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Zinthos 3rd Mar 2010 7:03 PM

Introduce yourself!
Welcome to the group for British simmers!
Introduce yourself here!

I'm Michelle, I'm 15 and I live in the midlands, near Birmingham.

How about you?

el_flel 4th Mar 2010 3:05 AM

Well hello

I'm Ellen, 24, from Sussex but currently living in Hampshire.

Zinthos 4th Mar 2010 11:09 PM

I doubt there are only two British people here.
Rise and shine, guys!

el_flel 4th Mar 2010 11:47 PM

I know for sure there are more. Obviously have not found their way here yet!

Phoeberg 5th Mar 2010 12:02 AM

I found my way here!

I'm Phoebe, I live in Buckinghamshire, but I go to university in Surrey. Either way I'm usually only about a 40 minute train journey from the centre of London. I also spend a lot of time in North Wales (Gwynedd).

Zinthos 7th Mar 2010 3:38 AM

I've only ever been to London once. I'm too lazy for that.

Phoeberg 7th Mar 2010 2:22 PM

^ Birmingham is as far north as I've ever been in the UK, and even then I've only driven past it on the way to Wales. (And I know Birmingham is apparently not even north at all, my friends like to tell me all the time).

Zinthos 7th Mar 2010 2:24 PM

The furthest north I've been is Carlisle, because we went on holiday there years ago. They have a nice castle there.

hillcrest 8th Mar 2010 8:42 PM

I saw the title of the thread and had to pop in and say hello, my name is Wendy aka Hillcrest I live in East Sussex with my hubby and three cats have been a simmer since day 1. I don't play very much I prefer to build and decorate. I also have my own web site at

Zinthos 8th Mar 2010 10:53 PM

Hi Wendy. :3

Zela 21st Mar 2010 5:42 PM

(This kind of feels like a Alcoholic Anonymous meeting... Not that I know what one of those is like.)
Hey, my name is Em (Hey Em!) and I'm a Alcoh-... And I'm 15 years old from East Anglia. (STRANGER DANGER!) Basically outside of London.
I love Harry Potter, purple, skittles, Merlin (BBC) and NCIS. That is about it. Oh, and I am a little crazy 'cause I have a cold-y flu-y thing and I go hyper when I am ill.

Zinthos 21st Mar 2010 11:57 PM

Em, I don't think we've had a single person from London yet. xD

Phoeberg 22nd Mar 2010 12:18 AM

^I am pretty much from London, my university is part of the University of London . At least that's what I have to tell people, especially foreign people, because they don't know where anywhere else in Britain is if it isn't a city. I usually say the end of the Met line. Then they ask me if I know the queen because I live near London and in Buckinghamshire, which they confuse with Buckingham Palace, no.

Zela 22nd Mar 2010 5:54 PM

Wow. Phoebe if you live in Buckinghamshire I live near you. Really near I dunno how to describe to people where I live but 'outside London' 'cause it is just little towns near us and I don't want to be too specific. ( )
(Like 48, Ashford Way... BTW I just made that on the spot. Not my really address.)

candiiee 22nd Mar 2010 6:45 PM

Hi, I joined a few days ago so I should probably introduce myself. I'm Jessica, 14, from Northumberland originally but I've lived in Yorkshire since I was 4, so... yeah. *waves to everyone*

Phoeberg 22nd Mar 2010 6:53 PM

Okay, I had to google East Anglia (embarrassing, I know, considering it turns out I live in the county right next to it), but do you mean like in Bucks near or Hertfordshire near? That's weird, though, maybe we've passed each other on the street!

Zela 22nd Mar 2010 7:00 PM

Yeah. You actually mentioned it! Wow, that is really strange. Where do you go to uni?

el_flel 23rd Mar 2010 1:07 AM

Hi Phoebe, Wendy, Becca, Em and Jessica!

