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Mizz Rose Bud 15th Apr 2009 6:10 PM

I am from
Denmark. I live in Copenhagen

rosahege 4th May 2009 3:30 AM


NixNivis 9th May 2009 12:41 AM

Sweden here!

jojoryan 9th May 2009 2:49 AM

Sweden :D

unlaced 9th May 2009 11:22 AM

Haha, I always get surprised about how many swedish people there are at MTS. And I'm one of them! *hooray*

Hejsvejs1 1st Jun 2009 8:30 PM

sweden :D

(<-------just take a look at my "creative" name x'D)

Catyme24 18th Jun 2009 8:08 PM

Denmark, too

slkn 7th Jul 2009 3:42 PM


Ingeborgsk 30th Jul 2009 8:36 PM

Second norwegian simmer *waves at rosahege*

eilama123 16th Aug 2009 9:08 PM

i am from

sunriseinrio 31st Aug 2009 1:24 AM


Arisuka 12th Sep 2009 2:48 PM

Finland! kiva et on toinenki suomalainen täällä, och hej på alla svenska simmers!

blompinne 13th Sep 2009 12:11 AM

Sweden =) (gotherburg)

To quote Encyclopedia Dramatica (old article):
"There are more Swedes on the internet than there are in Sweden"

vertigoer 29th Sep 2009 8:04 PM


Ampsu 4th Oct 2009 3:01 PM

Finland! Hei kaikki suomalaiset!

Maranatah 12th Jan 2010 2:19 AM

Finland. Moi/Hej

AgeMarkus 30th Jan 2010 1:50 PM

Norway! Hooray!
Nå ble jeg faktisk litt glad...

Mitsaya 9th Feb 2010 6:19 PM

Sweden, Göteborg. (Just becuse i can't spell it in english.)

Muppet_5 16th Feb 2010 3:05 PM

Sweden ;P

Flame259 17th Feb 2010 6:31 PM

I am from Norway, Drammen outside of Oslo
Norge, Norge, er det noen som kan forstå hva jeg sier

WhistleRymes 14th Mar 2010 5:40 PM


armiel 21st Mar 2010 10:54 PM

hei!! I am from Finland too! Another finn, must be a rare breed :P

AnnaIME 27th Mar 2010 6:21 PM

I live near Västerås, Sweden.

malfoya 27th May 2010 7:29 PM

Norway.. Not much to add here, besides that it's cool to see a lot of Scandinavians on here ^^ I'm kind of surprised though. I've always felt a lack of us on these kinda sites.
I'll definately check out your creations!

tuhve 7th Jun 2010 7:36 PM

Finland, Espoo

Sukkerspinn1 8th Jun 2010 6:34 PM

Norway :P

IrisNnug 5th Jul 2010 7:00 AM

I'm from norway, norge and noreg.
I speak nynorsk and I'm from sogn og fjordane
(Det høres ikke så bra ut med norske ord i engelske setninger gjør det? xD)

SchiZohybrid 5th Jul 2010 7:37 AM

Another Norwegian here, currently residing in Fredrikstad.
Hei til alle skandinavere :D

Lollopisemis 10th Aug 2010 10:31 PM

Finally found Scandinavians!!! lol, Sweden here! Malmö

meriel 14th Aug 2010 11:06 AM

Hej hej!

Prah 24th Oct 2010 1:44 PM

I'm from Sweden! I live in a small town in Jönköpings County.

Sneakyninja 4th Jan 2011 8:23 PM

I'm from Sweden. Hallå alla svenskar, hej, terve, moi, goddag and so on to everyone else.

RedSneakers 22nd Mar 2011 8:52 PM

Denmark! Hyggeligt at se der faktisk ER andre danskere her. And hi to everybody else too.

Caecilie814 1st Apr 2011 12:34 PM

Am from Denmark. :D
Ringe, Fyn to be exact.
Vidste jo godt der var andre Danskere her, men kom aldrig i kontakt med nogen indtil jeg fandt denne gruppe. :D
Nice to meet you all. <3

_PR_ 24th Apr 2011 3:57 PM

And I'm from Sweden Nice to meet you all <3

gelis 2nd May 2011 2:16 AM

Wow, there is so many finns here. Blows my mind Yeah, I'm from Finland too.

