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The Hunchback of Notre Dame Thread
Y'know, to talk about all things Notre Dame, link to fan clubs, post pretty fan art etc.
There'll be one of these for all the movies that I can think of. If I missed one out then just start it yourself! I love HoND. It's just so gritty and dark. It's still the happy ending you want... ![]() ...but leaves your children disturbed. ![]() What more could you ask for? GO GO GO AND DISCUSS STUFFS. |
Whuh. no-one shares the love for this movie?
![]() I do, Zinthos! Yays for borderline traumatising Disney! I adored this movie as a kid, and, looking back, completely missed out on the "ought to be somewhat more than U-rated" Frollo gypsy lust. Hehe... I think I genuinely thought 'Hellfire' was about having problems with your fireplace. Well, it is. Sort of. In a euphemistic way...*shifty eyes* |
I always thought Hellfire was a song about killing gypsies by burning them at the stake. I was a pretty fucked up kid anyway. By this point, I'd already seen people butchered in The Evil Dead trilogy, all the Hellraiser films and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I was in no way bothered by someone getting almost burned at the stake.
I LOVE THIS FILM TOO MUCH. It's my favourite Disney film everrrrrr. |
Quote: Originally posted by Zinthos
I love this film too! Esmerelda is so cool, and I had a crush on Phoebus. xD
Hey, we must all have been a little twisted as children!
![]() Love Phoebus in Disney, though - and Zinthos, your avatar is made of win! Clopin is amazing.... |
Phoebus is so witty and sexy. He's not as hot as Clopin though. :B I have the Esmeralda barbie too. The one with the red dress? I never liked how the red dress looked on the Barbie and I'd always dress her in the skimpy little blue Megara outfit that came from one of the two (YES, TWO) Meg barbies that I had. I had like 5 Ariels. Rofl. I used to dress my Ariels in makeshift sails using old pieces of netcurtain. xD Though, I was a disturbed child too. My barbies were always being kidnapped by evil zombie Action Man who... I don't know where he came from. And then he was like a vampire and tons of other stuff and he'd have a few busty scantily-dressed brides and a few guy dolls to lure the women to him and then he'd kiss the women and bite them so they were in a trance. Hah, I don't know why I still remember that. Esmeralda and Eric always used to save the day with Jasmine in her purple convertible. I had the Jasmine with that like purple special outfit thing. ...I'm rambling again, aren't I? :P |
OMG you had Ariel barbie dolls too? I had an Ariel and Erik set! She was really short compared to Erik - more the height of the little teen barbies I had. Made her look like a little mer-hobbit or something *snorfle* It's scary we both did the sailcloth thing. I used to use J-Cloths and tissues to make mine.
Did your Esmeralda have a sort of sexy under-dress with little bells on? I used to use that as her 'execution' dress... I only had the one Megara doll, in her standard pink dress - and as for guys, I was limited to a John Smith Ken doll, who had a harem of bored Barbie girls to pander to, poor guy... |
I had the huuuuuuge mechanical Ariel that had this tail that moved if you pressed a button in her back. It made this awful whirring noise when you pressed it underwater. Then I had 2 that were permenant mermaids, 1 with a tail that was just like a pair of bottoms and one that was Ariel with legs. I had Eric as well, and Max.
No. I can't find a picture of my Esme one on Google, but whatever. I had the Meg with the pink dress and the purple shawl that she wears in the garden with Hercules and a Meg with a new little blue skimpy outfit. The pink one was magical because it has a cord and you can pull it to make the dress shorter. I have a Mulan as well and her Geisha makeup fades if you put warm water on it, but it peels off if you do it too much (yes, I learnt that the hard way) and all her dress is interchangable and you can shrink and grow her hair and stuff. I had a Pocahontas too. Damn, this is generating into a list. ![]() ![]() Damn, those are the only two I can find pictures for. D: I may have to search in old shit cupboard and take my own pictures, god forbid. |
![]() i had that doll and then i had an ariel and eric doll and then i had an esmerelda puzzle, and soft doll thing i can't find a picture, but instead of being a barbie like thing it was like a stuffed animal, but not. hopefully you'll understand ![]() ooh i also got these at a yard sale xD ![]() My barbies were either given away by my mom without permission or my brothers ruined them (popping off their heads) :/ |
My child hood was messed up. After watching the HoND burning at the stake scene, I took my barbie that looked kinda like her tied her to a pole, put a bunch of grass around her, and proceeded to ask my mom if she would light it on fire.
My mom said said no... So I decided to hang her from my cabinet and poke toothpicks into her thighs (cuz that's the only place they would jam in) My mom saw. She wasn't happy... I also did a Jesus crucifixion once (the first time I went to church) my mom wasn't too too happy either... My disney princess dolls include a Pocahontas doll, two ariel dolls, a Mulan doll, and a Megara doll. My mom gave them all away though... |
I still have all my old Barbies. My and my mum are hoarders and they live in old shit cupboard. I just thought - I have ANOTHER Ariel. I have teenage Ariel.
