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oscarzoa 25th Dec 2009 1:31 AM

Yay, eyes!
I love making realistic eyes. I use GIMP to make eyes normally. My favorite eye creators are probably Vampire Anhisholyah (Lol, can't spell the name), and Shady. I haven't uploaded any eyes yet, but I can create pretty good ones (I'll add pictures later). So, how about you? What do you think about making eyes?

oscarzoa 25th Dec 2009 2:25 AM

*Sniff* No one wants to reply. I feel so lonely...........

Vampire_aninyosaloh 25th Dec 2009 9:00 PM

I NEED TO BE IN THIS GROUP!!!!! Eyes make me live!!!! =DDD Sorry for the hyperactivity xDD And thanks for liking my eyes =DD

oscarzoa 25th Dec 2009 10:05 PM

Lol, I understand! I've got *Cough* extreme *Cough* problems with hyperactivity myself......

Vampire_aninyosaloh 26th Dec 2009 12:50 AM

I think that making eyes is the best art ever.. just after architecture, which is my life =)
I started making eyes some years ago and I practiced and practiced and practiced to improve them, because to me and as neoplatonists said "eyes are the windows to our soul", and because of that, we have to give to our sims awesome eyes =)

oscarzoa 26th Dec 2009 3:02 AM

Yep! And I took your tutorials for Advanced Eyes with Photoshop. I use GIMP, but same thing. My eyes didn't look as good as yours, but they looked OK. Oh, the reason I never upload is because I *Blushes* don't know how to upload as sets. So yeah, if you think you can explain it, please PM me. Because what sort of person would download ONE eye? Though, of course, I've downloaded practically all of your eyes......

Vampire_aninyosaloh 26th Dec 2009 9:37 PM

I really want to see how your eyes look like, I bet they're awesome! ^-^

oscarzoa 26th Dec 2009 11:05 PM

Yeah, I guess. I just made a little set of eyes, but i'm planning to make more recolours of a different set before I upload them. And thank you!
By the way, they really don't look all that good compared to yours. Any tips?

Vampire_aninyosaloh 27th Dec 2009 12:32 AM

lol thank you =) Well, I think that in my last tutorial I give all my tips lol That's exactly how I make each one of my eyes

oscarzoa 27th Dec 2009 2:20 AM

I must be doing something wrong then... 'Cause I did your advanced tutorial *Cough* Forgot to take the easier one first *Cough* and it didn't look like what mine looked like. One set of eyes I made took your tutorial, and the other I just made randomly. Yes....

Vampire_aninyosaloh 27th Dec 2009 9:04 PM

Oh! Now we are three members! You, shady and me! lol

oscarzoa 27th Dec 2009 10:05 PM

Lol, so many!
At least the brilliant eye creators are here *Means Shady and Vampire Aninsolyoh (STILL can't say the name)*

Well, the others are missing out on not joining the group *Cough* And I'm going to add a picture soon.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 27th Dec 2009 11:31 PM

lol I didn't think my name was so difficult to say xD It's "hola soy Nina" backwards, btw =P

oscarzoa 27th Dec 2009 11:52 PM

LOL! Nice!
My username came from my aunt's two (Now dead) dogs. I only use it because no one else will have it......
Anyway, I PMed you because commenting on your latest upload didn't work (Though it did in the end)

Vampire_aninyosaloh 27th Dec 2009 11:59 PM

Yeah, I saw xD

-Shady- 28th Dec 2009 12:08 AM

hey eyefreaks

Vampire_aninyosaloh 28th Dec 2009 12:23 AM

Hi shady ^-^ I saw that you made eyes for TS3 *fails at TS3 a lot* love 'em btw =)