Also a lot of people is from Sweden. Now I sure wish I had studied Swedish more carefully!

Brylen 15th May 2011 11:56 AM

Finland, Kuopio.
Hei vaan kaikille :D
Hey guys :D

Gurra09 15th May 2011 12:01 PM

Hello, I am a Swedish simmer!

mewichigo34 1st Jul 2011 7:48 AM

I was born and live in the USA BUT I'm half Norwegian.Does anyone else love Christmas Soda?

trench 19th Jul 2011 2:14 PM

I'm from Finland I didn't realise how many Scandinavian people we have here in MTS until today!

malfoya 19th Jul 2011 5:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mewichigo34
I was born and live in the USA BUT I'm half Norwegian.Does anyone else love Christmas Soda?

Of course! You got it over there aswell? That's nice

Gizmo360 20th Jul 2011 9:39 AM

Scotland Me!!!
Whats christmas soda?...
btw that USED to be the capital of scotland even though its only a road and a bit and doesnt even have a cornershop,the only thing it has,church,village hall and lots of countryside and farms. Love the country!!!!!!

malfoya 20th Jul 2011 11:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Gizmo360
Whats christmas soda?...
btw that USED to be the capital of scotland even though its only a road and a bit and doesnt even have a cornershop,the only thing it has,church,village hall and lots of countryside and farms. Love the country!!!!!!

This is Christmas soda. A type of soda that only comes out at Christmas, which is red or light brown. Tastes really sweet!

Lemniscat 10th Aug 2011 4:10 PM

I'm from Denmark!

WakahisaDManami 11th Aug 2011 12:12 AM

Iceland here! =)

Lina 15th Aug 2011 4:22 PM

I'm from Sweden

Ubasti 22nd Aug 2011 12:46 PM

Finland. Suprised and glad to see so many Finns here.

DreamingNeko 22nd Aug 2011 10:24 PM


ttiziana 20th Sep 2011 12:12 PM

I'm from Sweden :D

ekneinniuk 20th Sep 2011 5:58 PM

Hmmm.. Seems like I'm the only one from the Netherlands :P

mewichigo34 21st Sep 2011 4:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by malfoya
Of course! You got it over there aswell? That's nice

Yea!I swear when I visited Norway for Christmas I had way too much of it.

iosiren 10th Oct 2011 12:11 PM

Finland here! o/

anderswj 10th Oct 2011 2:53 PM

used to play in my native norwegian, but i figured that i could improve my english if i switched, haha.. ++the puns actually makes me laugh now.

Freakish Academy 15th Oct 2011 12:52 PM

I'm born and live in Sweden, and I'm half-danish by blood. ^^ I live about an hour by bus from Gothenburg. We have the oldest sluss (no, I don't remember the word in English right now) in Sweden here.

Suhina-Lempi 30th Dec 2011 9:53 PM


5M0K3 31st Dec 2011 5:29 PM

I was born and raised in America, but my grandparents are from Finland.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 5th Jan 2012 1:32 PM

Hai! I'm half Spanish and I live in Spain, but my father is Swedish and all of my paternal ancestry is Finnish, may I have a place in your group?

Faewillow 7th Jan 2012 10:35 AM

Finland! I'm kinda suprised to see even this many scandinavian ppl here. But good to see ya

malfoya 9th Jan 2012 5:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Vampire_aninyosaloh
Hai! I'm half Spanish and I live in Spain, but my father is Swedish and all of my paternal ancestry is Finnish, may I have a place in your group?

Of course!

Linzon 28th Jan 2012 5:59 PM

I'm from Finland (y) :D

allisas 15th Feb 2012 7:33 PM

I'm from Sweden but have lots of Danish relatives and my cousin is marrying a man from Finland. So my family is Scandinavia all the way.

