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toyou1214 25th Jun 2010 12:14 AM

Might i suggest july 20th? (:

kiwi_tea 25th Jun 2010 5:47 PM

Frankly, I don't think we can make any predictions about the date until EA fixes CAW.

(PS. DD, heard your recent interview with Flab yesterday, lol)

Deluxe Designs 25th Jun 2010 6:43 PM

Lol kiwi! Yeh excuse how retarded i sound haha

toyou1214 25th Jun 2010 7:22 PM

ha, i saw that, still have not listened to it though!

Craggles 23rd Aug 2010 6:37 PM

I've just had a go on CAW and if kiwi can't continue, I can plonk some lots in, and make bits of terrain unroutable etc :D

toyou1214 23rd Aug 2010 7:38 PM

Sounds great, i think that would be just fine, Does anyone have a problem with this?

sleepyrose 23rd Aug 2010 8:48 PM

Oh, I have no problem at all with this.... but don't we need the .world file from kiwi?
btw, i counted the houses and sims in Twinbrook. I thought it might be a good reference point for us. There are about 40 resedential lots and something like 60 sims.

Craggles 23rd Aug 2010 8:49 PM

yeah we do. and DD's gonna get it from kiwi at some point :D
and what are the numbers for ours?

toyou1214 23rd Aug 2010 9:00 PM

yea, Kiwi is sending it to DD, then Craig can get it.

What is the reference point for?

Craggles 23rd Aug 2010 9:02 PM

well we dont want to have so many lots/ sims that the game is like EURGH and wont do anything. my pc's not a brilliant one and so far its working fine with the world. but it doesnt have all the lots yet, and not all the sims have been made! so we need to make sure we can stick to a number that we know is safe :D

toyou1214 23rd Aug 2010 9:04 PM

oh, i never thought about that, i just got a new computer, so i didn't think anyone would have a problem....thats sounds quiet, but okay.(:

sleepyrose 23rd Aug 2010 9:11 PM

Hahaha, Tyu, that's so funny! But I really get what you're saying, because sometimes I have my game running in the background all day. I don't have the patience to turn it on and off, everytime I want to make changes. For me it's working fine, but other people might get problems if we put like 100 lots in there, with 1000 sims.

Craggles 23rd Aug 2010 9:13 PM

indeed, like me for example. I'm but a poor english boy with just one house and one pc, which is mine!! haha when i go to uni, my parents dont have one xD good times

toyou1214 23rd Aug 2010 9:18 PM

Wow Craig! Serious! I can imagine not having more then 1 home, but only 1 computer? thats insane!

sleepyrose 23rd Aug 2010 9:20 PM

Poor Craig! If it's any consolation, I'm not rich either. The only reason I have an expensive pc is because I always save up for stuff after I've bought it, lol! :D

toyou1214 23rd Aug 2010 9:22 PM

Good work rose! (: learning to manage money! whoo! (:

sleepyrose 23rd Aug 2010 9:31 PM

Well, I've got a really great life insurance, just in case!

toyou1214 23rd Aug 2010 9:43 PM

isn't that if you die? . . .im confused.

sleepyrose 23rd Aug 2010 10:04 PM

hahah, yes... incase I die the stuff can still be paid for, lol!
I'm only joking though ... I guess this is typical Dutch humor. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone.

toyou1214 24th Aug 2010 1:28 AM

no, i wasn't offended, just confused. lol. (:

missroxor 24th Aug 2010 1:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by toyou1214
Wow Craig! Serious! I can imagine not having more then 1 home, but only 1 computer? thats insane!

Haha, Tyu you do sound quite posh! but I get what you're saying. I have quite a good computer now (after much saving ) so I often forget that others aren't as fortunate or might not be able to afford all the EPs/SPs but as I said in a previous post somewhere, I only learned to switch a computer on about 6 or 7 years ago: that's because until then I couldn't afford a computer AT ALL.

I'd used an ex boyfriends computer (which he obviously turned on and off for me!) to get hooked on TS1 though so was determined to buy my first computer so I could play it again. I was in the RAF so I volunteered to be sent to Afghanistan for 2 months because you get a bit of a bonus for going away plus there's no shops to spend your money in so I basically came back to the UK with 2 months pay sat in my bank account. I marched straight out and bought a computer then straight to the shop to buy sims and was delighted to discover they'd moved on from TS1 to TS2 in the time I'd been without a computer ...and the rest is history!

Rose, how many of those sims are families? What's our current house to household ratio, do you know? I didn't realise there might be scope to make more families and houses, I thought we were close to the end.

Deluxe Designs 24th Aug 2010 9:52 AM

Pahahaha rose that made me laugh so hard! I'm not rich either, but for some reason we see to just have laptops floating around in our house, in fact we even managed to permanently loose one, it was under the sofa one day, then gone the next o.O lol

sleepyrose 24th Aug 2010 3:55 PM

Maggie, back when I was in high school we had computer lessons on those huge dinosaur computers. It was just a black screen with letters and I couldn't figure out why that box was so important that we had to take lessons in it. It wasn't until the pretty pictures came with it, that I actually learned how to turn it on and off. And then the sims came, so now they have to drag me away, lol.

Conner, I think nowadays it's not a surprise when people have more than one computer. But it wasn't so long ago that owning more than one tv was a sign of craziness in my country, lol! And all of the sudden people that aren't even rich loose laptops under their sofa's, lol, DD. :P

Anyway, If I counted right, we have 38 residentail lots on the map and a total of 41 sims at the moment. I estimated about 60 sims in Twinbrook, but some of them might not have been home when I counted. I'll see what's going on in Sunset Valley too.

Deluxe Designs 24th Aug 2010 4:23 PM

Haha we only have one tv, my parents think that TV will ROT MY MIND!!! Lol nah i'm kidding, we're not that big into TV in our family, but i'm not allowed one in my room because they think it is unsocial

sleepyrose 24th Aug 2010 4:26 PM

Ok, Sunset Valley has 60 residential lots. 25 are occupied, 17 are empty houses and 18 are blank lots. There are a total of 67 sims.
Twinbrook doesn't have that many blank lots and empty houses. I think they might have done that on purpose, to make it more of a player neighbourhood. They know that builders can just buldoze the lots they don't like and build better ones, or add empty ones with the world editor. And I think that's waht we're aiming for too... a player neighbourhood.

So what do you guys think if we have 2 empty starters, 2 empty middle income and 2 empty high income lots?
I'm not sure about blank lots. Should we have them at all, and if so, how many?

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