-Shady- 28th Dec 2009 12:39 AM

thank you. but i have to say that i liked more to create eyes for ts2. The eyes for ts3 will always look cartoony because of the unchangable reflection on it =(

oscarzoa 28th Dec 2009 12:41 AM

Yes, I got TS3 yesterday, and, yes, the first thing I did after 5 minutes of observing Create a Sim was go off and try and create some eyes. So, Shady, you're right, the reflection makes it look cartoony. Though you've probably got the best people can make till they make a mod to change it.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 28th Dec 2009 12:48 AM

I prefer to keep creating for TS2 although the number of people playing it and downloading for it is decreasing. I tried creating for TS3 and it's too weird. I'll always love TS2! =D Also I have a mental problem that makes me create tons of eyes instead of small sets xDD

-Shady- 28th Dec 2009 1:02 AM

because i dont play ts2 since ts3 released, i stopped to create stuff for it... but i still have so many eyes that i could upload..but there are so many other creators and so maaaany eyes, that i think we dont need more of them

oscarzoa 28th Dec 2009 1:50 AM

I guess you're right, but I'm still going to upload a set today.......
If I get it to work, thank you Vampire Aninyosaloh!

WHOOO! I SPELT IT RIGHT! Sure, I had to concentrate, but whatever! *Parties*

oscarzoa 28th Dec 2009 1:53 AM

BTW, I play both, but I prefer TS2. And, Vampire Aninyosaloh, I hope that EA doesn't stopp selling Sims games, because the number of players have been decreased! It's a possibility. I upload to the official site, and I heard they shut down the site for Christmas! EVIL! I was trying to upload my Christmas special! *Kills Maxis*

oscarzoa 28th Dec 2009 1:53 AM

I have hyperactivity problems.......

Vampire_aninyosaloh 28th Dec 2009 1:59 AM

Please, call me Nina

oscarzoa 28th Dec 2009 2:04 AM


oscarzoa 28th Dec 2009 2:17 AM

Check out the spiffy new picture for the group! *Huggles Picnik*

oscarzoa 28th Dec 2009 2:36 AM

Just submitted my eye set! *Crosses fingers*

Vampire_aninyosaloh 28th Dec 2009 11:45 AM

Try avoiding the double and triple post, it's a MTS rule

Lovin' the pic btw =)

oscarzoa 29th Dec 2009 7:21 PM


AnimalMad 29th Dec 2009 7:28 PM

Love the pic!
I think I joined yesterday or the day before, but forgot to post. xD

oscarzoa 29th Dec 2009 9:44 PM

Whoo! Another member! And, hehe, thank you! BTW, I do create eyes, it's just whenever I upload them, there seems to be something wrong with the Bodyshop package. Ah well. Oh, and I'm off to view your creations now! *Runs off*
Edit: OOOOOOOH! Pretty! *Downloads*

Vampire_aninyosaloh 29th Dec 2009 9:54 PM

Hi Alfie!! ^-^ *glomps* Are you stalking me??? O.O xDD

oscarzoa 29th Dec 2009 9:56 PM

Hey, I started a new group! Yay, Scribblenauts!

-Shady- 29th Dec 2009 10:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by oscarzoa
Whoo! Another member! And, hehe, thank you! BTW, I do create eyes, it's just whenever I upload them, there seems to be something wrong with the Bodyshop package. Ah well. Oh, and I'm off to view your creations now! *Runs off*
Edit: OOOOOOOH! Pretty! *Downloads*

i dont know if it's the reason for your problem, but a lot of "bodyshop newbies" make the same mistake... do you upload the files from your saved sims folder or your projects folder? The first is the right one

oscarzoa 29th Dec 2009 11:30 PM

Projects. I don't know how to upload from saved Sims. And Shady, PM me how!
EDIT: I PMed you!