My Esmeralda one looked like the other Esme barbies, but she had a really simple red dress and the purple hair tie. It was like she was a cross between the outfits. It was really weird. |
Quote: Originally posted by Zinthos
I remember I used to have all the HoND toys ![]() |
Heh, slightly disturbing...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=samFOcrLvfE Anyone else's thoughts on this? I love Phantom, but... 'Hellfire?' |
The reason I watch this movie: <3
![]() It's sad that I know every line in this movie. I did about 20minutes of dialog on a dare once. ((((: I had the Esmerelda doll in the red dress featured at the Feast of Fools. :D ![]() Jealous? :DDDD |
GURL. GURL. Best friends. We should fucking be them. I have a weird Esme doll. I need to find it, and dress her in her proper outfit and take a picture. Her outfit is a cross between all her outfits. It's just not right. Rofl. ALSO, YES. CLOPIN IS AMAZING. Even if Ariel thinks he's a loser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z0VlNFStLQ And Frollo tries to ruin his limelight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKYwYxyn1aM OH AND BY THE WAY. Unsurprising countdown was unsurprising: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa7JlnYYvPw Now I can tick the "advertise own YouTube videos elsewhere" box on my to-do list. |
The doll died LONG before the dress. D:
Probably because she always played our stripper doll. :/ And poll dancing can kill a barbie, ya know. Did you make those videos? :O We should skip friendship, and go straight to the wedding bells. (((((: |
Yeah, I did. We'll have to have a big cake, y'know, my wifey.
I'm thinking lillies for the bouquet. Roses are super overated. :D
Haha, hell yesss! (: I always played with action figures, Barbies, Bratz, and G.I. Jo's. The roles were as follows: Action figures were the sweet, misunderstood creatures. Barbies were usually the "family" types, Bratz were the cokeheads, and G.I Jo's were always lifeguards (mostly because the only Barbie clothes they fit into were the ugly 90s swimtrunks). At one time I had Pheobus too, since he's my lover boy!<3, and I also owned a Clopin hand puppet. ((: Good times. :D I had to watch this movie last night. I forced my brother into watching it too. "You are deformed, and you are ugly. And these are crimes for which the world shows little pity." :'( |
Sure. But you can hold them.
Mine was: -Zombie action man: Evil Frollo-style bad guy that basically wants to fuck everything he sees. -The wimmenz: Just general damsels that get kidnapped by action man and his minions. -Ugly male dolls: Minions. -Hot male dolls, lead by Esme: DAY-SAVERS! I'm going to France in 40 minutes, my wifey. I'm going to Disneyland on Wednesday SO I'MMA GO ON A HOND MERCH SEARCH. |
I love this amine :D
I think I'm feeling my first twinge of hate for you love. (: @ Lunararc: It's wonderful indeed! (: What is your favorite scene? |
Hmmm, well.... Argh, too much Disney goodness to celebrate! But one quote my sister and I used to use endlessly was that crazy old man from the stocks who keeps thinking he's finally free: 'I'm free , I'm free!' *epic fail* 'Dang it!' That was practically every summer holiday that went whooshing over our heads. Just as soon as school was over we were back in again in September!
Question, though: how much do gargoyles actually know about dating advice? And how? I was always slightly puzzled by the whole musical number where, 'hey, you look like a croissant. She's sure to love you!' |
^ That always made me lol. OMG, YOU'RE A CROISSANT!
@my wifey: It was a school trip. Seeing as you don't go to my school... |
@haphazard helena: The croissant part is awesome! (:
I suppose Quasimodo just picked up on some dating advice while stalking Paris from above. Since the gargoyles are in his imagination, I assume they just speak from his subconscious. At least that's what I made of that part. :D @Wifey: You guys get to go to Disney World on school trips?! :O That's it, I'm packing my bags and jetting to England. (((: |
Quote: Originally posted by apocalypticautumn
Disneyland Paris, not Disney World. :P And well, sort of. It was a Fristory Trip (meaning it was open to French and History students, of which I take both) and the first day was getting there, then it was 2 days of history and a bit of shopping then it was Disneyland then it was going home and more shopping. OBTW, I MADE A VIDEO OF IT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9PIm2H8_f4 but being my number one fan you should already know that and I'm very disappointed in you if you don't. |
Lucky! We never got to go anywhere so cool! I love your Fristory stuff, Zinthos! ;P And love the video!!!!
@apocalyptic autumn: Hey, you're going to think me totally dumb, but I always thought the gargoyles were real! *headdesks* That makes much more sense if they're subconscious projections than, y'know, a gargoyle army no-one in medieval Paris actually noticed before ![]() |
Thanks! :D
And ikr. Especially a talking gargoyle army that's named after himself. |
I watched the video, it kinda made me sick though. Crazy camera angles. (: @Haphazard: I blame you not. (((: The gargoyles were always a little strange to me anyway. :D |
dammit! I really, really, really want to re-watch this movie! However, I never had it on video, and all my local video stores do not have it! the frustration is so intense!! aaarggh!!
Anyway. time to share sum lulz; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRDhksgh-UA This fandub seriously kills me with laughter! ![]() |
Alan Menken is the man I love.. <3
.. He is the guy who wrote all those awesome music scores in the movie. ![]() And its awesomest movie ever made. Hugs from Finland! :-) |
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