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Robodl95 8th Feb 2011 4:48 AM

Indroduce yourself
How in the world is there no group for writers??? Finally there's a group for people who like to write to post their stories, be critiqued (nicely), hang out and have fun

Rawra 8th Feb 2011 9:09 AM

Hey, there. I'm currently working on a book about magic and stuff, but I won't give any details, CUZ IT'S MY IDEA! *ahem* It's written in Romanian, of course :P

lethifold 8th Feb 2011 10:48 AM

Just popping in here to say that there is a writers group here. (: We're always looking for new members, though!

Robodl95 8th Feb 2011 9:49 PM

Oh dear how did I miss that D:

LadySimming 6th Aug 2011 2:45 AM

Hai. I'm LadySimming. I write a lot of fanfic, but some original fantasy and violence stories.

Yazoo 30th Dec 2011 7:30 PM

Hello, I am Nevemore Raven, as you can tell by the name I am a huge Edgar Allen Poe fan But I do write:


Short Stories



I am a huge writer, and heck I love to write. I try to stop, and I usually end up writing anywhere from 75 pages to 350 pages. I tend to get more ideas than one, and my imagination runs wild o.o

Lady_Chaos 2nd Jan 2012 2:44 AM

Hey, I'm minimogut, and I love fantasy and gothic writing style. I've written stories in class, and I am working (halfheartedly now. My muse is gone...) on writing a fantasy novel. I try ti get started on an idea, decide that idea is crap, then restart. I've restarted the same fantasy story at least five times now. I have settled on the most recent, and I ain't changing it anytime soon. I like to write songs as well, but have only finished one that I don't think is stupid.

LuvSims2011 3rd Jan 2012 4:46 PM

I am LuvSims, I write funny stuff.

Yazoo 3rd Jan 2012 5:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by minimogut
Hey, I'm minimogut, and I love fantasy and gothic writing style. I've written stories in class, and I am working (halfheartedly now. My muse is gone...) on writing a fantasy novel. I try ti get started on an idea, decide that idea is crap, then restart. I've restarted the same fantasy story at least five times now. I have settled on the most recent, and I ain't changing it anytime soon. I like to write songs as well, but have only finished one that I don't think is stupid.

I want to say welcome! Though I am not the owner, I decided that it would be nice to welcome new peeps ^.^

Welcome :D

Quote: Originally posted by LuvSims2011
I am LuvSims, I write funny stuff.

>.> You said goodbye and your back! Yay ^.^ Welcome back ^.^

P.S I am being awesome welcoming peeps ^.^ And I am like in a really good mood :D

LuvSims2011 3rd Jan 2012 6:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nevermore Raven
I want to say welcome! Though I am not the owner, I decided that it would be nice to welcome new peeps ^.^

Welcome :D

>.> You said goodbye and your back! Yay ^.^ Welcome back ^.^

P.S I am being awesome welcoming peeps ^.^ And I am like in a really good mood :D

I never should of wrote "goodbye" as a reason for deleting a post.

zaia72 20th Apr 2012 1:56 PM

I'm Zaia72. I write poems, novels, fanfictions and others.

kdsjds 26th Apr 2012 1:12 AM

Hi all
Just a quick intro. I'm KD. I'm a writer, gamer, all around dorky chick. I work from home, so most of my friends live in my computer. I'm hoping I'm going to join like minded people here and make all kinds of friends. I promise not to abuse the smileys and welcome friendly chatter. Nice to meet you all.

Artimis 26th Apr 2012 2:01 PM

I am artimis a writier of fan fcition, poetry, stories, play scripts (occassionaly) and I am currently working on a sims story. I love writing stories the only porblem that they are usally very ling as another I am working on is already 108 pages and it is still not finished lol.

