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Tomie 15th Jun 2005 1:08 AM

andracab 15th Jun 2005 1:41 AM

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Hi all, I'm Andrea. 31 from Lancashire, England. I've posted my pic in the album, but I'll post it here too Eeek! :D
It was taken a few months ago, my hair's grown like weeds since!

aurore80 16th Jun 2005 10:28 AM

spirit288 16th Jun 2005 9:01 PM

Hi everyone The album has been updated, but there are two peeps I was unable to upload

Ravenbear8 and BamaBabydoll, if you can reupload your pics I'll give it another try

Great pics everyone!

bombo 18th Jun 2005 2:08 AM

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well, i hereby post a picture of a dear community member, sEpHeRs - with his allowance of course (it took a while...).

SimMrB 18th Jun 2005 4:38 AM

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Ok, if you get this message after reading a first one. Then I truely messed up and am sorry for posting twice in a row. I am new here and not sure how all this works. I hope you can see the pic at any rate. I figured since so many had put up one I would do the same. Hope all is well with everyone and I hope to be here as often as I can. I like to build houses more then anything tho I can't say I'm great at it. I just enjoy seeing how my ideas turn out. Well enough ranting. I will give ya all the pic and bid you all a good night for tonight.

Craigst39 19th Jun 2005 3:46 PM

how do i post my pic please help?

stars_and_soda 21st Jun 2005 7:36 AM

Here's my feeble offering.

Belle_Ange_16 21st Jun 2005 8:34 AM

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I already posted my pics in "faces to the names"...I guess I can put one here too...:shrug:...and sorry about the bad quality of my pics .

KKai 21st Jun 2005 2:34 PM

One more photo of me .... :D

Taken a few hours ago by my free crappy webcam,

So .... please forgive me for the poor quality ...

But hey, it was a free webcam, so I can't really complain ... :D

"stars_and_soda" and "Belle_Ange_16", you two look very nice ...

priddychild 21st Jun 2005 3:13 PM

Might as well be seen as well as heard...

Belle_Ange_16 21st Jun 2005 4:42 PM

Thank you look very nice too...

annapic2 21st Jun 2005 6:04 PM

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I want to post another pic becose I did't like the previous I posted...

Darkmoon 21st Jun 2005 6:17 PM

You look nice with your new hairstyle.....but where is the Nurses uniform? :D

annapic2 21st Jun 2005 7:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Darkmoon

You look nice with your new hairstyle.....but where is the Nurses uniform? :D

I carried it to the laundry, it will be ready tomorrow :nana:

JessicaRitchie 21st Jun 2005 7:29 PM

Well, here is me it was taken about a year or so ago, a little bit more gray (or should say a lot more lol) and longer hair now


itsmeladyg 21st Jun 2005 7:45 PM

It's just me Gloria
I am a criminal profiler, my hobbies include mountain climbing, and collecting artifacts (when I can afford them) just to name a few. My young cousin got me started playing the Sims. I fell in love with the Sims game and have been playing ever since, but I am a total game freak on other games too.

Dakotaskyehs 21st Jun 2005 8:40 PM

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Ok, here is me, is I, I am. LOL I had these pics stuck in an angelfire server and they got all blurry, but it's what I've got.


lafawnduh 22nd Jun 2005 1:02 PM

Sorry they're all kind of big...These are the best I could find!

::the one WITHOUT braces::

sweetkittykat22 22nd Jun 2005 1:29 PM

It's just me ;)
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Just a little shot of me so you know what I look like

lafawnduh 22nd Jun 2005 2:00 PM

I love your sweater!

Darkmoon 22nd Jun 2005 2:01 PM

YAY....more lovely ladies....welcome all here atMTS2 :D

lafawnduh 22nd Jun 2005 2:44 PM

I'm lovely?! :jaw: Thank you very much!

Sealion 22nd Jun 2005 2:53 PM

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This is my friend Jim and I in San Bernardino, CA around May of 1998. I haven't changed much since then and, I'm on the left. :howdy:

mrscrzy 22nd Jun 2005 3:20 PM

Just me mrscrzy
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Here is a picture of my husband and I at Rolling Thunder, in DC.. Also A picture of me on a trip to Pa. Mother of twin boys 25, a son 23 my daughter 21 also step mom of a son 30..... Step Grandmother of 3, and 2 more babys to be born, one trying.... when It rains It pours... But I Love It..

Dakotaskyehs 22nd Jun 2005 7:33 PM

MRSCRZY that bike is hot! They scare the cr*p outta me, but I drool over them nonetheless. LOL Lucky gal.

