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straightroad 9th May 2009 10:45 AM

Fave character/movie/quotes?
I don't want to seem like an idiot talking to myself so please join in

Fave character:

Fave movie:
Fellowship, 'cause it's lighter, the fellowship is together, Boromir (!!), love the Mines of Moria and the epic Uruk battle.

"Don't you leave him Samwise Gamgee. And I don't mean to. I don't mean to"
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you! COME ON!!"
"A new day will come and it'll shine out the clearer....there's some good in this world Mr Frodo, and its worth fighting for"
Basically, almost everything Sam says

Chiarina 9th May 2009 10:27 PM

Fave character:
Eowyn of Rohan. Strong and beautiful: simply human.
Faramir of Gondor. Strong and handsome: simply human.

Fave movie:
The Return of the King Extended Edition, because of the scenes together...

Eowyn: The city has fallen silent. There is no warmth left in the sun.
Faramir: [approaching her] It is only the damp of the first spring rain.
[Eowyn looks up at him]
Faramir: I do not believe this darkness will endure.


straightroad 10th May 2009 1:38 AM

Awwww! That's so adorable
I've always wanted to get my mitts on ROTK extended just to see them hold hands
Faramir is very hot, I admit that

Btw I absolutely love your Eowyn and Faramir, almost died when I saw it.

Chiarina 10th May 2009 11:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by straightroad14
Btw I absolutely love your Eowyn and Faramir, almost died when I saw it.

You are really kind! Well, they are not so good... It was my first upload.
Actually I have totally redone Eowyn, with a brand new Miranda Otto skintone, but I need the time to take a few good pics before posting her on MTS2...
However, thank you!

straightroad 11th May 2009 6:55 AM

Of course they're good! If your Faramir and Eowyn weren't good than nothing on this site is good


Squarah-chan 1st Jun 2009 6:01 PM

Hi new member here XD

Favourite Character: Pippin *d'awww*

Favourite Movie: Return of the King Extended (All the extended really...)

Favourite Quote:
Gimli: "Whats happening out there?"
Legolas: "Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" Makes me LOL everytime

CTherese 4th Jun 2009 7:56 PM

Favourite Character Books: Sam (It was while reading The Return Of The King that I came upon the realization that Sam was the true hero)

Favourite Character Movies: Too hard to choose! Legolas, with those long legs. But definitely fell in love with Eomer and Faramir.

Favourite Movie: All of them as a whole (preferably), each for their own reasons. The Fellowship was beautifully done and not quite as dark. But the battle scenes in Return Of The King are great, especially the Ride of the Rohirrim.

Favourite Quote: Forth Eorlingas!

And this will all change on my next viewing/reading of course.

straightroad 5th Jun 2009 8:10 AM

Welcome CTherese and Squarah!
Theoden has incredibly dramatic quotes, doesn't he?
I love Pippin!
I love the four main hobbits the most, they're all so loyal to one another its very touching

CTherese 5th Jun 2009 9:24 PM

Thank you for the Welcome, straightroad!

You're right about Theoden's quotes.
I especially loved:
Where is the horse and the rider
Where is the horn that was blowing
They have passed like rain on the mountains
Like wind in the meadow
Days have come down in the West
Over the hills
Into shadow

It deviates from the book, but still effective.

"Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red nightfall!"

I adored Pippin too. Billy Boyd did such a wonderful job with the character. Actually, all the hobbit actors did great. The real sadness when reading the books comes when Pippin and Merry are separated. Oftentimes Pippin misses Merry while in Minas Tirith, and Merry misses Pippin's lighthearded ways, more than once, while riding with the Rohirrim.

Another favorite quote, both in the book and in the film:
"I will not say: do not weep; For not all tears are an evil."


CTherese 5th Jun 2009 9:35 PM

Another Favourite Quote
1 Attachment(s)
Created as a digital graphic:

straightroad 6th Jun 2009 1:31 AM

Wow, amazing picture!
It's beautiful

I thought all the LOTR actors were great, with the exception of Orlando Bloom. I didn't see many emotions from him, and in other movies (Troy, Pirates of the Caribbean) I didn't think he wasn't particularly good.

Ah, Gandalf's quote "I will not say do not weep..."
I cry every time I watch that scene

edejan 6th Jun 2009 11:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by straightroad
Wow, amazing picture!
It's beautiful

I thought all the LOTR actors were great, with the exception of Orlando Bloom. I didn't see many emotions from him, and in other movies (Troy, Pirates of the Caribbean) I didn't think he wasn't particularly good.

Ah, Gandalf's quote "I will not say do not weep..."
I cry every time I watch that scene

CTherese, your graphic is really beautiful!! It really evokes the pull of the sea for the elves.

