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L Lawliet_SC 21st May 2009 11:37 AM

Anime Fans!
As you all know my favorite anime character is L from Death Note, but I've seen alot of other anime such as:

Yami no Matsuei ( Descendants of Darkness )
Get Backers
Ouran High School
Heroic Legend of Arislan
Rurouni Kenshin
Loveless (some)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Excel Saga
and a bunch of others that I've forgotten..

List your favorite animes and we can discuss them as well if you like, or reccomend some to other anime fans. Also if you're a cosplayer then maybe we can share pictures and such as well as drawings and such.

DDTKID 21st May 2009 5:06 PM

Inuyasha Gundam CardCaptors excel saga and so many others Anime is Good but porcupines are god Xd

Anime rules

Death Princess 24th May 2009 2:31 PM

As you can see,my favourite is Rosen Maiden.

God,I love her! :lovestruc

Corrie 24th May 2009 2:43 PM

I'm trying to find the name of an Anime.
The main character finds a doll, and this doll has magical powers.
At least i gathered that from the AMV...

ahaha, upon looking up rosen maiden, i found that it is the anime i was searching for... Thanks Death Princess
But yeah,

My fave animes, are:

Death Note
Elfen Lied
Higurashi (my Fave)

whitewaterwood 24th May 2009 6:04 PM

I can't make lists without gushing, so here goes!

Death Note: Hence the avatar. Love this to pieces! It was a really interesting anime that gave me a lot to think about, which is always the best kind of anime to watch. I watched the anime first, then bought the manga, the fan-book "Another Note", number 13, and a Death Note. (I have not written any names in it because I am suspicious of the bad karma it may give me) I currently have a Light Plushie in my room, because people don't give him enough love. :3

Full Metal Alchemist: Once again, a great show that gives you things to think about. I refuse to read fanfiction for this because most of the pairings in it creep me the heck out. (him and his brother, really? DIAF interwebz) This is also the only show I can eat dark chocolate while watching. Don't ask me why, normally I hate dark chocolate. It's a dark show, but I really like the theme and the ideas in it.

Naruto: This is something I promised myself was stupid and would never watch, so naturally I ended up watching the entire series and buying several of the manga. Haku is totally the best character ever because he kick-ass and adorable and has a great character design all at the same time. I've already started work on a sim for him. Overall, the show lacks something, but certain scenes and themes in the anime really grab you by the heart strings and make you love it. I also hate it when people make him into "Super-Naruto-Who-Never-Screws-Up" because I think a huge part of his character is that he IS an idiot and screws up a lot and I think removing that removes the interest of the character. But to each his own, eh fanfiction?

Pokemon: This WAS my childhood. MistyxAshe forever guys. 4EVA!!!!!!! *coughs* Yes. I still watch the old shows and occasionally hum the theme song. Theyshouldhavestoppedatthefirst150Pokemongrrrrrrr...

Annnnd. That's it. That's all the animes I watch, I think. I've read a couple, but have quickly forgotten them. However, I am obsessive enough about the ones I do watch to more than make of for lack of quanitity. :3

Death Princess 24th May 2009 8:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Corrie
I'm trying to find the name of an Anime.
The main character finds a doll, and this doll has magical powers.
At least i gathered that from the AMV...

ahaha, upon looking up rosen maiden, i found that it is the anime i was searching for... Thanks Death Princess

You're welcome! I totaly ADORE her! :lovestruc

Death Princess 24th May 2009 8:49 PM

More pics for people who like her:

yes,she is a doll

whitewaterwood 25th May 2009 12:35 AM

Ooooo! She's adorable! I love her artwork! *swoons* I love costume design that incorporates lots of ruffles, folds, and generally useless fabric and material. Lately I've been a fan of metal on everything!

Are we going to have a WCIF anime questionaire? XD If so, there's an anime I was looking for that I could never seem to find back. It was about a girl who could turn into weapons. I saw the very first episode at a friend's house but never could find it back. Any hints?

Corrie 25th May 2009 8:20 AM

WWW, would it happen to be this one?

Hanako4649 25th May 2009 9:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by whitewaterwood
If so, there's an anime I was looking for that I could never seem to find back. It was about a girl who could turn into weapons. I saw the very first episode at a friend's house but never could find it back. Any hints?

Is it "She, The Ultimate Weapon"?
Japanese Title "Saishū Heiki Kanojo (Saikano)" <-Japanese Site

I am weak in English and If it is different, I am sorry^^;

Death Princess 27th May 2009 12:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Death Princess
As you can see,my favourite is Rosen Maiden.

God,I love her! :lovestruc

Can anyone create her for me?

whitewaterwood 27th May 2009 7:33 PM

Ummmm... I know I'm going to so totally regret this seeing as I have a bazillion and one projects I SHOULD be working on, but... I can try. It'll take about a month or more, because this look really difficult with all the shading and details, but I think I could do it. It might take two months. *starts staring* Okay, alpha layer here, smooth there, hairpiece there... If you're willing to help me out finding hairs and textures for her, I think this might be really fun.

