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simsample 8th Apr 2022 7:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Been venting to an AI to spare you guys my agony of pains of all sorts.

I always tell my problems to my houseplants. I notice a lot of them have been looking a bit sad lately!

PANDAQUEEN 10th Apr 2022 11:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I always tell my problems to my houseplants. I notice a lot of them have been looking a bit sad lately!

I feel like I been seeing old boyfriends in my dreams. I had an assortment of men in my life beyond family.

From guys who look like bodybuilding creeps, but deep down they're geeky in sound design to businessmen with no one else in their lives so they dote, swoon, fawn, bend over backwards to make me smile (that's a tall order when you're neurologically impaired and smiling isn't normal), I had a motley crew of exes.

I worry that having these emotions make me feel out of touch and I am all alone. Maybe that was why I was crying last week.

I'm sorry your plants are on the sad side. Have you tried leaving the radio on the classical station?

simsample 11th Apr 2022 12:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
I'm sorry your plants are on the sad side. Have you tried leaving the radio on the classical station?

Haven't tried classical, but they seem to like Plantasia. And when I stop talking to them! :lovestruc

PANDAQUEEN 11th Apr 2022 12:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Haven't tried classical, but they seem to like Plantasia. And when I stop talking to them! :lovestruc

Venting to an AI and venting to plants produce wildly varied and dramatic results.

Bigsimsfan12 13th Apr 2022 10:16 AM

Insomnia all night. I didn't sleep until around 2am. Woke up at 4am Adam is snoring so loud the baby wakes up, i wake him up and tell him he's snoring and to move onto his side. About 10 mins later he's on his back again and snoring even more loud and obnoxiously and I'm so tired and I wake him up again more annoyed. Repeat another 2 times before I'm not so pleasant about the snoring. He storms off downstairs to sleep on the sofa. We usually have a rule where we're each responsible for a child's night waking. But then Ivy wakes up and he's asleep downstairs with his snoring so he doesn't hear it. So I quickly get her and just bring her into our bed because she felt a little fevery. Bad idea. From about 5am she would wake every 15-30 mins to let out a scream and then go back to sleep. But obviously that woke the baby up. So basically it was: Ivy screams Elden awake, spend 5 minutes getting him back to sleep, put him down, lie back down, close my eyes... Ivy screams and wakes him up. He ends up in the bed because he sleeps better there and I figure if I'm not getting up, it might not unsettle Ivy. This lasts for about a hour.

Adam comes upstairs to leave for work and Ivy wakes up. Cue her waking every 5 mins again. Shes thirsty. She needs her tablet (but as soon as I put a video on she falls back to sleep, only to wake up again 5 mins later when the screen has turned off again and scream for it again), "i have a runny nose", "Where's Daddy?" (Followed by screaming and "I want my Daddy to come back"). Then she let's out this horrendously loud scream and wakes Elden up. What was she screaming for? "I need you to cuddle me". I'm crying I'm so tired and stressed, which is only making her scream and cry more.

So anyway now its 9am, when we would usually get up... and both kids have finally gone to sleep. I am wide awake though.

PANDAQUEEN 13th Apr 2022 1:12 PM

I still have those impure implications in my Crushosphere, I ache all over like I got run over, my trillion dollar question is...when will my antidepressants kick in?

Argh! What a miserable time to be alive!

PANDAQUEEN 20th Apr 2022 4:46 PM

I feel better now. But now I am the other end of manic depressive. First, I had depression, now I am more least I have life energy.

Can't seem to find that happy medium.

simmer22 21st Apr 2022 8:42 AM

Windows. Again.
So that update issue that's been annoying me for the past over a year now? well, today a thingy appeared in the task manager that made me suspect the update had a slightly higher chance than a drop in the ocean to go through, so I decided to give it a chance, because I'm so tired of trying to fight that thing and having to turn it off (haven't been able to put that sh*t on monthly pauses for a while now)

14+ hours. 12-ish hours for the background download/install, and 2.5 hours for the restart/blue screen rerolls and "wait a LITTLE BIT" (yeah, Microsoft - 2.5 hours is NOT a LITTLE BIT! It's A LOT! Especially when that 2.5 hours STARTS at 6 am after already waiting 12+ hours for that effing update to go through, not to mention the 14-15 MONTHS of "Nope, nah, nix, neeeeh, ain't going through this time either!"

But it did go through. Finally. So then there's all the cleanup work and figuring out what it enabled that I have to disable (but I can finally pause updates again, so yay!!!). Already had to turn off Cortana and that annoying news widget.

And when I open up Windows update, what do I see?

"Get ready for Windows 11!"

Heck, no.
(I swear, if that message was filled with smileys, puppy-pictures and sunshine, I wouldn't put it past them)

topp 21st Apr 2022 9:37 AM

I just don't understand the need for tech companies to infantilize its users completely by having these "cute" error messages. Take the updates for example: "yay omg work queen! Gonna be done soon brb just working on a few things..." What things?...

BSODs at least still have the stop code. But all those mobile app and online error messages, i.e.
Whoops! uwu’
We had a oopsie and our main monkey had a brainfart LOL! Hang on tight while our team do the fixies!

All I'm asking is why is there an error. 404 - someone removed it? 501 - I should check back later? 403 - I can't access it, ever?

simmer22 21st Apr 2022 10:10 AM

^ Ugh, yeah. I wish they could write what the error is for, instead of shrouding it in mysteries. I don't know what an error code 101 is, so I have to search it up, but the inbuilt help program is of absolutely no use because it doesn't even register there's been an error on a good day, and sometimes not even the whole of internet doesn't even know, or at least can't provide a straight answer on what it is and how to fix it.

Been dealing with my share of error codes and weirdness lately, with all this Windows muck... (but at least it's somewhat reliably bad, and to a certain degree pokeable with a stick).

Bigsimsfan12 23rd Apr 2022 3:30 PM

Tripped over the baby gate on my way into the kitchen. My toe was bleeding but I didn't think much of it until about half an hour ago my dog stood on the toe and IT HURT SO BAD. It still hurts now but its more of a slight dull ache. I can move it so I don't think it's broken, but I'll have a gnarly bruise tomorrow.

ChickenMadam 23rd Apr 2022 3:50 PM

February sucked the big one, and this past Easter weekend was no fun, either. I'm still kind of in shock from Feb, so I haven't even really been that active anywhere online. I've changed my avatar here from a cat I only knew online to my own special little man, who passed away on the 7th of Feb from kidney failure. Feldie was 17, and I had raised him from a very smol bean on a bottle, so it was super hard. He reached for me as a wee kitten with his little paws, and as I held him in my arms as an old man, he reached for me again as he passed. The very next night, my neighbor, who I was pretty good friends with, passed away suddenly. So, like I said, for a few months now, I've been kind of out of it, in shock. Only now have I been seriously grieving - can't look at kittens online, can't look at pics of Feldie, etc. I have 4 other cats and that is helping, but he was special. He'd sit with me on the desk while I simmed, so simming was even painful. It sucks.

Then this Good Friday, we lost a hen and it HAD to be the one that was the most personable. She was one of those "production" ISA Browns, who are bred by humans to lay eggs forever without a break (nasty!) so this breed tends to have the lifespan of maybe 3 years if you're lucky. She was nearly 4 - so there's something there. You have to feed them a higher protein diet, etc. The poor girl's heart gave out, and my son was the one doing the vigil, as she was his favorite hen, and he was her favorite human. Super hard on both of us.

So yeah, it's been pretty crappy, and I have the distinct feeling that 2022 isn't done crapping on us. Ugh.

PANDAQUEEN 24th Apr 2022 11:53 AM

I'm just jittery and just wrote a genderbent version of "Stacy's Mom" called "Johnny's Dad".

I write genderbent versions of songs because it always had a patriarchal tone that discouraged women. Two can play that game. For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.

PANDAQUEEN 25th Apr 2022 10:35 PM

Phone call after phone call and because I have been declared sick enough to alert the Director of Psychiatry, I am now worried about my fate as a human.

I used to have more freedom in Washington, but ever since I lived in New Jersey after a 10 day cross country trip after 20 years of struggling, they called my father like I was a little girl who got in trouble. Where did the emancipation I once had go?!

