fangless spoof
10; vampires can't go into the sunlight, why is it Edward and the rest of the family can go outside normally and yet when it comes to that stupid scene where he goes to kill himself to be with Bella, if he goes out then he'll die?

i, too, could go on for a looooong time about how stupid this series are but i won't .. i hope this fad dies out soon though

EvilOverlord 18th Jan 2010 11:37 PM

sorry, I haven't officially welcomed you to the group

Great point with number ten, but I can unfortunately explain
If he went outside and started glittering, everyone would know he wasn't human, and then the "bad guys" would kill him for that

CrazyVivian 25th Jan 2010 11:46 PM

Could I join this group? I HATE Twilight. A few months ago, my friends and I decided to rip up New Moon. All the twitards at school were glaring at us, but it was so damn fun! The reasons why I hate Twilight have already been said. I made a point to NOT read the books, and only saw the first half of the movie. (Nothing happened so we watched Frankenstein instead).

ChemicalCaitlin 30th Jan 2010 9:33 PM

CrazyVivian - That sounds like frakking fun. I think I'll try that xD So yes, of course join this group!

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