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lethifold 25th Jul 2009 12:04 PM

What's your favourite Vampire movie/TV series/book?
So, I've noticed that in recent years vampires seem to have gained popularity in modern culture. Even so, there have been plenty of old movies made about our favourite creatures as well! So what's your favourite movie or TV series or book about vampires?

For me, I'm a total True Blood junkie. I love the Sookie Stackhouse series, and I love the TV series now. They're both amazing in my opinion, and they don't murder the myths about vampires.

So what's yours?

NightmareCandle 25th Jul 2009 12:05 PM

True Blood ^.^

Gangreless 25th Jul 2009 12:24 PM

I really can't name an absolute favorite. I like them all for different reasons. Except Twilight (the movie, haven't read the books). Although I do enjoy the movie from a girly-hate-to-admit-I-love-chick-flicks point of view, I outright reject it as a vampire movie.

I love the original stuff, Nosferatu, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, cheesy 80s b movies (Fright Night, Once Bitten, Vamp, Near Dark, Lost Boys, The Hunger). I also love the more modern movies what with all the great special effects. Blade I, II, III, John Carpenter's Vampires/Los Muertos, Underworld, Dracula 2000 & sequels. I have to admit, I will watch any vampire movie and generally love it, but those with sexy actors half naked, I'm sold.

I also love all the vampire tv shows except Buffy and Angel. Well, maybe Angel, but only because of David Boreanaz, tall, dark, and brooding, yum!

As far as books go, if I've read them, I love them. That being said, I refuse to read that bile that is Twilight.

lethifold 25th Jul 2009 12:41 PM

I read Twilight, but I didn't enjoy it. I found it tedious, predictable and S. Meyer ruined all the vampire myths around. As that avatar says, Vampires DO NOT sparkle in the sun. They burn.
I'm after some other vampire books to read. I've read Interview with a Vampire, but I, surprisngly enough, didn't fall in love with it like I expected to. Any suggestions?

Gangreless 25th Jul 2009 1:06 PM

Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series, awesome... although it may be a bit "adult" at times for you, haha

lethifold 25th Jul 2009 1:07 PM

How much more adult than True Blood and The Sookie Stackhouse series ? They're preeeeeetty "adult".

Gangreless 25th Jul 2009 1:09 PM

I don't know, I haven't read those.

Gangreless 25th Jul 2009 1:09 PM

Well, actually, I started to read them, but found the writing to be extremely sub-par. I couldn't get past the first chapter.

lethifold 25th Jul 2009 1:10 PM

The books are very...detailed. The writing isn't fantastic, but I still love the story. Besides, in the books, Eric is so crazy awesome it hurts.

NightmareCandle 25th Jul 2009 1:56 PM

I is making mom get them for me when I have sucessfully forced Apartment Life out of her. ^.^

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 11:26 AM

I like watching movies where the vampire is the hero and not the bad. I saw several of vampire movies "Interview with a Vampire," "Dracula" and I do not remember the name of the others ...
The last I saw was the "Twilight" and I think is my favourite even though is a soft vampire movie , now I'm reading the book and I like

Gangreless 26th Jul 2009 11:28 AM

I find I enjoy movies even when the vamp is the bad guy, simply because they're usually hotter XD

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 11:32 AM

I hope you find the books much better than the movie, like they are.

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:02 PM

Edward is my ideal vampire!

Gangreless 26th Jul 2009 1:13 PM


lethifold 26th Jul 2009 1:14 PM

Definitely. They. Do. Not. Sparkle.
I prefer a real vampire .

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 1:14 PM


Edward Cullen fucking sucks.

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:17 PM

Ok maybe with a bit of blood was better and loved seeing him with the vampire teeth

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 1:20 PM

Vampire teeth?
He doesn't have vampire teeth, that's why he isn't a vampire.
Stupid no fangs sparkly pretty boy played by one of the ugliest actors ever.

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:22 PM

Yes, but I want him to have...

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:24 PM

I don't like Edward appearance I like the personality... I like mystery...