I feel like my fate is sealed and I won't be able to leave the tower.

Doodle 26th Apr 2022 11:14 PM

I got temporarily banned on Facebook for dumb reasons again (six days) I'm so sick of Facebook.

topp 27th Apr 2022 8:47 AM

The only Meta (FB parent company) product I use is WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends -- everyone's using it, and not enough people want to switch to a non-Meta service, i.e. Telegram so I'm stuck. But hey, at least enough of them stopped using the shitty Facebook Messenger that doesn't even deliver notifications (what's the point of the instant messaging service then?), or worse (better?) -- they've stopped using Instagram to chat. Personally, I find these quasi-anonymous forums much more reliable to chat on than IG.

My FB account is sitting deactivated for a few months now. I told myself if I don't have the need to use it in six months that I'll delete it for good. Will do soon. One major pet peeve I have though is the fact that you can't see majority of content when logged out, be it FB or IG. Not interested in memes here: sometimes certain student activists organizations and similar stuff put their stuff only on those services "because lol everyone has them." Then, certain groups that "are cavemen" (apparently myself) get left behind on important information.

simmer22 27th Apr 2022 6:51 PM

^ I pretty much only use FB for birthday messaging these days, and I honestly didn't want IG but kept being pestered into it (kinda like FB way back when - didn't want it, but "everyone is on, and it's such a great way to keep in touch, and you should get it too!!!" ). FB is a mess of distant relatives I hardly ever see and barely bother with, people from school I haven't talked to for years, people I'm not entirely sure how got on there but I have them from somewhere, and so forth. Don't want that mess again. I've got only a select few on IG, which is to say very close family (but far from everyone) and a few friends. I don't go around following all kinds of stuff or liking this and that, because from experience it creates a lot of junk and distractions (just a couple days ago, one cat video led to an hour thrown away on short videos... yeah - maybe I don't need another distraction-maker in my life ).

IG is a kind of slightly less annoying way to keep in touch with that one friend I've kept FB around for (I've never had FB on my phone, and kept forgetting to log on for a month or two in a row... makes it kinda hard to keep in touch. With IG at least I can chat a bit easier). I still don't like IG - WAY too many ads, and they're not as easy to get rid of as on a computer. Never was a big fan of FB either (but that one has games, and after I managed to wean off those, I don't want to be tempted back on - that was one giant rabbit hole I don't want to fall back into...).

I don't think there's a lot of Important information on FB or IG or any of the chatting services on a general basis that you can't find elsewhere, and a lot of what you supposedly miss out on is probably stuff you don't really need to know or can find in other ways. Most of what you see in those short videos on IG or read in articles on FB, you probably forget anyway. It's mostly the fear of missing out that's getting to people.

I'd rather have a chatting service that doesn't gather information about people and their habits, but is there really such a thing nowadays?

Bigsimsfan12 27th Apr 2022 9:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Doodle
I got temporarily banned on Facebook for dumb reasons again (six days) I'm so sick of Facebook.

I reported someone a few days ago for calling my friend derogatory misogynistic names and Facebook told me today that that doesn't go against their policy

PANDAQUEEN 28th Apr 2022 7:51 PM

I was diagnosed with hypnagogic dreaming. I have been dealing with some issues with my parents and the waking\dreaming worlds.

I am getting a neurosis over this.

simmer22 29th Apr 2022 7:59 PM

Powerout at home that somehow took internet without us knowing how (changing a fuse that went to a completely different area of the house seems to have fixed it - there could be some logic behind it due to some wires and such, but it's still weird). Still no lights for whatever reason - the powerout probably blew a few lightbulbs or some such. It managed to blow off the cover on one of the lamps (probably the reason for the powerout to begin with - the plastic bits on that thing were completely twisted).

Almost getting puked on at work, at least twice. Way too much puke at work today

Bigsimsfan12 3rd May 2022 2:11 AM

I'm so upset. Why does trouble always seem to follow us?

I took Ivy to the park today with her doll pram and baby Annabelle. I was sat on the benches with this pram and her doll trying to get Elden to sleep in the carrier when I realised Ivy's slipped away. I go find her and when I came back, some boys (about 11 years old) have grabbed Ivy's toys and are messing with them. Ivy's Ivy so she went right up to the kid and said "hey that's my doll". His friend told him to return it so he did, and then I asked him to apologise. He said "whatever" and walked off. I looked at Ivy and I said that I was sorry ad he was naughty and I think its about time we went home. The boy heard me say this and him and his friends start calling me names. Ivy didn't know what was going on, so she was trying to walk up to them and touch their bikes and telling them they had pretty bikes as they continue to hurl insults at me and then the ringleader starts threatening Ivy, saying he's going to knock her over with his bike and is moving the wheel in front of her. I asked them how old they were and they said 15 (clearly not true) I asked them why they were trying to bully a 2.5 year old at a park for little kids. They're snearing and copying what I say, and I'm still trying to grab Ivy who is right next to the ring leader as he's inching the bike towards her and saying that she's small enough to go under his wheel. So I say loudly "Can you stop threatening my 2 and a half year old". Because there's several people in the park and I wanted to make sure there were witnesses if they did try to do anything to us. I walked off and an elderly lady I see there regularly shouted that the kids were "disgusting arseholes".

Anyway, they leave the park the same way I was going, and I'm upset anyway and don't want more trouble, especially not in a non-public area. So I called Adam to pick me up. We drive along the beach and I point out the kids, so he stops the car and approaches them and asks for their names and schools so he can contact their parents. The ringleader obviously cycles off but the other 3 kids stayed. We ask on Facebook for witnesses etc and give a quick description of what happened and what the kids looked like and possible names etc and we track down 2 of the parents (turns out 2 of the boys were brothers) and they get their kids to apologise and that's that, we don't take it any further to police because they're 11 and there's no need.

Anyway, this ring leader's Dad messages Adam through facebook and starts threatening him. Turns out someone slashed the kids tyres later that evening and obviously this guy is blaming Adam. It wasn't Adam, I'm guessing these kids are being little shits to someone else and they did it, or worse the kid did it themselves because he knew we were contacting the police. Adam had explained to this man several times, he was at work, he left work to get me, he spoke to the kids and then we went to the supermarket (which has CCTV and we have a recipt. We can prove we were there, which is presumably when the tyres got slashed). He's insistent that he's going to find out where we live and him "and his boys" are going to come round and Adam's going to fix his bike, then he changed it to "we'll talk about what really happened. If you didn't do anything you shouldn't be scared". I'm home alone with 2 kids all day every day because of Adams work schedule. We contacted the police but the only thing they told us was that we should have reported the kids threatening Ivy earlier (we did try to explain that they're 11 and we sorted it out with the parents). I'm now scared and upset and there's noone to talk to and nobody to protect us or even care. Literally nothing we can do. Also the parent is obviously not going to shout at his kid for threatening my toddler so I mean that kid isn't gonna learn anything and I'm scared for Ivy's safety at the park.

MIKYA 4th May 2022 2:55 AM

one word: maxon.

EDIT: more words for clarity: the 3D company Maxon is making renewing old licenses very frustrating, and the app they force you to download to manage licenses is just.... not the best. at all. i'd rather deal with serial numbers.

PANDAQUEEN 4th May 2022 3:42 AM

My period is late. I thought going off the birth control I was on would help bring it back. I was to do so for a blood draw for a baseline.

I'm scared.

topp 4th May 2022 1:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MIKYA
one word: maxon.
maxon maxon? Or some other maxon?

PANDAQUEEN 4th May 2022 11:28 PM

The Italian Bleach Job Incident.

The left sink in my bathroom no longer drains, so I may need to get plumbing work done and I had to mop up all that charcoal based bleach up with a white towel.

Bleaching was a nightmare. I could only do one section. The bottle was too narrow and the mixture was too thick. I'm not fond of using shampoo or bleach in my hair because the hair is like the snakes of Medusa in that it's a sentient mob living on my head and the slightest breeze puffs them up.

On top of that, I couldn't bleach out the teal from a couple weeks ago.

This past Monday, I had my blood drawn.

The cardiologist called today. More statin, add a new pill. AUUUUGGH! It seems like my diet consists of instant meals, watered down lemon tea, supplements and medication.

