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HystericalParoxysm 18th Jan 2007 8:19 AM

F.usic - You could do that, yes, but the refresh button only works when cloning or modifying projects. It doesn't work on new projects.

billielith 19th Jan 2007 5:01 PM

This is a very nice and complete step-by-step tutorial. It must have taken you a lot of time to write and put together. Nice work, really. I will try it soon. Thanks a lot.

Elstumpo 20th Jan 2007 1:59 AM

Very nice tut. I just did it now, and I feel good with myself.

*Hands HP a cookie*

Vicke 20th Jan 2007 10:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Firstly: thank you for making pedagogic tutorials with a sense of humor so they aren't boring to read

Secondly, my problem: I've made a wall paper that I'm quite happy with (the first thing I would like to upload...). I have made it with HomeCrafter and I hope that I did everything right. Shame on me, I didn't follow a tutorial for this. But I can't upload it, because it's a Sims2Pack file. How do I make this a .zip or .rar file? Is it even possible? I suppose I'll have to redo everything just because I was so ignorant. Blah.

I downloaded CEP today but this wallpaper doesn't require it.. or does it? I used one of Maxis wallpapers (like you can do in HomeCrafter) so I assume not, but I'm not sure.. and I have Pets, people without Pets can still use it, can't they?

I'll attach a picture of the wall paper as well if you're interested, critizism is always welcome.
(Credits: chair by, part of Mono Kitchen set; floor by, part of Fine Bathroom set)

littlejohnnyhoward 26th Jan 2007 6:18 AM

Horrible green tiles
I followed yout Tute to the letter, I even went on and made some other walls and floors in photoshop, as I found it fun and easy to do. I put them into homecrafter and all was fantastic, with all floors, walls and groundcovers.
My problem arose when I opened up my game and tried to test my creations. All the walls were fantastic, Ground cover was great, but the floor tiles came up green. Texture was obviously there, but they were all in a really bright green colour. I went over the Tutorial again and cannot see where I went wrong, I even tried searching for answers through the replies and forums but couldnt find anything. Does anyone know where I went wrong?

F.usic 26th Jan 2007 11:05 PM

Where can you find cool ideas for walls? I need a purple theme or something...just a website for real wall/floor house recoloring stuff. This way you can use colors similar and get that theme for the game..

heatherfish24 27th Jan 2007 8:46 AM

Thank You!
I loved this tutorial! I've never made anything for the sims2 before, but now I've got a better idea of how to go about making stuff. Thank you for getting me started.

littlejohnnyhoward 27th Jan 2007 3:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by littlejohnnyhoward
I followed yout Tute to the letter, I even went on and made some other walls and floors in photoshop, as I found it fun and easy to do. I put them into homecrafter and all was fantastic, with all floors, walls and groundcovers.
My problem arose when I opened up my game and tried to test my creations. All the walls were fantastic, Ground cover was great, but the floor tiles came up green. Texture was obviously there, but they were all in a really bright green colour. I went over the Tutorial again and cannot see where I went wrong, I even tried searching for answers through the replies and forums but couldnt find anything. Does anyone know where I went wrong?

I have searched High and Low for an answer to my dilemma and The Sims2 BBS came to the rescue. Another Simmer had a similar issue (though their floors turned pink/purple) and someone suggested to them that they remove the Transparent tiles from their CC, which fixed their problem. I went and disabled the transparent tiles from my CC and went back to the game only to find that my floors were still green, so I went back to Homecrafter and re-imported them into the game and that seems to have fixed my problem, my tiles and carpet look fantastic.
I must also thank HP for the fantastic Tutorial (I forgot to do it in my first post) I am off to find more textures to make my Sims' homes the pillar of fashion! :D

tomasz25 30th Jan 2007 1:26 AM

vicke: you put the sims2 pack file into a .zip or .rar

butterflyiii2006 30th Jan 2007 5:43 AM

Home Crafter Problem--
If this was posted elsewhere I didn't see it. So, I will apologize ahead of time.
I have made my pictures into BMP's-- I can see them in the Home Crafter-- but the minute I turn on my grid-- Home Crafter crashes!!!Every time!!
Is it compatible with Sims2 base- and EP through OFB?
I don't know what else to do--I've uninstalled it-- defraged-- and reinstalled-- and yep it crashed again...... Ok?
HELP!!!!! I'm pulling my hair out!!!!!!!
I really want to try and do this-- but can't get past this problem....
Thanks guys-- if anybody can figure this out -- you guys can!
I appreciate your help

IgnorantBliss 30th Jan 2007 5:47 AM

butterflyiii2006, have you downloaded the latest version of Homecrafter? It was updated some time ago.

