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DigitalSympathies 20th Mar 2011 8:01 PM

I cannot get over the fact that the neighbour 5 doors down's dog nips me ONCE and they have to freak out and say they're going to put it down when they egg their dogs on ALL THE TIME! And then my dad finds out that they have a daughter my age. Great.

cupcake12winx 20th Mar 2011 8:30 PM

My dreams. My fucking dreams. Last night I had one about a giant sea monster coming on land and eating everything. We got it to come into a room, and apparently what calmed it down was full attention. Everyone paid attention to it, then I felt this really creepy feeling like, in my brain. It was looking at my brain. Then the dream ended.

THEN I had dreams that were about MTS. Someone had hacked into my account and left stupid messages all over the forum. I got banned. It creeped me out, I thought it was real...

OH and then I also had one where I think I was Harry Potter, and someone was trying to kill me. I was on like a wooden structure, and bits of it kept falling out from below me. That's all I remember.

Now my volume control thing on my laptop won't fucking get off the screen, so I have to restart the computer..

el_flel 20th Mar 2011 8:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phoeberg
Amen. Five weeks to go until mine is due.
Three and a half weeks til mine and tbh I'm shitting myself a bit about it now. I just wanted it to be finished so I can hand it in but in order to do that I actually need to get my arse into gear and finish writing it!

cupcake12winx 21st Mar 2011 1:05 AM

I was bored so I looked up reviews for TS2 and TS3. A lot of people complain that there's too much "sexy stuff", like the woohoo. The fuck? It's rated TEEN for a reason, stupids. Someone else also said it's educational in that it teaches you how to cook... if that was true, I'd be a master chef by now.


Geah 21st Mar 2011 1:49 AM

^That's kinda funny seeing as it's a game which simulates real life. Almost everyone will 'woohoo' in their lives, lol.

el_flel 21st Mar 2011 1:54 AM

Makes me laugh that people are so shocked by sex when it's the very reason they exist in the first place.

Phoeberg 21st Mar 2011 2:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Someone else also said it's educational in that it teaches you how to cook... if that was true, I'd be a master chef by now.

What, you mean you haven't learnt how to make lobster and Baked Alaska from the sims?

People are such idiots, you have to laugh.

cupcake12winx 21st Mar 2011 3:05 AM

^ Directions for Baked Alaska:

1. Reach into fridge and take out several random ingredients and wooden board.
2. Randomly chop stuff, slicing off a finger or two in the process.
3. Pour into bowl and mix into a strange-looking mush.
4. Pour into pan and put into oven, checking every two seconds.
5. Pull out Baked Alaska, set on fire and serve!


Geah 21st Mar 2011 8:00 AM

I have to post here...My boyfriend will be mad at me for not telling him, but i'd rather save him the worry he'll no doubt hold while he has so much on his plate at the moment.

I havn't been feeling so flash the last few days. This period just gone was one of the worst ones i've had, not so much flow wise thankfully, but painwise, almost unbearable. My period mostly left on Saturday (it's Monday night now) but i havn't stopped feeling awful.
I've hardly eaten since saturday night's half-assed attempt at eating dinner..i managed about half of it.. in that time i've eaten maybe 4 muffins because the smell of food makes me want to run and hide. I've had no appetite since Saturday either, and i'm headachey, unbearably tired and just sore.
Last night my stepdad came home from his weekend away and he said he turned my light off at 8:30 and i was already asleep..i didn't wake up till 9:30 this morning and i'm still exhausted.

I really want to eat, but i can't. and I want to feel awake and not like my fork is too heavy to pick up or my head is too heavy to hold up .. argh jkhdkfjghdu

Phoeberg 21st Mar 2011 11:57 AM

I've done something to my left wrist. It really hurts whenever I bend it. I must have twisted it yesterday somehow.

minus. 21st Mar 2011 2:57 PM

My alleged "almost-boyfriend" forgot my birthday and decided not to talk to me today. It's kind of funny, though. I haven't had teenager-like boy troubles in ages. It's almost uplifting to feel like other girls my age.

DigitalSympathies 21st Mar 2011 8:23 PM

My game keeps on freezing, going to a black screen and then to a blue screen whenever I try to film. fdljflaljksklakl I THOUGHT I FIXED THIS.

Phoeberg 21st Mar 2011 9:47 PM

My wrist is really hurting now, but I can't think what I've actually done to it. Plus it's 8.45pm and I really need to pack for going home tomorrow, but I don't want to. I really cannot wait to go home though!

DigitalSympathies 22nd Mar 2011 2:04 AM

I know it's wrong but I feel terrible after eating anything. I want to just throw up or cry or something. I've been psyching myself out ever since I got here I think . . . eating meat is just unbearable now. The disregard people have for food is amazing, I just feel so terrible eating something because I feel like a leech. Like I'm polluting the earth somehow.

. . . Great. My dad just walked in and read the entire thing. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckittyfuck.

cupcake12winx 22nd Mar 2011 2:42 AM

There are 15 books in this series and I can't remember more than two title names?! Oi.