It seems the only decent meals are when my parents cook on the weekends when we're together as a family.

MIKYA 5th May 2022 6:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by topp
maxon maxon? Or some other maxon?

oh no i didn't even think about that! i'm so sorry lol. i'm talking about the 3d design company that bought out Zbrush and Redshift, my bad!! they're making licensing absolute hell.

310175 6th May 2022 5:26 PM

I'm don't know if this is something you can do @Gargoyle Cat, but my parents put a concrete hole in the backyard where they stick the middle part of this kind of dryer. It's much more stable than relying on those three legs when there is wind, so there is no need to obsessively watch it on windy days. You might just have to remove the three legs in case this is not available without in the US.

PANDAQUEEN 7th May 2022 10:38 PM

I still have trouble getting in and out of the two worlds I am connected to with my hypnagogic dreaming abilities. Last thing I remember, I was nursing an older gentleman's blackened left eye. (Note: Although I am a fan of Tom Lehrer's Masochism Tango, I didn't blacken this man's left eye like in the song and for those wondering, Tom Lehrer, aside from being the inventor of the Jell-O shot and a university professor, was one of the fore runners for artists like "Weird Al" Yankovic.)

When I woke up, I found myself having to refill my medication and supplement boxes.

It's really, really weird. It's like Kingdom Hearts. One day, your brain is able to discern the insanity of daily life and the next, all Hell breaks loose as you find yourself in these Dreamland locations where the 5 senses of which are sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch are part of it but you don't have the ability to tell if you're in the dream because you do not have the capacity to lucidly dream.

310175 8th May 2022 4:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
We have similar clotheslines here.

Concrete certainly helps with stability, but where I am, we are prone to nasty weather such as hurricanes, blizzards, and Nor'Easters. I don't live on the coast which is where most damage occurs when these storms show up, but I never assume damage won't happen as all three of those kinds of storms can be unpredictable. Hurricanes can push things like street lights over, so I'd rather not deal concrete for the simple reason that if a clothesline were to be pushed over, we'd have to dig it out to fix it.

Sticking with the hurricane example, if a storm were to break the clothesline part that is above ground, that would be more things being turned into 'missiles' when the wind gusts 80 MPH and beyond. Keeping the clothesline portable means one less thing I need to worry about during those times as it would be in the house long before hurricane happened. Watching things like tree branches, trash can lids, stuff from neighbors yards being tossed / blown around is stressful enough.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

Sorry, I didn't explain the hole thing properly. The hole is a bit bigger than necessary and goes low enough for the dryer to be stable but loose enough to be easily removable. So, my mom takes it inside every time the drying is done. and puts a cover on the hole so it doesn't fill with water if it rains. I wish I had a picture, I'm not very good at explaining.

PANDAQUEEN 8th May 2022 7:34 PM

Was woken up by the sound of my cat Gemini about to vomit. I was sound asleep and I heard her gagging.

There's no other surefire way to wake up someone than the sound of a cat gagging and vomiting. How no one made an alarm clock with this noise is beyond me. It should be on Shark Tank.

310175 8th May 2022 8:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
No worries.

The timing of this conversation has been interesting. Apparently there has been a storm swirling around off of the coast. That would explain why it has been so windy the past few days. The wind is also stressing me out because of the oak tree mentioned in my previous post. I keep waiting to hear the sounds of snapping or tree limbs thumping to the ground.

I hope you won't hear those sounds until it is taken down in a controlled manner. A friend of mine in Florida just had an old tree fall on her house. Roof broken, tree branches all over the kitchen and living room, weeks until she can get back in.

PANDAQUEEN 10th May 2022 7:19 PM

Had to deal with my debit card getting hijacked.

Because I am a Wells Fargo customer, (not by my own choice, but switching banks would require government red tape that I have no time for right now due to a dental extraction in less than a month and that has red tape of a different nature) I had dealt with crappy hold music that sounded like a bad rendition of Van Halen's "Jump" and having to clarify the charge that didn't make sense and then another round of crappy hold music, which sounded like a hound dog playing a saxophone but not quite forming the proper sound and the eventual "We will do everything in our power to make it right. Your new card should be in the mail by 3-5 business days' time."

Also my mom had been in a sour mood. She told me and my father, the two of us being ticking time bombs of sheer insanity, that we weren't at fault. She's going to the hairdresser today so I better be kind to her when she comes back from her errands.

I also had to reschedule my appointment with Dr. MP in Nephrology (Long term use of lithium is bad for your kidneys, mmmkay?) and I swear, if I wanted to have my broken tooth pulled, I could have waited a couple extra days and have the reception desk do it.

Being an adult sucks when you reach your thirties. Younger generations don't trust you, no matter how tragically hip you are; older generations still give you talking downs to you, even if you have a brilliant idea to make the world a better place to live.

Not to mention people bugging you to have kids, regardless of your ability to reproduce and provide.

I could go on, but you get my message.

simmer22 13th May 2022 2:10 AM

Ninja spider.

So. About a week ago, this huge spider decides to *poof!appear* on the wall next to my bed. I didn't have anything to catch it with, so I carefully walk out to get some paper, get back, it's still sitting there, and the moment I get close, it zooms down behind the bed (as spiders do).

I look for it, but apparently the back of the bed hasn't seen a vaccuum cleaner for the past (probably at least) 5-6 years or so, so a couple days later I decide to take a round of shining it up, including the rest of the room as well, plus changing the bed.

No sign of the spider, so I kinda hoped it had been vaccuumed up at some point, because I was pretty thorough behind the bed (although couldn't move the bedframe, so there were probably still places that thing could hide).

Fast-forward to yesterday night, just as I'm getting ready to turn off the light when going to bed (and still hadn't seen the creepy crawlie all day)...

NINJA SPIDER *poof!appears* on the wall again.

This time I was ready, so now it's swimming in the drains (or probably gone further than that).

Spiders... sincerely never know where you've got them

EDIT: And last night, another (but smaller) spider, in almost the exact spot I found the big one the second time. Those little beasts! This one didn't get the chance to try out any ninja survival skills, though.

simmer22 13th May 2022 11:11 PM

Wouldn't say it ruined my day, but it's just not the same - listening to a dubbed version of animated Star Trek. I can get over the cameo voices when they're just talking, but the translated catchphrases sound absolutely ridiculous.

The series itself isn't too bad, though. Most of the characters are new ones, so their voices aren't any more annoying than other dubbed voices. The one character they've got recurring throughout from one of the live series, they've managed to find a voice that manages to keep some of their personality, so it translates okay.

Would prefer an English version with original voices for the rest of the cameos, although a few of them probably would've been a bit difficult to get hold of since they went "all the way to the beginning" original for several... But oh, Spock, they did you dirty - that catchphrase is sooooo much better in English (sounds extremely corny translated, and the word they chose for "prosper" is so off the mark even if it technically means the same). I almost fell out of my bed laughing

topp 14th May 2022 7:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
The scariest thing I found was a package of bacon that was stuck to the bottom with a "Best by" date of 1/2018.
On the one hand, I'm shocked, of course. On the other, my boyfriend has a bad case of hoarding things in his fridge and freezer, and the worst thing is, it really doesn't stink unless opened/pulled out, and the only thing forcing us to clean the freezer and the fridge is that sometimes it gets over-capacity and stuff simply has to be thrown out to make room for a new batch of groceries.

Good thing we have a small deep-freeze compartment built into the not-so-big fridge, so there isn't that much room to actually hoard big-time. However, it's definitely one of the top reasons why I'm against him getting a bigger/standalone freezer unit. Simply too much capacity to go rogue.

Though freezer isn't really as bad for us – it's the pickled vegetables, expired mayo jars etc. that go bad and take up room in the fridge. And some of those aren't even past their date; they've just been opened and forgotten about.

MIKYA 15th May 2022 6:08 PM

didn't quite ruin my day, but i swear this one person waits for other people to share their work so she can then share hers and bump them out of sight. it's getting seriously annoying, especially since she draws all of these nearly identical environments in a single day and those of us that spend days or even weeks on our work, stuff that's not colored pencils, get pushed out of sight so people only ever comment on hers because they don't feel like scrolling up. when she comes in to bump you out of sight, she'll give a quick "cool!" with some emoji before she's suddenly the only one visible again. it's extremely annoying to myself and all the other artists in the group but i'm the opposite of confrontational so i just suck it up and deal with it. a lot of artists have simply stopped posting their works there because nobody sees them anyway. it's ridiculous.