A pleasure to meet you all


Yazoo 26th Apr 2012 5:37 PM

Hello, Artimis, and welcome to the Writer's Guild. I am like you, I love to write, and I tend to write much more than some people can read o.O

Artimis 27th Apr 2012 7:50 PM

Thank you Levera

Yazoo 28th Apr 2012 3:01 AM

You're quite welcome, Artimis

Yazoo 13th Jun 2012 8:54 AM

Welcome to the Writer's Guild, Kris. :D

Yazoo 15th Jun 2012 3:38 AM

You are quite welcome ^.^

Littleweirdo 17th Jun 2012 9:59 PM

Hello! I am Littleweirdo and I just write stuff, mostly realism.

Yazoo 18th Jun 2012 3:26 AM

Welcome to the Writer's Guild, Littleweirdo :D

Littleweirdo 18th Jun 2012 7:52 PM


XTremeGnomeS 5th Jul 2012 8:20 AM

Hello everyone, I'm Sarah.

Littleweirdo 5th Jul 2012 7:10 PM

Hello! Welcome to the group!

Lady_Chaos 5th Jul 2012 7:16 PM

Welcome, Sarah

Rarr 5th Jul 2012 11:53 PM

Hi, I'm Octavia I like to write novels and short stories, usually fantasy or sci fi-ish things

Littleweirdo 6th Jul 2012 4:15 PM

Hello and welcome Octavia!

MadnessKnowsMyName 8th Jul 2012 11:07 AM

Hello! ^-^
I'm Shelby.
I write both novels and short stories that typically are in the horror genre, but it's also nice to occasionally write a comedy.
Glad to be here.

simfashion234 8th Jul 2012 4:43 PM

Hi sim fashion here I love to make write stories for the sims and sometimes fan fiction. is a link to my page if you would like to have a look.

Littleweirdo 10th Jul 2012 7:29 PM

Welcome Shelby and sim fashion!

OwlCityGirl 12th Jul 2012 6:01 PM

Hi, I'm OwlCityGirl. You can just call me Kayla, since that's my real name. I've been an on and off writer for awhile. I read fiction, and enjoy realism.

Littleweirdo 12th Jul 2012 10:00 PM

Welcome Kayla!

OwlCityGirl 12th Jul 2012 11:18 PM

Thank you!

Tee_Tessa1 15th Jul 2012 11:34 PM

Writers Group
I honestly didn't expect to see a group like this in these forums. I'm new on this website and decided to subscribe to some threads. I think it's really interesting that this thread has shown up. Call me nerdy but I go to a weekly Writer's Group every Thursday with my friend because she has an amazing gift of writing so I went with her. I came to the realization that I was also a writer too.
We are both currently working on stories, hers is a novel and mine is a short story. I would really appreciate it if you can read it and tell me what you think.
It's on my Tumblr.

I think I'm going to change the title because the original plot I had planned is too long and I don't want to make it a novel. At least not now, anyway.
I subscribed to this thread. I'd love to see the work of others.

Littleweirdo 16th Jul 2012 5:54 PM

Welcome! By the way, love your story so far!

x-kisses-for-yooh-x 25th Jul 2012 12:38 AM

Hi there! I thought I'd drop in here to introduce myself! I love writing fiction, mostly short stories but I would love to start working on a novel. I'm still at school so I'm still learning, I tend to just write about things I like - real life situations, love, friends, disasters. But I also like challenges so I'm going to start pushing myself to write about more obscure topics and such. It seems like I've got a nice audience here to give me helpful criticism and support! :D

Oh, and you can call me Kisses.

-Kisses x

Littleweirdo 25th Jul 2012 6:03 PM

Welcome Kisses!

LimesN'Peppers 31st Aug 2012 3:54 AM

I mainly poetry, but I write short stories too. Glad to find a group.

Littleweirdo 31st Aug 2012 4:06 AM

YAY! A new person!!!!! WELCOME LimesN'Peppers!

piggypeach 31st Aug 2012 9:53 PM

Hey I'm not really new, but I never introduced myself so I'll do so now.

My real name is Addie but you can call me peachy or piggy or piggypeach or PP or... I don't really care

I love to write stories based on my life. And I love "continue the story" games.