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 1:26 PM

that's whats most annoying about him...

lethifold 26th Jul 2009 1:28 PM

I find the stalkerish and over protective and tool-ness of him unbelievably irritating. Not once during the books did I think him mildly attractive in anyway. I am so not what people expect a 14 year old girl to be XD

Gangreless 26th Jul 2009 1:28 PM

Eh, I may hate the ideas behind it, but I love Robert Pattinson and being all pale and brooding just makes him that much hotter

And yeah, I really hate that he's so freaking obsessed with mary-sue, one of the characters many faults

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:29 PM

You donĀ“t like mystery?

Gangreless 26th Jul 2009 1:30 PM

I don't really see any mystery in the character, just brooding

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 1:30 PM


No, I lurve Mystery, I just hate Edward Cullen. Looks, personality, and all.

lethifold 26th Jul 2009 1:31 PM

Mystery is good. Edward is not mystery. Edward is a prick.

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 1:32 PM

WOOHOO SOMEONE understands!

Gangreless 26th Jul 2009 1:32 PM

IBQ, wikipedia it

Gangreless 26th Jul 2009 1:33 PM

That's the problem, love Robert P., hate the Edward character ... I'm so torn!

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 1:34 PM


Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:34 PM

The movie is for teens I think it have to be soft...

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 1:36 PM


NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 6:38 PM

Oh My God
*sees New Title*

*jumps up and down*

Camila187 26th Jul 2009 6:39 PM

Congrats, Cassie.

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 6:40 PM

What title?

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 6:41 PM

*points at title under name*

*squeaks speechlessly*

Gangreless 26th Jul 2009 11:05 PM

yep 3000 posts, you need to go outside more often!

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 7:25 AM

It's too hot to go outside.

I love the inside though..

Kiara24 27th Jul 2009 10:36 AM

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 11:31 AM

You're online?

Kiara24 27th Jul 2009 11:32 AM

I'm here!

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 11:35 AM

What time is it there?

Kiara24 27th Jul 2009 11:46 AM

Here 10:45am

NightmareCandle 27th Jul 2009 12:17 PM

Now it is 11:47 am there!!

Vampire_of_Death 30th Jul 2009 9:23 PM

*Points to `I hate Twightlight thread'*

So, I do like Anne Rice Chronicles, and I was reading the Series by Darren Shan when I was younger, but I bet they are still good. I have always loved Dracula, especially the one with Gary Oldman. Hmmm, I think there are a few more.

EvilOverlord 4th Aug 2009 4:18 AM

Blue Bloods. I haven't read any other GOOD vampire books, so my favorite would Have to be Blue Bloods.

lethifold 8th Aug 2009 4:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Vampire_of_Death
So, I do like Anne Rice Chronicles, and I was reading the Series by Darren Shan when I was younger, but I bet they are still good. I have always loved Dracula, especially the one with Gary Oldman. Hmmm, I think there are a few more.

Ahh, I remember reading the Darren Shan series. I really loved it, but the problem for me was that I could read two or three of the books in one day. They were really good though, and they're the first vampire books I read which really got me "into" vampires.
He's got another series about demons and whatnot which is very good as well, and I've read all the books in that series.

Psychotic_Ragdoll 11th Aug 2009 12:58 AM

I love Bram Stoker's Dracula. It's so good. When I read it, I find it easy to understand why it's a classic. Anne Rice is also good. ^.^

My favourite T.V. show would have to be Moonlight, which, sadly, isn't on anymore. ;___;

Miss-Resa 13th Aug 2009 4:49 AM

Bram Stoker's Dracula is excellent. Best vampire story ever.

As far as TV shows, I love Buffy. It's just an all-round great show, and I will never be able to stop watching it.

One more category, games. Vampire: The Masquerade is a great series, and I recommend it to anyone who wants a bit of vampy-computer fun.

idimmus engel 14th Aug 2009 12:15 AM

Miss-Resa I agree with Bram being one of the best anyway. I fell in love with Laurell's Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series so it becomes a tie as to which is number one As for shows I am a True Blood fan until Anita hits anyway (well hopefully it'll be as good as the books), and I've never played Bloodlines or any VTM on the computer but as LARP it was pretty fun. Just my opinion hoping not to offend.

Miss-Resa 17th Aug 2009 6:01 AM

I've never seen True Blood, but it seems to be everywhere at the moment. I guess it's just too good for Australian TV.