Vicke 30th Jan 2007 6:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by tomasz25
vicke: you put the sims2 pack file into a .zip or .rar

But... how? :D

JLonier 2nd Feb 2007 1:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Vicke
But... how? :D

Right click on the file you want to rar and a menu with a list of options will come up. Select add to archive.

JLonier 2nd Feb 2007 2:10 PM

Question about creating my own wall/floor textures
This may be more of a photoshop question and if I should put it elsewhere please poke me in the right direction.

In an efffort to learn photoshop (with an eager eye to recoloring 'cause I'm gettin' bored with walls and floors) I've started playing around with making my own wall/floor textures. I've made a nice plain brown four square tile that tiles seamlessly as a wall and a floor in photoshop. Problem is when I import it into homecrafter it turns into one big brown wall instead of my nice little four square brown tiles at the bottom of the wall.

Here's what I did. I made a 256x512 file. Then I opened a new file and made it 256x256. I bucket filled it with a nice shade of brown. Then I drew a white stripe down the center, through the middle, and around the outside edge for my grout. I offset it and made some adjustments then saved it. The floor tile looks just fine in bodyshop. Needs some fine tuning for shading and whatnot, but it's the four square seamlessly tiling floor tile I intended. When I copy it, paste it onto my 256x512 file, move it to the bottom portion, offset it, merge it down, save it, and open it in bodyshop it's a plain creamy brown wall with no tile pattern. I am totally stumped, but also quite sure I'm not the first person to experience this.

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you.

HystericalParoxysm 2nd Feb 2007 2:32 PM

JLonier, can you please post a pic of the texture you're trying to use, and what you're getting in Homecrafter? My lack of coffee today is making that description of yours mae less sense than I'm sure it would to someone with a higher caffeine-to-brain ratio.

JLonier 2nd Feb 2007 2:44 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Surely, here we go. As you can see they're very simple.

EDIT: Well, I got it to work. I imported the floor via Homecrafter and then put it in edit so it would appear in the working directory. From there I shrunk it down to half it's size, copied, cut pasted etc... bottom line it was no longer a brown wall but a tiled brown wall.

Also I ditched it for an overall smaller tile, added some shading and texture (you wouldn't believe how long it took to figure out how to do it) and it's come out quite nice. I'm trying a different pattern today. Onward!

Lillz. 11th Feb 2007 4:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Some how I can't get my preview of my flooring to come out as clear as yours. It's the correct flooring, but it comes out too bright on the preview in Homecrafter. Is there a way to fix it?

TimSimser 24th Feb 2007 8:45 PM

on some sites you see a sort of mirroring floor how can you make that?

HystericalParoxysm 24th Feb 2007 9:20 PM

<iAMellieSWEETY>, I have no idea what would cause that. Are you starting by clicking the big plus rather than going from an existing floor?

TimSimser, there are no settings you can do to actual floor tiles to make them mirrored or reflective. For that you must place objects over the floor to either create a mirrored effect, or create a reflective effect on an existing floor. My favourite for that are the Murano Mobilia floors (available here which can be added to any floor to make it shiny. Just make sure you turn on reflections in your graphics options or they'll be flat black - and you have to have a really nice graphics card to run them at any decent framerate.

Safy 25th Feb 2007 3:18 PM

thANK you thank you thankyou i wanted to learn all this ages ago but cudnt due to time great tutorial i only had a problem when the extensions got messed up bt i got it in the end thanx

starwyn 27th Feb 2007 3:26 AM

I hope this hasn't been asked already, if so i missed it, sorry. When making another wall etc, do we place that one in the eagames/sims2/projects/homecrafter/walls folder? And every other wall we make?
I'm assuming the answer is yes but just want to double check.

Great tutorial btw and Thankyou

catrix12 2nd Mar 2007 2:21 AM

thanks for this tut! very helpful cause i know hardly anything about creating ._.; but this is a great one!

rulespotter 5th Mar 2007 9:24 AM

Thanks for the help.

tacos 18th Mar 2007 11:03 PM

thank you for this tutorial but i have a question

when i saved my walls and floor and ground as a .bmp none of them work. i am using paint net. and when i go to the home craft plue it says there was a problem creating a pattern with this .bmp please make surethat it is a valid .bmp snd try again? please can you help

ColinSkyes 19th Mar 2007 8:31 AM

I'm having the same problem katatem17 is having. I will edit this post later if I can find a way to fix it.

Edit: I haven't found a way for it to show up in the bigger view, but if you import it to game, it should show up and work fine; you just have to go by the smaller view, until someone finds a way to fix it.

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