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sasukelover#1 7th Mar 2008 3:07 AM

This helped me a lot thanks! Could you do one for skin?

Saraswati5 15th Mar 2008 7:24 AM

sasukelover the thing is, the techiques are mostly exactly the same regardless of what you're making. The only real difference with hair and clothes is that you get multiple files and you need to alter them all.

I would recommend doing the next two tutes, then playing and seeing if you come up with some effects you like Oh and myself and a couple of others are actually doing a couple more Gimp tutes right now, but they won't cover skins.. just things like shadows and highlights, detail etc. Expect tute 4 probably within the next month or so if everything goes well.

terecis516 18th Mar 2008 4:54 AM

omg i can't believe It was this easy! I can't wait for the next lesson. I'm a single mother of 3 and well I was getting bored with the colors they have on some of the clothing. Since spring is here now I can put those colors into my clothes. I scared my kids when I jumped up i can't believe this is so freaking awwwsommmeee!!!!! thanks

DBarrera95350 19th Mar 2008 9:25 PM

I am no longer a re-color virgin! weeeee!!!! *giggles*

CorleoneFamily 30th Mar 2008 7:57 AM

Help me I can't do it When I try to export a dress, I click "Accept" and nothing happens. Is there any solution?

Saraswati5 3rd Apr 2008 12:24 PM

Corleone Family I'm a bit confused, there isn't an accept button anywhere on my Gimp.. can you tell us which step you're getting stuck at?

MissDoomsDay 4th Apr 2008 2:56 AM

I did it! I feel a sense of accomplisment. Hehe! Thank you for making it so simple to understand! ^^

Saraswati5 5th Apr 2008 10:38 AM

:-) MissDoomsDay I am so happy I was able to help!

CorleoneFamily 12th Apr 2008 12:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Saraswati5
Corleone Family I'm a bit confused, there isn't an accept button anywhere on my Gimp.. can you tell us which step you're getting stuck at?

Stuck at exporting. I can't export it because the exporting button doesn't work. I click it lots of times, and nothing happens. I am looking for the solution of this, or Body Shop will hate me for years.

itchytickle89 14th Apr 2008 1:51 AM

i can only get to step nine. when i use gimp to open the saved dress, i can get only to the sims2 then it doesn't have any of the sub categories like projects. is this a problem with the export. im kinda frustrated.

Calalily 16th Apr 2008 11:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CorleoneFamily
Stuck at exporting. I can't export it because the exporting button doesn't work. I click it lots of times, and nothing happens. I am looking for the solution of this, or Body Shop will hate me for years.

Okay, I think I know what your problem might be.

Observe on this picture:

All of the boxes are outlined in blue, except the one selected, which is outlined in green. You need to be on the page looking at the one outlined in green, or you cannot export it. Your bodyshop mannequin needs to be wearing it to export it. It's important to click on the image of the dress to select it for exporting, otherwise, BodyShop will do nothing and your export button will be greyed out.

Quote: Originally posted by itchytickle89
i can only get to step nine. when i use gimp to open the saved dress, i can get only to the sims2 then it doesn't have any of the sub categories like projects. is this a problem with the export. im kinda frustrated.

When you installed the game, did you use the default installation path?

If you did, did you click on the folder called Sims2, and if it is empty, can you play the game at all?

alylovesu2 30th Apr 2008 3:36 PM

Wow I actually did it! This is my first time with this sort of thing, and it's great! Thank you thank you thank you for posting this tutorial. I tried recolouring with a different tutorial, but it was for Adobe (which I don't have), and I couldn't figure out how to do it with Gimp. I usually have trouble with this sort of thing, but this tutorial was well written and easy to follow. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this! :lovestruc

After testing my recolour in my game (works perfectly), I've even gone back and done some more recolours already, just to see what else I can do. On to the next Gimp tutorial! :D

Ingridtk 2nd Jun 2008 2:48 PM

Hi- I have a mac- I followed your tutorial and ended up with a red dress I was happy with - but when I exported it back to bodyshop- the dress shows up completely blue (like the texture's disappeared and it's just showing mesh or something) I have no idea what is causing this- I opened the texture file and it opens up fine by itself as a separate picture but isn't showing up in bodyshop.

Dj Music 24th Jun 2008 2:37 PM

Did you go into 'Dialogs' 'Layers' and change the 'pull down' from Normal to Hard Light?

ktn048 9th Jul 2008 7:02 PM

Just wanted to say thanks for posting this tutorial. I've been wanting to learn how to create for the sims 2 for a while now, and finally convinced myself I just might be able to do it

I downloaded Gimp 2, and the menus are a bit different from your screenshots, but it wasn't that big of a problem thankfully.

GothoGirl 12th Jul 2008 2:01 PM

My dress when I done this,went completely the colour I put it as...Do you know why?

tiggerypum 14th Jul 2008 9:53 PM

GothoGirl - you probably forgot to make a new layer, or didn't set the layer's transparency correctly.

AnthonyRappluver 17th Aug 2008 11:22 PM

is there or a tutorial (or can someone just tell me, lol) how to get the finished projects onto mts2?

Dj Music 27th Aug 2008 6:33 PM

When you are done your outfit, And if you want to upload it to this site, click 'Create' up in the toolbar and click 'Upload Items' and just follow the steps from there. But don't forget to read all the requirements!


Blackcatsimone 28th Aug 2008 12:47 AM

Thank you thank you thank you! This helped me sooo much!

kassybarrett 22nd Sep 2008 3:35 PM

wow thanx i would have never figured any of this stuff out!

lalaso2 9th Oct 2008 6:59 AM

for some reason i dont have the dialogs drop down thingy. .
Please help!

Dj Music 10th Oct 2008 9:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lalaso2
for some reason i dont have the dialogs drop down thingy. .
Please help!

Are you sure? It should be on your toolbar... If you still can't find it, Just use the shortcut to open up the Layers -- CTRL and L. Hope one of these ways works!


maegan662 24th Oct 2008 4:02 AM

Thank you soo much!!!
I have played the sims for many, many years and just recently got into video making and downloading custom material. I have to say that first downloaded the gimp thinking that it would be easy....Man was I wrong! I followed your tutorial and recoloured my first dress with ease. Thank you soo much for taking the time to help us simple folk lol. I am on to the next tutorial!!! :lovestruc :lovestruc

maegan662 24th Oct 2008 4:08 AM

for lalaso 2, I ran across the same problem. I had to go to the Windows menu up top and check the recently closed docks. It was under there. Its a floater like the tool box. By chance, do you have windows vista? Thats what I have and it looks just a little different that the pics in the tutorial. Hope this helps

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