EvilOverlord 17th Aug 2009 8:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Psychotic_Ragdoll
I love Bram Stoker's Dracula. It's so good. When I read it, I find it easy to understand why it's a classic. Anne Rice is also good. ^.^

My favourite T.V. show would have to be Moonlight, which, sadly, isn't on anymore. ;___;

I've seen the movie for Bram Stoker's Dracula. It was really good!
And I second the 'it sucks cause Moonlight's not on anymore' thing. I didn't watch it from the start of the show. I started watching it not too long before it got canceled

lethifold 17th Aug 2009 8:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Miss-Resa
I've never seen True Blood, but it seems to be everywhere at the moment. I guess it's just too good for Australian TV.

It's on pay TV, but not on free-to-air, which is annoying. I watch it on the internet a few hours after it's screened in the U.S.

Miss-Resa 24th Aug 2009 7:58 AM

I've been trying to find a website to watch it on, but every time I get close it's already been deleted. Where do you watch it?

idimmus engel 4th Sep 2009 9:42 PM

Miss-Resa if you go to the HBO site they have season one and two. Season one can be found under season one then episodes and season two is under episodes at the bottom of their page after it loads. Just click video at the top of the description and you should be good to go.

ChemicalCaitlin 13th Sep 2009 5:04 AM

Personally, I love Anne Rice vampires. The books take a long while to get through, and they are very detailed, but the story is so great. I'm 13, and I've had random people tell me that my parents shouldn't let me read them. Haha, I guess they think it's too adult? That amuses me greatly. And Lestat is very yummy. =] Also, I like the Evernight series of books, by Claudia Gray. They are very easy reads, and the plot had some holes, but they're very good for what they are. As for movies, I haven't seen a lot that I like. I wasn't impressed with Interview With the Vampire, but then again, I think Tom Cruise is a wackadoodle, and I dislike Brad Pitt, so maybe I'm biased. I also didn't like The Vampire Lestat, because the story line differed so greatly. Oh, I forgot to mention: I extremely dislike Twilight for 11teen different reasons. And I'm reading the Vladimir Tod series, which seems slightly cliche, plus I loveee the name Vladimir and I think it's crazily overused as a vampire name, but the books seem all right for what they are, too. Just my opinion - Please don't kick me =P

rockstarhundred 10th Oct 2009 2:15 AM

I love Edward but the whole sparkling thing is kind of awkward. ._.

Dawn_ 11th Oct 2009 1:13 AM

Wicked Game is pretty cool xD

Definitely not a "normal" vampire novel.

Imgross 30th Nov 2009 11:10 PM

I loved the book sereise The Vampire Acadamy. i forgot who wrote it but its pretty damn good. I HATE twilight! I read the books and was like 'ok really what's with the klutz?' Edward is too perfect for me. i would be driven to the brink of madness if anyone was that overprotective. I can't believe people think Rob is cute hes so UGLY he has hair EVERYWERE! And realy a guy who sparkles? face it twi fans Edward is a fairy not a vampire... Vampire Diaries is good to the book and the tv show. Im in to anime so i watched Vampire Knight. kinda like reading a book cause i got to read subtitles lol. I've never seen True Blood but i might start.

FoldingFetish 9th Dec 2009 11:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
I read Twilight, but I didn't enjoy it. I found it tedious, predictable and S. Meyer ruined all the vampire myths around. As that avatar says, Vampires DO NOT sparkle in the sun. They burn.
I'm after some other vampire books to read. I've read Interview with a Vampire, but I, surprisngly enough, didn't fall in love with it like I expected to. Any suggestions?

I highly recommend the House Of Night series. Its a tad predictible, and the characters can get, on occasion, quite annoying (Everything has flaws. Even fiction!). Its a long series, but not the type you have the read 6 books the get into. If you like the first one, keep going, if not, don't.
Its a romance with a little bit of action. Its really hard to determine if its a 'Good' or 'Bad' series. I love them all, but i did get a little annoyed at one of the books. I think the author had a bit of a mental blank on that particular book.
Even so, if you do give it a try, the first book is called Marked and the series is written by P.C & Kristen Cast.