WakahisaDManami 14th Sep 2012 10:11 PM

Hi! The name's Wakahisa D. Manami, called Mai =) I'm a hobby writer, and have been making up stories since before I can remember. At the moment, I am almost solely writing fanfiction, but every now and then an original piece pops into my head. I can be found on dA under the same name as here, and on under 'H. Maria Lindal' (which I will be using when I start publishing, which will happen, it's just a matter of time )

TheScribbler 16th Sep 2012 12:13 PM

Call me any variation of my username you want, I'm on most Sims sites with this username, but if you find out my real name feel free to use it
I used to avoid writing stories like the plague but about a year ago I had an idea to make a Sims shipwrecked isliand game and my friends persuaded me to make the detailed character bios into a story.
3 months of planning later I'm still nowhere near to sim story blogging it yet but as soon as I do the link'll be in my signature. xD
But right now it's got secret agents, rebellion, mafia, corrupt companies, a theme of pasts and an island! Totally organized~
Ha anyway I hope the threads here will get my brain working and come up with some new ideas. :D

Littleweirdo 17th Sep 2012 2:12 AM

WELCOME! Nice to meet you Thescribbler and Mai. Hope you feel welcome or something!

magikal 20th Sep 2012 9:29 AM

Hellloooooooooo! I'm Magikal, and Velocity in most other sims sites. Nice to find a Writers' Group over here. I've been on MTS for a loooong time but just started posting today.

I usually write in the fantasy and historical genres. Since recently I've been dabbling with realism-just a tad bit.

I just started my first Sims 3 story. Anyone wanting a fun read just check out! Would love comments. I may post it over here too, but kinda feel that a blog allows more flexibility.

So helllooo fellow writers, and hope we see more of each other soon!

magikal 20th Sep 2012 9:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TheScribbler
But right now it's got secret agents, rebellion, mafia, corrupt companies, a theme of pasts and an island! Totally organized~

Tee hee...we have something in common. I've got a mafia/ secret resistance building up in my story too. Just let me know if you start blogging! Longing to read it!

TheScribbler 20th Sep 2012 11:32 AM

Haha awesome, yeah I've got a real soft spot for spies, mafia and detectives xD
Will do! At this rate though I'll probably start in january as I can't take screenies until I get a new pc. :L
I've read your blog so far and it looks real interesting! I look forward to seeing it develop ;D

destinychaser 18th Feb 2013 11:26 PM

Hey! I see that this hasn't had a reply in a long time, but what the heck. My name...well, username is destinychaser and when I'm not simming I love to write fantasy and horror. I mostly write short stories, but sometimes I also write poetry.

hugbug993 26th Feb 2013 5:15 AM

If anyone's still out there:

Hi. I'm me. My username is a few inches to the left.

I prefer writing in the sci-fi/fantasy genres. I've already written a novel (sci-fi), half of another one (also sci-fi), and have starts and general ideas on three more (one sci-fi, two fantasy). I've tried writing short stories, too. Fifty-seven pages is short, right? :D

I also enjoy editing stories (except my own, because I can never tell what I need to change). So, if anyone wants help in that regard, I can take a look.

Yazoo 27th Feb 2013 5:19 AM

Welcome to the group, destinychaser

Welcome to the group, hugbug993

I hope you two enjoy being here in the Writers Guild

Sterling_Archer 27th Feb 2013 7:57 AM

Hey there, I'm daniandan. I usually write sci-fi fanfiction, but I have a few original stories on one of my laptop's. I also like doing online RP, like the zombie apocolypse RP that I'm doing here on MTS.

Yazoo 28th Feb 2013 4:17 AM

welcome to the group, daniandan :D

Lulu le' Sim 1st Jul 2013 2:31 PM

I'm Lulu le' Sim and I write whatever pops into my head. Mostly supernatural or real life almost always comedy. I don't really let people read what i'm working on cause I've had quite a few people steal my ideas and if i share something before it's finished i lose all motivation to finish it

Nick-the-Greek 14th Jul 2013 9:34 AM

Hi! I've actually joined for quite a long time, but I didn't introduce myself, soooo.... Hi! I'm Nick, and I'm Greek and a Geek :P

kpaja17 16th Jul 2013 7:06 AM

Hello. My name is Kate. I have written a novel called "Green Gertie" and many short stories over the years. Recently I have started to write poetry. I would like to join this group to get to know some members of the community and perhaps share a few poems.