PANDAQUEEN 17th May 2022 9:29 AM

I missed my check in with my case manager, S, yesterday. I had to get something caffeinated delivered to my door. Good thing I had access to shelf stable goods.

This time, I will talk to S when she calls. She knows I play Animal Crossing: New Horizons because she heard me on speakerphone catch a sea critter in the ocean when I surfaced and the high-pitched "woo-hoo!" Chirped. As much as I admit I multitask when I should be giving my undivided attention, I have been caught on the toilet from government officials asking to initiate paperwork more times than I cared to count.

Between paperwork, quality of life operations, doctor visits, lab testing of bodily fluids, conference calls, my duties at home, and hospital stays, my ability to become a voice actor and a mechanical engineering genius with mechanical children and fathers to accompany them and an army of wait staff to wait on you hand and foot, is being hampered.

I really want to go back to school and build my city of droids. But my teeth are a mess and I am suffering from my mental health issues. Constantly finding myself unable to stay level for long.

I can only hope for the best as time goes on.

PANDAQUEEN 19th May 2022 9:18 PM

Dropped a glass bowl. Shattered into shards.

Any questions? Cause I had quite a bad night's sleep... actually, I didn't sleep at all last night and had to see my mom off to work in a downpour.

Elynda 22nd May 2022 2:25 AM

Barclay's Bank!

They increasingly behave as though OUR money was THEIR money! Why shouldn't I spend as much of MY money as I want, when I want!

I'm in the market for a new gaming laptop. I need a new gaming laptop. I have been shopping around, comparing prices, checking specs, looking at reviews - I don't make hasty purchases.

So I find one that I like on Amazon. Once again I check all the details; seems right, and if I order it now I can get it in two days. Can't wait to get TS3 installed on that thing.

Well, forget that! Barclays won't verify payment on my debit card. Why? My card details are right, my address is right, my phone number hasn't changed. So far as I know I have never authorized any limit on how much I can spend. So why? Because it's £625 and I don't generally spend that much at one time on Amazon? Why must I be treated as though I were trying to do something irregular or dishonest?

So what do I have to do now? Go trailing all the way into town to ask them if could I please have some of my money?

Banks! We lend them OUR money; they invest OUR money; they get fat returns on OUR money; and in return they pay us next to zero interest! And then they have the cheek to tell us what we can do with OUR money!

P.S. Sorry for the rant. I just needed to get that off my chest. I'm normally a very thrifty person where money is concerned, but if I don't get a new laptop soon I may have to give up simming altogether. I could take up knitting I suppose.

Bigsimsfan12 24th May 2022 3:20 PM

Mother in law is doing her usual. I'm mildly angry that she asked SIL for pictures of our son (MIL is not in contact with us and hasn't been for well over a year now) and when SIL said she'd ask us if that's ok, MIL told her she didn't have to ask, just get one off fb and if we find out, to tell us it must have been someone else. Usual boundary stomping MIL.

I mostly just feel bad for SIL though, who is currently pregnant and it seems like MIL isn't interested at all in her baby but is obsessed with ours. I kinda feel guilty, because if we were in contact with her it wouldn't be like this... but also MILs constant behaviour is too much and she won't improve. Its been so much easier being no contact with her.

simmer22 25th May 2022 7:51 PM

When I woke up this morning, my hearing was reduced on one ear, for no apparent reason (just the sense of being clogged with a lot of cotton, no pain or anything, and fairly sure it's not actually clogged), and now some hours later I've got a constant sound going. I've had it happen a few times before but only temporarily, maybe only a few minutes, definitely not several hours. Just hoping it's not got anything to do with my brain going pressure-cooker again...

Plus possibly a very light cold or something - I don't know - my throat hurts a bit on and off, as if there's something brewing but not quite going anywhere.

Would've almost thought it was an ear infection or some such, but I've never had one, and there's no pain and no pressure or anything like that.

simmer22 1st Jun 2022 4:11 AM

When reruns of TV series have crossover events, and the channel doesn't send the parallel seasons at the same time, or only sends one of the seasons. I either miss the first or second episode - or worse - 3 or more episode crossover events!

The one I'm annoyed for now had an episode in season 5 for the first episode in the crossover event and the other episode is in season 6 for the other show - but it's currently at season 2... And it keeps happening. There's 3 series and absolutely no rhyme or reason to which seasons and episodes belong together. The episode usually just starts weird or ends with a cliffhanger that isn't solved in the next episode, and it can be wherever in wichever series/season.

And then there's the issue when a streaming service only has one or two of the series, so if you want the full experience you're stuck trying to match up a bunch of streaming services (the CW Flash/Supergirl/etc. universe is fun to watch but an absolute nightmare to keep track of when it comes to crossovers and which ones belong in there... Ended up falling off the wagon a couple or so years back, and who knows how many series they've added on lately - used to be 4 or 5 in that universe, at least the ones I had any interest in, now there's 10? 20? I've lost count... ).

PANDAQUEEN 1st Jun 2022 9:10 PM

My dental surgery is approaching and for the past couple of days, my jaw has been practically clenched shut in the tense feeling because I have a cardiologist appointment and this is because they are not only going to use general anesthesia, but also intubation to work on my teeth.

I'm fully aware of that awkward stare most doctors give me, given my weight and size, thinking "How are you still alive?"

Not really happy with today's plans. Although retail therapy helps, it's about as fleeting as the cash in your account.

simmer22 2nd Jun 2022 5:40 PM

Struggled to fall asleep (and the duvet felt too warm), and when I finally fell asleep, I dreamed that I struggled to fall asleep. So when I woke up my brain insisted "but I haven't slept at all" (and I was all clammy)

Dream-me had the good idea to switch the duvet for a blanket halfway through, and for some reason chose a different bedroom in the house, so at least I knew it had been a dream - but still slightly weirded out when I woke up.

simmer22 8th Jun 2022 2:56 PM

Insect season has more than officially started.

If it has 6 or more legs, keep out of the house and far away from me, or deal with the consequences (that's all year around, by the way - but particularly during summer)

Already dealing with spiders and isopods roaming about the house more or less year 'round (the isopods got themselves a lair somewhere, getting through a gap we haven't yet found - they particularly like waddling around my bedroom, and I've found them in/around my bed multiple times, which isn't fun. Same with the spiders. Those nasty buggers I don't want anywhere near where I sleep ).

I'll usually leave the little buggers alone outside, but if there's dive-bombing flying insects or any of the sort that get a bit too annoying... well, depends how annoying they get.

PANDAQUEEN 9th Jun 2022 4:55 PM

My grandfather had two brachycardia episodes in the past couple weeks, so he needs an artificial pacemaker put in to function again.

Remember, my current living arrangements are dependent on his lifeline.

PANDAQUEEN 18th Jun 2022 4:53 PM

I feel asleep and slept for 4 hours yesterday. By the time I woke up, it was dinnertime.

simmer22 20th Jun 2022 4:32 AM

Having to go bug hunting in my bedroom again. I swear, those critters are getting on my nerves! Three isopods and a spider decided to hang out less than a meter from my pillow in the span of just a few hours. I think they're having a party under the bed...

(and it's not long ago since I vacuumed under there, so I don't know where they're coming from - if anything, they're appearing more frequent now than when there was a literal dust mountain under there ).

Snorlaxt 29th Jun 2022 11:04 AM

This morning I went to get a package that came outside EU. I was prepared to pay the VAT and docs were ready when the employee told me that there's no package for me. Checked the tracking again, called DHL center then went back to the same office since the tracking info was correct so the package should be there. I was approached by the same employee but this time they didn't even made effort to check for the box and told me that there's nothing in their system (on the PC). Thankfully their colleague noticed that something was happening and came in. A few minutes later he came back with the box and explained that for some reason there was no information about the package in the system, not even with the tracking code also, mentioned that their system and the one in the central should be linked which makes it even weirder.

