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Astrognash 18th May 2012 10:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Welcome Astrognash I believe I am the welcomer person, and I highly doubt that welcomer is even a word. BUT...


Thank you!

Yazoo 18th May 2012 11:13 PM

You are very welcome, Astrognash :D

Johnny_Bravo 18th May 2012 11:35 PM

I'm not gay, but I love TS and I know many gay people who are very nice and have an awesome taste in clothes I support you gay/bi/lesbian guys and dolls

VampireSim 19th May 2012 12:25 PM

Thanks, Zandvoort!!
It's so cool to have a place, where people are respecting each other.

Johnny_Bravo 3rd Jun 2012 1:32 AM

nice, LJ, that you've joined this group. Welcome! (Shoot, my english still is pretty good even though my heavy intus )

Yazoo 3rd Jun 2012 3:13 AM

Welcome Lj! ^.^

Rawra 3rd Jul 2012 9:27 PM

Hey, I thought I'd drop by to rectify what I've stated before. I'm actually bisexual. Kthxbye.

Yazoo 3rd Jul 2012 9:47 PM

@The Creeper: We knew that >.> Okay at least I knew that, because I have awesome psychic powers. ooooOOOOooooo


Rawra 3rd Jul 2012 9:57 PM

^Yeah, I know, but I just felt like saying it, so I wouldn't sound like a hypocrite in my previous post. I just came out of the closet like a couple of months ago.

Yazoo 3rd Jul 2012 10:13 PM

@The Creeper: I so knew, because you like flirting with me. LMAO xD

IT IS A JOKE! >..< I am just messing with you or in everyone's case, her


*laughs evilly*

Rawra 3rd Jul 2012 10:23 PM

^O.O - That was pretty much my face when I read the first part. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.

Yazoo 3rd Jul 2012 11:36 PM

Ah, just what I was going for. SUCCESS :D

HylianWolf 4th Jul 2012 8:53 AM

i'm gay and i think TS2 is awesome for having same-sex relations and even marriage. EA and Maxis are definitely one of the more liberal gaming companies out there and i applaud them for that.

Rawra 4th Jul 2012 1:03 PM

^Don't bring EA in that equation. EA sucks. But, yeah, Maxis. Also Bioware, if you're into RPGs (Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Star Wars: The Old Republic etc.).

Yazoo 4th Jul 2012 6:32 PM

>.< The Creeper. Chill. CHILL! >.> Also Skyrim has same sex marriages My friend tested it out, and then backed out. She isn't a lesbian.


Rawra 4th Jul 2012 8:47 PM

^Yeah, but in Skyrim you can't do anything interesting with your partner without mods. And I won't chill, EA has ruined a lot of games. *rage* But I could go on bitching about EA all day long, I'd much rather have an ice tea.

Yazoo 4th Jul 2012 9:31 PM

*Gives The Creeper Ice Tea* ^.^

All because, I am that awesome :P

Rawra 4th Jul 2012 9:55 PM

Why, thank you. :D

Yazoo 5th Jul 2012 5:30 AM

You're welcome.

I need to message you, The Creeper, sadly. You are over your message limit.

HylianWolf 5th Jul 2012 8:44 AM

also i just noticed that The Creeper's avy is Shane from The L Word

Rawra 5th Jul 2012 9:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Levera
I need to message you, The Creeper, sadly. You are over your message limit.

I know, how the hell do I delete messages? Done.

And yes, @hylianwolf, I LOVE that show. I love it.

VampireSim 5th Jul 2012 11:39 AM

I love L World, but in Germany there were only a few episodes of the series then it was discontinued.

squaretable 5th Aug 2012 2:57 PM

The what word? Oh I'd better introduce myself.
I'm Squaretable (not my real name), im male and from the UK, and I'm a 13 & 1/2. (exactly in 3 days!) I'm really confused about who I like, I know I Definately like girls, the amount of crushes I have it's untrue! However, since I was around 12 1/2 (probably a bit before) I've started wondering, do I really JUST like girls, or do I like others? I mean my best friend (girl) started going out with a boy, and I was like to myself couldn't stop looking at him! It was crazy, and stuff. So yeah. And that's not the only time, I've got confused over boys, and it's not easy, especially since people at my school think anyway who has had any experience with boys is gay, even if they have been in relationships with girls, everyone who is gay has Aids and you can get aids through their skin, so it's really hard. And I'm still unsure whether I'm straight or I'm bi, I just don't know...

Rawra 5th Aug 2012 8:53 PM

@squaretable, "The L Word", it's a TV show. :P

biancoest77 16th Aug 2012 2:43 PM

hi i'm a dedicated sims-fan from estonia (f/35/bi), have played it since the very beginning of sims-era in PC gaming. absolutely fascinated about the opportunities in the game for LGBT-ppl. i used same-sex-parents cheat for a while but it stopped working after certain game updates. so i just try to have balanced neighborhood of very colorful characters and use adoption in gay-families if needed. it's fun to bring in some well-known LGBT-ppl as characters in the game - thinking about creating look-alikes of my favs as a future challenge for myself (stephen fry, ellen degeneres etc).

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