![]() |
I don't like poetry, except from those silly funny ones in the collections for children that make me lol and rhyme. I enjoy acting like I'm 8, kthx.
TPBM hates the pen and it's inability to wash off of hands. This picture of a face STILL hasn't come off properly. |
True, and i hate green ink for some reason 0.o
TPBM Likes Chocolate Cakes :D |
Yah (:
TPBM is beautiful :D |
TPBM is eating. IT'SA MY DOLMIO DAY! |
TPBM's favorite season is autumn. |
Meh. Autumn/Winter. I sliiiightly prefer Winter, because there are no spiders and Christmas appears. But my birthday is in October, so yeah.
TPBM should be doing something, but has soon become irritated with it. Yeah, a YouTube request. WHY REQUEST A SONG THAT IS BOTH GIBBERISH AND LONG AND FULL OF LYRICS THAT OVERLAP? |
Uhh... no.
TPBM is waiting for something. |
TPBM is irritated at what time it is. NO, I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SLEEP. IT'S TOO HOT AND I'M NOT TIRED. |
It is 3:33, haha!
TPBM gets é every time they want to do a question mark! |
Uhhhm, no.
TPBM has to go out in 20 minutes. |
Nope; just got home from going out to dinner and am settling in to finish my physics homework before the season finale of The Office.
TPBM should be doing something, but is on MTS instead. |
Nope. I just got home from a long night at work so I'm eating dinner and relaxing
![]() TPBM had (or is having) potatoes with their dinner. |
Haven't the foggiest (it's 8:30 am here), but if I had to guess, probably not.
TPBM wants a mango. |
Well, now that you mention it...
TPBM enjoys Shakespeare (I love his plays- my friends think I'm crazy for it. :P). |
![]() TPBM has their driver's license. |
No, I'm too way too young.
TPBM has realised that Kyle/Spana hasn't posted for a while.. |
nahhh sorry who's he? (she?) lol
the person below me hates Justin Beiber... ![]() |
Hate is a strong word, but I don't particularly like him.
TPBM is sunburnt. |
Nope. I don't burn in the sun, at all. I just sort of go red when I'm in it because of how hot I am, then it fades after about 15 minutes and then the morning after I go a sort of golden colour. I'm very pale, so you can't tell that I'm tanned, but if I lift up the sleeves of my t-shirt then it's very obvious.
TPBM has a runny nose. ![]() |
Not tonight, luckily. Though winter is coming so I'll have one shortly.
TPBM's evening was rudely interrupted when her parents decided to come home with four very loud and partly drunk friends D: |
My mum doesn't have friends.
TPBM has work experience this year. (In two weeks. One week of school, then half term, then work experience. I'm going to my mum's work and filing... Then taking advantage of the free unlimited internet like everyone else that works there!) |
No; I have morning high school courses and afternoon college courses.
TPBM hasn't eaten yet today. |
I've eaten loads. Toast for breakfast, meatballs for lunch, 2 marshmallow eggs, a packet of rolos and McCoys salt and vinegar crisps for movie food. It's 3:41pm.
![]() TPBM is in an AMAZING mood! |
I'm in a pretty good mood, yes : )
TPBM has a pet sleeping in their room. |
Yes, my kitty. :D
TPBM can see an animal out of their bedroom window. (I'm watching Hoover the little Cairn Terrier walk down the street. ![]() |
A butterfly is part of the animal kingdom. As is that OMG SPIDER, HIDE EVERYONE!
TPBM is eating. (Hot dogs, hurrhurrhurr!) |
No D: I wish I was... D: D:
TPBM is watching Anime, I am :] |
No, I don't like anime.
TPBM has an unhealthy obsession with something. |
No. Well, Idk, but its not unhealthy (:
TPBM is a babe xD |
How'd you guess?
![]() TPBM has more than 11 tabs open. |
Hahah, you're a total babe <3 (:
Nope, I have 2 open [: TPBM is going to watch doctor who when it starts xD |
I just watched it.
![]() TPBM is astounded at how hot it is. D: |
No, it's pleasantly warm here.
TPBM gardens. |
Yes, it's very cathartic.
TPBM likes reading outdoors. |
No. The pages blow around and it gets irritating. I like reading in bed, all comfortable and drowsy.
TPBM has a headache. D: |
Yep, I woke up with one
![]() TPBM is bored. I am. |
Yes, a little bit.
TPBM loves raw green beans. |
RAW? BLEGH! They're nice if they're cooked and covered with gravy. BUT RAW?!
TPBM is making a YouTube video. Hmm, yeah, it's irritating me a bit. D: |
They're delicious raw! I've eaten so many tonight!
Negative, I fail at video making, hence why I fail at Media (: TPBM is wondering why someone is looking forward to school. |
People look forward to SCHOOL? Weirdos.
TPBM thinks it's so funny when people take jokes seriously. |
What's wrong with looking forward to school? :P
^I think it spoils the fun a bit. TPBM is singing or humming something. |
No. I don't sing.
