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niol 14th Oct 2007 12:46 PM

Dezzie & GothGerbil,

A potential cause is already mentioned in part "c." of the section "WHAT YOU NEED" and surely its pic right between the section "Summary" and "Step 1".
May check that out to see if that is the problem you have.

RoyalT 16th Oct 2007 2:08 AM

Is there a single tutorial anywhere that deals with recoloring custom objects designed by others who have given their permission for their object to be recolored?!

RoyalT 16th Oct 2007 2:36 AM

Sorry, I am just so tired of messing with this.

Ok, so I opened up a custom texture in Adobe Photoshop because I don't understand paint. I saved the original in .bmp but when I copied and pasted the texture the way I wanted it I couldn't save it in anything but a "Photoshop [*.PSD,*.PDD]." I know I'm a noob, but what have I done wrong this time?

niol 16th Oct 2007 3:34 AM


lol, when you save the tesxture, may just click on the arrow to select another file format especially png which is used here. Or, export it as png files when there's such option in your copy.
For further help, google for "photoshop tutorial".

RoyalT 17th Oct 2007 10:34 PM

I know that, but when I click the arrow the only thing you can scroll to is that PSD* crud. If I just paint the object a different color it's fine, but when I copy and paste then try to save, that's when I run into trouble.

didadragonfly 21st Oct 2007 7:50 AM

You know, it is so great when you look at a tutorial, try it 7 or 8 times and then finally be able to say "I get it"!!!

Thank you SO much for making this invaluable tutorial!! We would truly be lost without those people that take the time to try to help us understand new things!

You have made my day!

babysims2 23rd Oct 2007 12:44 PM

Build DXT
Hi, your tutorial was going perfectly fine until i got to 'build DXT' and i did everything right and had everything installed i went to the prefrences (sp?) it said that the Nvidia DDS wasn't found whats going on?

thanks babysims2

niol 23rd Oct 2007 1:19 PM


as answered n post 776...

A potential cause is already mentioned in part "c." of the section "WHAT YOU NEED" and surely its pic right between the section "Summary" and "Step 1".
May check that out to see if that is the problem you have.

babysims2 23rd Oct 2007 1:21 PM

oh sorry let me check that one more time

blueeyesangel18 28th Oct 2007 6:14 PM

hi i am a total noob when it comes to object creation so please go easy on me! Okay so I have the sims 2 base games and nearly all the expansion packs. But I have the sims pet stories on my laptop and what i was trying to do was create an object for that. My problem is in SimPe, in the object workshop no objects load i waited and waited after i clicked the start button and nothing happened. What do i do ?

Numenor 29th Oct 2007 11:48 AM

In SimPE, go to Extra -> Preferences -> System Folders and double check that the path to Pets Stories is correct.

Then go to Extra -> Preferences -> File Table and uncheck everything except Pet Stories.

Then RESTART SimPE, open the Object Workshop and hit Start: it should load the Pets Stories objects.

Ghost sdoj 5th Nov 2007 6:44 PM

What is the proper way to get a recolor of one of the 3x3 circular rugs? I have been trying to put an image of a summoning circle onto one, but the left edge and bottom of the rug texture is cut off when I open the rug with SimPe. I would like to be able to get the whole circle onto one rug, but I have had no luck so far.

Rosebine 7th Nov 2007 12:50 AM

my idea is, clone the carpet first...than export the carpet mesh it with UVmapper, you'll see how the texture is applied on it.
Click on save UV map (not new UV map) save it somewhere...
than, in your paint program, open that UV map, change it to 16 million color, than copy your image on it...

you can delete the clone you made now, and try to recolor it again, this time, you'll have an accurate texture for it.

second method, if you have MilkShape 3D, you can also open the carpet mesh in it , than click on material (select all first) then assign your new texture to it.

Go to window, and choose texture coordinate editor.

fix the moving the it applies exactly like you want it to.

than export the mesh as an obj file, over the cloned one...

in SimPE, import that new mesh, wich is basicaly the same as the original, but with a different way of "taking" the texture...
go to texture, and put your own.

of course, i use this methode when i create my own objects, but....

