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Vampire_of_Death 17th Apr 2009 7:41 AM

I HATE Twilight!
First let me say that I read all of the books, it was intolerable after the first chapter but I have to finish what I start, even if it kills me! Also, I don't want to offend anyone, so this is just my opinon. This is very, very long.

Mary Sue:
A female fiction character who is so perfect as to be annoying. The male equivlalent is the Marty-Stu. Often abbreviated to "Sue". A Mary Sue character is usually written by a beginning author. Often, the Mary Sue is a self-insert with a few "improvements" (ex. better body, more popular, etc). The Mary Sue character is almost always beautiful, smart, etc... In short, she is the "perfect" girl. The Mary Sue usually falls in love with the author's favorite character(s) and winds up upstaging all of the other characters in the book/series/universe. There are several main types of Mary Sue:

Victim!SuesBELLA) The Victim!Sue is your whiny, wimpy, pathetic female character who can't seem to do much of anything except cry and get herself into trouble that the romantic interest of the fic has to rescue her from.

Warrior!Sues: The Warrior!Sue is usually loud, obnoxious and (of course) an amazing warrior. She'll usually have some tragic past that led her to become a warrior, and she'll upstage all of the Canonical characters with her mad Sueish powerz.

Mage!Sue: Similar to the Warrior!Sue, the Mage!Sue has amazing stregnth in magic, or has a magical power that nobody else has. She'll usually wind up upstaging all of the magical characters of the series.

Punk!Sue: Also called Noncomformist!Sue or Goth!Sue, the Punk!Sue is usually written by female beginners in the 11-15 age group. The Punk!Sue is loud, obnoxious, annoying and generally the type of person who you'd want to send off to boot camp for six months. The Punk!Sue almost always has angst coming out of her ears and isn't really a bad person, she's just oh!-so-angry at whatever tragic past the author has chosen to give her. The Punk!Sue is based on what the 11-15 year old author thinks is "cool" and wishes she could be. This includes Evil!Sues.

Misfit!Sue: This includes all Sues who are supposedly geeks, nerds, misfits, etc. Usually, the Misfit!Sue doesn't start out as inhumanly beautiful, but winds up getting a makeover and finding out she had the potential to be a guy-magnet (or girl-magnet, depending on the genre) all along. Also includes the "My parents want me to do this but I want to do that and it's not fair!!one!" type of Sue. Usually, this Sue is very bookish and smart, but will find some sort of physical talent nobody expected and become a star as a result.

Another thing to note is that a Sue will usually have a completely off-the-wall name, like "Viquetoria". The more wierd and pretentious the name of the character, the more likely it is that she's a Sue.

Marty Stu/ Gary Stu:The male counter part of what I wrote above


The Evidence:

Miss Meyer has admitted that she "fell in love" with the character of Edward (GARY STU) when she wrote him. Many writers discuss their characters like this, but few single out their protagonist's love interest for the honor.

Bella(MARY SUE) has a very magical, Mary-Sue-like name. "Bella Swan." She's allegedly perfectly ordinary in every way, to the point of absolute tedium, but somehow when she moves to a new area, instead of becoming a true outcast, she is instead fawned over by every guy in the school. And she can't be bothered with it. "Ho, hum, yeah, you can have my leftovers. How droll."

Bella has precisely one flaw: she's clumsy. Wow. That's absolutely *classic*. Her only character flaw is that she's endearingly oaf-like? That's it? And it makes her even more *adorable*?

So, this perfecly ordinary girl from an only moderately poor home life who is just bored with her social life captures the attention of the world's most perfect guy. He's so perfect that he SPARKLES. Literally. He sparkles. Most vampires blow up, or burn or turn to bats when the enter sunlight, who the HELL would think to make them sparkle? Maybe in the moon, MAYBE, but in the sun? Thats like making a vampire who doesn't drink blood! Oh, well actually...Anywyas, he is so F*ing classic. He's strong, and handsome, and brooding, and intelligent, and INTERESTING because he's secretly a sexy vampire with a really cool vampire family. He's so in love with Bella for no good reason that they can't sleep together lest he lose control of himself. He's "mysteriously drawn" to her. And he wants to protect her. And take her away from all this. And she gets swept into a magical world that she never could have ever imagined.

The only way this chick could be a bigger Mary Sue is if she had violet eyes and the power to talk to animals.

This isn't the plot of a best-selling novel. This is the kind of story that middle-school girls tell themselves when they fantasize. The kind of shit you wrote in your diary at age 13 about the amazing adventures that you have in your head. Except it's not you, it's sort of a better you, more interesting, more perfect, more beautiful, more popular. "And everyone loves me even this really mysterious secret beautiful VAMPIRE who can't resist me!"

This has been a ridiculous rant, but I can't believe this piece of adolescent tripe has made it into print, much less grown to its current frenzied height of popularity. It is vile. You know a book should have been left in the slush pile when its Fanfic is indistinguishable from its canon.

Bites and Kisses
(A completly non-sparkly) Vampire

Vampire_aninyosaloh 17th Apr 2009 3:08 PM

I know it's a bit... twee but I like it, and I hate Bella's character... YES!! I don't identify with her in any moment, she's so ARGHHH!!! ;P
I thought you maybe won't like them...
This summer I'm going to read Ann Rice's "Interview with the vampire", do you know if it's good??

Vampire_of_Death 17th Apr 2009 9:36 PM

I LOVED all of the vampire chronicles, yes, you must read them, they are WONDERFUL!!! I also suggest that you follow up (after Interview) with Lestat, it is my favorite book.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 17th Apr 2009 9:42 PM


Dawn_ 18th Apr 2009 12:20 AM

Here's an excellent resource - the Mary Sue Litmus test. I've already checked a couple of my characters out with it, and one of them needs a bit of work, but some of the others are pretty much non-Sues (or Stus).