Death Princess 27th May 2009 8:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by whitewaterwood
Ummmm... I know I'm going to so totally regret this seeing as I have a bazillion and one projects I SHOULD be working on, but... I can try. It'll take about a month or more, because this look really difficult with all the shading and details, but I think I could do it. It might take two months. *starts staring* Okay, alpha layer here, smooth there, hairpiece there... If you're willing to help me out finding hairs and textures for her, I think this might be really fun.

Thanks. I'll try to help you,but I dont know what is mesh,or how to make it. I don't know how to create stuff

whitewaterwood 27th May 2009 9:37 PM

*laughs* Don't worry! I don't expect you to help with that aspect! I more meant taking screenshots from the anime of certain things. Like if I need a good picture of the back of the dress or a closeup of something from the anime or if I need a better picture of her sleeves or something. Nothing too difficult, I promise! Normally, I'd do all this myself, but I've already got a lot on my plate and don't really want to have to spend time looking for pictures, especially as you know more about the character than I do. Would that be okay with you?

Also, I'm going to create a new thread for this so we don't derail this one.

Death Princess 27th May 2009 9:39 PM

OK. I have 10000000000000000000 pics of her. I'll help you!

whitewaterwood 27th May 2009 9:44 PM

*laughs* Excellent!

Frazzz 29th May 2009 6:44 PM

Deathnote ftw.
L - I smell cake...

Death Princess 30th May 2009 1:06 PM

This is my drawing of Rosen Maiden Please do not laugh!!!

Corrie 30th May 2009 1:33 PM

Wow, that. is. AWESOME!!!
it looks so cool...

Death Princess 30th May 2009 1:35 PM

Thanks It's very old drawing.

whitewaterwood 30th May 2009 9:29 PM

That's really pretty!
I finally got around to watching Rozen Maiden, (because as long as I'm meshing an outfit from it I figured, hey, why not?) I wasn't too impressed with the characters or plot, but the art was lovely! If I ever get finished with my huge list of "things that should have been done a long time ago" I totally want to make more outfits from that show! Specifically, Souseiseki's outfit. Poofy paaaaaaants! <3

Death Princess 30th May 2009 10:58 PM

Thanks,glad you like it. And yeah their outfits are really great. When you make it,I'll be the first one to thank you! :D

Squarah-chan 1st Jun 2009 6:10 PM

Hello! New member here, glad to see some other Simmers share my love for Anime =D

I'm also a cosplayer - going to London MCM Expo in October 2009 as Ryuichi Sakuma

Favourite Anime/Manga:
1. Gravitation - Soooo cute <3 Ryuichi
2. Death Note - L is so cool
3. Fruit's Basket - Only read the 1st volume *reserving judgement*
4. Hot Gimmick - My first ever Manga, even did my English A-level coursework on it :O
5. Absolute Boyfriend - This is such a random story but soooo cute!!

Favourite Characters:
1. L Lawliet (Death Note)
2. Ryuichi Sakuma (Gravitation)
3. Eiri Yuki (Gravitation)
4. Ryoki Tachibana (Hot Gimmick)
5. Azusa Odagiri (Hot Gimmick)

Death Princess 1st Jun 2009 10:43 PM

Welcome to the group!

L Lawliet_SC 2nd Jun 2009 4:45 AM

@Whitewaterwood-i love Haku! It's so good to find another Haku fan, the boy doesn't get enough love either and I'm excited about your sim of him I totally would want it .
I'm a big L and Mello fan myself, hench my username :P.

@Death Princess-That is one awesome drawing

Death Princess 2nd Jun 2009 11:43 AM

Quote: Originally posted by L Lawliet_SC
@Death Princess-That is one awesome drawing


Darth_Beeblebrox 9th Jun 2009 6:03 AM

Hi! I'm a new member. I haven't seen too many animes yet, but the one's I've seen I've loved!

My favourite anime of all time is Fullmetal Alchemist. It's the first one I ever watched, so it's what got me hooked on anime. Roy Mustang is soooo cute too! I also loved .Hack//Sign, and Death Note (only halfway through DN, though, gotta find the second volume somewhere). I watch a lot of the anime movies. I love Howl's Moving Castle, Whisper of the Heart, and Spirited Away.

L Lawliet_SC 10th Jun 2009 6:53 AM

Hi welcome to the group! i also love .Hack//Sign, and DN is great as well.