And not to be too funny, Straightroad, but you thought Faramir was hot in the movie (I loved him in the book too) but have you seen the actor that plays Faramir in the movie "Van Helsing" with Hugh Jackman? It'll change your view of the actor for sure.

CTherese 7th Jun 2009 12:47 AM

Oh! You mean Carl? LOL I loved that character, but so un-Faramir. *grins*
Wenham also played a female role, Audrey, in Moulin Rouge. But I have to say the my favourite character he's played, besides Faramir, is Fr. Damien of Molokai. A beautiful film about a beautiful man, and he truly grasped the personality of the soon-to-be saint.

Thank you both—straightroad and edejan—for the kind compliments on the digital graphic.


straightroad 7th Jun 2009 12:58 AM

Lol I've seen Van Helsing too
I think he's a great actor and okay, he wasn't exactly a sex bomb as Carl but I still think David's very attractive.

edejan 7th Jun 2009 9:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by straightroad
Lol I've seen Van Helsing too
I think he's a great actor and okay, he wasn't exactly a sex bomb as Carl but I still think David's very attractive.

Yeah, he was hilarious but so homely!! I guess that means he's a really good character actor, because I swooned over his Faramir, who was probably my favorite real human character in the books and I'm glad, in the extended version of ROTK, they showed a little of the romance between Eowyn and Faramir.

straightroad 8th Jun 2009 8:32 AM

Would you consider me weird that now, upon looking back at Van Helsing, I find Carl more attractive than Hugh Jackman's character?

CTherese 8th Jun 2009 4:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by straightroad
Would you consider me weird that now, upon looking back at Van Helsing, I find Carl more attractive than Hugh Jackman's character?

LOL!! No, not at all! Though I do find Hugh Jackman extremely handsome (and what talent!!), if you're a true David Wenham fan, you'll find him attractive regardless of his role. I consider myself to be a true David Wenham fan, so we're kindred spirits in that area.

Check out the movie, Molokai. You'll love him in that film.


joninmobile 12th Jun 2009 9:14 AM

GANDALF! Ever since I started reading the books when I was a child, Gandalf really struck my attention. He was so wise, and just brilliant! Gandalf is my total favorite! as you can see from my avatar!~

Second favorite Galadriel (actually tied with Gandalf):

OMG I love me some Galadriel, she's soooo elegant, and regal. When I started reading the fellowship of the Ring she was my favorite by far (okay okay tied with Gandalf) and her name is just so pretty. If I ever have a girl (which I don't see happening in the future) I want to name her Galadriel Rhiannon, cus that name is just so pretty.

Edit quotes:

In no particular order:

" So passes Denathor son of Ekthelion lord and steward of Gondor"

" I withdraw you Saruman like poision is withdrawn from a wound"

"Fool of Took, throw yourself in next time"

" And in place of a Dark Lord you will have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the night and day, more powerful than the foundations of the earth! All will love me and despair. I have passed the test, I will diminish, and go into the West and remain Galadriel".

"Year 3434 of the second age...."

"Go back to the shadow"

" Gandalf, yes, Gandalf that was my name. Gandalf the grey. I am Gandalf the White, and I come to you now at the turn of the tide"

"You smoke too much Pip"

"Young master Gandalf"

" Death is not the end." I forgot the rest of the quote but it was Gandalf talking to Pippin in the last movie. He said something about white shores, and a silver curtain. I thought it was so poetic.

CTherese 13th Jun 2009 5:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joninmobile
" Death is not the end." I forgot the rest of the quote but it was Gandalf talking to Pippin in the last movie. He said something about white shores, and a silver curtain. I thought it was so poetic.

*clears throat*
Tolkien Geek replies:

Gandalf: And then you see it.
Pippin: What? Gandalf? See what?
Gandalf: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

Book (The Grey Havens):
"And the ship went out into the High Sea and passed on into the West, until at last on a night of rain Frodo smelled a sweet fragrance on the air and heard the sound of singing that came over the water. And then it seemed to him that as in his dream in the house of Bombadil, the grey rain-curtain turned all to silver glass and was rolled back, and he beheld white shores and beyond them a far green country under a swift sunrise." ~J.R.R. Tolkien~

Wonderful choices joninmobile!
I believe my favorite Gandalf quote is said at the Grey Havens, both in the film and the book! Imagine that! LOL

"I will not say: do not weep; For not all tears are an evil"


straightroad 14th Jun 2009 3:57 AM

Lol jon, I can see in your avatar who just might be your favorite

The little speech about white shores and beyond is really deep.

"I will not say: do not weep; For not all tears are an evil"
I always cry at that scene.

"We set out to save the Shire, Sam, and we did.
But not for me" - Frodo.

joninmobile 14th Jun 2009 5:58 PM

I like this quote too,

"What do you fear my lady?'

'A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire."

"That will not become your fate, you are a daughter of kings".