DARKMOON are you welcoming ladies with or without your pitchfork handy?

mistyravynmoon 22nd Jun 2005 7:54 PM

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Well this is me. Not a great picture. No make up and angry as hell. I was getting ready to kick the crap out of my computer and my son took a picture then added the devil LOL (hope I dont crack any moniters out there when you see this)

simshady 22nd Jun 2005 8:02 PM

heheh KKai is mine ... he is my no1 hubby (Its a private joke ) so paws off :P

Darkstar_01331 22nd Jun 2005 8:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mistyravynmoon
Well this is me. Not a great picture. No make up and angry as hell. I was getting ready to kick the crap out of my computer and my son took a picture then added the devil LOL (hope I dont crack any moniters out there when you see this)

...Well, I think it's a nice picture Really

satin_magenta 22nd Jun 2005 10:05 PM

haha I did a quick scan to see if I know anyone. I guess the world's larger than we think.

Here's one of me for the album

Quite strange looking, that picture.

dramaqn939 22nd Jun 2005 10:14 PM

Good idea
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well I think this is a great idea and here is my beautiful picture to add in there. lol.
PS: my hair isn't really red it's blond it just looks red in the picture.

brazen_irish_hussy 22nd Jun 2005 10:31 PM

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I am not very photogenic, so I have very few pictures of my self. That being said this pic was taken three years ago. Now my hair is a chestnut color and it is down to my butt.

Eewis27 23rd Jun 2005 7:08 AM

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Sounds like a fun idea... So, even though I don't like being photographed (I don't find myself pretty enough for that :P), there is some photos I like.

On the other are me, my husband and daughter (and the one with the white beard is Santa, if you didn't, and the other one is - well, it's just me.

spirit288 24th Jun 2005 1:25 AM

Album has been updated! Awesome pics everyone!

LWoods 24th Jun 2005 4:59 AM

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I've enjoyed viewing all of your pics so I thought it only fair to post mine too.
(For those who recognize my name...Yes, I am JWoods' wife) :D

emiejemy 24th Jun 2005 5:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)'s my picture :D

spirit288 24th Jun 2005 9:10 PM

Album has been updated! Great pics Let's keep em rolling in! Wheeee!

faeriegurl 25th Jun 2005 8:31 PM

Here's a couple new pics for the album. :howdy:


oO0Lola0Oo 25th Jun 2005 9:33 PM

Heh this is such a cool thread. I love taking pics of myself... heehee Im such a poser too!!

Marrie 25th Jun 2005 9:41 PM

Very beautiful pics! Here's some of my, so i can be added to the album

My mum (she died not long after boehoe!)

Adriana_Willow77 25th Jun 2005 9:50 PM

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Well after sitting here and reading thru ALL these pages (Great pics everyone!) I figured I should add myself to the list. I took this pic with my web cam so its not as clear as I would like but here you go

LOL don't laugh I know Im ugly, just didnt have that bag handy lol

Marrie 25th Jun 2005 9:58 PM

You know you're not ugly Nice pic!

Adriana_Willow77 25th Jun 2005 10:06 PM

Thanks but yea, I am. lots of people say that to me but it hasnt sunk in yet lol

JWoods 25th Jun 2005 10:38 PM

Oh stop that I haven't seen anyone who lacks beauty in this thread yet... I am kind of glad my pic is deeply buried though... I never met a person who thought they were beautiful and most every female always looks for a flaw in themselves... I tend to look for the beauty if everyone applied that to themselves it would be a perfect world now wouldn't it...

spirit288 26th Jun 2005 9:20 PM

Album has been updated! Such beautiful pics There was just one pic I was unable to upload. oO0Lola0Oo, one of your pics was not able to upload If you could upload again, I'll give it another go

27th Jun 2005 3:07 PM

You really want to see my ugly mug? Well, you asked for it!

Sorry that im in my Judo suit in that pic ^^' And I really don't like to smile..

nixie 28th Jun 2005 4:06 AM

i just want to say on the top of my voice because i think:


~Jessica~ 29th Jun 2005 4:56 AM

faerie you look so much better looking up (for once)! so pretty
after seeing all the pics in the album i decided i'd upload mine...anybody who sees my posts gets to see it cuz its my avatar but here it is anyways. It was taken earlier this month on webcam. :blah:

ElPresidente 29th Jun 2005 5:03 AM

So... when do we get to see you in your wares? :D

KayR247 29th Jun 2005 5:07 AM

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Its not the best picture but it will due for now.Name is Korine I was born in upstate NY lived there till I was 18 joined the Air Force and living in Texas for the time being moving again in the fall.Oh and Ive been told that I am too nice.Oh and the guy in the picture is my husband