Rosemary :0)

Ghost sdoj 8th Nov 2007 4:00 PM

I don't have Milkshape and got terribly lost in Blender. But I finally found UV mapper, so I will try your first suggestion. Thank you!

Daniel Guimaraes 18th Nov 2007 10:46 AM

I have doubt, I made a simple recolour and it was ok, but the object had two(or more) subsets, and in the tutorial you said when the object had only one subset, the window wouldn't appear, ok, but the image files I have to export in order to edit didn't appear too(The Resource tree became empty).

How can I edit texture of objects that does not have two or more subsets?

Beside that: Great tutorial

niol 18th Nov 2007 5:51 PM

Daniel Guimaraes,

Have you checked if CEP support such object's recolouring if it's a Maxis item?
Have you checked if the custom object is made recolourable by its author?

leahsim23 26th Nov 2007 8:39 PM

can you make a simple one for me plz im dubm plz

niol 27th Nov 2007 8:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by leahsim23
can you make a simple one for me plz im dubm plz

What do you mean by "one"?

If the tutorial sounds too complicated, then I think you may just make some portraits recolours for a start.
Creating custom paintings with Photo Studio
Just see if you're comfortable with it yet.
Then, slowly follow each step of this tutorial to try out. The basic sketch of what to do here is already listed on the step title.
There're already even pictures to show how to approach in numeric sequences.

If the recolour example is still too complicated for you, then you may try to do Bella Goth portrait and compare that with the Photo Studio resultant.

If it looks too long a step for you, then just regard those descriptions as little steps of the primary steps. Note, explanations and hints are additional infos. You may try out the basic steps first as your experiment rather than your production. Once you get used to the basic procedure, then you should be ready to care about the details (explanations and hints). Then, get to learn why you do this or that in the procedure.
Grabbing the details, you should be able to make the recolouring supported by CEP or the custom object makers.

If the above is not the "one" you meant, please tell more.

CyndiOCCA 29th Nov 2007 9:54 AM

I'm totally new to this. I've never made an object before, but there is a non-Maxis recolor that I would like to make. I was wondering if I still need a new GUID for the object that I want to make? Or if the new object isn't a recolor of a Maxis object, do you not need a new GUID for the object? I didn't see anything about that in the tutorial. This tutorial looks a lot easier than others that I've seen. Thanks for it.

MaryLou 29th Nov 2007 10:21 AM

@CyndiOCCA: if you want to make a recolor, of Maxis object or of a custom content, you do NOT need to make a new object with its own GUID.
You need to get a new GUID if you make a totally new meshing object.

This tutorial refers how to make new recolors of an object that already exist ( maxis or custom), NOT to make new objects for the game.
To make new objects you have to follow this tutorial Sims 2 start to finish Object Creation

Numenor 29th Nov 2007 10:59 AM

There is a note, in the tutorial, that explain the only little difference between recolouring a maxis object and a custom object:
HINT: Use the "Start" button to recolour Maxis objects; use the "Open" button to recolour custom objects.

niol 29th Nov 2007 8:01 PM


you sounded like you're turning into TS2 from TS1.
Your wonder is true for TS1 but not in TS2, recolouring and remeshing/remodelling are separate.

CyndiOCCA 30th Nov 2007 4:01 AM

You're right. I used to know how to make objects on Sim 1, but I've never really understood how to do it with Sims 2. I'm just trying to learn now. It seems a lot more complicated with Sims 2.

niol 30th Nov 2007 5:56 AM

In TS2, objects have 3D meshes like TS1 sims.

MsRomulus 1st Dec 2007 6:02 AM

I NEED Help with recoloring!
Hi could someone help me with getting object workshop to work:

I have all the needed things to get started (eg. DDS Utilities, .Net framework 2.0 and etc.)

I've done the trouble shooting with resetting the File Table and and emptying the cache. I've done the browser thing with making sure that DDS_U was in the window and I hit okay!

Now! I've done all of these things and restarted SimPE when I was told to do so and I go to Tools/Object Workshop and then I click on start and the stinky SimPE still crashes. So I need help! Can anyone...anybody tell if there are any other steps that I can take to get the object workshop to load so that I can recolor a maxis object?

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