Very helpful resource for writers! Stephenie Meyer should take a look at it

Vampire_of_Death 18th Apr 2009 3:00 AM

Thank you for that, is sounds really interesting and I will look into it.

EDIT: I went over it with Bella and she scored a 52. If anyone elses does it, let me know what you get. By the way, 52 means that she is a Mary Sue and the she should be killed dead.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 18th Apr 2009 1:47 PM

I've done it and Bella gets a 93!!!! XD

Vampire_of_Death 18th Apr 2009 11:52 PM

I wonder what I did wrong, I'll have to try it again, but 93? Come on SMeyers, you need to consult that website a bit more often!

rumplesimskin 24th Apr 2009 8:14 AM

I hate Twilight! I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it! And I hate the fact that even though you either love/hate it you still read it! Grr if only we didn't, there wouldn't be such a huge hype about it.

And not only are the characters Mary and Marty Sue's, but also the writer! 'Stephenie'? what the hell? It doesn't sound more exotic you idiot, it's still Stephanie! Why did you/your parents bother? grr.

please, I fully agree with Stephen King, she didn't write a book, she wrote a fanfic story, a bad one too. If I wanted to read a cool vampire story I'd go to or something demmit! What was the point of publishing it? It might as well have had a link on the back to the fanfic forum she started out in or something. if I wanted a fanfic I'd go to jph!p demmit, they may be high schoolers and even they can write better than her. I read stories there that have brought me to tears, whereas no matter what happens to Bella and Edward I'm more likely to laugh in their faces than to feel sorry for those huge dousches.

And what the hell is up with the movie? He was NOT shiny! I saw NO diamonds on his skin. The most that happened was he turned a little yellow in the sun but that's all. And which idiot decided to bring this shit as book to film? I want to shoot them. I can't wait for everyone to wake up and smell the shitness of the book and eventually forget it. And I am sick of people bunching it with Harry Potter or Lemoni Snicket. They are nothing alike. The writers of those books are actually able to hold our attention for more than a few pages whereas the writer of this book made me fall asleep one chapter in the book. I seriously fall asleep everytime I try reading it. I am not kidding, I pick up the book and a few pages in I fall asleep. It is that bad. I got the second and third book from my (clueless) brother (who obviously hadn't heard me bitch and moan about HATING the book) on my birthday in February and so far I've only managed to get about halfway through the third book. In three months = 1 1/2 books. I read one Harry Potter book (one of the big ones) in one month. I can read a Lemoni Snicket book in a week or two. Know why it takes so long to read this one? cause it bores me to tears! I can't continuously read it or else I'd explode of boredom!

Ill stop now before I get really nasty X_X

Vampire_of_Death 24th Apr 2009 8:48 AM

I agree, and please get nasty.

I woold never, ever spend a cent on her or the shit she makes, so I borrowed the books from an obviously dimwitted friends, she has made hese boks her bible and her new nickname is Bella, I kid you not. I also will not see the movie until it if free in the On Demand section of Comcast, which shouldn't take long. I even heard from some of the obsessors that the movie sucked, so we will see.

Thank you and welcome to my grou and for providing a wonderful addition to my anti-twilight team.

You know what else, I haven't seen any counte arguements, which I figured there would be millions of flames, but I guess there aren't any arguments other than OMG!!!11 Edward is SOO HoT!!!111!! I lOvE hIm AnD BeLlA tothr. OMG!!!111!!!1!!!!


straightroad 25th Apr 2009 4:12 AM

I joined this group simply because of this thread.
I despise Twilight.
I could write pages and pages of reasons why I hate it.
Here is why BUFFY is better than TWILIGHT:
1. Actual personalities and non-obnoxious character traits. Buffy is witty and spunky; Bella is bland and codependant. Angel helps out Buffy only when necessary; Edward looms over Bella creepily.
2. Buffy can take care of herself for the most part and when Angel does help her, they both fight demons/vampires. Bella is lame and can't do anything but annoyingly beg to be a vampire.
3. Vampires in the Buffy world actually get injured and feel pain and presumably sleep. Vampires in the Twilight world are statues and everything about them is awesome except the feeding on people thing (see book 4). Um, way to create NO CONFLICT.
4. Buffy combines kitsch, myth, comedy, and drama all into one successful package. Twilight combines an interesting idea with boring characters, Tolkeinesque tangents, and superfulous repetition to create an unsatisfying package.
5. I'm too tired to list more ways. But seriously, just watch the "Angel" episode. Angel stays at Buffy's overnight without creepily watching her sleep the whole time like a creepy stalker face. Also, he reveals the truth without being lame and making her guess.
^Found that off the internet.

Although Bella wasn't meant to be a role model, she is now. She's unambitious, useless, and wishes nothing more than to be with Edward--who's a vegetarian vampire *snorts*. I know Edward as Tinkerbell in disguise. I hate the hype around this stupid fad.
Vampires aren't portrayed correctly...they just got some guy who squints all the time and made him pale--hey presto! Vampireness a go!

OMG!!!11 Edward is SOO HoT!!!111!! I lOvE hIm AnD BeLlA tothr. OMG!!!111!!!1!!!!
Too true. It pisses me off so bad!

straightroad 25th Apr 2009 5:38 AM

Awesomesest site evarr.