Phoebe, the furthest north I've ever been is Birmingham too! I went to Alton Towers and did some shopping. My friend was at uni in Worcester (she's graduated but still living up there) and although I've been up there, and know that it's the midlands I still call her a northerner! I am joking though, I say it because she's picked up the accent.

Phoeberg 24th Mar 2010 12:52 AM

^It actually turns out I've been to Manchester, which I'd forgotten about!

Em, that's so weird! Maybe you go to my school! I go to university in Surrey, it's basically 40 minutes away from London, so it's really the same as being at home, and it's also convenient if I want to go home.

hillcrest 24th Mar 2010 11:37 AM

(Waves) Hi everyone.

Zinthos 30th Mar 2010 8:18 PM

I know someone on Meez that lives literally a few miles from me.
It's no biggy. I once clicked Chat Now on IMVU and got a guy who is in the year above me at my school.

sandymdh 5th Apr 2010 8:08 PM

Ok so I'm feeling really OLD now! I'm 35, got 4 kids and from Norfolk -the other end of East Anglia! I'm a late Simmer - never played 1 or 2 (though did try Sims 2 after Xmas when the launcher probs started). To be honest I don't actually play the game much, I'm much too busy making things like patterns, pictures even Worlds.

Zinthos 10th Apr 2010 1:01 PM

That must be hell to fit around all your creating. Are they Sim fans, too?

kit__kat123 13th Apr 2010 9:22 PM

I'm Katie and I'm from Kilmarnock.
I'm obsessed with Sims. I've not played 3 yet but i ant it sooo much! D:
I'm also obsessed with Twilight, Glee, Micheal Buble(Woo!) and MSN. I'd die with out any of these!
and I'm basicly always hyper

Zinthos 13th Apr 2010 10:10 PM

/feels stupid
Where is Kilmarnock? ._.

fthomas 15th Apr 2010 2:53 PM

Hi! I'm Ffion and I'm from Odiham which is in Hampshire XD.
My family originally come from Wales, but I have always lived in Hampshire.

Zinthos 18th Apr 2010 10:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by fthomas
Hi! I'm Ffion and I'm from Odiham which is in Hampshire XD.
My family originally come from Wales, but I have always lived in Hampshire.

Odiham. :'D
That's an amazing name for a town

schitzwa 18th Apr 2010 10:23 AM

Hello I'm Kym, I'm 24 and I live in East Yorkshire although I am originally from Edinburgh. *waves*

Zinthos 18th Apr 2010 10:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by schitzwa
Hello I'm Kym, I'm 24 and I live in East Yorkshire although I am originally from Edinburgh. *waves*

Hi! :D
Welcome to the group.

fthomas 18th Apr 2010 1:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Zinthos
Odiham. :'D
That's an amazing name for a town

Thanks :D

HEAVEN-SENT 18th Apr 2010 1:34 PM

Hi i am Jemima, i am 19 years old, and i live in east sussex but i was born in london

Zinthos 18th Apr 2010 4:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HEAVEN-SENT
Hi i am Jemima, i am 19 years old, and i live in east sussex but i was born in london

Jemima is a pretty unusual name now days. :P
Welcome to the group!

PowerCosmic 18th Apr 2010 5:52 PM

Hii, I'm Luke, I'm 15. I'm from birmingham :]
I like old horror movies, the colour purple, Abraham Lincoln, drawing, and generally unhealthy foods.

HEAVEN-SENT 18th Apr 2010 5:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Zinthos
Jemima is a pretty unusual name now days. :P
Welcome to the group!

yeah it is a unusual and i love it
thanks for the welcome

el_flel 18th Apr 2010 11:15 PM

Hi to all the newcomers *waves* yay more Brits!

Zinthos 18th Apr 2010 11:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PowerCosmic
Hii, I'm Luke, I'm 15. I'm from birmingham :]
I like old horror movies, the colour purple, Abraham Lincoln, drawing, and generally unhealthy foods.