PANDAQUEEN 4th Jul 2022 12:06 AM

AUUGGGH! I got some supplies for when I decide to join the gym's swimming pool, but I fell short of a few supplies that go with it.

Wet\Dry bags
Stretchy bracelet for keys
Menstrual discs
A clear backpack
Extra clothes
Wallet for ID and Vaccine ID

Missing toiletries, absorbent towels and a waterproof bag for my phone for stowing for the locker room.

Well, I can always swim at the pool on any given day of the's indoors.

PANDAQUEEN 11th Jul 2022 9:28 AM

Earworm woke me up.

Christina Aguilera feat. Redman "Dirrty"

Except a line went "I keep my car looking like Buster crash dummy drove" and now I want to jam it with geeky references.

PANDAQUEEN 18th Jul 2022 2:44 AM

Two bloody noses in one night. It's going to be one helluva night if I have to stay up attempting to keep the damage clotted.

simsample 22nd Jul 2022 10:24 PM

Oh no @Bigsimsfan12 I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a tough time!

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Jul 2022 10:38 PM

I fear that I am losing my mind, seeing things that don't exist and just worn out from being stuck in a quarantine.

I'm not physically sick, but my mind is playing tricks on me because I am inside the house the majority of the day and week.

HarVee 24th Jul 2022 3:37 AM

Reminiscing about the 'good old days' has ruined my day. The only friend I have hasn't talked to me in six months, my mental illness is getting worse, my sanity is dropping - depression rising. My brother hates me and the family, and wants to sell our land. Oh a whole lot. I wish someone would just talk to me. Does that sound needy? :/

Hey @simsample , do you have discord? Wanna chat maybe?

simsample 24th Jul 2022 12:23 PM

@PANDAQUEEN Are you able to go out and take a walk at all, or even just sit somewhere where you can watch some birds and insects and trees? I find it helps for me, just to do some mindfulness thinking (being in the moment and taking note of your senses, what you feeland hear and smell) out in the open.

@HarVee Aww, sorry you are feeling so bad! I do have Discord but don't use it often, I can't keep up with live chat! But I do have lots of friends I talk to like 'pen pals' over email and private message here. So if you want to talk, send me a PM and I'll reply as soon as I can! :lovestruc:

PANDAQUEEN 25th Jul 2022 12:49 AM

@simsample, Asshole, USA is currently under a heat advisory and I take a number of medications that can adversely affect my health if I go outside in the sun.

rdokoye 26th Jul 2022 12:02 AM

It was sport-related. Favourite team not meeting expectations. But any little thing can ruin your day, in truth.

PANDAQUEEN 8th Aug 2022 7:38 PM

A package in the mail...and a bloody nose.

I purchased a book through eBay and it was a drawing book (kids because I rarely used the construction methods and freehanded it). As I was doing initial inspection, I found it defaced not with anything offensive, but with crayon scribbles. Paraffin wax is up there with ink. There goes $4 I'm not seeing in this lifetime.

Then I accidentally gave myself a 3rd nosebleed this summer. My father usually has to take care of these issues. (He used to get them when he was young and foolish.)

My mother is currently at a music festival with her friend, Wanda. more or less a firecracker in personality. She usually gifts us big bags of popcorn from her daughter's work.

Nice, never met her, but from my mother, she gets along fine and my mother has a new friend, Donna, who she helped train for her position at the warehouse. My mother is getting more easy-going in her age.

simmer22 10th Aug 2022 3:50 AM

^ I've stopped taking the phone when I don't recognize the number (I usually check the number if it's a possible cellphone number or if I'm unsure, though). 9 out of 10 times it's either scammy or some kind of market analysis, and I don't want to answer either one. I usually just block the number.

Never call these people back. That's a scam in itself - one of the possible scams is that they'll keep you talking on a very expensive line, and you'll pay for it on your phone bill.

simmer22 10th Aug 2022 1:06 PM

I know. And they come up with more schemes when the old ones aren't working any longer. They'll easily call a bunch of people just to get that one person who takes the bait.

Not too long ago I got one of those SMS scams that claimed my bank data was compromized, and a link to click to fix it - but I know the bank wouldn't do that (they even specify in no uncertain terms on their webpage that they won't send out messages like this), so I logged in via the regular website (not following an unsecure link in what's likely a scam) - everything was fine. Sent a note to the bank just so they'd know about the scam messages.

People should constantly be reminded that they should never give away their bank info (password, codes, payment details, etc.) to strangers, over the phone, and in uncertain situations, or click any kind of link they see. If it's an unexpected call and someone wants money from you (or Amazon cards, whatever - those card things are definitely scams, btw), it doesn't hurt to do a proper check first. Panic never leads to anywhere good, and if anyone gets mad at you for double-checking info, it's their problem (or they're trying to scam you).

topp 11th Aug 2022 12:47 AM

My boyfriend works in a bank as a programmer. His department received an email from outside the company that claimed their data was compromised or whatever. The message also included a link, but luckily for them, the link led to the bank's internal website, offering resources on how to recognize and protect themselves from a phishing attack. Clever, but for the people that took the bait, also a scary moment, because not only would they (the workers) risk their own data, but the company data as well – a bunch of stuff gets compromised if the attackers get ahold of a business computer.

PANDAQUEEN 15th Aug 2022 11:10 AM

When I was at the doctor on Friday, it turned out I shrank. I used to be 5'3" when I was 15 when I stopped growing. Now that I am in my 30s, which is when adults start shrinking, I am 5'0".

If I ever get to share a kiss with Richard Epcar, he'd have to bend down to show affection (he's 6'6")

simmer22 18th Aug 2022 3:56 PM

Not so much ruined, but I'm really tired of bug hunting.

One flippin' huge spider (about palm-size including legs - not having that one roaming around inside, that's for sure...), at least one isopod (those are getting on my nerves), three moths (one's been buggging me in my bedroom for a few days, one by the bathroom window, and one sat behind the toilet lid, just "Hello there!"), and one earwig trying to get into my bedroom (yeah... nope!), in the past two days.

topp 21st Aug 2022 9:37 PM

I swear, any sort of card- or bank-related topic I read, I drop my jaw in disbelief and then remember it's the USA. Rarely anyone accepting tap & pay (hell, everyone still swipes), the country still using cheques, merchants using signatures to authenticate purchases in person, card skimming nearly anywhere (I understand an abandoned vending machine in a dark alley, but in physical stores?) and to top it off, big companies and merchants being hacked on a regular basis.

A sane conclusion my brain makes up is to not have a card there. But then, that's an even bigger issue, because if you don't use credit, you'll get no credit, loans, etc. approved in the future, because "they don't know if you're good enough."

How do you guys survive!?

simsample 21st Aug 2022 11:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by topp
I swear, any sort of card- or bank-related topic I read, I drop my jaw in disbelief and then remember it's the USA.

Here in England I don't think I've swiped a card for at least 10 years or more; and the last cheque book I had was in 2004. I don't even carry a card anymore most of the time (all done by pay apps) and cash... the only time I've handled cash since the pandemic has been when the grandkid wanted to play one of those amusement arcade penny fall things. I am old enough to be able to convert prices to pounds, shillings and pence though!

SimlishLiars 22nd Aug 2022 12:28 AM

I was the witness of a physical agression on the train Thrusday just because the woman thought the girl stole her wallet and the supposed robber denied. I cannot speak a lot here because I do not want to be mixed with racism and prejudice you know.This is not a person looks like somebody from an Ethnicity that causes troubles in general , this person is a trouble themselves. That's stupid.
Nobody could do absolutely anything because the train was crowded to explose, it was around half noon.
I just saw , the woman throw her to the railway station floor. Instead of calling Police.
I am right when I say : people are violent.

Since my small travel I am tired so tired !! I want to sleep all day long.