EDIT: Fuck, now my sister has her door wide open so I can't awkwardly attempt to get into my room (it's blocked by a twin mattress and its wooden frame) to find a book from said series. And a semi-related vent, WHY does she insist on putting this goddamn box on a chair outside the room I'm currently in?! It looks like a box full of trash... for god's sake, there's a McDonald's bag on top.

EDIT 2: Someone on a forum for an online game said, and I quote, "... some dude said: 'He looks like the "dark" version of me.'" And called that racist. He said he's now afraid to finish leveling his character because he's afraid someone will be racist again.

WHAT THE HELL?! All the "offending" dude said was that OP's character looks exactly the same, just with a different skin tone. THAT'S NOT RACISM? Racism is being discriminated against because of your skin color, not a random, completely non-insulting remark about a virtual character.

Goddamn political correctness.

Dreamydre 22nd Mar 2011 3:39 AM

My boyfriend has the worst attitude this week and won't return my texts. I'm not in the mood for immature little boys this week.

DigitalSympathies 22nd Mar 2011 5:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
EDIT 2: Someone on a forum for an online game said, and I quote, "... some dude said: 'He looks like the "dark" version of me.'" And called that racist. He said he's now afraid to finish leveling his character because he's afraid someone will be racist again.

WHAT THE HELL?! All the "offending" dude said was that OP's character looks exactly the same, just with a different skin tone. THAT'S NOT RACISM? Racism is being discriminated against because of your skin color, not a random, completely non-insulting remark about a virtual character.

Goddamn political correctness.

Racism is thinking one race is better than another . . . most people have it wrong. Political correction can bite me.

Geah 22nd Mar 2011 6:54 AM

One of my friends last night told me that he's in love with me. He said he would never act on it unless I was single and that it was something I wanted. But still. Argh.

He knows I love my boyfriend and would never so much as consider looking at anyone else, let alone being with someone else.

How do I handle this? I obviously don't want to hurt him by acting different or turning my back entirely on him, he is still my friend. But something has to give, I can't lead him on or give him other ideas in the future.

x-tashi-x 22nd Mar 2011 10:07 AM

My dad is going off his face because I told him Im going to a public school for year 11 & 12 (which is college where i live)
As if I'm staying at the school I'm already at!

PharaohHound 22nd Mar 2011 7:09 PM

Ugh, my sinuses hurt so much! Dx I don't even know why, I don't have allergies or anything.

Nabila_Ici 22nd Mar 2011 8:30 PM

I seem to have acquired a really, really bad knee injury, and I may need crutches. D:

Dreamydre 22nd Mar 2011 10:17 PM

Babysitting 7 year old Twin Boys is not my style. They are turning my hair grey, someone save me ! They're names are Connor and Joni. So Joni goes and gets two cups of water, one for him and one for Connor. After Connor drinks his, Joni starts laughing and then tells Connor that he did something to his water. Apparently he pulled his pants down and swished his "pee pee" around in Connor's cup of water... ------> -_____-

And I'm babysitting them until 7 tonight. By then I'll have thrown them in the dumpster ! !

edit: Oh and while I'm venting, lemme tell you about my freakin' FATHER. Because I had alcohol at my surprise party I am now supposedly barred from going to anymore parties. According to him, during Spring Break I can sit at home and twiddle with my thumbs while my friends are having fun. Of course I can't NOT talk back to my parents especially in this case because:

1. It was a SURPRISE party, how the hell was I suppose to know they would have alcohol?

2. I am EIGHTEEN, I am a legal adult and I'm going off to college in less than 5 months. Are we serious? Let me make my own decisions.

I swear I don't know anyone who has a father as strict as mine! And he's always been this way with me, growing up he always let my older sisters off the hook but me and my little sis have ALWAYS had him breathing down our necks, yelling about something.

And what makes it worse is that my mom claims she's not getting into this but whatever my dad says goes. I guess he'll just be disappointed because my friends and I have already planned to go to a party in Santa Barbara during Spring Break, and we've been talking about this since January. Sooooo, unless he can superglue me to my bed he might as well be talking to himself!

DigitalSympathies 23rd Mar 2011 3:34 AM

^ Just leave. You're legal, therefore you can make your own decisions. Go out, have fun, and they have no legal right to tell you what to do. And if they tell you to leave, weigh the options. Your freedom, or confinement. I left my mum's and I'm better off now than I was before.

My vent: I swear that the next time somebody barges into this room without knocking, asking or saying "I'm coming in!" I'm going to LOSE IT. Give me privacy!

Geah 23rd Mar 2011 3:55 AM

^ When you put it like that the choice sounds obvious, but some people don't have the option to just up and leave.

And what Dreamy is asking for is to stop being babied and to have her decisions respected, not to get chucked out of the house or to leave home just yet by the sounds of it.

lethifold 23rd Mar 2011 10:46 AM

This is so petty, but the guy I like (who happens to live 3 hours away) only goes on Facebook once every couple of weeks, and that's the only time we get to talk, and I missed him tonight by about ten minutes. Ugh, this is so aggravating

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