~Jessica~ 29th Jun 2005 5:06 AM

El I wouldnt go sharing that with just anybody...but if you really wanna see me in my know where to find me

avund 29th Jun 2005 10:53 AM

This is me... if any body is intrested.
I like the idea of an fotoalbum and since I been hanging around this site a whole lot since I became a member, I thougt it wold be nice to be a part of this gallery ^_^

silverbeadchick 29th Jun 2005 11:30 AM

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This is me .......I'm a pirson of few words.

davosavo 29th Jun 2005 12:08 PM

Heres me....[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\David\My Documents\phone back up (memory card)\05062900.JPG[/IMG]

I hope that worked.......

Nemi_89 29th Jun 2005 3:20 PM

Woha! Faerie is actualy looking up......O_o
nice pic's people :p

gemini64 29th Jun 2005 4:04 PM

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This is 17,my birthday soon tho yay!! not the best pictures of me but there you go!

Little Fairy 29th Jun 2005 4:50 PM

Been abit scared to do this but here is me (it took a while to find some decent pics)
Some are old and some are recent and one is with my cat who died 2 weeks ago :weep: (R.I.P Tooie)

Sorry they are all different sizes, haven't figured out yet how to make them the same.

freoninferno 29th Jun 2005 5:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gemini64
This is 17,my birthday soon tho yay!! not the best pictures of me but there you go!

wow, you could pass for my twin sister! (except i'm 19 years older, hee hee!)

gemini64 29th Jun 2005 5:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by freoninferno
wow, you could pass for my twin sister! (except i'm 19 years older, hee hee!)

we can be beautiful together then..hehe!! :D

leslie68 29th Jun 2005 5:46 PM

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I posted in the "Faces to the Names" thread, but I will post here too. I'm 36 years old. A mother of 3, a grandmother of one. She is 21 months. I'm single, and for now i'm happy with that. This is a picture of me and my granddaughter Easter of 2004.

AP 30th Jun 2005 3:19 AM

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here ya go

Flamingos 30th Jun 2005 3:24 AM

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Here's me..

zigby 30th Jun 2005 6:59 PM

<img src=""><br>
yep...i like my eyes in this story behind it, just bored and new digi cam ^_^

zigby 30th Jun 2005 7:09 PM

there we i thought i could just put the thingy in, haha
...yep first pic i've posted so...nope...won't be making that mistake again.

Adriana_Willow77 30th Jun 2005 8:26 PM

you know everyone keeps saying how cute and hot the girls are....well its about time someone said this......there are so hot guys out there too

KKai 30th Jun 2005 10:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nemi_89
Woha! Faerie is actualy looking up......O_o
nice pic's people :p

Huh? ...

So how long do we have to wait to see your face? :D

Darkstar_01331 1st Jul 2005 12:02 AM

...Come to think of it, Nemi_89 is M.I.A. here.... :D

LyricLee 1st Jul 2005 9:04 AM

o0o0o grens man is so PRETTY!!! lol

Ellatrue 2nd Jul 2005 1:36 AM

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nervous.... posts anyway... this pic is already in my thread for requesting a self-sim

I'm an American exchange student living in Germany. For now, anyway- in September I'll just be a boring, normal, non-travelling student again.

My (ex) bf took this picture of me on a train in Finland. Not seen in the picture are the doors to the compartment- they were really weird, the push sign was a six fingered hand. :howdy:

Darkstar_01331 2nd Jul 2005 1:41 AM

:howdy: Well, Hello again Ellatrue :D

spirit288 2nd Jul 2005 5:57 AM

Album has been updated! Great pics everyone grenbby, please repost, all I see is an X...O.x:P

ShadowChaotic 4th Jul 2005 2:06 AM


Its me..Yep, Goth d00d. Although not too Gothic here. And without the piercings i got done recently.

Think ill post another one soon..this doesnt do me

Lore 4th Jul 2005 6:58 PM

The evilness...
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Well, i was debating weather or not to post my pic... Seing as how its so very evil...