-Shady- 29th Dec 2009 11:54 PM

sent you a message

AnimalMad 30th Dec 2009 7:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Vampire_aninyosaloh
Hi Alfie!! ^-^ *glomps* Are you stalking me??? O.O xDD


pinkykitty 30th Dec 2009 10:49 PM

I LOVE drawing eyes!! And yesterday I also started creating eyes for my sims!
I already uploaded some, I was so happy when i saw they got approved!
Pretty pic for the group btw did you make those eyes?

oscarzoa 3rd Jan 2010 7:19 AM

No, it's a picture, but it's a picture I have lying around because I used it to make an eye once. The eye looks nice, I should try uploading it. :D

Elena Swan 15th Jan 2010 5:47 PM

I like make eyes...
I'm gonna upload some vampire eyes soon...
Sooo... If you let me, I want to stay in this group...

Vampire_aninyosaloh 15th Jan 2010 5:58 PM

Hihi Elena, welcome =)

oscarzoa 15th Jan 2010 9:13 PM

Cool, you can! Thanks for joining, and i'm sure your vampire eyes will be great! God knows I need some.....
Oh, and Nina, I uploaded my first set of eyes. They suck though

Vampire_aninyosaloh 15th Jan 2010 9:46 PM

I saw them and commented, they look awesome =)

Elena Swan 16th Jan 2010 3:44 PM

Oscarzoa, I like your eyes!
These are my vampires eyes. I uploaded them...

Do you like em?

oscarzoa 16th Jan 2010 10:48 PM

Wow, they're really pretty! And thank you both of you! And, i'll download your set soon, Elena!

*Cough* I downloaded all of your things Nina *Cough*

pinkykitty 17th Jan 2010 9:27 PM

Those eyes are so pretty, Elena! I'll definitely download them once they are approved
I'm also making a new set of eyes that I'll upload soon, it's full of unnatural colours

Ebonova 18th Jan 2010 5:37 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Hey! I'm pretty new to creating eyes, but I'll soon upload a fairly large set of 24 eyes. I'm working on swatches and the actual eye (seclera, tearduct etc), but here are a few of my irises:

Elena Swan 18th Jan 2010 4:43 PM

It will be difficult to do so much eyes!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 18th Jan 2010 6:00 PM

Wow! 24 in your first set! My first one had 10 :O

oscarzoa 19th Jan 2010 3:15 AM

Oh my god! That beats the maxis off anything I could do! What editing program do you use? I admit, I am surprised at the amount of teenagers with Adobe Photoshop. Lucky. :D

Ebonova 19th Jan 2010 4:36 AM

Thanks guys! I didn't think they were all that good! I used Photoshop Elements, actually, it's amazing what you can do with it! I'll probably redo my Summer Set (the 3rd eye, darkish brown). It's not that great. They look really awesome on my Sims so far, I'll post pics on this thing when I'm done!

Elena Swan 20th Jan 2010 10:20 PM

My eyes...are... REJECTED!!!
But I will submit again

Wartooth 21st Jan 2010 2:46 AM

Hi i'm Torako. I'm Ebonova's (Alex's) friend, I make eyes by photoskinning (yeah... um,,, yeah.) I use the same technique as Alex now, so.. yeah she taught me I hope I can now make better eyes.

Ebonova 21st Jan 2010 5:15 AM

Hewo Catty
Elena- Aww, that's not cool
Good luck for next time!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 21st Jan 2010 4:33 PM

Elena, CFF is your friend Try posting them there and improving a bit =)

oscarzoa 22nd Jan 2010 12:26 AM

@Ebovona: Nice! I use GIMP, not as good as Photoshop, but it's OK.
@Elena: Why were they rejected? I'm not being nosy, I want to know. Oh, and I'm surprised they were rejected! They were awesome!
@Torako-Tiger-Girl: Hi! Do you have any pics of your eyes? I like comparing differences. O_O
Oh, hi Nina! :D

Wartooth 22nd Jan 2010 5:30 AM

4 Attachment(s)
What is "comparing diferences"? Ohh.. you mean like comparing each others eyes.

Just go to this page ( for my most recent eyes, I'm not on the computer with my images and Sim game now.

Yeah.. I love Photoshop! I use it too... elements 4 I think?? What do you have again?? can you show pictures of your eyes?? have you redone the 3rd eyes yet (brown summer one)??