Cureblack2 22nd Jun 2009 3:21 PM

This are my favourite Animes:
Shugo Chara
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne
Pretty Cure
Full Moon wo sagashite
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Tokyo Mew Mew (Mew Mew Power)

Wartooth 7th Jul 2009 11:07 PM

Haii, I'm new member of the group too. I have watched or read:
Rozen Maiden manga (book 1 only)
Ouran High School Host Club (anime)
Maria-sama ga Miteru anime (no, I am not really a yuri fan)
Maria+Holic (it was funny. Kanako was slightly disturbing though.)
Azumanga Daioh (anime)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (book one of both manga and light novel, and the whole first season of anime)
Fruits Basket (sentimental. only the anime, if I bought all the books it would kill my money supply)
Pokemon (when I was very young...)
InuYasha (when I was young. again, but I didn't really get the plot)
InuBaka manga (very unknown in North America I think, it's about dogs, the art is great)
Yotsuba&! manga (yeah, I know it's suppose to be for younger kids, or so I thought, but... it's still a good)
Manga Shakespeare (...I got bored and was doing a school project. Romeo and Juliet was surpriseingly good.)

Amy-Hotchic 13th Aug 2009 12:51 PM

omg haha your favourite animes are totally mine too and naruto omg -.-`
i was so antinaruto before i saw it D: but after that i realised that its too damn addicting with all those awesome badass organisations lol

Brynnathehedgehog 13th Aug 2009 10:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by L Lawliet_SC
As you all know my favorite anime character is L from Death Note, but I've seen alot of other anime such as:

Yami no Matsuei ( Descendants of Darkness )
Get Backers
Ouran High School
Heroic Legend of Arislan
Rurouni Kenshin
Loveless (some)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Excel Saga
and a bunch of others that I've forgotten..

List your favorite animes and we can discuss them as well if you like, or reccomend some to other anime fans. Also if you're a cosplayer then maybe we can share pictures and such as well as drawings and such.

My Faves are sonic x, peach girl, the only one i like in english, tokyo mew mew, and Hamtaro in japanese, or english.

teamgai2201 20th Aug 2009 12:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Brynnathehedgehog
My Faves are sonic x, peach girl, the only one i like in english, tokyo mew mew, and Hamtaro in japanese, or english.


InuYashas Beloved 7th Sep 2009 10:18 PM

my favourite character is InuYasha ( incase you didn't know)

does anyone know how to get InuYasha into your sims 2 game? I really want to have him in my game, but I dont know how

Vampire_aninyosaloh 7th Sep 2009 11:46 PM

L FTW!!! .

Corrie 15th Sep 2009 3:32 PM

Well, I've now discovered the joy of Bleach and Fruits Basket.
Favourite characters in these are, Kyo and Haru (Reminds me a little about myself) for FB.
Kaname Tōsen, Tōshirō Hitsugaya and Kisuke Urahara (AKA Mr. Hat and Clogs). They are all absolutely AWESOME...

I recommend anyone who hasn't watched the anime to read the manga for Fruits Basket first. It goes into a HELL of a lot more detail and all the plot lines are actually resolved. lol.

I personally hate some animes because they seem to end before the manga does. Usually because they produce the anime faster than the manga, and ends up over-runnung the manga, and them having to finish off the series. Gantz and FB are 2 examples, and they normally leave you wanting to watch even more...


Elena Swan 5th Dec 2009 8:51 PM

I love Light from Death Note!
Okay, I like L...
And I'm the biggest fan of Misa-Misa!!!
(You can see her in my avatar)

jackalopies 4th Feb 2011 7:21 PM

Favorite anime:

Fullmetal alchemist:brotherhood
Desert punk

So far, that's it but as a kid i LOVED sailor moon to the death...along with powerpuff girls

it's strange because im not really into the girly romance anime that much and im a girl :P

nightwitch 9th Feb 2011 12:21 PM

my favtoire anime


my favortie manga

claymore mainly decause A: i like it and B it's the only one i have read

Cs_Gholst 4th Sep 2011 11:39 AM

Death Princess Love your anime pics ^.^

ElloMary 7th Sep 2011 2:07 AM

The new Sailor Moon manga is coming out in exactly one week. I've waited 10 years for this. :D

Cs_Gholst 11th Oct 2011 6:57 PM

Really ? I like that anime but was so short for me :p

Ghost_Sim 5th Dec 2011 3:11 AM

My first love was Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) which got me into both anime/manga and cosplaying. ^.^
Other than that I love Hellsing Ultimate OVA, Ouran Highschool Host Club, and I'm getting into Umineko no Naku Koro ni.
I'm considering creating the Hosts as sims...

roband3ladies 6th Mar 2012 4:33 AM

I have been a long time fan of Masamune Shirow's work. Which is why I love the Appleseed movies and the Ghost in a Shell: Stand Alone Complex TV series .

I would love nothing more that having SIMS 2 versions of Briareos

Having SIMS 2 versions of Section 9 (from Ghost in a Shell) would be pretty amazing too.

I also went through phases where I was watching Ergo Proxy, DragonBall Z and Naruto.

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