Anyways there are often harsh things that happened in the 15th of August's week... two years ago, a man who suffer from heavy mental troubles (I cannot judge the illness he suffers from because it's hard when we are not a Psychiatrist to guess) wanted the tramway's driver to kill him (smashing him?), whereas the tramway was stopped.
I was the witness of the scene.

topp 22nd Aug 2022 11:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
The advice (...) is to use a debit card for online purchases. I tried that once, my card got ripped off
In my country, banks hand out debit cards with nearly any account you have open. Most people have two types of checking accounts open: the current account (for daily transactions, including paying bills), and the giro account (which is some form of relic from the times our tax system didn't have surveillance over any and all accounts you had). When I first opened my bank account, I walked out with three pieces of plastic in hand: the debit card for my current account (I used it when my parents transferred allowance), debit for giro (I used it because student jobs pay out exclusively to giro accounts), and a student credit card with a $260 limit. One thing I learned is that I hate using debit cards online - mostly because the available balance gets blocked immediately, and I have to wait ages (read: 3-5 business days) for it to revert in case of a failed order, cancelled Uber, you name it. My credit card, on the other hand, was rarely maxed out, and gradually I switched over to using my credit card pretty much the same way you do - I only pay my balance in full each month, once I get the bill.

What I'm trying to say is what a scary system the FICO score actually is. I suppose we do have some sort of that system over here, but nowhere near as antagonizing as FICO. I'm pretty sure banks do see if you don't pay your bills on time, or how many credit cards and loans you've taken out at any given time, but surely they don't adjust your interest rate just because you have one too many or too few credit cards on file. It could be that I was reading credit card copypasta online or something, but those stories still send slight shivers down my spine.

Oh, and speaking of cashback, I think there's this one card that actually provides cashback over here. You have to spend over $135 every month on it, but doing so every month, I've managed to acquire $9 over a year of spending. Pretty lame. Rewards programs (and it's just this one bank) on the other hand are a total scam over here, and only for the upper class. Plastic is pretty bare-bones here: use it to delay payment, pay for stuff, or withdraw cash. Want any sort of American magic - be sure to pay up yearly membership fees and read the fine print. Also, no "dedicated" credit cards - I read online: at Target, I pay with my American Express 3D Blue Iris Magic Platinum(r) Card because it gives me xx % cashback, but if I buy electronics, I get my Chase Visa Gold - that is, unless I'm buying at Walmart; in that case I use my Walmart Mastercard...

The only debt in my house is the house. Not too many people here in US can say that.
That's absolutely fantastic! I do dream that one day (in Europe, however), I'll have such a future. With the inflation going on because the € keeps dropping in value due to the war on the east, buying groceries every week makes me want to take out a loan. Flour, (edible and mechanical) oil, sugar - anything and everything at least doubled in price - and it's only been months. Scared to think what will happen in years' time.
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I am old enough to be able to convert prices to pounds, shillings and pence though!
That is one crazy system! The decimal systems made all of us fairly lazy with their neat "multiply by 10" scheme.

topp 23rd Aug 2022 5:04 PM

I think it may not be tied specifically to Tide pods - it's the fabric softeners that dampen (no pun intended) towels' ability to absorb water. I've noticed that I need to add only a slight amount of fabric softener (to every other wash!) when washing my bathroom towels.

simmer22 23rd Aug 2022 9:45 PM

^ That's true. Fabric softener has certain properties that don't go well with certain materials, especially synthetic ones. It can leave a waxy coating that makes it more difficult for water to go through the fabric. Unpleasant odors and stains can be more difficult to get rid of, and some fabrics can also get worn out faster. Other places you might want to skip out on the fabric softener are for instance denim, microfiber and synthetic sportswear.

Back when I had access to a dryer, I found it made the towels soft and absorbant. Hanging the towels to dry - with fabric softener, before I knew the above - always made them feel too stiff, so I honestly don't know if the fabric softener did anything useful. Never used the dryer for my clothes, though (too much wear-and-tear). Only towels and bed sheets (mostly because I didn't have the space to dry them properly).

topp 24th Aug 2022 10:16 AM

Yeah I'm very much surprised how certain people toss everything and anything in the dryer - and they're not to blame! The dryers today have options such as denim, shirts, blouses instead of the standard cotton/permanent press thing. Because every single T-shirt that I have says do not tumble dry (cotton falls apart on high temperatures).

My biggest pet peeve though definitely has to be underwear with a care tag that says wash on 30 °C (86 °F) only. Excuse me? All the fluids of my body get mixed in that one fabric, and I'm not even supposed to wash it right? (And I'm not talking about those Calvin Klein or other high brands. I'm talking regular boxers!) I mean, it does say that low with a purpose - the lining where the elastic waist band is starts to wear off if washed higher - but lately instead of paying attention to the shape and color of my underwear when buying new ones, I am on the lookout for a care label that says 60 °C, at least.

simmer22 25th Aug 2022 5:37 AM

Something that almost ruined last evening?
Tried opening my site, and got a message *site doesn't exist*

Enough to get anyone a bit riled up. But It's happened once before, so I kinda hoped it was just a bug and would be back to working in a day or so. Turned out I was right, and it's back to working now. Apparently it happened to several others, too.

It's frustrating when it happens, though. Especially with sites going down left and right, Tumblrs being auto-deleted for no reason, and the first thought in your head is "what the *bleep* did I do?"

PANDAQUEEN 28th Aug 2022 6:25 PM

Got chewed out for being "lazy" least in her eyes.

My mom doesn't truly understand the burden of depression when combined with other mental health issues (all she has is depression).

For me, I want to voice act and sing. I want to set my own work hours. But she doesn't see that in me. She wants me to join a desk job and that crushed my spirit.

simmer22 2nd Sep 2022 5:30 PM

Spider gang is back. Three large spiders - two in my room and one peeking through the gap under the bathroom door - in three days. I swear, the moment there's even a smidge of autumn (and it's even nice weather!) those critters start banging on the door, wanting to get in, or peeking out from their hidey-holes. Absolutely no idea where they're hiding all year, but september/october they're everywhere!

The isopods are a year-round pest, except winter months (3-4 of those as well, and a moth - "go for the liiiiiight!", well, not when that light is my room, no thanks!). Those are annoying, but at least easier to catch than a runaway spider. The wall crawlers I just caught in a cup and removed, but the bathroom spider ran away in the tightest little spot it could find, under a drawer. Got it in the end, though...

Edit: 5 spiders in 4 days! 5!!! All big ones, too! I swear, they're having a party or something... And one of them is hiding up in the ceiling moldings in my bedroom and won't come out (unless it zoomed off somewhere else while I was sleeping - it pushed itself so deep into that hide-hole nobody could've gotten that thing out). I tried, but on my way out to get a long stick to scare it with, another spider sat in the hallway just "hello there!". Smacked it with a shoe. I've had it up to here with these critters...

At least it's the big ones and not the mega-huge we had a few years back. Those were almost as big as my entire hand. These are about the size of my palm (plus/minus, counting the legs - which is big enough, but at least they fit inside a cup/glass/whatever I can catch them in, and they're easier to catch than the small ones).

Half a day later, the last spider is still sitting up in that corner, hiding. Peeked out for a few minutes just to say "I'm still here, yeh know" but I tried to coax it down with a stick, which had the opposite effect, and it zoomed back into its hidey-hole. If it doesn't reappear somewhere further down, it's vacuum cleaner next...

Aaaaand gone with the wind.

Dizzy-noodles 14th Sep 2022 2:04 PM

A while ago my boss told me I had to use up some of my holidays, so I booked a few single days off at random, one being today.

My favourite thing about having a day off is staying up late the night before (doing sims stuff normally), and having a lie-in, I love sleeping!

With hindsight today was really bad timing - I'm on my period, so have had crippling headaches all week, and apparently today is the caretakers's day to mow the lawn.

So my 'lie-in' (alarm set for 11:30am) went like this:
7:30am = Postwoman puts letter through my door (my letterbox is metal so it bangs) and chats to my neighbour
8:15am = My friend texts me about going out at the weekend - I put my phone on silent at this point
9:45am = My mother 'pocketdials' me, the vibrating of the phone woke me up, so I had to ring her back to check no-one had died
10:00am = Can't get back to sleep as it feels like my skulll is about to crack open, get up to take some cocodamol (Thanks period headache)
11:00am = Caretaker starts mowing the lawn (his ride on mower is so loud he even has to wear ear protectors)
11:15am = Spam phonecall - I don't answer these but the vibrating phone woke me up
12:00 = After pressing snooze a few times, give up and get out of bed (the caretaker is still mowing the lawn)

When I'm at work, no-one ever wants to talk to me, but when I'm trying to sleep, I'm flavour of the month for some reason!