Vampire_of_Death 28th Apr 2009 4:05 PM

I LOVE THAT SITE!!! I can't believe I never found it, I have been looking for a place to start lurking where SPARKLES ARE NOT COMPERABLE TO BURSTING INTO FLAMES!!!! Yes, I have to agree, although I have never seen Angel Buffy episode. I actually have never seen Buffy, I guess I better get watching. I am more into Edward (YUCK) meets Lestat... I wonder if he would eat him head first, burn him, or just that thing he does...

Gangreless 25th Jun 2009 12:50 PM

You basically have to look at it like the Harry Potter of the vampire genre. Insufferable to all who are actually true "fans" of the subject (witchcraft or vampires), but fascinating to anyone who thinks that you must have a wand to perform witchcraft and vampires can walk around in the freaking sun.

Vampire_of_Death 25th Jun 2009 7:56 PM

That is a great point, but I actully used to like Harry Potter when I was a kid.

Gangreless 26th Jun 2009 1:24 AM

I enjoy the movies, because I have a strange, twisted love affair with Disney, and the special effects are awesome. Not too mention Robert Pattinson, I really wish he played a different character... one that didn't die. The plot? Take it or leave it.

blackdaisies 26th Jun 2009 4:44 PM

The thing with Harry Potter is even though J.K. Rowlings took a lot of liberties with witchcraft, she did it well. The writing is still decent... not exceptional... but her strength is in her plot and characterization.

I haven't read Twilight but the stuff I've heard already I grew bored with. I've been meaning to make a compilation of youtube clips of why every other movie Vampire is better than Twilight.

Gangreless 26th Jun 2009 10:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by blackdaisies
The thing with Harry Potter is even though J.K. Rowlings took a lot of liberties with witchcraft, she did it well. The writing is still decent... not exceptional... but her strength is in her plot and characterization.

I haven't read Twilight but the stuff I've heard already I grew bored with. I've been meaning to make a compilation of youtube clips of why every other movie Vampire is better than Twilight.

I had to approach the Twilight movie as NOT a vampire movie. I went there thinking that this is a romance movie and has nothing to do with vampires. Now, with that in mind, I quite enjoyed it. I was already biased because of Pattinson, and eventhough I can't freaking stand Kristen Stewart, I still managed to like the movie.

Shy422 4th Jul 2009 7:02 AM

I'm interested enough to read the Twilight books just once, but from the sounds of it, I don't think I'm going to like them. The one thing that annoys me is how stupid some of the fans can be. I'm a geek of various geek things, but come on! I don't claim to love one guy in the movie/book and forget that HE'S FAKE!!

I actually read on that a guy got dumped 'cause his girlfriend wanted him to be more like "her Edward". Now, that may be true or not, but I'm sure some relationship somewhere has died because of Edward.

NightmareCandle 8th Jul 2009 8:04 PM

I agree.

I think Twilight is okay, i guess, but all these freaking obsessed people! They didn't like him THAT much until they saw that Robert Pattinson was going to be Edward in the movie, and hes ugllly *Shudder* And the movie was the biggest rip off in rip off history.

Forehearts 15th Jul 2009 11:55 PM

i did not really like bella, only becuase she was with edward cullen/ robert pattinson. but see i cant really do nothing about it... i am obsessed with twilight... like i always like Robert pattinson/ edward cullen like 3 years before twilight came out. i like him in Harry Potter, and Vinty fair etc..

~ Pheonix Pixie ~

EvilOverlord 4th Aug 2009 4:13 AM

Twilight vampires are miserable excuses that Stephenie Meyer pulled out her ass to make her vampires unique. Just pure torture in every sparkle filled page.

Psychotic_Ragdoll 11th Aug 2009 1:32 AM

The worst part of Twilight is not the plot. Oh, no. The sparkly pixie who stalkes and abuses a girl, who becomes suicidal for him and obsesses, and pedophilia is not what's worst about this book.
What's worse is the quality (Or, rather, lack of) of the writing. It's full of purple prose, cliches and other, unmentionable things.
And, most importantly...

Zinthos 11th Aug 2009 10:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by straightroad
I joined this group simply because of this thread.
I despise Twilight.
I could write pages and pages of reasons why I hate it.
Here is why BUFFY is better than TWILIGHT:
1. Actual personalities and non-obnoxious character traits. Buffy is witty and spunky; Bella is bland and codependant. Angel helps out Buffy only when necessary; Edward looms over Bella creepily.
2. Buffy can take care of herself for the most part and when Angel does help her, they both fight demons/vampires. Bella is lame and can't do anything but annoyingly beg to be a vampire.
3. Vampires in the Buffy world actually get injured and feel pain and presumably sleep. Vampires in the Twilight world are statues and everything about them is awesome except the feeding on people thing (see book 4). Um, way to create NO CONFLICT.
4. Buffy combines kitsch, myth, comedy, and drama all into one successful package. Twilight combines an interesting idea with boring characters, Tolkeinesque tangents, and superfulous repetition to create an unsatisfying package.
5. I'm too tired to list more ways. But seriously, just watch the "Angel" episode. Angel stays at Buffy's overnight without creepily watching her sleep the whole time like a creepy stalker face. Also, he reveals the truth without being lame and making her guess.
^Found that off the internet.

Although Bella wasn't meant to be a role model, she is now. She's unambitious, useless, and wishes nothing more than to be with Edward--who's a vegetarian vampire *snorts*. I know Edward as Tinkerbell in disguise. I hate the hype around this stupid fad.
Vampires aren't portrayed correctly...they just got some guy who squints all the time and made him pale--hey presto! Vampireness a go!

OMG!!!11 Edward is SOO HoT!!!111!! I lOvE hIm AnD BeLlA tothr. OMG!!!111!!!1!!!!
Too true. It pisses me off so bad!

I can think of another reason why Buffy is better. Because Spike is in Buffy and James Marsters is hot and has a cute accent.