Oh, and i forgot to check how old this post is, sorry if im doing that annoying Reply-After-Forever thing!

certain 13th Dec 2009 12:42 AM

I do love Underworld, Interview with a Vampire, and Van Helsing. For books, Anita Blake is awesome as someone typed earlier in the thread, You Suck, though for adults takes a funny side of Vampires, Sweet Blood is about how Vampires and diabetics relate, but there aren't real Vampires in it (I just thought it was interesting), Strange Girls of R.L. Stine, more like a teenager book though.

EvilOverlord 13th Dec 2009 1:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by FoldingFetish
I highly recommend the House Of Night series. Its a tad predictible, and the characters can get, on occasion, quite annoying (Everything has flaws. Even fiction!). Its a long series, but not the type you have the read 6 books the get into. If you like the first one, keep going, if not, don't.
Its a romance with a little bit of action. Its really hard to determine if its a 'Good' or 'Bad' series. I love them all, but i did get a little annoyed at one of the books. I think the author had a bit of a mental blank on that particular book.
Even so, if you do give it a try, the first book is called Marked and the series is written by P.C & Kristen Cast.

Oh, and i forgot to check how old this post is, sorry if im doing that annoying Reply-After-Forever thing!

I second the recommendation. Which book didn't you like, though? I read them all.

Beagles13 16th Dec 2009 10:38 PM

On topic again I LUV:
Morganville Vampires
House Of Night (Proud Nerd Herd Member LOL)
Vampire Academy

kit__kat123 28th Dec 2009 12:43 AM

I'm a total Twihard=]...But Edward Cullen is kinda ugly....*Recieves several smacks from Team edward fangirls.and my besto Natasha*

fthomas 13th Jan 2010 11:15 AM

I love True Blood, its great As well as "Being Human"

But like you kit kat...Twilight is pretty goood x

lestrange_09 23rd Jan 2010 8:45 AM

Older vampire stories, my picks would be Dracula (classic!) and the movie, The Lost Boys.
Modern one for me would be True Blood, I thoroughly enjoy the books and show.

Elena Swan 23rd Jan 2010 3:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
I read Twilight, but I didn't enjoy it. I found it tedious, predictable and S. Meyer ruined all the vampire myths around. As that avatar says, Vampires DO NOT sparkle in the sun. They burn.
I'm after some other vampire books to read. I've read Interview with a Vampire, but I, surprisngly enough, didn't fall in love with it like I expected to. Any suggestions?

they are 8 books and I love them.
Here you can read the first and the second chapters:

Please, read!!!

sofiamimmi96 5th Apr 2010 8:08 PM

Oh, gosh. How on earth could you possibly only love a few vampire thingies? I love 'em all! (Well, except twilight)

When it comes to books, Southern Vampire Mysteries, Vampire diaries and Rebirth would probably me the top ones, but there's so much more!

Movies: and tv-series: Bram Stoker's Dracula, Dracula 2000, Interview with a Vampire, Perfect Creature, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Moonlight, My best friend is a Vampire.

I love 'em all, but there's so much more I can't recall at the moment.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 5th Apr 2010 9:02 PM

Two days ago I watched Interview with the Vampire and The Queen of the Damned the same night from 1am to 6am ^-^ *loves Interview with the Vampire*

Beagles13 5th Apr 2010 10:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Vampire_aninyosaloh
Two days ago I watched Interview with the Vampire and The Queen of the Damned the same night from 1am to 6am ^-^ *loves Interview with the Vampire*

I LOVE Interview With A Vampire

Wartooth 6th Apr 2010 12:44 AM

The original "Dracula" was good, the one by Bram Stoker.

Also, a good series is "Night World" by L.J. Smith

Um. A really bad series is Twitlight.