I want to go out once a week, on the weekend - but always end up getting asked to 2 or 3 things, I find it really hard to make the money stretch, and there is a definite element of 'can't be arsed' too! I don't get excited about nights out anymore, like I did when I was younger, but it's the only time I see other humans now that I'm working from home, so I feel like I have to or else I'll get lonely.

simmer22 18th Sep 2022 6:24 PM

Bwaaaaaaaains.... BWAAAAAAINSSZZZzzzz!

Had a bad late shift yesterday, didn't sleep well, and then had an early shift. Battery level is hovering at about 0.05% now.

But at least there was cake. Otherwise I don't think I would've gotten through either of those shifts...

And I've got "hell on wheels" the rest of the week - more shifts, and barely any time to wind down due to some stupid planning from management (meetings, etc.) that's of course put to my days/time off. Probably gonna walk around like a zombie the rest of the week...

EDIT: Overtime and half-bad shift, too much stress to get everything done

PANDAQUEEN 28th Sep 2022 7:23 PM

Well, looking back on the year, we've had our fair share of malfunctioning grievances.

Keep at it and I'm satisfied to say I have moved on as a human. Starting to give no fucks, take no shit, and do no harm. I'm growing up but it's in sort of a begrudging manner. I can have my moments as I am a human and not a computer, which are only as smart as those who programmed them.

This is not goodbye, but a hello to embracing the day, come rain or shine.

PANDAQUEEN 29th Sep 2022 10:52 PM

Blargh! For the first anniversary of this thread, I just got off the phone after OVER 20 MINUTES getting ran around! I wanted to call my doctor about weaning off a pill and it ended up being a shit show that required my father, who chaperoned me to my appointments for as long as I could remember, to take the wheel.

I feel like I want to eat a New York Style cheesecake. The whole god-damned custard pie that it is.

PANDAQUEEN 2nd Oct 2022 3:55 PM

Today, on "Panda SNAFU"

Panda woke up in the middle of the night to a bad allergic reaction in her right eye that lasted 8-9 hours.

Panda suffers from numerous allergies from plant pollens. Trees, flowers, and grasses are her enemies.

This, aside from excuses to cuddle close to warm men, is her reason she likes winter or rainy days.

simmer22 3rd Oct 2022 3:38 PM

Dentist appointment. Everything fine, except removed some leftover plaque (tartar? whatever it's called) - it's THE most awful thing a dentist can do to me (that sensation from the tool they use go through the entire body, almost like mini electric jolts, and I almost jump out of the chair). I had a tooth removed a while back, and quite frankly that wan't half as bad... Anyway, at least it's a while until the next time, and hopefully I won't have to remove any more of that (didn't go to the dentist for maybe 8-10 years-ish years, until that tooth decided to get infected, so the stuff probably got the chance to build up a bit around that time - I've had some removed with every appointment. The first round was torture...).

But all in all, the appointment didn't take more than maybe 15 minutes. So now I've got that banana taste of fluoride that starts out nice, but after about ten minutes it tastes like I'm busy eating a truckload of bananas and it's getting ever so slightly nauseating, and keeps on giving the rest of the day . Everything did look fine, so I'm not really complaining.

Not too bad today, though. Found some more nice new yarn for my sock projects, slightly cheaper than some other place I've been buying from, so that's good.

simmer22 12th Oct 2022 5:29 PM

I was in a relatively good mood when I came to work, although it's possible I'd gotten less sleep than I should've. (also my 5th shift in less than a week, so I was probably already on my last 5% of energy without realizing)

Mood started breaking down immediately after the report, when the other unit started bombarding me with phone calls about "can you do this and do that" for things someone else probably could've easily done in less time than it took me (due to distance - takes me a few extra minutes to walk over there, and back again). I think they called me about 4-5 times in 2 hours, usually while I was busy doing other things. Had a plan to get 3 people up before breakfast. Managed one. Things eventually got done (thanks to everyone on my unit being helpful - no thanks to the other unit ). Then at the end of the day I had a couple meetings, and at the end of the first one I got called up very unexpectedly, and got yelled at for a mistake that other unit had done earlier that day (something they should've known better, and should've checked the day before), so I had to go all the way back there, check the details - and get yelled at some more because nobody at that unit knew the answer to the questions and had of course not documented it anywhere (everything you DON'T need is written in full detail. When you need information, nobody has written anything anywhere. Go figure...)

And that's just the cliff's notes of how my day went. Yes, I was on the verge of several minor breakdowns throughout the day, and only the thought of a long stretch of not working kept me on my feet until the end of my shift, or I probably would've thrown in the towel halfway through. It's not by any means the toughest shift I've had, but it was just those constant little things that kept coming, and I just couldn't find time to do all the other things I was supposed to do. I hate those days...

Anyway, I'm on my last dregs of energy, but Ive got several days off now, so screw work, I'm gonna be (mostly) in my bed for at least a couple days, possibly more.

Dizzy-noodles 22nd Oct 2022 2:15 AM

So, something I'm starting to realise the older I get is, if someone asks how you are, and anything other than "I'm fine, how are you?" is the wrong answer - they're not a good friend, and probably not that great of a person either.

I feel like saying "Oh my grief makes you uncomfortable? How do you think it makes me feel?"

Superficial people are quickly becoming my pet hate, honestly. Go deep or go home - I always bond with people over shared pain/bad experiences, but maybe that's just me.

simmer22 28th Oct 2022 7:40 AM

The smoke alarm in my room needs a new battery, and has been bleeping for at least the past 2-3 days now, but it's screwed on too tight so we're going to need some help getting the thing down.

It's getting on my nerves - it's not just small bleeps like our old ones did, it's a short, very loud, very intense SCREEEECH!!!!! every half minute or so, enough to make me cringe every time, so I'm not too far away from a headache.

EDIT: New batteries = silence. FINALLY!

PANDAQUEEN 30th Oct 2022 1:55 AM

Today, on "Panda SNAFU"

Panda woke up early and cancelled an extremely expensive order, but has yet to receive her money back.

Papanda is upset with her sloppy manner of shopping.

Either way, being in the doghouse is something that Panda is no stranger to this week.

PANDAQUEEN 3rd Nov 2022 4:00 AM

Today, on "Panda SNAFU"

Panda woke up at around noon after an early morning nap.

While opening a sparkling sangria bottle (the sangria has about 0.5% ABV), it spewed out like a fountain. Took a while to clean up the coffee station, the side of the fridge, the drawer, the cabinet on the coffee station and the Pyrex bowls. So much for thinking a Sangria Señorial and 7UP cocktail would be easy.

Laundry day had both her and Papanda arguing about laundry methods. He ended up igniting Panda's short fuse.

Otherwise, Panda had gone about business as usual. But for some reason, she can't find her tabletop tripod for her camera on her smartphone and it's driving her crazy.

simmer22 7th Nov 2022 5:11 AM

Not this weekend, but the previous, with the daylight savings (apparently it happens at different weekends around the globe?). I had a weekend at work with an evening and day shift, and supposedly was going to get the "one hour more sleep" - but turned out most of us didn't sleep that extra hour, but instead went a bit stir-crazy, so several hadn't slept properly. At work the next day I spent a chunk of the day correcting wristwatches and calming the residents (the ones who still care, anyway) that yes, their watches were correct. In addition, some of the residents often tend to get a bit extra stir-crazy, and/or extra tired/awake (depending), which can last for up to several days (the checking time thing can also last for several days).

Having barely slept, I was so tired I just wanted to crawl into a bed and fall asleep...

Can we do away with the daylight savings already?

At least I have a memory-rule for how to turn the clock - toward the nearest summer in the current year. Can't ever remember when to apply it, but at least there's someone helpful on the news or a calendar that has it written down, or just about anything that makes you remember those stupid two times of the year... And at least phones figure things out on their own, so there's that...