Miss-Resa 13th Aug 2009 4:25 AM

Ohhh Spikey. He was the greatest vamp of them all. He saved the world! And he didn't need to sparkle to be pretty ^_^

Prosthetics 14th Aug 2009 10:54 AM

I feel that I have come home ;_;

It's difficult to find people here that don't like Twilight, everyone I've met (up until their late 20's!!) are carrying a copy of Twilight with them. As if it were a bible of some sort! When I borrowed this book to read it, I was at the mall, and was mentioning that I needed to go to a library to check it out (because there is no way I would be purchasing this fetid pile of crap) friend dragged me outside to HIS car (yes, it was a BOY) and he got the book out of his car! He told me that he always carried it around just in case he needed to cite something from it.


bb4daddy123 15th Aug 2009 9:17 PM

well,twilight would be a little better if Nina Dobrev was casted as Bella

Raindrops757 22nd Aug 2009 1:26 AM

I know some people actually like Twilight, and some people are a little too fond of it...( ) but my opinion is that it is an attempt at an escapism book filled with boring Mary Sues and overly-cliched plots. I don't think it sends out good messages either. It actually, in a horrible way promotes anti-feminism and abuse and seems to put stalking in a positive light. That is not right. Does the author even KNOW what her book is doing to it's fanatics? It is turning some of them in to an anti-feminist, abusive and just plain creepy cult. Has she even seen how some of her obsessed fans react to the news that not everyone likes her book? Apparently not. And she will continue to churn out her boring, cliched, offensive drivel so that more and more people will become her loyal followers. (Sorry about the rant but it really annoys me when people are personally over-defensive and even aggressive about others not liking Twilight, I mean it's a book and it's not like they even wrote it themselves.)

Prosthetics 22nd Aug 2009 2:33 AM

I visited SMeyer's official site. God knows what made me visit. I was not aware that she was planning on releasing a new novel. It's Twilight. But from Edward's point of view. What?

rumplesimskin 22nd Aug 2009 3:52 AM

^ I found a copy of it on my friends' USB... it's so... bleh~
Edward is such a freakin' drama queen I could vomit. And he's all "hahaah Im awesome everyone loves me la dee da" and comes off as a huge shithead. He's really got a big idea of himself. Ack why did I read the entire first chapter? It was horrible! It seriously could not have been worse if it had been written by a monkey. Heck, a monkey really would do a better job and with less spelling mistakes too.

Prosthetics 22nd Aug 2009 8:39 AM

it's fair to say that this was my reaction after I finished Twilight

EvilOverlord 22nd Aug 2009 9:44 AM

How can you people speak of Twilight this way!!!! It Is the best vampire series in the world!!! I love my sparkly vampires! And Edward is SOOO totally hot and I wish my boyfriend were more like him! He's so nice and Bella is so totally perfect and I wish I was Bella she's so lucky and I wish I was a vampire who sparkled in the sun and drank animal blood!!!!!!!!!!

That's what I would say if I was a Twifag (Twilight lover)
The Reality:
Twilight SUCKS! It needs to be burned. In all hoesty, I went on the website, and she based the entire book on a dream she had. A dream. What crack, I ask you, was she smoking when she had that dream? The vegetarian vampires are GAY, the sparkly vampires are GAY, and the poor girl who wants to be one of them is even GAYER!!! Honestly, who in the right mind thinks this is what vampires are like?? And they killed innocent little animals! I would have killed the humans, not the adorable wildlife! Seriously, this book is an eye sore. The best book in the entire series was New Moon, and that's cause the sparkly vampires were gone! I hated every moment I was reading these books and felt like I was being tortured every minute of the movie. And I'm going to have to sit through New Moon with my friend, who is the most twilight obssessed person I ever met! I'm kinda ashamed to have the same name as one of the sparkly vampires! At least it's the only, in my opinion, semi decent character in the book. But still, at least my name isn't Bella. Poor dog, we named her Bella because we hadn't known about Twilight. Twilight is pure torture in every f*cking sparkle filled page. I will make this clear even to Stephenie Meyer


Miss-Resa 24th Aug 2009 7:55 AM

I agree with most of the things you said, randomvampire, but please refrain from using the word 'gay' as a derogatory term. It's offensive.

Prosthetics 24th Aug 2009 8:46 AM

I'm gay...and I don't find it offensive?

certain 30th Aug 2009 7:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Prosthetics
I visited SMeyer's official site. God knows what made me visit. I was not aware that she was planning on releasing a new novel. It's Twilight. But from Edward's point of view. What?

Yes and no, she did write a half a version "Midnight Sun" (which is totally hilarious) but it leaked out to other places so she, in one update, said she was thinking about not finishing the novel.

certain 30th Aug 2009 8:38 AM

Understand something in the pits of fire
Ok, this is what you need to realize...and maybe you haven't and that's fine because no one has caught your attention. You say here that the Twilight characters are copies of Mary Sue and Marty-Stu, or at least equivlalent then you go on and say that Twilight sucks.........characters make stories, end of the line I hope you agree, so if you say Bella and Edward the main players of Twilight suck for who they are and what book they're in, then you also say that Mary Sue and Marty-Stu suck because they're sooo alike, and you've given that (could-be) evidence in your rant. I personally have never heard of Mary Sue and Marty-Stu, but Twilight did reach me and I live in the middle of freakin nowhere, people, literally.