"A day may come when the hope of men fails, and the days of Numenor are all but spent, but it is not this day, this day, we fight!"

straightroad 17th Jun 2009 9:03 AM

"I see the same fear in your eyes that would take the heart of me!"
or something to that effect.

CTherese 17th Jun 2009 7:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by straightroad
"I will not say: do not weep; For not all tears are an evil"
I always cry at that scene.

I've already been crying all along during that scene. LOL

It starts from "Then let us be rid of it... once and for all! Come on, Mr. Frodo, I can't carry it for you... but I can carry you!"

...and I bawl my eyes out through the rest of the movie, even through the end credits.

Catyme24 18th Jun 2009 8:17 PM

My fave character must be Pippin
And my fave movie is The Return of the King Or The Two Towers.. Errh mabye The Fellowship... Argh, they're all good..

straightroad 23rd Jun 2009 10:26 AM

Pippin is adorable! Lol I just wanna give my TV a big hug when he's on the screen :P
I love love the scene in the Fellowship of the Ring, during the big Uruk battle,
Frodo was hiding behind the tree and Pippin and Merry bravely jump out from their hiding spot and cause a diversion. "Hey you! Over here!" It's so courageous and loyal of them.
I get goosebumps every time I see it.

CTherese 26th Jun 2009 1:57 AM

Also, when he sings the song for Denethor. Lovely voice. Great talent and perfectly cast!

straightroad 26th Jun 2009 3:19 AM

Yes, I love his voice too. Billy Boyd used to be in his own band..I'm not sure whether he still sings professionally though.

Squarah-chan 27th Jun 2009 5:01 PM

Oooh! I just remembered my favourite quote of the Fellowship:

"They've got a cave troll" I just imagine this face when it's said --> .____.

I think Boromir says it and it always makes me laugh :D

And I adore Billy's voice :O

jmtmom 28th Jun 2009 9:22 PM

Hard to pick just one favorite character. I loved Boromir though, not to mention that one of my favorite actors (Sean Bean) played him in the movie. I always cry at his death scene both when I read it in the books or in the movie.

My favorite quote is by Eowyn "I am no man!" In the book: "No man am I!"

joninmobile 2nd Jul 2009 1:13 AM

I also was going to say that one jmtom, so on a related note:

"Sauron has yet to reveal his most deadliest of foes. The Witch King of Agmar. The one they say no living man can kill, you've met him before. He stabbed Frodo on Weathertop!"

Darkness09 5th Jul 2009 3:28 PM

i'm new here hi! i'm for evil, my favourite characters in the lord of the rings is Sauron, i've ever had an attraction for evil characters, i like him because is powerful and very beautiful with his armature(i've an image of him without helm) but i also like Pippin, is very funny and cute

sammyme1986 23rd Jul 2009 1:24 PM

It's so hard to choose.... i like the humans, though. Aragorn and Faramir, i guess...

I love the way Aragorn is portrayed as this person who has such a huge obligation but is afraid of letting everyone down.

And it's so heartbreaking the position Faramir is in...
Faramir: You wish now that our places had been exchanged...
That I had died and Boromir had lived.
Denethor: Yes. I wish that.

Besides, did anyone see David Wenham in 300? <sizzle>

stygia2002 23rd Jul 2009 5:15 PM

Favorite character: My favorite is a combination of two characters: Legolas and Gimli
The actors played the dwarf and elf perfectly (dwarves are blustery, proud, extroverted, gruff and they love their beer...elves are stoic, graceful, and way too above it all to let you see them sweat...the Vulcans in Star Trek remind me of Tolkein elves alot)...and the way Gimli and Legolas develop their friendship was really entertaining.

Favorite movie: I couldn't pick just one as my favorite because they're all amazingly well done and have their own flavor that sets them apart.

"Toss me!...Just don't tell the Elf."
"He's twitching because my axe is imbedded in his spinal cord!
"An Elf will go underground where a Dwarf dares not? Ooh...I'd never hear the end of it!"
"That still only counts as one!"
And the entire speech that Aragorn gives outside the gates of Mordor: "That will not be this day!"

Favorite scene: I have several, but the one that really stands out and makes me yell "Yeah, that's how you bring it! That's right, never bring an Oliphant to an Elf fight!" is when Legolas takes down the Oliphant and "surfs" off its trunk. Yes, boys and girls, *that* is why there are Half-Elves. Chicks dig that stuff.

lotr434 28th Sep 2009 3:45 AM

I TOTALLY agree with everything you said!! Aragorn

stygia2002 16th Oct 2009 9:13 PM

We were watching LOTR (yes all 3 movies) yesterday and I have to add one more favorite scene: When the Witch king says "No man can kill me" and Eowyn pulls off her helm, says "I am no man!" and stabs him in the face. I totally love that scene!

jelkir1 27th Oct 2009 6:18 PM

Hi everyone i have just joined this group *waves*

Fave character: it's hard to choose but probably Legolas and Pippin (pippin is sooo cute lol)

Fave movie: there is no way i could possibly decide so all of them

Fave quotes:
Pippin: What's that?
Merry: This, my friend, is a pint.
Pippin: It comes in pints? I'm getting one.