Nick-the-Greek 16th Jul 2013 12:51 PM

What is Green Gertie about?

kpaja17 17th Jul 2013 6:56 AM

Green Gertie takes place during World War II on a day known as Black Thursday. It follows each member of a crew on a B-17. The stories are individual to each man and end each story ends at the same moment as their B-17 is being shot down. I started writing it when I was 15. It is a work in progress. Now is mostly editing. I'm still not happy with it and I might never be. I do have the original manuscript typed out on paper.

NekoSwagga 25th Jul 2013 2:28 PM

Hello. My name is NekoSwagga. I am currently writing a series called I Love Victoria. I have been doing this since I was in 6th grade. If you want to learn more about it, message me. I also am kinda new here so I would like some friends also. Thank you and happy simming! o3o

Qnshr5 15th Sep 2013 11:44 PM

Hi. Qnshr5 here. I used to write comedy, mystery and horror, but now do more fantasy and sci-fi. I really want to do a thriller, though. I've written a few sims 3 stories all on the exchange. I burnt out on them for the moment because I'm a perfectionist thus not only did the writing have to be good but so did the pics (in my mind) and that took forever. I love NaNoWriMo and can't wait for it to start.

Wingudever 17th Sep 2013 7:18 AM

Heya. I'm WIngudever . . .

I love writing poetry, songs and stories. (I have an account on Wattpad for posting them), mostly stuff that's dark and twisted or sad and depressing. Sometimes, when I see these images floating around and I hear these voices talking in my head, I write what I see and hear. I don't get admired for what I write, so I'm not bothered if no one takes an interest in them

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 9:37 PM

Hi, I'd like to introduce myself!
Hello all! My first love is building sims2 lots, but recently, I've retired from teaching to take care of my parents who are in their nineties. I have more time now and find that writing is great fun. I know from reading many of your posts that you share that opinion. I have self-published my first children's book: "Puppy, the Navy Seal Dachshund" available at Amazon. I've also started a blog which chronicles my experience:

A professional graphic artist, Sonny Heston, illustrated my book. I'm using the cover for my avatar now!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 9:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Wingudever
Heya. I'm WIngudever . . .

I love writing poetry, songs and stories. (I have an account on Wattpad for posting them), mostly stuff that's dark and twisted or sad and depressing. Sometimes, when I see these images floating around and I hear these voices talking in my head, I write what I see and hear. I don't get admired for what I write, so I'm not bothered if no one takes an interest in them

I just read your poem, "Something I Wrote Off Topic". I really liked it. I enjoyed the structure and the rhythm. The rhyming was natural and not contrived. The words you chose clearly showed how you felt about the word in question. I think you're a great writer.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 9:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Qnshr5
Hi. Qnshr5 here. I used to write comedy, mystery and horror, but now do more fantasy and sci-fi. I really want to do a thriller, though. I've written a few sims 3 stories all on the exchange. I burnt out on them for the moment because I'm a perfectionist thus not only did the writing have to be good but so did the pics (in my mind) and that took forever. I love NaNoWriMo and can't wait for it to start.

Thanks to you I know now whtat NaNoWriMo is. And I used to be a teacher. Just shows how old teachers need to step aside for the young, which I did! I hope you will share more about the novel you plan to write!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 9:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by NekoSwagga
Hello. My name is NekoSwagga. I am currently writing a series called I Love Victoria. I have been doing this since I was in 6th grade. If you want to learn more about it, message me. I also am kinda new here so I would like some friends also. Thank you and happy simming! o3o

Hi NekoSwagga! Is your writing, I Love Victoria, a sims series or another topic? Many a teacher would like to unlock the secret of what makes a young person in 6th grade love writing! All the best on the series.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 9:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kpaja17
Green Gertie takes place during World War II on a day known as Black Thursday. It follows each member of a crew on a B-17. The stories are individual to each man and end each story ends at the same moment as their B-17 is being shot down. I started writing it when I was 15. It is a work in progress. Now is mostly editing. I'm still not happy with it and I might never be. I do have the original manuscript typed out on paper.