Also, considering I'm on a role, you must understand the publishing procedure. You look through endless after endless files, websites, and cases for literature agents (if you self publish, good luck, you'll be in debit the rest of your life), you sweetin up to an agent in hopes they will like what you have to offer and most of the time it is NO even if everyone around you, including some random strangers think your work is the best thing they've ever read, the answer is still NO. Why? Because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that after awhile people write alike, themes are alike, characters are alike, and, drama queens forbid us all, plots are alike. Then again, say you are lucky and get an agent, well they first will take your work to see if it contains anything that PLAGERIZES (get familiar with that word)someone elses work. How they do this is through some programs, that even high schools have nowadays, that searches through every piece of work ever PUBLISHED--if it isn't PUBLISHED then it can't be proved that it's PLAGERISM, even if you get on your hands and knees and tell them you wrote it, whatever, you're wasting your time, get up and write something else. You have to have dated and co-signed PRINTED pages, say...from myspace, it dates everything in your blogs. After you've been cleared of the threat of PLAGERISM then it's a matter of time--you may or may not live to see your name published on the cover of a book.
Get it? Got it. Good. If Stephenie Meyer had PLAGERIZED someone else's work, it would have shown up a LONG time ago.

A little over the top, I know, but I'm ranting.

As for the changing of the Vampire aspects, like the sparkles......she was just trying to make it more original, which is something hard to do these days. How many Vampire stories have you read with sparkly Vampires? None before Twilight I would suppose, because I haven't and I'm a HUGE Vampire fan.

If you want to argue about the changing of originals just refer back to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and see what she has to say, because if she was alive today I'm sure she would have one raised holy hell and two sued every single one of those idiots who recreated her stupid monster.
The same for whoever first wrote the story of the Vampire. I'm suspecting that person would be an ancestor of someone in Romania. They should sue everyone who's written about it, including Anne Rice and writers for Buffy.

Oh and by the way, Robert Pat..t..whatever, who plays Edward and is casted on Harry Potter is freakin ugly, people. The only reason people think he's cute is because the media told them he was. For goodness sakes, the boy looks like he's stoned 24/7. That's not gorgeous people, that's a pot head.

Also, if you've watched the movie of Twilight and not read the books, you know crap because it's the worst, absolutely WORST movie made from a book, so B rated. It doesn't follow it at all. You know why? Because the director, or whoever was in charge, gave the book to movie writers and let them have at it and those type of writers usually never can approach scenes correctly. It's hard to understand how, but look what they did to the Kite Runner. Mrs. Meyer should sue them for disgracing her books. And yes, for all you who may not have read Twilight yet (and may be using this thread to see if you want to), it is a good read to those who are open to the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton, and Anne Rice's books and some, ironically, Sim stories on Garden of Shadows.

And yes, you can dream up a story. It's possible. That's how many writers have figured out what they want to write about because some people's dreams are just wicked.

Also to someone who wrote that Twilight is anti-femonist, and such. If you'll go on to the official Twilight site in the Breaking Dawn portion she explains that she doesn't even portray that Bella is a heroin. She's just blah........and I really don't care for Bella. Alice is much cooler.
And that everyone must realize that this book is fantasy, not real, never could be real, except in our twisted souls.

Remember, rumors are rumors. And if you want to critize me go ahead, because I'm done ranting, at the moment.

Signing out.

EvilOverlord 5th Sep 2009 4:47 AM

All right Twilight haters. I have a shiny, club. It's called... Twilight Sucks. Made it just for us Twilight haters. So feel free to join ma club. It still had that new club smell.

Prosthetics 5th Sep 2009 5:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by certain
Mrs. Meyer should sue them for disgracing her books.

You do realize that SMeyer made a cameo appearance in the film, right? Because I own the DVD, and have watched it many a time (to my own disgrace) with friends who are Twilight obsessed. How did I come into the DVD? It was sick joke really, because I told my mother that I hated Twilight and that translated into: "OMFG I F****** LOVE TWILIGHT."

So before you say that SMeyer should sue them...think about this: STEPHENIE MEYER DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT. She is getting rich off of her mediocre characters, and all of the merchandise that is being made.

I saw a cardboard cutout of Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen on sale for $100 at FYE, and the next day I was at FYE, it was gone. Some Twitard bought it.

People think he's hot because there are some sick, sick individuals in this world. Not because the media said we should OMG. Not every cultist idiot follows what the media tells them, okay?

I should probably emphasize that I liked the movie, even if it was, by your standards, b-level. Sometimes b-level movies are the best kind. But it's an oversight to say that I loved it, because I didn't. The characters in the movie are just as hollow as the ones in the book, and I don't feel attached to them as I would any other character.

And, btw, we're not talking about Mary Shelly or the original vampire authors, we are referring to Twilight, and how totally f***** up it is that THIS is a pop culture phenomenon when it literally has NO SUBSTANCE.

Okay. I'm done. I await any reply.

J. M. Pescado 5th Sep 2009 5:03 AM

It seems to me that most vampires in fictional works are all severely maladjusted people. The Twilight guy? Stalker and pedophile. A whole bunch of others spend their time brooding and angsting like 12s. You'd think they'd have gotten over that after 900 years. How many of them do you see that are neither broody nor angsty, and behave like otherwise normal, 900-year-old people with regular, everyday(well, night) lives and an investment portfolio, aside from their penchant for drinking blood and avoiding sunlight, which they should be completely adjusted to by now and treat as a normal thing otherwise unworthy of attention, much like you don't spend all that much time worrying about lunch.

Prosthetics 5th Sep 2009 5:07 AM

I have to say that I agree entirely with Pescado. I leave vampires to my own imagination for this reason least in my head, they are grown up. And not whining. And brooding. And generally being angsty characters of the night.

willwrightfan 1st Oct 2009 1:28 AM

I am sad to say that I used to worship the ground Stephenie Meyer walks on. But now, I realize that everything you said is true. I'm getting really into Interview With the Vampire, as I noticed a discussion about how awesome and better than Twilight it is. I agree now. :D

Cawakitty 2nd Nov 2009 2:26 PM

Oh, I saw this post, as I brushed pass the group expecting teeny twilight loving loners and then saw that you're all as bitter about sparkling vampires and Mary sues as I am. Ilu, no really.