This weekend my entire body is aching. I sat wondering why for a bit, but had an aha moment a minute later when I remembered I'd been hammering up a bookcase and lifting/moving around boxes, carrying heavy books around (3++ years worth of study books, plus half a library of other books). Putting up furniture is probably the closest I get to doing yoga, because i get into all sorts of strange positions...

topp 7th Nov 2022 1:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Can we do away with the daylight savings already?
Yes, please! I've heard from a friend (too tired to check myself) that my country (or the EU?) wanted to eradicate DST, but my country couldn't settle down to an agreement with a neighboring country (specifically, Croatia and Slovenia) - Croatia wanted the summer time (as most of its income is from tourism during the summer), while Slovenia wanted the winter time, because they have mountains and skiing I guess. Personally, I don't care if we shifted our 8 AM to dusk time - I just want it to be fixated, and frankly, don't care about the meridians matching up with other countries. There are a handful of cases where you'd have multiple countries over the same meridian having different time zones - for example, Portugal and Spain! And for some reason, having that same exact thing in eastern Europe is a no-go all of a sudden? Pffft...

PANDAQUEEN 22nd Nov 2022 3:35 AM

Okay, you might have heard in a couple months I will be trading rooms with my mother because she wants my room because it's bright enough to work on arts and crafts. She also noted that I could do with a bigger room. (the room I'm trading in for is 50% more roomier).

But if you were to look in my room's a fucking mess. Paper trash, clutter, things kicked under the bed, bookcases in disarray, tangled wires, stacks of various get my point.

We're still negotiating the game plan of what goes where. A MALM dresser in the art supplies room is probably going to the garage is a start.

PANDAQUEEN 24th Nov 2022 10:41 AM

I haven't been sleeping well. My father thinks the fact he's back at work, I am not used to the silence.

I have been up all night and would crash after I take my pills in the morning.

PANDAQUEEN 26th Nov 2022 5:59 AM

I really hope Twitter isn't deleted from Google or Apple. It's my only connection right now to my voice acting mentors and coworkers.

Besides, I stay far away from the hateful side. Toxic environments do me no good. I rather be with my friends and coworkers.

topp 26th Nov 2022 3:12 PM

I think that if you have the app on your phone and don't delete it manually, if the tech giants pull the app, it won't disappear from your phone. I remember when the owner of Floppy Bird pulled the app. There were bids on those phones that still had the original app installed on eBay around the phones' original sale values, if not higher.

Dizzy-noodles 26th Nov 2022 3:12 PM

One of my best friends is very sporty and going on holiday with 4 other people who are into the same sport.

It's a couple of months away and they are planning it now, it's booked and paid for though.

She's really stressed and upset because one girl has said the activity they're doing is easier in pairs (although it can just as easily be done in twos or threes), and keeps asking my friend if she can bring another person (it's kind of an extreme sport, so she doesn't know anyone else suitable). One of the blokes has stood up for my friend a bit, but the of other two people, one agrees with the mean girl and one is being a coward and saying nothing. So my friend feels left out and unwanted, and pushed out of the group.

I'm really angry that they're treating my friend like this!

I'm trying to support her emotionally but I don't know these people (I'm a bit of a mother hen with my friends, and get protective and defend them).

I hate it when she gets involved with mean people, it's happened before and I've told her that some of her other friends treat her badly.

I don't know why it keeps happening to her, because my friend is lovely and kindhearted.

PANDAQUEEN 1st Dec 2022 1:15 AM

My room is a fucking mess to the point I lost a key ring with 12 keys and no replacement key to open the locked cash boxes.

Should really clean up tomorrow.

simmer22 1st Dec 2022 5:57 PM

Being disturbed when I'm in the middle of patient interactions, either by people calling (usually when I -sincerely- can't take the phone, because if I have gloves on, it's for a reason, m'kay?), or when people pop their heads into the BATHROOM every 3 minutes to ask something stupid, when someone is sitting there in the middle of a shower or something like that. Especially when it's the same bathroom, FOUR times in a row! Some privacy, PLEASE!

Some days it feels like I'm surrounded by badly coded NPC sims

Dizzy-noodles 3rd Dec 2022 12:15 AM

So another really disappointing takeaway tea - decided to 'treat' myself, felt more like a punishment! lol!

I can live with the waste of money, I can live with the waste of time, but what really bothers me is the waste of calories!

And I could have thrown it away, but by the time it arrived, I really didn't want to have to cook, and wash up after.

Starting to wonder if it's the takeaway website I use, or if takeaways save the worst food for deliveries? Some are places I have been to in real life (even if a few years ago) and never had a problem with before.

Or maybe standards are slipping? Either way I'm sick of having to leave bad reviews because the food was nasty.

A takeaway should be an actual treat! Otherwise I might as well just have crisps for tea instead!

PANDAQUEEN 5th Dec 2022 11:16 PM

Me and my parents are sick with a cold!

Good thing I stocked up on drinks during my grocery shopping trip.

I also got simethicone gel capsules and guaifenesin tablets for my trapped gas and mucusy head.

simmer22 7th Dec 2022 7:44 PM

Snow. Just... Snow.

First the bus was 15 minutes late (cold, had to wait for the $#@&% thing!)
And when they try to clean up the white mess they always leave a sheet of white, super-slippery almost-ice that can trick you into thinking it's almost safe to walk on.
Guess who slipped and fell? Yup. Good thing it wasn't plain ice, or I'd probably been hurt.
Then a meeting stretched on and on.
Waited for the 15 minutes late bus AGAIN! (COOOOOOOOLD!!!!)
On my way home got a message that a package had arrived, somewhere I've never picked it up before.
Got confused, got out at the wrong place, then remembered where it was (not anywhere close). Went shopping for a little bit while waiting for the next bus.
Waited for the late bus AGAIN! (Did I mention it is FRIGGIN cold outside? No?)
Tried to find those $#@&% mail box thingies, asked in the building that had popped up in the message.
Met a not-so-happy-person who didn't speak my language, so it was a mishmash of English and slight confusion.
Finally found the $#@&% mail boxes. OUTSIDE. (Did I mention it was MINUS DEGREES? Already dark? No?)
Had to download a $#@&% app and click through the usual do-this-do-that-nightmare to unlock the box. With fingers boardering on too stiff to click on anything, hurting like $#@&%, and probably going blue...
When I finally got the package out, that thing was giant, I've got a shopping bag and a phone, and below is probably 10-20 cm of snow. Not putting my bags down there. So I trudge over to the building and wrangle the huge package down into a too small bag, my phone into my backpack, and then start walking, cursing the snow all the way home, with fingers going colder and hurting more and more due to the bag being really awkward to handle, and close to frozen stiff.
Got home in one piece, but my room is freezing cold, so my fingers were warm for like 5 minutes, but now they're cold again.


(Snow is nice to look at when I can be indoors. But on days like this, I'd rather not)

EDIT: As if that's not bad enough, more of the $#@&% snow is piling on outside

simmer22 16th Dec 2022 9:11 AM

Snow. Snow? Snow!?!?! And even more snow!

It's piling on outside. Last time I was outside, it was close to 30-ish cm where it's still untouched, and it snowed when I got to bed, so it's probably even more tomorrow. And it's still cold (but at least yesterday it wasn't the same "freeze your nose off" cold as the last time I complained).

The sidewalks are suffering from "eh, the roads are fine-ish" syndrome as per usual with more than a week of heavy snow, and the plow edges are soon taller than me now, most of it on said sidewalks, mostly the smaller ones they never care to plow properly

White christmas? Looks promising for those who like it. I just want the snow to go away (but preferably very fast and without a week of slush/ice)...

EDIT: Currently about 40 cm of snow
Looks like next week is getting warmer, though, so maybe not white christmas after all (not complaining), but lots of rain awawits, so looks like it's going to be slushy and possibly icy. If there's something worse than snow this time of year, it's ice and/or slush...

PANDAQUEEN 19th Dec 2022 3:53 AM

That cold we had? We all had COVID-19! Still, things were just fine because we were vaccinated and boosted twice.

Right now, my stomach is very much ripped up and I need to look into references for a gastroenterologist and I am familiar with them and if dad takes me for an appointment, well, the old Ultraman story of Ultraman safely detonating a bomb in a monster's stomach in outer space looks likely as the way to have some semblance of a distraction.

simmer22 22nd Dec 2022 1:27 AM

Not finding something when I was frantically looking for it, then finding the thing (where I thought I'd put it, in a place I swear I looked several times but apparently didn't search well enough ) when I don't need it any more. I mean... why? How?

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