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missyhissy 9th Dec 2012 12:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by The Wild Turkey
Well I'm stumped. I can't figure out why I keep getting a script error with the tones file for my career. Everything else seems to be working, it's just that error trap keeps throwing up a script error when the game loads. I'm still able to have the sim join the career and go to work alright, it's just that the Practice Logic tone doesn't appear in the menu. I've tried the tutorial on the front page and I've tried Twallan's tutorial, but I just can't find the problem.

I've attached the tones.xml and the career package file. Would somebody please be kind enough to have a look and tell me what I've done wrong?

Make sure that the code in the English file for the tone matches the UnhashedKeys. It could be one letter out and they wouldn't match. It looks like that could be your problem

The Wild Turkey 11th Dec 2012 9:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by missyhissy
Make sure that the code in the English file for the tone matches the UnhashedKeys. It could be one letter out and they wouldn't match. It looks like that could be your problem

I've checked, rechecked and triple checked, even to the point of copy/paste and editing the <key> tags around the code to make sure there's no pesky whitespaces or errant punctuation marks in there, and still no luck. I've even checked the Tones.xml to make sure that code matched with the others. I still have the script error message and the tone doesn't show in the drop down menu.

missyhissy 16th Dec 2012 2:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by The Wild Turkey
I've checked, rechecked and triple checked, even to the point of copy/paste and editing the <key> tags around the code to make sure there's no pesky whitespaces or errant punctuation marks in there, and still no luck. I've even checked the Tones.xml to make sure that code matched with the others. I still have the script error message and the tone doesn't show in the drop down menu.

I'll have another look tomorrow for you when I get some free time

The Wild Turkey 18th Dec 2012 12:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by missyhissy
I'll have another look tomorrow for you when I get some free time

Thanks, hope you can pin down the problem for me.

missyhissy 18th Dec 2012 1:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by The Wild Turkey
Thanks, hope you can pin down the problem for me.

Would you be able to attach the script error so I can take a look? I might be able to pin down the problem that way

The Wild Turkey 18th Dec 2012 10:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by missyhissy
Would you be able to attach the script error so I can take a look? I might be able to pin down the problem that way

Sure, I'll do it when I get home tonight.

EDIT: Attached. Also included the most recent version of the package file.

mflaha55 20th Dec 2012 6:23 PM

I have a question on retirement. Other than a reference to the retirement text, I found no other indication in the career file concerning retirement, so I assumed that the game would trigger retirement somehow. I have a comment in my Army Officer Career that the sim won't retire. Is there some coding that I missed? I didn't see any reference to retirement in the tutorial. I did code the Officer career as YA/A only. My Army Enlisted career is for YA/A and E, so now I'm concerned about whether retirement will work on that career as well. Any assistance is welcome! Thanks!

missyhissy 25th Dec 2012 1:21 PM

The Wild Turkey: I can't find anything wrong with the career at all, the tones file looks fine to me :S It might be a good idea to talk to Twallan when he gets back and see if he can find anything
mflaha55: I'm still working on that, you're not the only one, I have the same. No retirement at the moment.

PSDuckie 5th Jan 2013 7:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm new to modding, and I'm having a problem with my custom career: none of the English text shows up. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've attached a zipped version of the career package. Does anyone know where I messed up?

missyhissy 5th Jan 2013 2:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie
I'm new to modding, and I'm having a problem with my custom career: none of the English text shows up. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've attached a zipped version of the career package. Does anyone know where I messed up?

Did you follow ThomasRiordan's instructions on the first page? The English Strings in the Blank file don't work, you need to create your own

PSDuckie 6th Jan 2013 1:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by missyhissy
Did you follow ThomasRiordan's instructions on the first page? The English Strings in the Blank file don't work, you need to create your own

I'll have to try doing that. I had a hunch something in that file was broken; maybe this will fix it.

missyhissy 6th Jan 2013 1:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie
I'll have to try doing that. I had a hunch something in that file was broken; maybe this will fix it.

It certainly should do Good luck!

PSDuckie 8th Jan 2013 10:17 PM works!!!

EDIT: Does anyone know the best way to test my career for EP compatibility? Obviously I can't test all 256 combinations of EPs, so should I test each EP individually, all EPs together, or some other combination?

missyhissy 8th Jan 2013 10:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie works!!!

That's great news!! Congratulations!!

SimsMatthew 15th Jan 2013 10:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
For some reasons it DONT WORK! After I actually placed the career before the random number stage, it shows up with the number, but then I replaced the stbl with the instance and the new number( replace NoCareer with the number, changed the instance to the hashed of the Join....) then it STILL SHOWS NUMBERS. Frustrated.

SimsMatthew 15th Jan 2013 10:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The above one is with NO NUMBERS EDITED. this is the version with the stbl changed.

SimsMatthew 15th Jan 2013 10:52 AM

Would anyone be willing to "finish" the career for me? I am way too angry to even see the word "TOURISM" anymore...

SimsMatthew 15th Jan 2013 11:22 AM

-- Script Errors -- 04801217574914.dll Tourism.Tones Counter: 1 Sim-Time: 0 Start-Time: 01/15/2013 18:00:39 PreLoadup-Time: 01/15/2013 18:04:52 Log-Time: 01/15/2013 18:04:52 System.Xml.XmlException: Expected >, but found

This is the script error I get, it doesn't appear the first time, but after renumbering it appears, even I tried to return the mod to the original form it still appears.

what broke that??

SimsMatthew 15th Jan 2013 12:03 PM

Fixed one issue in Tones file, looking for more!

SimsMatthew 15th Jan 2013 12:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, now I am uploading another file, which is the one with the Tourism.Tones fixed (at first missing the ">" of "</Tones>)
I do have other custom careers made by missyhissy, and so far works good. I DO NOT HAVE error trap, but when the script error shows up, it says

Script Error
(Number).dll ~~(not known it is referring to the xml one or S3SA)
Tourism.Tone ~~(Fixed as stated above)

Please help me to check what mistakes have I made, and help me correct them! I am already very frustrated, so please help me!

missyhissy 15th Jan 2013 5:15 PM

If you can copy out the rest of the latest script error, I should be able to work out what's happened
For the numbers, follow ThomasRiordan's instructions on page 1 and that should solve that for you

SimsMatthew 16th Jan 2013 7:14 AM

The script error I get are only of above. Every time the same, when I try to load the career. I think I may try ThomasRiordan's instruction. And I particulary do not understand the error about (number).dll. Is it referring to the xml or actual S3SA? And I wonder creating a new package and importing the resources there may be good?

SimsMatthew 16th Jan 2013 7:49 AM

Looks like Thomas's workaround would make me work the stbl strings again, if I understand him correctly? Oh no... I am trying to find a way besides this...

Miss Discordia 16th Jan 2013 8:45 AM

Sorry if I post in the wrong topic but... I've just created a custom career, using that tutorial. One thing is that it does not show in game with random numbers, so I can't finish it properly, and the secon is a question: Is there a possibility to add custom opportunities and "chance cards" in our custom careers? If yes, how?

SimsMatthew 16th Jan 2013 9:47 AM

It is POSSIBLE to add custom opportunites in the career, as easy as filling out another xml file. To do so, you may find "Richard's Custom career", which is modelling that I based from for my career. Yet you may want to import hers and filling in the information that suits your career. Try following other's is a good idea, just beware that you must also change the (number).dll (xml one) to know that there is a opp file, you can use the one that modelling used too.

Hope that helps, but lastly I am too frustrated with MY OWN career.

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