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lady_odessa2 9th Nov 2008 7:28 AM

Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the help with this. I was really confused before I read this tutorial, but now it's all cleared up. THANK YOU!!!

jelajade 10th Dec 2008 2:47 PM

EEEEEEEEEEEEE thank you SO MUCH! i have a newer version of GIMP , so it didn't have the dialog box and i was flipping out, but really it come automatically (this is more for people that had my small problem)

murphy75 21st Dec 2008 5:31 AM

Oh my gosh! I have been trying to compare GIMP with Photoshop instructions and to no avail have failed hugely!! THank you so much for your tutorial for GIMP!!

simprincess1997 28th Dec 2008 11:26 PM

I'm having trouble getting the pattern in. Its not showing up. I can save it but when I'm supposed to click the little checkered box (and newer vs. doesn't have it). It's not there, but it's saved in the patterns folder. Does anybody know where I can find a tutorial for newer vs. of GIMP? I have 9.6.3 . Thanks to anyone who can help.

pandi8bear 1st Jan 2009 7:51 AM

I dont have the dieologs menu i hav everything else wt do i do? i downloaded the one on the link

Tiny Titters 6th Jan 2009 7:49 PM

With the Windows installer version I dl'd, when I got to step #20, save and close, I get a prompt recommending I export before saving because the BMP plugin can't handle layes. I did as it recommended, and it shows up in Body Shop ok, which it doesn't if I clicked ignore, but I am concerned that I am missing a plugin with this version?

Here is a link to the page I dl'd the installer from,

EDIT: I see that this appears 'normal' after reading other tutorials comments, but nobody said if there was a missing plugin.

Cocoabunny888 10th Jan 2009 11:00 PM

everytime i do something to clothes using gimp, when i go back to bodyshop the clothes shop up half see through on my sims =[
plz help

myannaamos 28th Jan 2009 2:41 PM

ok, I did the first few steps, but my gimp does not have a dialog tab. Any ideas?

Countess_Vanity 4th Feb 2009 2:35 AM

AH! OMG! I DID IT! Thank you for taking the time to make this tutorial! I made it a nice puple!

kriskty 11th Feb 2009 9:58 PM

This was very helpful yet confusing because I'm assuming I have the newer version of Gimp- and you have an older version. So some of the tools I had to search for, since it wasn't listed like yours. At any rate, it worked. Thanks :D

salotharra 3rd Mar 2009 8:18 PM

Ok I did what you told me to do up to step 18 but when it came to this "18. Select the menu choice Dialogs and the option Layers. This brings up the layers dialog box." it didn't show I had a dialog box on mine. (I'm using GIMP.)
So what do you think I should do because now
I'm confused and lost.And I tried downloading both the downloads on the GIMP website from the link you gave but the test one couldn't be used on my computer.

littlebuckroo777 9th Mar 2009 2:23 AM

i REALLY wanna know hoe to do this EVERYTHING was going great untill i looked at the menu on the top and i could not find dialog PLEASE help. im going to go crazy

Sunstream845 15th Mar 2009 4:18 PM

After I've done the two layers, there's no Dialogs menu choice! There's Colors instead! PLEEZ HELP ME!!!!!

Hyp 31st Mar 2009 10:51 PM

I need some help with the recoloring. I did the dress and it worked, but I had to sue soft light, as hard light left the large canvas of red. But I'm trying to make something black into white and am getting no results. Any help?

*MCR*Ashlee* 13th Apr 2009 8:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunstream845
After I've done the two layers, there's no Dialogs menu choice! There's Colors instead! PLEEZ HELP ME!!!!!

I have the same problem..
what are we supposed to do now?

Poisongirl13 20th Apr 2009 4:42 AM

Hey, thank you, this and your other tutes are very good but I am having a problem. When I click "refresh" in Body shop to see my progress, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? i have Gimp 2.6 but it is basically the same thing as 2.0 and my comp is a windows Vista...can you help me? PLEAASE? You can either message me or reply on this thread...either works and is very helpful...Thank you
P.S. you should make more tutes for recolouring everything else or meshing or something, I have Gimp but hardly anybody makes Gimp tutorials!!
Thanks again XD

Poisongirl13 20th Apr 2009 4:51 AM

I can help!!
Quote: Originally posted by *MCR*Ashlee*
I have the same problem..
what are we supposed to do now?

In the Gimp 2.6 version, there is a thing that says windows ==>Click on it and then it says "Dockable Dialogues" with an arrow, showing more options==>click on "Layers" which is also key command "Ctr+L" and it will bring up this box with all your layers on it and at the top it says "mode" with a little box that you can select options on the little box (it is a drop down thingy) , it is separated into 5 different "categories" (there is no title for these, they are just separated by lines) Hard Light is in the third "category" it goes "Dodge", "burn" and then "Hard Light" followed by "Soft Light" and so on.

I hope that this have to kinda search for it if you are a beginner (which I am too ) but it gets easier every time. Also, is anyone having the problem of hitting "refresh" in Body Shop and then having nothing happen? because I need help with that... I'm thinking that there is a missing plug-in somewhere...

Thanks!!! Hopes this Helped...

FlufinMuffin 2nd May 2009 5:09 AM

What if you don't have a dialogs choice on the gimp menu.

*MCR*Ashlee* 2nd May 2009 11:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Poisongirl13

Also, is anyone having the problem of hitting "refresh" in Body Shop and then having nothing happen? because I need help with that... I'm thinking that there is a missing plug-in somewhere...


Have you been saving your progress in Gimp before refreshing it on BodyShop?

klaw444 8th May 2009 7:45 PM

I cant find the Dialogs option on my gimp program. can you help?

kazariansabin 21st May 2009 3:57 AM

i have gimp v 2.6.6 and i don't see a dialog tab where do i look?

kazariansabin 21st May 2009 4:15 AM

I figured out if you have GIMP 2.6.6 make sure the new layer that was the color you picked is highlighted and in the gimp bar that says layers, channels, paths, and undo there above the opacity slider is a dropdown box that says mode. Click it and you will find hard light there.

kagome1303 17th Jun 2009 8:00 AM

thank you so much! i remember a long time ago when I even used MS Paint to color things and actually made it work, but this is much better and easier. I made a nice peach recolor but instead of choosing the hard light mode I chose Burn and it made the color I chose look so nice since I had originally chose a dark pink color, but the light coloring I got using Burn looked so much nicer

telefen 18th Jun 2009 6:22 PM

Hello Sarawati5: This was a very good tuturial,thanks. If you're still around, maybe you can explain "save" a bit. Do you mean "save as" cause in that case I lose the original garments cause, I'll be overwriting it. If just "save",how does bodyshop know what's going on in Gimp? Thanks again for your hard work&sharing.

Forehearts 19th Jun 2009 3:38 AM

ok im kinda stuck. i do not have the opina key that says Dialogs.. can you help me?

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