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cupcake12winx 20th Dec 2009 5:38 AM

Re-reading Night World 3 until I get something new for Christmas. If I finish before then, I'll probably re-read Eragon. Again.

Geah 20th Dec 2009 6:52 AM

Reading the Third book already in the Outlander series, this novels called "Voyager" and it's by Diana Gabaldon

minus. 21st Dec 2009 1:56 PM

"Steppenwolf" by Hermann Hesse.

minus. 30th Dec 2009 10:50 AM

Double-posting is fun.

"Expensive People" by Joyce Carol Oates.

meggie272 30th Dec 2009 12:30 PM

The High King, by Lloyd Alexander

Rabid 30th Dec 2009 4:39 PM

"For the Relief of Unbearable Urges," by Nathan Englander, "A Passage to India," by E.M. Forster, and "The Age of Innocence," by Edith Wharton.

candiiee 30th Dec 2009 5:00 PM

"Nightlight" (Twilight parody, not sure who the author is) it's extremely funny, and I'm beginning to question Twilight more and more now.

meggie272 31st Dec 2009 6:12 AM

Me and my friends were reading it and laughing. And laughing. And laughing. My favourite bit is the "How did you know my name was Bella!?" part.

lethifold 6th Jan 2010 2:50 AM

I just finished "Her Fearful Symmetry," by Audrey Niffenegger, and now I'm on the hunt for something new. Until I find another novel, I'll just amuse myself with the work of John Keats, I suppose.

meggie272 6th Jan 2010 7:16 AM

The last few pages of "The High King", by Lloyd Alexander. Anyone else read any of the Taran books?

Geah 6th Jan 2010 8:29 AM

Started the 6th book of that Outlander Series yesterday so am reading that now, this one's called A breat of snow and ashes and so far its absolutley brilliant as are the rest of the books (155 pages in btw) tottaly reccomend these books to anyone with an interest in one or more of history, scotland, the american revolution, the bonnie 'prince' Charlie, the battle at Culloden , romance, time travelling etc .. absolute perfection! I can't stop raving about em and can hardly manage to put the books down at all ..

Geah 6th Jan 2010 8:30 AM

^^ What are the Taran books about?

meggie272 6th Jan 2010 9:24 AM

^^Well, have you seen the Disney movie, The Black Cauldron? That is - albeit a stuffed up and extremely bad - adaption of the first two Taran books.

If you haven't, their official name is the Chronicles of Prydain. They're quite typical swords-and-sourcery, Lord of the Rings type fantasy that I would roll my eyes at, IF the author wasn't so good at fleshing out characters, making them original and different from every other fantasy novel out there *coughEragoncough*.

The plotline spans over 6 books and focuses on the Assistant Pig-Keeper of a farm, Taran of Caer Dallben.

Okay, prosy review over

meggie272 6th Jan 2010 9:24 AM

^^Well, have you seen the Disney movie, The Black Cauldron? That is - albeit a stuffed up and extremely bad - adaption of the first two Taran books.

If you haven't, their official name is the Chronicles of Prydain. They're quite typical swords-and-sourcery, Lord of the Rings type fantasy that I would roll my eyes at, IF the author wasn't so good at fleshing out characters, making them original and different from every other fantasy novel out there *coughEragoncough*.

The plotline spans over 6 books and focuses on the Assistant Pig-Keeper of a farm, Taran of Caer Dallben.

Okay, prosy review over

cupcake12winx 6th Jan 2010 10:18 AM

Going to start re-reading Eragon until I get my money back so I can buy new books.

Geah 6th Jan 2010 11:29 AM

^^ well i don't like lord of the rings at all, but it sounds like its worth checking out .. i'l have a look for it once i've finished the 6th and 7th books of the Outlander Series i'm reading

Zela 6th Jan 2010 11:43 AM

I bought a new book, Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld but I haven't started reading it yet 'cause I should be given my Anthology for English soon. We're doing poetry. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing...

minus. 9th Jan 2010 5:53 PM

"The House In The Mist" by Anna Katharine Green.

Rabid 9th Jan 2010 6:59 PM

"The Yiddish Policemen's Union" and "Manhood for Amateurs," both by Michael Chabon.

Dreamydre 9th Jan 2010 10:59 PM

Push by Sapphire.

Geah 10th Jan 2010 12:49 AM

An Echo in the Bone - Diana Gabaldon (7th book in the Outlander Series)

lethifold 10th Jan 2010 6:25 AM

I'm re-reading "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," by Douglas Adams for about the millionth time, and occasionally I'll flip through my John Keats poems.

meggie272 10th Jan 2010 8:11 AM

Still reading "Eldest" by Christopher Paolini.

Kinda boring >_>

Rabid 17th Jan 2010 2:59 AM

"The Bostonians," by Henry James and "Main Street," by Sinclair Lewis.

meggie272 17th Jan 2010 10:32 AM

"Inheritance" by Christopher Paolini.

Okay, so I'm not really into Eragon. It's ridiculously cliched, yadda yadda, and I don't think it's worth all the hype around it. And Arya drives me around the bend up the wall crazy.

But Mr. Paolini's skill in writing is definitely improving. I'm actually sensing atmosphere now.

And my god. Roran and Katrina. :lovestruc Need I say any more?

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