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Numenor 1st Dec 2007 12:01 PM

Does it crash? Never heard of such a problem...

Try this:

- Open the folder where SimPE is installed
- Open the subfolder "Data"
- Delete the following files: folder.xreg, objcache.simpepkg, objcache_01.simpepkg, simpe.xreg
- go back to the parent "SimPE" folder
- double click on the file "NET test.exe" and read the output: it NET version found on your system (displayed in the last line) must be greater than 2.0; when finished, close the NET window
- still in the same folder, double click on the file "validator.exe" and read the output; it's a long list, but you have only to search for red text (ignore the two red lines about the cachebrowser and the wrappertest).
- Start SimPE and go to Extra -> Preferences -> System Check and click the button "Run"; wait a little, until (hopefully) all the three icons become a green check.

If any of the mentioned check discover a problem, then a "clean" reinstallation of SimPE is advisable. A "clean" reinstallation means uninstall SimPE and then manually delete the "SimPE" folder.

MsRomulus 1st Dec 2007 3:49 PM

My SimPE is StILL crashing!
Numenor! Thank you for responding to my cry for help!

Here is what happened after I tried the steps of instructions that you gave me:
> I deleted the files, folder.xreg and simpe.xreg, but I could not delete objcache.simpepkg, objcache_01.simpepkg because they weren't there.
> I doubled clicked on .NET and the box popped up stating ," You need to have >NET 2.0 to run SimPE. You are running .NET 20.50727.832
>The Validator stated,"The sims.guid.xmlserializers.dll is missing!"

I started SimPE and I go to Extra -> Preferences -> System Check and I clicked the button "Run"; waited a little, all the three icons became a green check than I started Object workshop clicked on start waited a little and again one little green bar showed up and then nothing! It CRASHED on me again!

Now I don't have any new EP's excepted the latest one Seasons, I don't have BVEP. I did do a clean install last night before the instructions you gave me. I reinstalled DDS_U too. I am going to re-install the .NET to see if that will work.

Could it be that my computer may not have enough memory to run SimPE?

I have a P4 1.60 GHz (I know... a bit slow) along with 1.62ghz, 768MB of Ram with a chunk of ram to spare.

Any more suggestions?

Numenor 1st Dec 2007 5:08 PM

First, go to Extra -> Preferences -> system Folders. Examine the a list of Expansion Packs, Mini Expansion Packs and Sims Stories. You should see listed ONLY the packs that you actually own, each one to the related installation path (a pack without an associated path counts as "not owned", too).

If everything is OK, then go to Extra -> Preferences -> File Table, and see if the options checked correspond to the packs that you actually own. In this screen, remember that possible Sims Stories options should normally stay deactivated.

If the File Table is perfect, too, and still SimPE is crashing, then I'm afraid that only Quaxi can help you. You should report to the SimPE forum at the error, providing the error message, if any.

However, the message about the missing "sims.guid.xmlserializers.dll" is strange... I can't find this DLL in my SimPE folder, and the validator doesn't even mention it...
Have you tried the "clean reinstallation" I suggested?

As for your computer specs, they are a bit low, though you should be able to run SimPE: as long as you can run the game, the PC should have no problem running SimPE too...
What sounds a little strange is also the amount of RAM: 768 MB? do you use two different RAM banks (512+256)? Or you have 1 Gig, but part of the RAM is used by the graphic card/chipset?

MsRomulus 1st Dec 2007 5:52 PM

Still trying to figure out what is crashing my SimpPE
Numenor here is what I've been up to since I lasted posted a reply:

I dumped my .NET 2.0 and installed .NET 3.5, and I'm getting ready to try it out. I'm presently giving what you suggested a try before I go off to post this issue with Quaxi.

Sorry I forgot to add what was in the File Table:
> In system file folders....shows all games owned yet in file table all games and CEP are checked, but there are two that are checked but not owned. I don't have family fun and/or celebrations.

Yes I previously did a clean install like you suggested.

About the RAM bank not exactly sure what you mean by that, but my poor guess would be,"use of two different RAM banks." Yeah I know my specs are a bit low sooner or later I'll get around to giving my system a tune up as soon as I can learn how to upgrade my system myself.

Thank you Numenor. I really appreciate your helping me try to solve this issue. If I can get this issue resolved I will be back to give an update of what the cause of the crash of my SimPE.

Well I'm off to Quaxi for !

MsRomulus 1st Dec 2007 9:40 PM

Problem solved by little ole me! ;)
@ Numenor!

I finally figured out what I wasn't doing right! I went back over everything we discussed went over all those steps again and again I went back to SimPE to see if I could get a little help and didn't get any so I look at these directions over again a little more carefully the fourth or fifth time:

This is when ObjectWorkshop or WizardsOfSimPE not loading any Objects?

This Problem does often happen, when the SimPE cache got corrupted (maybe because SimPE did crash once while you were recoloring), or the File Table was not set correct.

Here is what you can check:

In Extra->Preferences...:System Folders ->Make sure that all the listed Paths are correct. You can use the Browser Button to validate that the Paths point to the correct Directories (which are the install Dirs of the Game, and the EPs, and the Folder that contains your "Downloads" Directory)

In Extra->Preferences... on the FileTable Tab: Reset the FileTable, and click Reload. Make sure that the Filetable listing does not contain any missing Lines (except of course if you did not install the EP that it refers to (EP1 is University, EP2 is Nightlife, EP3 is Open For Business...).

I had to make sure that all the EP's and/or stuff packs that I had even though they were checked green that they weren't listed as (missing) So I had to go back and forth between System folders (to make sure the paths were correct) and File Table to make sure that none of the EP's or stuff packs that I have weren't marked as (missing) in the file table.