Ok... i guess i will. :P

Cameras dont like me.

ninapinacolada 5th Jul 2005 10:50 AM

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hello :howdy:

This should have been taken at the sushi place instead :kami:

SuperFly 5th Jul 2005 12:03 PM

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This is my picture- be warned, I was plastered at the time :D

Marisa 8th Jul 2005 1:05 PM

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Well that's me. Not really a very good phot cuz I took it myself. I'm actually a quita blonder, cuz I'm a blonde but I don't like it so I died my hair black but well...that's the result a dark brown hair getting blonder and blonder...

sims2germany 8th Jul 2005 6:56 PM

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Pic 1 - Army 1987 (Ettlingen, Germany)

Pic 2 - Wifey' 1991 (Testing the Hotel Beds w/me - LOL)

Pic 3 - Siegen, Germany June 2005 (Choking my' RoadDog Marc at the Castle with some other friends)

Nemi_89 8th Jul 2005 11:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by KKai
Huh? ...

So how long do we have to wait to see your face? :D

you shhush!

Nemi_89 8th Jul 2005 11:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Darkstar_01331
...Come to think of it, Nemi_89 is M.I.A. here.... :D i know you?

Darkstar_01331 9th Jul 2005 1:08 AM

Ohh, sorry... ...I know you from your modding, and the shoe/boot thread awhile back :D

Nemi_89 9th Jul 2005 8:54 AM


Triskessler 9th Jul 2005 9:25 AM

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Ok, so... this is me! :howdy:

kgoodie06 9th Jul 2005 4:36 PM

I haven't been posting much (yet) but I thought I'd add mine..

I'm on the left, sorry it's kinda big..

Edit: I took the picture out - it turned out HUGE! I'll post the link until I can resize it

spirit288 10th Jul 2005 12:55 AM

Album has been updated! Great pics everyone

RabidAngel 10th Jul 2005 4:17 AM

I'm wondering something.
What is the point of having a voting system for pics? I mean, I do understand having top viewed and such, but i kind of feel bad for people who get really low votes. To me, it seems kind of mean. I don't mean to pick on anyone, but I've been spending time trying to up people's votes because I feel bad that people have given them horrible ratings...To me it's pointless to have a rating system for the pics, no one wants to see their own pictures rated badly because they are not prima models, or because they just put up their picture to add to the community..I think all of the pics are wonderful because they show what a diverse and unique community this is!
..Just offering my opinion.

leslie68 14th Jul 2005 6:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RabidAngel
I'm wondering something.
What is the point of having a voting system for pics? I mean, I do understand having top viewed and such, but i kind of feel bad for people who get really low votes. To me, it seems kind of mean. I don't mean to pick on anyone, but I've been spending time trying to up people's votes because I feel bad that people have given them horrible ratings...To me it's pointless to have a rating system for the pics, no one wants to see their own pictures rated badly because they are not prima models, or because they just put up their picture to add to the community..I think all of the pics are wonderful because they show what a diverse and unique community this is!
..Just offering my opinion.

Where is the thread where they are voting on the pics? I haven't heard anything about this.

roxxy 15th Jul 2005 7:50 AM

I don't think I have ever even noticed the voting.. I guess thats a good thing.

beebi 15th Jul 2005 9:03 AM

this is me! :bag: pee ess!! my hair was really curly and it was windy that day!!

TheLadyV 15th Jul 2005 2:10 PM

Ok...I'll put my mug up too.....

sugarbaby3030 15th Jul 2005 7:37 PM

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I'm new but here's me....

gskremser 15th Jul 2005 7:56 PM

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Here I am...old as the hills, but still young at heart! (I hope this works--I've never tried attaching a photo before)

Suplyndmnd 21st Jul 2005 7:20 AM

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This is me....

I'm known as DHM in the IRC chats here

Per request from MissHolly and UFC

<drumroll please>

eviltone 21st Jul 2005 3:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nemi_89
you shhush!


Tiro22222 23rd Jul 2005 3:44 PM

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A photo of me (In fact, Tiro22222 is two personnes : me, Thibault and my twin brother, Romain) :howdy:
1st picture : Me, my cousin and my twin brother

Lord_Kyair 24th Jul 2005 1:53 AM

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here is a pic of me,

and nemi, for one of the biggest posters on the site imsuprised your not in the gallery

AP 25th Jul 2005 1:40 AM

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here's another of me

grenbby 25th Jul 2005 1:50 AM

Hey Spirit...Can remove my pictures from the gallery? I'm having a little issue right now.

Tashiketh 25th Jul 2005 12:53 PM

Done grenbby.

luslipz73 25th Jul 2005 8:14 PM

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I thought I would add my mug shot so here they are ok 2 of them were taking while on a date with Jack Daniels so be nice lol

CNizzote 27th Jul 2005 4:56 PM

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Me as a Sim, Me in Real life and My best buds and I in real life.
(But you can't see my braces in the sim pic)

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