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toyou1214 23rd Aug 2010 9:44 PM

haha, he can have his own island, and he needs to find a way to escape! (: lol.

sleepyrose 23rd Aug 2010 10:06 PM

Oh that's a good idea! He'll have to find his way through a tomb, that's called the Craggles Cave

toyou1214 24th Aug 2010 1:30 AM

lol. (: were so smart!

Deluxe Designs 24th Aug 2010 9:48 AM

I don't come on for a few hours and craig has gone insane and appeared on a random island trying to escape and that is why i love this group

sleepyrose 24th Aug 2010 4:30 PM

Yes, it's so funny... I can't wait to see Craig's sim-self.

btw, can anyone check on Antonio Ortega? I can't get him to install and I'm curious if you have the same problem.

Craggles 24th Aug 2010 7:53 PM

No he wont work on mine either!!
and i havent been on sims yet!! crazy i know
maybe tonight eh

Deluxe Designs 24th Aug 2010 8:40 PM

Gah i know i haven't been been building for ages, i need to continue!! I have been busy going a bit mesh crazy XD this is what i'm working on atm, but it's not finished yet!

Craggles 24th Aug 2010 8:41 PM

haha you're gonna bum austria now arent you?! It looks bloody good though!!

sleepyrose 24th Aug 2010 8:59 PM

Craig, you haven't been simming all day? Are you feeling alright?

DD, that looks so pretty! It would look really nice in a cottage home too. Are you making a table to go with it?

Deluxe Designs 24th Aug 2010 9:07 PM

Yeh i am planning to make a table and a single dining chair too, it is all based on a set which we have in our house ^.^

Craggles 24th Aug 2010 9:08 PM

I know haha!! I think I'm ok... lol I've been doing housework and cooking :P
im so domesticated!!!

toyou1214 24th Aug 2010 9:15 PM

it looks great! (: i really like it, but maybe two pillows on the right side, like layering each other?


sleepyrose 24th Aug 2010 11:20 PM

Hahaha, Craggles, have you been tamed? Can you help me out some day? I hate doing housework, lol!

DD, I can't wait to see that table and chair!
Oh, and I've been meaning to ask you... once upon a time, long ago, I thought you mentioned that you were going to redo the port lots. Are you still planning to do that?

Deluxe Designs 25th Aug 2010 12:10 AM

I am in the middle of doing that, because the stupid game went all crazy on me and i had to reinstall i lost all the main 4 port lots around the bell tower, so i am currently rebuilding them

toyou1214 25th Aug 2010 12:21 AM

DD, are you keeping the homes the same? i have not played them, but i like the exteriors! (:

Craggles 30th Aug 2010 7:36 PM

YESSSS I have the internettttt!!! *Daaaances*
dunno how long for though, so make the most of it and make sure I'm up to date
what do people need/want from me in the near future?
the De Luca house is now being furnished etc
i remember something to do with another house
ive got the fire station etc built. and i need to put the sizes up here somewhere with some photos
hopefully DD can get the .world file from kiwi so i can start playing with it next weekend AT MY NEW HOUSE!!!! in case you cant tell, i'm excited by this xD


now you see why my quote says what it does!! haha

Deluxe Designs 30th Aug 2010 8:31 PM

Lol nice craig i'm still waiting for the .world file from wiki, i think he gets back fairly soon from holiday. And no they will be different, and better!!!

sleepyrose 30th Aug 2010 8:33 PM

That's wonderful Craig! Hopefully you didn't suffer to much from withdrawal symthoms, and I hope you don't loose your connection again.
You were going to build David Sharp's house. The computer nerd, who's now called David Salinas. He's uploaded in the completed sims section.
I'm curious to see what you're going to do with caw, when kiwi sends the map. Are you planning to attend any classes when you're back at uni, or will playing the sims be enough for your education?
Happy to hear that you're moving into a new house! Is it a dorm, or will you have it all to yourself?

Craggles 30th Aug 2010 8:44 PM

im very excited to get the world file!! first thing on my list:
then everything else everyone wants. I'll even put the houses in so when u guys download the world again you wont have to place all the buildings :D

its a house we dont have proper dorms here, last year was my first at uni, and we had like 26 flats with 6 bedrooms in each, in a terrace, it was really nice :D
and this year im living in a house in just a normal part of the city, with 5 girls. I'm either gonna really enjoy it, or kill them/myself haha!!

sleepyrose 30th Aug 2010 8:57 PM

Placing te lots in the world is a good idea! I am still updating some of my lots though.... hope that's possible. Oh, i figured the nectary was a priority, lol. I really hope it fits up that mountain.

You're going to live with 5 girls? Oh what a drama! How did you end up with them? You'd better stay out of their way when their red flag is waving, hahaha!
Anyway, I'm happy for you that you'll be living in a normal house.

Craggles 30th Aug 2010 9:00 PM

hahaha ewwwwwww
lol im as stroppy as any of them when i want to be
theyre my friends from last year haha!! and i was hoping theyd be clean and tidy and cook for me haha

Deluxe Designs 30th Aug 2010 11:32 PM

Lol i can't believe you're sharing a house with 5 other girls, that is quite hysterical

toyou1214 31st Aug 2010 2:59 AM

yea, me too! lol (: Good luck-your sure as hell going to need it! lol

sleepyrose 31st Aug 2010 10:48 AM

Oh, you've got a smart way of looking at it. They can cook and clean for you, lol! The other guys must be so jealous of you!

Deluxe Designs 31st Aug 2010 1:53 PM

Oh lol guys, i failed my driving test i only failed it with 2 minors, TWO!!! :'( but some silly car was behaving wierdly while i was reversing around a corner, and i got failed because i was concentrating on him and not the rest of the road

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