BellaSwan14 15th Apr 2010 6:19 PM

Hello everyone!
I love the Vampire Academy novels by Richelle Mead, they're truly amazing ;-) :lovestruc
I also loved the Twilight series when I was younger and they were brand-new, I still like them (at least the first three books) but I don't like them as much as when I was 15, so yeah... Oh by the way, when I first saw Edward sparkling in the movie I was just like OMG - I never really thought they were supposed to sparkle that much, I always thought it was more like a metaphora..
When it comes to Tv I like "Interview with a vampire", "Moonlight" and "The Vampire Diaries"... :D

I also love the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare which has vampires in it

Twilightlvr87 12th May 2010 6:55 PM

I love the Sookie books, i'm adjusting to how true blood is changing it a bit but it seems great. I loved the Twilight books...i honestly fell in love with Jacob lol just because he is the perfect best friend who always gets screwed over even though everyone knows he's the healthier pick...but if the choice was to me i'd pick Edward too. I heart Vamps but i've run out of reading material as well. I read L.A. Banks Damali Richards Series...very adult lol plus i started reading from the 4th book to the end. I own all Sookie and with the lack of vamp books i moved to murder mystery by the same author of sookie- Charlainne Harris. Any good vamp books?

Zinthos 12th May 2010 7:18 PM

Van Helsing! I love that film very muchly.

fthomas 14th May 2010 5:57 PM


Ta daa...

Jeanette Voerman 30th May 2010 1:41 PM

My fave vampire is a Rayne from BloodRayne game.She so beautiful...& hot and I wanna be like Rayne and still I don't like twilights movie, because it's not interesting for me and so boring

Burk12 18th Jun 2010 1:07 AM

-The Vampire Diaries.(Both Book/TV Show)
-City Of Bones
-Breaking Dawn

lovetadraw 18th Jun 2010 6:14 PM

Ye olde 30's Dracula. Only that's the ONLY vampire movies I've scene. :p

HEAVEN-SENT 19th Jun 2010 5:49 PM

Van Helsing
The Vampire Diaries
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
All Twilights
Count Duckula

candiiee 20th Jun 2010 12:04 PM


-House of Night
-Anne Rice's Vampire Trilogy
-True Blood
-Cirque Du Freak/The Vampire's Assistant

Zela 20th Jun 2010 12:07 PM

I don't actually like the teen vampire books out at the moment. They are all the same. I want an original type of book with it's own unique style of vampires.

treehugger_62 25th Jun 2010 7:55 AM

House of night
Oops i'm 5 days off...

ssssssims 29th Aug 2010 10:40 PM

Movie- Twilight
Series- True Blood, the vampire diaries
Book-Twilight Saga

omegastarr82 30th Aug 2010 2:04 AM

once you realize Stephanie Meyer is a giant Mormon freak the Twilight saga makes much more sense. That being said I <3 Edward. Anywho, my favorite Vamp book is the last Vampire series by Christopher Pike. These came out in the 90's, and they were recently rereleased. Alissa Perne is kick ass! Also you have to read Let me in(Let the right one in) BEST. VAMPIRE. NOVEL. EVER. I find the best ones are foreign. Night Watch(russian), Let me in(Swedish), the Strain(Spanish). Sookie is really good, but once you get to book four or five you realize they are all the same book just the characters and settings and situations have been mixed up, still good reads though.

brillo_pad 30th Aug 2010 7:45 PM

Has anyone ever seen "Vampires Anonymous?" It's freaking hilarious. But it's quite quirky, it might not appeal to everyone.

Daybreakers (apart from everyone being cured :[)
The Wisdom of Crocodiles (Jude Law, *hummina hummina*)
Near Dark
The Addiction
+ The usual: Interview, Underworld, Lost Boys etc.

(NOT Twilight!!!)

TV series
Vampire Diaries
True Blood (I'm loving Franklin ^_^ EDIT: aww.. he died )
Moonlight (even though it was a bit chick-flick-esque)
Blood Ties

I haven't read any vamp books.

Quote: Originally posted by omegastarr82
Night Watch(russian), Let me in(Swedish), the Strain(Spanish).

Totally forgot about Night (and Day) Watch! And Let the Right One in was really long winded, but they're doing and English version called Let Me In, aren't they - I'll have to see if it's an improvement. I'll have to check out that Spanish Movie.