TPBM is irritated with the Internet's inability to run 12 different tabs, upload a video to Facebook and deal with my computer's Sony Vegas antics and downloading Gargoyles. GODDAMNIT, STOP LAGGING. |
TPBM loves Lou Reed. I watched it for a little while, I love to watch things on TV. Satellite of loooove! |
TPBM is about to eat their lunch. OMG, YES, BACON SANDWICHES. EPIC WIN! |
^YOU DON'T KNOW WHO LOU REED IS?! YouTube Perfect Day and find out :D
Negative, it's 9:07 PM here. TPBM knows who LCD Soundsystem is. |
Daft Punk is playing at my house, my house.
TPBM likes quiche |
What's that? D:
TPBM has a pair of binoculars. Oooh, espionnage. |
TPBM watches project runway? |
TPBM drinks enough water |
No, I always have headaches :/
TPBM is loving the sunny weather (: |
TPBM is ready for school to be out. |
Already is for me.
![]() TPBM has been to the library within the past week. |
No, but i am re-reading The Half Blood Prince
![]() TPBM Watches Bones. |
I haven't been to the library in years. D:
Our town library is in the middle of the church graveyard, which is really random and weird. EDIT: YOU BEAT ME. D: What's Bones? TPBM has eaten a chocolate bar and been in awe at how fast it melted. |
^ OMG you've never heard of Bones?!!
Recent? No chocolate bars. TPBM can see a certificate from where they're sitting. |
Erm, nope. There are some on the fridge downstairs though.
TPBM is working on something. |
Yes; a paper on surrealism in the works of Kafka.
TPBM can see outside from where she is sitting. |
Yep, I'm right in front of my window.
TPBM taps out little rhythms on the keyboard while thinking of what to type. (like I just did :P) |
I sure do!
TPBM smells bad :\ |
Heck no xD
TPBM likes lollipops :P |
Of course! :D
TPBM is looking for something. |
Not at the moment.
TPBM has some place to go/be in 1 hour. |
Yep, Snuggled up in bed watching Sex and The City.
TPBM has a trip planned |
Not yet.
TPBM loves thunderstorms. |
Yes! I'm hoping the hot weather we've been having will mean we'll be having one soon.
TPBM lives near the sea. |
I wish!
![]() TPBM has exams sometime in the next month. |
Yes, my exams start in exactly a month. Ew. I think I only have two, though.
TPBM is cold! |
No, it's actually kinda warm in here.
TPBM is a brunette. |
TPBM has some sort of test this week |
TPBM prefers sour candy over sweet. |
Depends. I love both, as long as they're good flavours. Sour tends to be apple though, and I hate apple. But I adore sour lemon!
TPBM can think of a song for me to use in a YouTube video. Preferably about zany craziness and partying like a fool. |
Umm, I'm guessing the third movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 is probably not what you're going for...? :P
TPBM is not wearing a watch atm. |
TPBM knows what AwesomeMod is and where to find it. *cough* if you would be kind enough to share that link *cough* |
I've seen a link to it, but I'm still clueless as to what it actually does.
@PharaohHound: Erm, no, not really. xD TPBM also has insomnia. Yay, it's 4am? |
12:49 PM here . . . and my ham sandwich still looks unappetizing.
TPBM has heard of Pleasantview High/Off Campus/Muse Academy! ![]() |
TPBM should really be going to bed. Y'know, for the last 2 hours before I have to get up. Rofl. |
Negative, it's 3:13 in the afternoon.
TPBM bites their lip when they're nervous. |
Sometimes yes!
TPBM has read A Series Of Unfortunate Events. |
I read the first 3, but they bored me.
TPBM needs to wash their hairrrrr. |
Yep. Will do in about 15 minutes.
TPBM had/is having cereal for breakfast. |
No, I don't like any of the cereal we have.
TPBM knows which Roman goddess the word "cereal" originated from. |
No, but i knew cereal was godly xD
TPBM is allergic to dust. |
TPBM likes watching athletics. |
No! (Hates it)
TPBM has a youtube account which they never use. |
True, so true...
TPBM Likes swimming. |
I haaaaaaate swimming. I'm never getting in a swimming pool ever again. EVER. EVER. EVER.
TPBM is eating their lunch. Yum, noodles. Chickeny Morrisons own brand goodness! |
No. I've just had dinner
![]() TPBM has lots of homework. |
Nope. None, actually.
TPBM has drawn something today. |
No. I haven't drawn in ages; I'm not very visually artistic.
TPBM hates giving speeches. |
No, but I do tend to get pretty nervous beforehand.
TPBM is interested in history. |
Am I ever! I want to be a History teacher when I'm older.
TPBM is waiting for something. (my dinner. YUM, HOT DOGS!) |
Waiting for Josh to come over.
![]() TPBM has used a metronome this week. |
A what? :S
TPBM watches Eurovision. Every year. I have since I was like 9 and I discovered that such epicness existed. |
I watched it last night. Slovenia was HILARIOUS! But I adored Ireland.
TPBM has wet hair at the moment. |
![]() TPBM's hair smells of shampoo. |
erm.. good question... I can't really smell my own shampoo. >__>
TPBM owns a cat. |
I hate cats. So no.
TPBM wears headphones when they listen to stuff on their computer. |
No, not usually.
TPBM has naturally curly hair. |
Quote: Originally posted by Zinthos
It's a device that you use to keep time in music. And YES! I have curly hair! :D TPBM likes gummy worms. ![]() |
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