In Extra->Preferences... on the SimPE Settings Tab: Clear the SimPE Cache, and restart SimPE

This should bring back your Object in the ObjectWorkshop and Wizards of SimPE.

That's how I figured it out by carefully going over the directions that you'd given and the ones given by Quaxi.

Once again thank you and ciao! :P

moemoeman 7th Dec 2007 10:13 PM

hi, i tried doing this process but after exporting the item and i went to right click on the picture, the option build DXT wasnt available
plz help

niol 8th Dec 2007 3:48 AM


A potential cause is already mentioned in part "c." of the section "WHAT YOU NEED" and surely its pic right between the section "Summary" and "Step 1".
May check that out to see if that is the problem you have.

The Commodore 11th Dec 2007 10:22 PM

I'm VERY new to this stuff. I've made a couple of custom wall hangings, but that's pretty easy. I recolored the image and saved it, but when I right click it in SimPE, Build DXT is greyed out. What am I doing wrong?

Numenor 12th Dec 2007 12:38 AM

The Commodore, I don't want to sound rude, and I understand that you can't read the whole thread, but, at least, will you please read two posts above yours, the question asked by moemoeman, and the reply by Niol?


The Commodore 12th Dec 2007 9:48 PM

Oh gosh, I feel stupid now haha. I'm sorry! I've got everything working 100%, so thanks to both of you!

ikanlord 13th Dec 2007 6:03 AM

Help!! I can't download The Nvidia DDS legacy thingie.. the download always gets stuck at 93% can someone help me or post a different link??

Numenor 13th Dec 2007 9:18 AM

As far as I know, that one is the only link available; I don't think that those NVidia files can be redistributed, especially now that the DDS utilities that we use are considered "legacy" and discontinued by NVidia. Try googling, but always keep in mind that the current, new version of the DDS utilities is NOT good for us to use: we need the old "legacy" DDS utilities.

niol 13th Dec 2007 9:24 AM


I guess it might be the connection you had when downloading it.
you may get some downloaders for resume and even download speed-up to avoid connexion reset.

ikanlord 13th Dec 2007 11:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by niol

I guess it might be the connection you had when downloading it.
you may get some downloaders for resume and even download speed-up to avoid connexion reset.

Any recomendations?

RealGanacampo 30th Dec 2007 9:45 PM

I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, since it's not about recoloring, but it's related.

I have made an object (with a 256x256 texture) and in game the texture looks a little bit blurred.
Can I somehow make the texture be 512x512, which I think would be better without having to start from scratch?

I already made the texture with "build DXT", but it just looks slightly better.

Numenor 31st Dec 2007 2:22 PM

If you take a 256x256 image and just enlarge it to 512x512 using your paint program, you won't gain any additional detail, of course.

If you don't want to create a larger image, you can only use some "tricks", like sharpening the image in your paint program, or using one of the "Sharpen..." options while building DXT.

RealGanacampo 31st Dec 2007 3:53 PM

Can you give an object with a 256x256 texture a 512x512 texture?

I tried that once (with building DXT), but it gave me an error message and the texture wasn't in the right place in game.

Numenor 1st Jan 2008 7:19 PM

Retry. The Build DXT is perfectly able to import a 512x512 texture, replacing a smaller one. What error message did you get?

BTW, if the texture isn't in place while in game, this usually is not a problem of texture, but rather of UV-mapping. However, if you didn't modify the mesh, but you were only creating a recolour, then the problem can't be related to the UV-mapping; but in this case, if your new texture looks not in place, then the original texture should look wrong, too...

RealGanacampo 1st Jan 2008 7:31 PM

Now I managed to make it look good with sharpening it in my paint program, so I don't need the texture to be 512x512 anymore.

At least now I know making a bigger texture should work for the future, thanks for your replies.

SimtasticBuilder 7th Jan 2008 2:42 AM

I'm just curious, I've tried this tutorial and it works well, but for some reason it's not reading any of my custom content. Is there a way to solve this problem?

I'll rephrase that. I'm unable to recolor custom content on SimPE because it can't read it. I use SimPE Object Workshop. I've got CEP installed and I've got the latest SimPE. Is there anything else I need?

niol 7th Jan 2008 2:33 PM


what is not reading any of your custom contents?

If you mean your game, have you turned on the custom contents from the preference menu in-game?

If you installed CEP for Maxis recolours which need CEP to show up in-game?

XTS 11th Jan 2008 5:32 AM


I have saved a copy of the new tute.. I had no idea to not smoothen would be mostly the better results as I've always smoothed the image.. Thanks!

ariesmoon 16th Jan 2008 9:35 PM

i finally did something right! i have been going crazy downloading tons of programs and trying to figure out how to do the stuff you guys do. my first attempt to recolor failed. i had forgot to put nvidia in the preferences! (i am a true computer idiot - totally technically challenged) then i was scared about where to save the stuff and what to use to edit it. i put it on the desktop where i could find it and colored it with gimp and it actually worked! i love you guys for all the tutes that have really refreshed the game for me!

does anyone know where i can find the hurricane fence? i need it in black!

much thanx and luv :lovestruc

sisterh2005 24th Jan 2008 1:07 AM

ok I read like 7 pages b4 writing this I was able to recolor everything fine I just couldnt figure out how to get to the 2nd texture to edit it( u kno the lit/dirty textures

Numenor 26th Jan 2008 2:11 AM

Unless you (or SimPE) hasn't made something wrong, the second texture should be automatically included in the package. Which object are you trying to recolour?

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