Yayyy~ here is my Gravestone Eyes, Hope that you like them!! the first one is "Dead Dollie" the one with the grey + red. The second is "Poisoned Princess" in purple and blue, then "Wicked Witch" which is green/purple. Finally "Wretched Wraith" which is darkk blue and green

Note: wicked witch's overly purple clouding is a mistake, but became intentional, to make it seem like the world is "clouded" with vengeance and horror and angriness. The other ones just have the lines coming out of the iris. Eh whatever

Ha ha. Edit again... well Aleks I will try to make more eyes than you I know it's quality that counts but... uh still. No class tomorrow yayyyy spending most of my day on here.

Ebonova 22nd Jan 2010 6:44 AM

Wow these are pretty good
i like the fisrt and third eyes!

yay no school tomorrow
Thou can never make more eyes than me *laughs evilly*

Wartooth 22nd Jan 2010 6:47 AM

Yeah... yes I can... bwa ha ha... or is it buahaha...? I dun like 3rd one

Ebonova 22nd Jan 2010 6:56 AM

i think it's bwa ha ha ha or mua ha ha ha

Wartooth 22nd Jan 2010 7:00 AM

ok, thenn... what do you guys think i can improve on??

Ebonova 22nd Jan 2010 9:10 PM

...I don't really know, since you used my way of making eyes...
Maybe use lighter colors to give your eye some contrast, since they look really dark right now, and that's not always good

Elena Swan 22nd Jan 2010 9:57 PM

Well, I submit them again..*crossed fingers*

They're pretty, Torako!

Ebonova 22nd Jan 2010 10:27 PM

Good luck Elena!
Wait... are these eyes the vampire/demon ones that you were talking about earlier?

Wartooth 23rd Jan 2010 1:51 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Thank you~ by the way, here is four from the "Change" eye set i'm -also- working onnnnnn~ what do you think I can improve with these?

There's four "Aqua like the sea", "Blue like the sky", "Gold like the sun", "Red like the flames". Which one is the best??? Tell me please!!

Ebonova 23rd Jan 2010 6:05 AM

blue and gold are the best, but you should turn the brightness down on the eyes.
That'll make them not as harsh!

Wartooth 25th Jan 2010 1:42 AM

Well the goal is to kind of make them harsh... like very bright, scarylooking, and... yeah... sorry I'm late.

oscarzoa 26th Jan 2010 10:26 PM

They are very good, but I think you should make some kind of reflection on it. I love the colours by the way, especially the yellow/gold. How do you make the colours swirl so much? I'm curious. ^_^

Ebonova 27th Jan 2010 5:52 AM

6 Attachment(s)
Here are my new summer eyes!
I re-did the old ones cuz they sucked so much

-Shady- 27th Jan 2010 9:45 PM

These colors are very unrealistic Ebonova, you should make the colors less bright and in my opinion the small pupil looks too "shocked" or "agressiv". You know what i mean? working with 2 colors at the iris gives the eyes a more natural look too

Vampire_aninyosaloh 27th Jan 2010 9:58 PM

IMO the colors are cool, I like unrealistic colors =) But I agree about the pupil, it would look better if it was a bit bigger and maybe more blended with the eye. Also it helps adding more shading around it But it's a really good attempt ^-^

Wartooth 28th Jan 2010 1:22 AM

@-Shady- + Vampire Aninyosaloh (yes!! I spelled it correct first time without looking~ yayyy): are you talking about mine or Ebonova's or both??