Mrmo 8th Mar 2012 1:31 PM

Seems to be many swedish simmers here, and I am one of them. I'm from the westcoast.

armiel 8th Mar 2012 3:19 PM

Wow, I haven't looked here in a long long time, and there are so many other Finns (and other scandinavians too ofc). Nice to meet you all

Nina, you can be made a full Finn in no time ^^

swedsim 12th Mar 2012 9:05 PM

I'm from Sweden but lived in New York for 10 years. My
kids father was American. We live in a small town by lake

Nice to find a group for Scandinavians...didn't know there
were so many of us

malfoya 17th Mar 2012 4:16 PM

Just wanted to share

armiel 17th Mar 2012 5:06 PM

Ehehee, I've seen that - the Finn is tough and I love the expression on the danish one xD

Lithops 18th Mar 2012 7:18 PM

Sweden, Skåne, Kristianstad. :>

fruitsymphony 9th Apr 2012 10:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by malfoya

This is Christmas soda. A type of soda that only comes out at Christmas, which is red or light brown. Tastes really sweet!

Is that the same as "julmust"? I looked up "julmust" in my SWE/EN dictionary and it was translated as "a type if root beer". But it does not taste like root beer. It is more like shandy.

malfoya 10th Apr 2012 1:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by fruitsymphony
Is that the same as "julmust"? I looked up "julmust" in my SWE/EN dictionary and it was translated as "a type if root beer". But it does not taste like root beer. It is more like shandy.

No it has a sweet soda taste. I think it taste like raspberry's and there's also a brown version in some parts of Norway that taste more like champagne soda.

Lollopisemis 6th May 2012 11:26 AM

Scandinavia - Norway, Denmark, Sweden
The Nordic countries - Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland

That's what I've learned, am I right?

Edit: Nice to meet you all btw!

Frearya 26th Aug 2012 9:34 AM

Finland! Cool to see you all o/

Bissela 9th Dec 2012 1:28 PM

What, haven't post here??
So, I'm from Finland (if someone has missed that)

Mia Moonstar 22nd Dec 2012 3:58 PM

Welp, I'm Finnish and a pretty patriotic one I'm born and currently live in Stockholm in Sweden, but my both parents are full-blooded Finns(plusminus some swedes and russ in the family a couple centuries ago).

KyriaT 22nd Dec 2012 7:00 PM

As it seems, I haven't properly introduced myself! I am KyriaT - born and raised in Norway.

I like to add a Scandinavian feel when I play, to make it more homely. That's why I just love the Seasons EP, so we can have some snow and wind in the game for that true Norwegian feeling!

I've also made quite a few houses Scandinavian style, you can find them at my blog if you are interested.

Anywayzzz, it's nice to meet you all!

Dr.Derpy 25th Jan 2013 11:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Arisuka
Finland! kiva et on toinenki suomalainen täällä, och hej på alla svenska simmers!


äöäöäöäöäöäöäöä luulin aina et oot joku kiinalaine tai amerikkalaine XDD ps. oon ollu sun fani vuodesta 2010 c:

LenaShan 4th Mar 2013 12:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Flame259
I am from Norway, Drammen outside of Oslo
Norge, Norge, er det noen som kan forstå hva jeg sier

wooooh, NORGEEEH! :3 Velkommen til den mørke siden folkens! Vi har KJEKS(we have cookies)

Gabeabe 12th May 2013 10:06 AM

Jag är från Skövde, Sverige

Only 25th May 2013 7:16 PM

I am from Finland.

letrax 13th Jun 2013 2:44 PM

Cool! I have been a member of MTS for 9-10 months now, but didn't discover until now that the site has social groups, including one for us Northerners!
I'm from Uppsala, Sweden!

Simsy123 2nd Aug 2013 1:30 AM

This group is awesome! I am from Denmark!
Hej til alle danskere! Hey to everyone else in Scandinavia!

littlejestersims 7th Sep 2014 10:18 PM

Finnish person here, born and raised

Batanau 11th May 2015 1:42 AM

Jeg er norsk / I am from Norway

emmyjulia 18th May 2017 4:22 PM

I am from Sweden and live in Jonkoping :D

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