I like my vampires mysterious and brooding, yes. I can't lie. Louis (from VC) and Angel were easily my favorites as a child, but I have to admit I find Edward overly boring. And he sparkles.

Bella annoys me on principal, and on screen. AND I LOVE KRISTEN STEWART.

I had no idea what twilight was.
At first I was excited but then...
I saw a trailer.
Instantly bored.

So I asked my mom about it. She also dislikes Bella, finds the romantic part of the storyline stupid, etc. She read the books when they first came out. Before there was a movie. Before it mattered. She likes teeny bopper books about vampires.

So she tell me the story, and I ask, but why is he drawn to her?
But why are the vampires so anti human love?
But why doesn't he turn her?
But WHY?
Answer, because then the fantasies would end and the actual story would have to go on.

One thing we do agree on, is that we kind of like Alice. Even if she sparkles.
She's interesting. She's got an actually personality. She's fun. You want her to have to jump on more people and break their necks.

Cawakitty 2nd Nov 2009 2:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by J. M. Pescado
It seems to me that most vampires in fictional works are all severely maladjusted people. The Twilight guy? Stalker and pedophile. A whole bunch of others spend their time brooding and angsting like 12s. You'd think they'd have gotten over that after 900 years. How many of them do you see that are neither broody nor angsty, and behave like otherwise normal, 900-year-old people with regular, everyday(well, night) lives and an investment portfolio, aside from their penchant for drinking blood and avoiding sunlight, which they should be completely adjusted to by now and treat as a normal thing otherwise unworthy of attention, much like you don't spend all that much time worrying about lunch.

hehe, in all fairness, Lestat (in the end) was quite well adjusted with his bad 90's rock band and what not.

certain 18th Nov 2009 11:37 PM

Ok, I was tired, irritable, and on medication the last time I posted on here...and it's taken awhile to retrace my steps...where was the full bloom of my mind? I'll try to keep to my oath of not posting while on medication...

All right, I think we all can agree that Stephenie Meyer is a money whore...especially considering she was on Oprah. Ok, one thing is you become famous by being on Oprah, another thing is you are already famous then go on Oprah...there's no reason for it...unless you want more mula.

I still stand by the partial originality of Twilight. (It has to be partial because she didn't invent Vampires) No one thought to making Vampires sparkle. I still don't know why she made them sparkle, I don't necessarily agree with her, but we're going to try and live with that fact because we can't change it.

Prosthetics: I "now" know she was in the movie. And, I think, I was just using Mary Shelley and others to say, "hey, it's not the original idea so it's not perfect."

Again, apologies to those I am may have offended. The meds have been changed so I hope I don't do things like that ever again. I am not a "I love Twilight to death" type of person, but I don't hate it either.

In the end, it doesn't matter to me, I've moved onto bigger better fish with Anita Blake. Twilight is something of the past and will probably be long forgotten in ten years, but not Anne Rice and the rest of the best classics.

Vampire_of_Death 19th Nov 2009 3:24 AM

Certain, your arguement is that you give her credit because sparkling vampires is original?

So, I could make an original zombie movie by making them vegetarians. Just because its new, doesnt make it good. AND making in orginal by defying the definition of the creature makes it not said creature.


Prosthetics 19th Nov 2009 8:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by certain
I've moved onto bigger better fish with Anita Blake.

Did you see that Stephenie Meyer totally ripped off her rivalry between Edward and Jacob from the Anita Blake series?

certain 19th Nov 2009 6:48 PM

Vampie_of_Death: It doesn't have to be good to be original. There are other authors out there who have made Vampires come out in the sun and have no effect on them at all. Stephenie Meyer did that, but still gave an excuse why they didn't want to come out when it was sunny. In Anita Blake there are zombies that don't eat people...vegetarians--I wouldn't say.

Prosthetics: I'm only on the second book of Anita no...but a rivalry between wolves and Vampires is common. Why not their war be over who gets Anita? ^__^

SuperSimoholic 19th Nov 2009 9:25 PM

i enjoyed the movie because i wasn't comparing it to other vampires. the glitteryness was abit annoying, when he took her up the mountain and was all like "he have to see what i really look like!" i thought he was gonna turn around and look all demonic and scary, but instead he sparkled...

and bellas FACE got on my nurves - she apparently loves him, but she looked both pissed off and terrified everytime she was around him, even when they were suppost to be happy!!

but besides that i enjoyed the movie and plan to see the rest.
never read the books - mainly because i'd never heard of them.

SuperSimoholic 19th Nov 2009 9:26 PM

p.s. i also love spike ^^
he is awsome! but for some reason i was much more attracted to him when he was evil? XD

whitewaterwood 22nd Nov 2009 1:08 AM

Robert Patterson's eyebrows are capable of independent thought and devouring small children.

Elena_Valero 24th Nov 2009 3:36 PM

I Love Twilight!!!
I Love The Books And I Love The Film!!!!
I Don't Say "edward Is Hot!"
I Love Edward Because He Is The Most Romantic Person In The World!!!!!

Vampire_of_Death 24th Nov 2009 5:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Elena_Valero
I Love Twilight!!!
I Love The Books And I Love The Film!!!!
I Don't Say "edward Is Hot!"
I Love Edward Because He Is The Most Romantic Person In The World!!!!!