@Oscarzoa: Photoshop > layer colors then shades, speckle ... blah blah blah ... polar to rectangular, done. It's kind of complicated, Alex taught me!! YAYYY YOU ALEX

Ebonova 28th Jan 2010 3:46 AM

@Vampire Aninyosaloh- yeah. I'll try to make the pupil bigger, but a small pupil was kinda what I was going for in this set. It's called 'summer eyes', so the colors are bright and the pupil is small (your pupil gets smaller in the light). I guess I can add some shading and sctuff... thanks!

oscarzoa 28th Jan 2010 5:46 AM

@Torako-Tiger-Girl: OK, thank you.
@Ebonova: The reason I think the pupil should be bigger is because mainly, they look a bit like alien eyes. ^_^

Vampire_aninyosaloh 28th Jan 2010 10:34 AM

@Torako: I'm talking to both.. I think xDD The pupil has the same issue in both, so yes =) Also more sparkles always help

@Ebonova: If you're going for a small pupil, don't change it =) Something I've learned in Architecture is that if someone tells you that you have to change something of your design, but you really love how it is, and you love it more than how it is when you change it, you have to keep it the way it was However, try the shading and the blending, and also the addition of more sparkles ^-^ Oh! And what shady said about the use of two colors helps a lot too

Ebonova 28th Jan 2010 10:55 PM

@Oscarzoa- ...well maybe theyre not TOTALLY realistic, but whatever. That was what I was going for!

@Aninyosaloh- yeah! I'll try the blending and stuff. I'm pretty new to making eyes and I don't know a whole lot

Wartooth 29th Jan 2010 12:35 AM

@ Nina (is it ok if I'm call you that?): You're right, I guess. I guess I'll change it next chance i get which is v. far away but... meh. Also I like to add sparkles but the idea is, the Gravestone eyes are supposed to be dark with very little sparkly bits. Theo ther one, i should add more sparkles i suppose

@Oscarzoa: I think that Alex (ebonova) know more about it, you should ask her inistead... yeah...

@Ebonova: you need to do Gaussian blur on them, and add the lens flare + flashlight shading.. you were the one who kept telling me that it looked good... bad Alex... they look very sharp, which is good, but too sharp which kind of reminds me of when I used to play Pokemon (umm... yeah... remember that??) with the really sharp crystal clear graphics that could cut cheese.

Ebonova the person in your signature is Tira from Soul Calibur, right?? I just figured that out... yay pirate witch ring girl

oscarzoa 29th Jan 2010 2:40 AM

@Ebonova: Oh, OK! I didn't know if you were aiming for realistic or not.
@Torako-Tiger-Girl: Haha, OK then! :D
Hey people, I think we should all post tips for making eyes here too! Since everyone makes eyes in a different way, and I like to learn lots of techniques!

Wartooth 29th Jan 2010 4:16 AM

Yayy for tips.

Well when using photoshop to photoskin eyes (which I have done -TWO SETS- oh nooo) do NOT use the magic brush, use the lasso selection tool.

To make an eyeball in phostoshop less sharp, use a Gaussian blur (I'm talking to you Alex, you were the one who taught me this!!) Add shines using "render > lens flare" in the top right and change the lighting effects like that too. I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 4!!!

And you too Alex + Alexxx (your alter ego haha)

Ebonova 29th Jan 2010 7:32 AM

@torako- yes it's tira! I did all of the Gaussian blur and flashlight schtuff... Maybe it didn't show up that well 0.o

@oscarzoa- that's ok! Yeah. It doesn't look very realistic... I can agree with you there... But they're better than my old summer eyes!

Wartooth 30th Jan 2010 1:38 AM

@Ebonova: Make Gaussian blur 0.25... can't tell the flashlight is there... meh... I guess there is... also, your lensflare is very nicely blended In, I like.
Also. Not to be rude. BUT. Your old summer eyes... looked like a latticed wood floor that came with Sims 2 basegame... or a carpet...

Ebonova 30th Jan 2010 7:54 AM

Yes. I know. The old ones SUCKED! especially the blue one, which was all lumpy 0.o

Wartooth 31st Jan 2010 12:16 AM

@Ebonova: Lumpy haha. See you at 4:30... PM

Ebonova 31st Jan 2010 7:08 AM

Waaaah! Sorry I couldn't make it! Had to leave for a partay, which I'm still at btw, so I'll won't be replying much...