Feel special - you're the first guy.

fthomas 21st Apr 2010 5:36 PM

How many people are in the group now? (:

Zinthos 21st Apr 2010 6:34 PM

How the hell should I know? xD

18, apparently.

fthomas 21st Apr 2010 10:10 PM

Cool (:

PowerCosmic 21st Apr 2010 11:36 PM

Oh wow! First guy!
Finally, a place that believes my masculinity.

...I shouldn't tell strangers that.

PowerCosmic 21st Apr 2010 11:43 PM

Oh, and why am I still awake?!?
Another thing I forgot to mention on my introduction. My erratic sleeping habits. But you're all asleep now. So you probably don't care. Unless you're dreaming about me. Which would be wierd. Cool, but wierd.
Jesus, I need to stop rambling.

fthomas 22nd Apr 2010 6:23 PM

^ Don't worry, I ramble too and I have weird sleeping habits and hyperness leveels XD.

Zinthos 22nd Apr 2010 7:26 PM

Teehee, rambling.
Can I make the Star Wars joke now?

PowerCosmic 22nd Apr 2010 9:52 PM

....Go ahead :] Just try to make it somewhat original. It kinda kills the star wars nerd inside me to hear people say 'Luke, I am your father.' since like...that's not what he says...
Grr. I'm picky. And nerdy. And special

fthomas 22nd Apr 2010 10:24 PM

^ ahaaa
Luke, I think you may like this:
Once on it , scroll down xD

sandymdh 4th May 2010 11:10 AM

Slow response to 'Zinthos' but yes it is difficult - lots of late nights! Especially as I am making a world at the moment with a less than cooperative 'Create- a-World'. My 7 yr old daughter plays Sims 2. My teenage son is more an Xbox-liver but he has started modding/creating maps etc for his games too. The problem is none of their laptops have good enough graphics to play Sims 3 and I'm not sharing mine!:-P

kustirider2 5th May 2010 11:51 PM

OMG A group for Brits? :D

My name is Steph, I'm 16 and I live in the north west of England. I like Science fiction, Video games, Cats, Anything extremely gory, and I'm pretty much obsessed with Star Trek

Zinthos 6th May 2010 4:06 AM

Welcome Steph! :D

@Luke: I fell asleep during Star Wars. Idk what he said. xD
"Luke, I have insomnia!"

Which is true, I do. I have only slept once since Friday. :S

Zinthos 10th May 2010 7:59 PM

Hi Sam. :D

haphazard helena 20th May 2010 9:12 PM

Hi, My name is Helen, and I'm from good ol' northern Lancashire, of black pudding fame! I'm a second year Lit Student at University of Manchester Awesome group, I only just noticed we had one!

Zinthos 20th May 2010 9:18 PM

Hello, Helen, and welcome to the group!
My dad used to live in Manchester. He lives in Wigan now.

haphazard helena 21st May 2010 12:53 PM

Wigna's kinda like a smaller version of Manchester, I think - I've only ever been there on school trips! Ah, Manchester - City of Eternal Rain... Except when you need it on a sweltering hot day, like today.¬¬

Zinthos 21st May 2010 7:14 PM

IKR, TODAY WAS AWFUL I've never sweated more ever. EVURRRRR.
And yeah, the whole constant rain in Manchester is actual lol. I only ever went there a few times and it was raining EVERY SINGLE TIME. No actual joke. xD

Zela 21st May 2010 7:12 PM

It was SOOOO hot today. I was boiling at school.

kustirider2 21st May 2010 7:53 PM

Ugh, Same here in Cheshire! Way too hot for my liking. I have to go to my mum's friends wedding tomorrow too. Not looking forward to being in the sun for hours

Zinthos 21st May 2010 11:45 PM

I've tanned, which shows how hot it is. ._____.
Despite being fair, I don't burn. I always tan, but only ever slightly. And it's pretty blatant. SO YEAH, IT'S WAY TOO HOT!

fthomas 22nd May 2010 6:14 PM

Blooody hell. It was scorching today too. WOOH! <3.