If you say those things or not, the fact that you find Edward, senoir stick in the mud, charming attests to you intelligence. You need to wake up and smell the blood, VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE. EVER. And he is not charming, and I am in love with the Joker, so THAT is saying something.

Prosthetics 25th Nov 2009 5:08 PM

I really hope Elena_Valero is just trolling D:

Liekomgz 29th Dec 2009 10:04 PM

I don't like twilight, the storyline is boring to me. I mean, vampires are ok but twilight isn't really my favourite kind of vampire story to be honest.

nightwitch 20th Jan 2010 1:55 PM

Twilight is not a vampy film beacase where's the blood stucking action, I mean what's the point of making a vampire film when no ones turns into a vampire. It's more a lovie doveie film than anything all in all it's a ruddish flim!

lestrange_09 23rd Jan 2010 8:39 AM

What twilight is basically telling me is that if I don't find a man as perfect as Edward, we will all be "okay" since he exists in a story book, which as far as fangirl syndrome goes, is good enough. Ha!
Why subject your mind to such trash. Its like the episode of Sex and the City I watched the other day, about Soulmates. That if you don't find that one "perfect person" thats supposedly going to ride up one their white horse and save you, your never going to find "True Love". This novel could be corrupting young minds into thinking that we exist purely to find our one, and only, significant other. That once we have our first love, its our only love we are ever going to get....whether it lasts or not. It's actually a really dangerous thing to do to yourself, to believe in such a cliche. And twilight presents it, oh so accurately.
Just my two cents I guess, but I do dislike twilight now, and being one year older and wiser, I know that falling in love with a fictional character is a waste of brain cells, especially when they go by the name "Edward Cullen"
Bella is also, what was said before, a "Mary-Sue', for sure. Pathetic really. This book could have been so much better but it was wasted, and by the sound of it, rushed.

fthomas 28th Feb 2010 11:40 AM

I really like the Twilight Saga, books and films, but I do find it funny making fun of it XD.

Kimiko-Chan 13th Apr 2010 10:48 PM

I know nothing has been posted here for a time, so sorry if I am reviving a dead thread, but I joined the group to post here.

Thank you, Vampire_of_Death, for posting this. I knew I disliked Twilight for a reason... I was just unsure why.
But that explains it a lot.
People have always accused me of writing Mary-Sues, but I am more prone to either write ridiculously innocent characters who have life experiences that help them to grow up, and become more serious, or characters with the "Go on and keep smiling; move forward or the world will eat you" attitude, that is just below the surface of their sunny exterior...
Usually the Vampires, when I write them, are better than that though.

fthomas 16th Apr 2010 1:29 PM

^ Nah don't worry this thread and group needs to be brought back alive. Its pretty much dead atm DX
I do like Twilight, but this thread has given me reasons not to like it so much. Lol, I have been accused of
writing a few Mary Sues, but infact, I'm not prone to creating them. Yay XD.

NavyBabe09 17th Apr 2010 2:49 AM

I loathe this series more than anything else in the world. I'm completely serious. That being said, if SMeyer, a waste of 3 people, can get that shitty excuse for a series published, then I can get my own vampire novel published, too. (Took the Mary Sue/Gary Stu Litmus test and my character's a 25, which is pretty decent. I still think my score should have been lower, though.)

Anyhow, thank God for this thread.

KyleTheArtist 17th Apr 2010 3:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by whitewaterwood
Robert Patterson's eyebrows are capable of independent thought and devouring small children.


fthomas 19th Apr 2010 7:40 PM

^ AHAAA! That actually made me LOL

Jaylo 23rd Apr 2010 1:13 AM

dat hilarious

well, my hope for the future of vampires has left me.
I asked some of my younger friends what they though a vampire looked like.
Their reply: a person, except really hot.


NavyBabe09 24th Apr 2010 10:31 AM

My vampires kill annoying Twilight fangirls. Cool enough? (LOL)

Xelith2009 16th Jun 2010 7:35 PM

I agree heavily.
As well as the sparkling in sunlight, which reminds me more of pixies than vampires, Meyer has ruined the anatomy and stretched the mythology of vampires so far so that: they have no fangs, but just normal teeth. They have eyes that change to ridiculous colours, which in the real world would make it completly obvious they were not human (I mean comon, even dim witted Bella realises that Edwards eyes changed from black to yellow way before she knew he was a vampire, pretty big give away). They inject a poison when they bite, what a crappy evolution that when they change they go through "excruciating pain" and that the poison changes them is ridiculous, the idea of a curse, or a blood transfusion works, but poison shouldn't change (sorry I've been using the wrong word for a while, venom, Meyer calls it poison, but that is ingested via eating a poisonous object, venom is injected, fail meyer!) a persons geneology.

Ahh that was a well needed rant :3

lovetadraw 17th Jun 2010 5:18 PM

Not being allowed to see it, I can't say I hate or love it. But, if I'm not allowed to see a movie you can bet I'd like it.

I use the Sparkly Vampire Skintone only thing is it tends to look a little greenish if you use non-maxis like skintones.

Ps. anyone wanna bite? I'm thirsty! **moistens lips stares at necks**

Kimiko-Chan 1st Jul 2010 6:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by fthomas
^ Nah don't worry this thread and group needs to be brought back alive. Its pretty much dead atm DX
I do like Twilight, but this thread has given me reasons not to like it so much. Lol, I have been accused of
writing a few Mary Sues, but infact, I'm not prone to creating them. Yay XD.

I bet someone somewhere accuses me of writing nothing but mary-sues.

I like to write myself into stories, but the characters often do have a fatal flaw, and do NOT come out number one. They usually only want love. And fight very hard to find it.