Also, has anyone seen Thirst? It's a really recent Korean Movie - It's quite cute.

omegastarr82 1st Sep 2010 1:31 AM

the Strain is the first book in a trilogy by Guillermo del Toro. And yea they are making an american version of let the right one in, I'm not sure where it got changed but the original hard cover was called Let Me In, then the movie was called Let the Right One In as well as the Movie Tie In paper back. I guess it all has to do with who translates it. Cause there's also two version of the English subtitles for the film. Theatrical(the good ones) and the DVD(really bad version). I just really loved how morbid and vulgar the book was.

nightwitch 15th Feb 2011 12:37 AM

blood the last vampire urrrrrrrrr apart from that i cannot think any of others

nightwitch 22nd Feb 2011 11:31 PM

I've remebered one finally young dracula only comes on once year at halloween ofcourse or times when i can't see deacuse i'm listen to the world's yelling chanpion ship at school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid telly poeple put it on at 3.30pm when iam home from school not ********* 10.00am or something. apart from that no others.

lilyandsnuggles2 10th Mar 2011 8:10 PM

The Vampire Diaries - Books and TV series
The Twilight Saga - Books and Films
Vampires Suck - Movie LOL!!!!!

Vampire_of_Death 11th Mar 2011 6:33 AM

Right now, I am kinda likong Being Human, but the whole, being in the sun with no consequences bothers me.

Simmiller 15th Mar 2011 7:09 PM

I really liked the Twilight Saga novels. I know it's kind of sad, but I read them 4 times. The only movie so far I like from that series is Eclipse. I'm excited to see Breaking Dawn now that they actually have a decent budget. I believe it's coming out as 2 movies because of the huge amount of content.

The DARK romance series is fabulous and set in the Carpathian mountains with lots of action. I think these might be my favourite novels.

Vampire Diaries weren't bad. I don't like the TV Series though.
Night and Day Watch set were good.
Love Anne Rice's books but not the movies. Tom Cruise should SOOOOO not have been Lestat. Brad Pitt and Antonio Benderas made the first movie bearable. Actually, they were the only good thing about any of the movies IMO.

Van Helsing is one of my favourite movies. Delicious!

30 Days of Night was awesome!

And, finally, Lost Boys. Classic.

Sassy Cullen 12th Jun 2011 7:33 PM

The Morganville Vampires series.

Vampire Diaries Books + TV:
TV because:

ulrikchen 2nd Jul 2011 4:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
both book (manga) and series (anime) are vampire knight <3 a bording school with a class of vampire with awsome hair and nice school uniforms :lovestruc

also the vampires hate the sun, they DON'T sparkle, and they have real fangs <3
Only problem is that cause they look so good all the human girls fan-girl over them...

have to add another book "I want to bite" *w* Vampire hunter falling for a vampire bishie. >///< but it's a bit (ok, quite a lot) mature, and BL.

Mermaid027 6th Jul 2011 9:20 PM

ulrikchen gosh I LOVE VK too! ^_^

My favourite book about vampires is...ugh I have none. How come? I have hundreds of books and none of them is about vampires... -_-;
But my favourite book, even tho it's not about vampires (but it's almost the same, it's about immortal people) is Evermore @Q@
I loved that book and I HATED how it ended =/ (or maybe there is a sequel? There are only 3 books selling in our country)


And I HATE Twilight >=/

lilrosepiercing11 2nd Oct 2011 12:50 AM

My Vampire movie would be Bleed.. For the Adults you should watch that one. It is very intense and and graphic rated R. Or Thirst that is a good one. those are true Vampire movies worth watching..

ulrikchen 25th Nov 2011 6:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mermaid027
ulrikchen gosh I LOVE VK too! ^_^

Kufufu... happy to find another one who loves VK! ^w^ I'm completely in-love with the story, but I feel bad for Zero most of the time...

Cs_Gholst 26th Nov 2011 4:23 PM

Vampire Diares...Awesume <3 TV series and Twilight Books

Rouge Carmin 29th Nov 2011 9:51 PM

Long time ago, when I was 13 I used to love Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, until she lost her mind and started to wrote fanfiction of her own work. LOL
I like True Blood, season 1 e 2 were amazing. The last season not so much. I love Vampire Diaries and Being Human UK. It's been a while since I read a good vampire book, the last book that I really liked about vampires was The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, does it count?
And can someone recommend me a good vampire book?

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