Zinthos 22nd May 2010 6:25 PM

I've been inside all day with the fan on.

Jeniveve 22nd May 2010 9:43 PM

haihai I'm Jennifer, and I live in grotty old sutton -currently doing my AS's... oh dear... :P
it's roight pleasant t'meet all ye sirs and misses :P

Zinthos 22nd May 2010 11:48 PM

Hi Jennifer, and welcome to the group! I was born in Sutton. O_O

Gail.wyness 21st Jun 2010 9:03 PM

Hi, I'm Gail, I was born in Northumberland, and have moved around alot since. Mainly into building, lots and worlds.

Unknown Chemist 22nd Jun 2010 10:45 PM

Howdy Justin from London originally, now living in surrey :D

Mia138 8th Jul 2010 8:45 PM

YAY..a group for Brits!

I'm Mia, old enough to be mother to most of you and hopelessly addicted to Sims.

I'm what they call a country bumpkin - living near the coast in Suffolk.

I have two grown up kids one of which also plays Sims but has a social life (I forget what one of those is....) so she doesnt play as much as me lol

fthomas 10th Jul 2010 11:17 AM

Welcome Brits! ^^

Zinthos 10th Jul 2010 11:10 PM

Hi Gail, Justin and Mia. Welcome to the group!

conor2994 19th Jul 2010 7:09 PM

Conor 16, Near Leeds

Vivenda 7th Sep 2010 4:56 PM

Hi, everyone - I'm Viv, and I live on the South Coast. I have to confess to being a Sims 2 addict, so AA isn't that far out! I also wouldn't mind betting (though I'm not putting a date to it right now!) that I'm the oldest member of this group!

Lily__XD 22nd Oct 2010 5:30 PM

Hi I'm Fay,14, from County Durham

nightwitch 26th Mar 2011 11:04 AM

iam a teen who lives in staffs

Wished 17th Apr 2011 4:09 PM

I'm Wished (not giving out my real name) I live in Scotland, and I am happy where I stay :D

MaydayParade 30th Apr 2011 9:57 PM

Hi, I'm Grace and I live in central england in the Oxfordshire region

missroxor 11th Jun 2011 10:38 AM

Yay! A British thread! (I'm a bit slow to catch on, lol) I'm Maggie, I'm twenty-ssssomething... I'm originally from Glasgow but since my teens I've basically lived all over: The Outer Hebrides (N Scotland), Norfolk, London and now I'm in America for a few years. I love America but I really miss Britain so yay for Brits!!

PS To the person who asked yonks ago: Kilmarnock is in Scotland

Sassy Cullen 12th Jun 2011 7:14 PM

Hi, I'm Katie-Rebekah. Teenage simmer whose been playing since 2002. I'm a country girl through and through, I've lived in a 'farming' town (which is technically a village) all my life (so far), in the middle of nowhere in the West Mids. Birmingham is the nearest city to me, but even then it takes a good two hours to get there. Quite a few big towns near (half-hour/hour drive away) to me. I speak French, English and a bit of German. Singer, writer, wanna-be actress, photographer. Yep, that's me! And I'm part Welsh...

EleanorElephante 21st Jun 2011 7:37 PM

I'm Natalia and I live in a little village in Cambridgeshire~
I'm of Russian descent but I promise I don't bite.