So I guess I more often write mushy love stories covered in a candy-coated action/adventure shell. XD

But yeah, back to vampires.
When I read Twilight for the first time (did not see the movie) I pictured the 'sparkly' more like a glowing, translucent flame across the skin. Or, more like the cold, but alluring shimmer of diamonds. There was no pixie-like constantly moving shimmer. If he moved, she shine moved. That was MY mental image.

I think if the director had the same vision as me, Twilight would be receiving a HECK of a lot less hate and fluster than it's getting at the moment. Might even have made a fan of me.

StarlightBeauty 29th Jul 2010 4:27 PM

Well, I don't know if this was mentioned above or not, but it makes vampires look stupid (*cough* edward *cough*) I don't get why Edward ALLOWS Bella to cheat on him. For the love of Cats! AND VAMPIRES DON'T SPARKLE!

imaeatyaface 29th Jul 2010 4:43 PM

eh, i don't really hate twilight, i just don't get all the hype that's surrounding it. 'cause i read the books and honestly the writing is not that great. maybe (and this is a big maybe) the books would have been better if written by someone who had experience with y'know, writing actual vampires. i also don't get the people saying that twilight is like harry potter! really? no no nooo, the only similarity is RPatz (whom i'm no big fan of, hp or twilight). you see, with hp you...feel harry's emotions. you hate the dursley's, you get excited when he arrives at hogwarts, and get sucked into the magical wizarding world JK Rowling created. but with twilight, i don't know about the rest of y'all but i didn't feel nothing. the only emotion i felt was queasiness during her whole near death/birth thing and empathy for her. but other than that? nada. the characters are too whiny, (don't even get me started on jacob). the sparkling in the sun thing reminds me of fairies. that was actually what i thought twilight was about, before i read the books xD but uh yeah, just my 2 cents.

Prosthetics 29th Jul 2010 11:58 PM

I still think the concept is horrid. Even if it had been written by a better writer, the ideals would still be presented: find one person that you're going to love forever, no matter what. Give up all of your hopes and dreams to be with that person. You NEED a man in your life to be happy. Abuse is okay, as long as he's hot.

Xelith2009 8th Aug 2010 2:49 PM

Oh to add another thing about the Bella love triangle... isn't the love between her and a vampire and her and a werewolf technically necrophilia and bestiality o-o and this is mostly read by thirteen year old girls?!

nusshine386 11th Aug 2010 4:35 AM

just one thing to say "back in the day vampires sucked blood not cock"

dreaming4dreams 11th Aug 2010 7:36 AM

I read the books and thought it was a good idea but it wasn't written well enough. In the books I was yelling Eat her! just for a twist at least. I am really annoyed at how much popularity it is getting. If you spend the time reading the back of the book twilight it tells you that Edward is a vampire and you have to read in so many pages to find that out if you don't read that part. I may see breaking dawn just to see who plays renessme even though I have a feeling it will be an animated baby.

Prosthetics 19th Aug 2010 4:16 AM

Hey guys, I found an awesome video :D

screechingvilnce45 27th Nov 2010 7:09 PM

I hated twilight so much, that i wound up rewriting it. seriously, what was that garbage? i felt like the entire series was just written to enslave the nimble-minded human race to do its extreme and deadly bidding.
It's not a good book, not only does it teach young girls out there that women should be subservient when it comes to finding love, but that falling in love with someone who is emotionally cold and abusive (eclipse anyone?) is okay as long as the guy is hot! ugh, god, i can't believe i read all four of them, what the eff was i thinking? I felt all the more stupid and dissatisfied reading them all then i could ever feel reading badly written Harry Potter fanfiction.
You know, most writers are supposed to get BETTER with each book they release, not progressively worse. Just... I've given up on this 'writer' i'm done with stephenie meyer. I will not read anymore of the garbage she releases.

AnnieBonnie 22nd Jan 2011 2:55 PM

The author claims she was inspired by "Romeo and Juliet" and "Wuthering Heights"...and I can't understand why she gave herself the trouble of writing those books...they are useless. I bet she never read anything about "Dracula" or any other vampire books or legends...every time I see Edward Cullen, Tinkerbell comes to my mind...I wonder why...

beepbob 14th Feb 2011 1:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by nightwitch
Twilight is not a vampy film beacase where's the blood stucking action, I mean what's the point of making a vampire film when no ones turns into a vampire. It's more a lovie doveie film than anything all in all it's a ruddish flim!


mewichigo34 3rd Jul 2011 6:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AnnieBonnie
The author claims she was inspired by "Romeo and Juliet" and "Wuthering Heights"...and I can't understand why she gave herself the trouble of writing those books...they are useless. I bet she never read anything about "Dracula" or any other vampire books or legends...every time I see Edward Cullen, Tinkerbell comes to my mind...I wonder why...

Because he sparkles.

Maximoose 10th Aug 2011 1:42 AM

It's a Twilight spoof. The main charaecter is called Bella Duck, Edmund Chick and Jacob White.

That was is 100 reasons to hate Twilight.

Stormvirvel 12th Aug 2013 5:35 AM

I don't hate twilight, but I think the vampires are a bit cheesy and not very cool as they should be.
& I hate the fact they they never seem to decide anything they just change their minds all the time and can't settle for anything.
I love the werewolves though it's like the only thing I like about twilight. I'm not a hater, but not a fan either.

Sweetlithium 14th Aug 2013 8:25 PM

I used to despise Twilight,

then I read Game of thrones and realized that Twilight was just written by a 13 year old girl in a Woman's body.


Kill it dead . Kill it dead now!

The only problem with Twilight compared that series is that Meyer mispelled Fairy as Vampire.

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