Aragorn: Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall.
Pippin: What about breakfast?
Aragorn: You've already had it.
Pippin: We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?
Merry: I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.
Pippin: What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?
Merry: I wouldn't count on it.

joninmobile 28th Oct 2009 6:04 PM

"I release you from the spell"
"You have no power here Gandalf Stormcrow"
"I withdraw you Saruman as poison is withdrawn from a wound"
"If I go Theoden dies"
"You will not kill me, you will not kill him"

I love that awesome exorsism scene.

Also another good quote from The Two Towers:

"Last I checked, it was Theoden, not Aragorn who was king of Rohan"

IntrepidLlama 31st Oct 2009 3:52 AM

Favorite Character:

In the books, it's Aragorn. As for movies, it's definitely Gimli.

Favorite Movie:

Fellowship or RotK. Fellowship because Frodo and the others (the Hobbits at least) are still wide-eyed and don't really know what kind of evil there is out there waiting for them. It shows more beauty in their world too, I think, with Hobbiton being so untouched and simple, and with Lothlorien still inhabited and having that kind of distinct elven beauty.... But then I love RotK because we see the cumulation of all of what's happened in the first two movies, all the fighting and the anguish, and we see that they all come through it alive (... with the exception of Boromir, of course.). They make it, they do what they set out to. Not to mention the fact that RotK is so visually breath-taking, with the soaring battle shots and the amazing CGI.

Favorite Quotes:

Gandalf: A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.

Gollum: Taters? What is taters, Precious, what is taters?
Samwise: Po-tay-toes! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew....

Gimli: "Nobody tosses a dwarf!”

And later...

Gimli: ...Toss me.
Aragorn: What?
Gimli: Toss me! Only...don't tell the elf....

jelkir1 10th Nov 2009 9:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by IntrepidLlama

Gollum: Taters? What is taters, Precious, what is taters?
Samwise: Po-tay-toes! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew....

(7 characters)

T-elos 20th Nov 2009 11:37 AM

Hello everyone! I'm new to the group. *waves* I'm pretty new to the site as well.

Favourite Character:
Boromir is definitely my favourite character. I can go on for paragraphs as to why. (My favourite characters ALWAYS seem to die. It is quite heartbreaking.) Faramir and Aragorn are tied for second place.

Favourite Movie:
That is a hard question. I'd have to go with: Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition.

Favourite Quote(s): (A few of them anyway. lol.)
- Boromir (to Frodo): "Gandalf's death was not in vain. Nor would he have you give up hope. You carry a heavy burden, Frodo. Don't carry the weight of the dead."
- Legolas: "Lembas. Elvish waybread. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man."
Merry (to Pippin): "How many did you eat?"
Pippin: "Four."
- Legolas: "You look terrible."
- Gandalf: "Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgement."

nightwitch 23rd Mar 2010 12:29 PM

My faves aragon and the mouth of suaron.

echuiannen 6th Apr 2010 9:46 PM

New to this site and the group. Hello there! ^_^

Favourite Characters (Movie):

Favourite Characters (Books):
Faramir (He's much more awesome in the books ^^)

Favourite Movie: Two Towers/ Return of the King


"Many of these trees were my friends - creatures I had known from nut and acorn...
Saruman. A wizard should know better. [...]
My business is with Isengard tonight - wither rock and stone.
Come, my friends. The Ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. The last march of the Ents!"

"Ride out with me. Ride out and meet with them."
"For death and glory."
"For Rohan. For your people."
"Yes. Yes! The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep. One last time!"
"May this be the hour when we draw swords together."

Those two scenes have the same soundtrack. I love it ^____^

"Forth! And fear no darkness! Arise! Arise, riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken. Shields shall be splitten. A sword day! A red day! As the sun rises!!"
"Whatever happens: stay with me. I'll look after you."
"Ride now! Ride now!! Ride! Ride for ruin! And the world's ending! Death!!!"
"Forth, Eorlingard!!"

And finally:

"For Frodo."

Isn't it awesome that two Hobbits who are half the size of the soldiers run first? Everyone is frozen, their king runs to death (somehow^^) and the HOBBITS follow him?

joninmobile 3rd Jul 2010 9:33 PM

I love the quote Gandalf said, something about "It's up to you to decide what to do with the time that is given you"

snouffy 29th Dec 2010 3:31 PM

my fav character is sam wise
best line is by frodo on mount doom.... "I can't recall the taste of food sam"

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