Simbelle 9th Sep 2011 11:26 AM

Hello, my name is Yiskah. I'm a German-born Brit who lives in Nottinghamshire. I did use to live down south though. <3

Phantomdreamer 7th Dec 2012 7:36 PM

Hello I am Rachael, from the charming town of Torquay it makes me devonian... thought I don't have the traditional westcountry accent... Ok so any one fancy a cuppa??

squaretable 7th Dec 2012 9:23 PM

I'm Samuel, I live in Surrey, near London! I'm 13, and my dads from Fulham and my mums from Essex!

gemly_teddie 20th Mar 2013 8:22 PM

Well, hi! I dunno if anyone comes here anymore...
Gemma, 22, south Leicestershire (saaf lestasheeh)
I am the 90th member of this group :D

PinkFridaySims 21st Mar 2013 4:51 AM

Im Anastacia (But just call me Stace), I'm 22 years old and live in Essex :D
I am a mother to 2 beautiful little girlies
I have been playing The Sims since the very beginning and have always been completely obsessed (still am >.<)

stitch_too 27th Nov 2014 12:54 PM

I'm Karen from the northwest. I'm 42, obsessed with House, and cats, and I never say no to a cup of tea.

XxCTxX 2nd Jan 2015 3:57 AM

CT from Middlesex, 19 :3 I love cats, hairdressing, sewing, baking and tv shows, hehe.

101ita 9th Apr 2015 5:21 PM

Hi, I hope it's ok that I joined the group and post here, because I am Canadian but have been living in England for a few years and married to a Brit. I'm probably going to apply for citizenship next year.

Anyway, I'm 25, from Quebec, have a bit of a French accent and living in the West Midlands. I love cats, teas, Japan, anime, videogames, fantasy books and cooking/baking. Live with my husband and a cat that we named Kirby.

I'm a tea addict, got a cupboard full of many different teas from green to roiboos to darjeeling earl grey, most of them loose-leaf. Got a cast-iron tetsubin (Japanese kettle) when we were starting to get into loose leaf green tea and never looked back.

Been playing Sims since the first games. I found out about the game at my aunt's, when I was about 10. She's a designer so the game appealed to her, I speculate. I've only owned the games myself at about 13-14, since I didn't have a computer before then, only consoles.

SheGamerReloaded 15th Apr 2015 11:15 AM

Hey all, my name is Mary, I'm 20 years old and I'm a YouTuber for a couple of years now =]. I love sims and I want to get to know simmers out there.

iforgot 31st May 2015 1:24 AM


I have forgotten my name, however what I can remember is that I'm a straight 23 year old male, but sadly, 24 in July. I run my own company and perform most IT related tasks for it including, but not limited to, server management, web development, application development, etc. Naturally the usual other business running stuff comes in too.

Anyhows, so aside from work there isn't much I do aside work (Boring huh?) but for the most part I start work within half hour of waking up, and go to bed after about 2 hours from finishing, I am a workaholic, in those two hours I might play some games. I play a wide variety of games and do not limit myself to any particular type of game. I do however prefer Turn-Based Strategy such as Civilization, also I primarily prefer Racing, Sandbox (GTA etc), Action (Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, etc), Puzzle and Shooters (Such as Robocraft). I also play other types of games from time to time.

My first favourite video game was Sonic The Hedghog, I used to play it on, get this, my very own Sega Master System which was handed down to me from my dad from the age of about 3. When I got the PS1, Crash Bandicoot became my new favourite game which I still play from time to time to this day! My Sega Master System still works as such I can play Sonic whenever I want too!

I used to be addicted to online gaming when I was a teen way way back when, so that is why I try not to play as often now in case I go back to that state.

I live in Lincolnshire, but I was not born and raised here. I was actually born and raised in London (inside London, on the border of Essex).

I do not like Tea, it makes me feel sick just by the smell of it. I drink coffee.

I am considered to be a "Goth" by most people, I have a skull, long black hair (real hair), eyes, ears, and a nose, and a chin with a beard attached to it (In no particular order).

I always wear my leather jacket, or my leather waistcoat. You will not see me without them when I am in public.

Regarding me and The Sims, I started playing the original Sims when I was very young as the game was new at the time. I have all of The Sims 1 original expansion packs still as originally sold! I have pretty much followed the series since.

Anyhows, think that pretty much covers everything.

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