Vampire_aninyosaloh 31st Jan 2010 11:35 AM

Tips.. tips, tips... Oh! For a more realistic sclera do it with a medium cream-beige and burn the edges until they look too dark, then blur them

Wartooth 31st Jan 2010 9:43 PM

@Ebonova: It's fine I couldn't be on either... umm... whose party you were at? Do I know this person?? ...ok, nevermind then

@Vampire_aninyosaloh: Is this in Photoshop?? What version??

Ebonova 31st Jan 2010 10:48 PM

@Torako- Nope. It's one of my polish friends XD
Yeah. Pretty sure it's PhotoShop!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 1st Feb 2010 3:20 PM

Torako, I use Photoshop CS3 =)

Wartooth 2nd Feb 2010 5:10 AM

@Alex: Uh, okthen, next topic... whenb will you have the eyes ready for me to screenshots for you?? I will organize them in photoshop best i can but if they are rejected becauses of screenshot related thingy, I am NOT DOING THEM AGAIN. My game is such a pain to start up. it takes 15 minutes (not even kiding, I can finish reading a manga in that time).

@Nina: I use Photoshop Elements 4... shouldn't be much of a difference though, now should it?? (have no clue)

Ebonova 2nd Feb 2010 5:27 AM

I'll try to get them done as soon as I can!
Which will probably (and hopefully) be by the end of the week
I'll send out the first 1 or 2 sets soon (prolly Winter and Autumn eyes)

lovetadraw 7th Feb 2010 5:05 AM

Check these out!
1 Attachment(s)
Hi I made these I'll try and upload them soon!

Click to see all colours! it's an Ani-GIF!

Tell me what you think!

Ebonova 7th Feb 2010 8:05 AM

I think they're OK, but some of the colors are a bit too vibrant. If that's what you're going for, it looks pretty good. But I would maybe blur or darken the iris a bit. Also your sclera is very white, again if that's what you're going for then ok, but I use a slightly more creamy-white one.

pinkykitty 7th Feb 2010 10:38 AM

lovetadraw: Those eyes are very pretty, and I don't think the colours are too vibrant, I like them like that!
I love eyes in bright and unrealistic colours but if you want to make them more realistic then you should take Ebonova's advice....I think

lovetadraw 7th Feb 2010 6:12 PM

Thanks **blushy**
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the input , this is my first set of realistic eyes. I'm going to see what it looks like in body shop first. Then I'll see if I want to change it.

Here a minor change, more fleshy. As for the colours, I like bright/unnatural colours.

Thanks, and shouts to -shady-, I love your sparkling eyes, I use 'em as defaults!


Ebonova 8th Feb 2010 12:37 AM

Ok, I didn't know if you wanted bright colors! I can KINDA see the change... the grey and olive ones are the best! I LOVE them!

lovetadraw 8th Feb 2010 2:10 AM

Thanks, once I get word on the fate of my last eye set, I'll finish and upload these! Thanks guy's/gals!

I LOVE SOUL CALIBUR TOO! ^_^ I main as Sigfried, Seong Mi-Na, and I'm trying to learn Amy. Though I can use most everyone, I'm only good with a few.

Ebonova 9th Feb 2010 5:43 AM

^OMGBBQ!!! I thought nobody has heard of it!!!

I rock at Tira and Raphael. I'm also trying to learn Amy. Tira would have to be my favorite, though! I'm pretty good with everyone except a select few (Yoshimitsu, Cervantes, and Hilde).

lovetadraw 10th Feb 2010 2:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are the eyes, as you can see, I've made a lot of changes. It didn't look good once I got it in bodyshop. Just the gray, I'll colour them later.

Wartooth 10th Feb 2010 6:01 AM

It's really good now!! what do you use?? photoshop?? if so what edition?? The sclera is a little too pinky, the shine is a little bit large and bright for my liking. Otherwise good job. I love love love grey eyes.

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