The story sounds intriguing. I always like stories that follow several paths all ending in the same place and seeing how they all came together. Your story sounds like it would make a good movie too. I would be interested in reading some of your poems too.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 9:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nick-the-Greek
Hi! I've actually joined for quite a long time, but I didn't introduce myself, soooo.... Hi! I'm Nick, and I'm Greek and a Geek :P

Hey Nick the Greek,

You are quite an international guy! I enjoyed looking at your website and can see that you have a great sense of humor. I plan to try the lemon on the hair today.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 9:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lulu le' Sim
I'm Lulu le' Sim and I write whatever pops into my head. Mostly supernatural or real life almost always comedy. I don't really let people read what i'm working on cause I've had quite a few people steal my ideas and if i share something before it's finished i lose all motivation to finish it

Lulu le' Sim, it's a shame you've had some good ideas stolen, so I can understand why you would want to keep your work under wraps until it's published. Do you mostly enjoy writing sims stories? It's amazing how the game brings out people's creativity.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MadnessKnowsMyName
Hello! ^-^
I'm Shelby.
I write both novels and short stories that typically are in the horror genre, but it's also nice to occasionally write a comedy.
Glad to be here.

Hi Shelby,

I was wondering where most people get their inspiration for a horror story. Hopefully not from real life experience. Maybe from dreams. I did have a real life experience when I was 15 years old. I awoke in the night to see a man stooping next to my closet. Like an idiot, I sat up and said, "Daddy?" It wasn't my dad, but a burglar. He came over and said to me, "Be quiet. If you scream I'll kill you." I didn't move and he left my room. I feel very blessed that he didn't kill me. Anyway, hope your ideas a purely imaginary!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simfashion234
Hi sim fashion here I love to make write stories for the sims and sometimes fan fiction. is a link to my page if you would like to have a look.

Just finished reading chapter 1 of "The New Girl at Mode." I have to admit that it's the first fan fiction I've ever read and it held my attention! Will try to get back and read more soon. You seem to know a lot about being an administrative assistant and your character, Crystal with a C, seems really competent. Of course I'm left wondering if she will fall in love with Daniel and if she does, what about her fiance. Guess I'll have to read and see!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by OwlCityGirl
Hi, I'm OwlCityGirl. You can just call me Kayla, since that's my real name. I've been an on and off writer for awhile. I read fiction, and enjoy realism.

Are you working on anything now OwlCityGirl? I find myself always thinking about a sequel to my children's book. I think and think, but it takes forever to put it down on paper. I think I'm going to be on and off too.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Tee_Tessa1
I honestly didn't expect to see a group like this in these forums. I'm new on this website and decided to subscribe to some threads. I think it's really interesting that this thread has shown up. Call me nerdy but I go to a weekly Writer's Group every Thursday with my friend because she has an amazing gift of writing so I went with her. I came to the realization that I was also a writer too.
We are both currently working on stories, hers is a novel and mine is a short story. I would really appreciate it if you can read it and tell me what you think.
It's on my Tumblr.

I think I'm going to change the title because the original plot I had planned is too long and I don't want to make it a novel. At least not now, anyway.
I subscribed to this thread. I'd love to see the work of others.

Hi Tessa, I clicked on your link but it said url could not be found. Too bad. I think you have the right idea about writing a short story rather than a long novel. I read something the other day that said people don't have time to read a long book anymore and that if you can't entertain someone with a series of 10 tweets, you aren't a good writer. I don't know if I agree with that, but I can see why a short story might get more readers and reviewers.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by x-kisses-for-yooh-x
Hi there! I thought I'd drop in here to introduce myself! I love writing fiction, mostly short stories but I would love to start working on a novel. I'm still at school so I'm still learning, I tend to just write about things I like - real life situations, love, friends, disasters. But I also like challenges so I'm going to start pushing myself to write about more obscure topics and such. It seems like I've got a nice audience here to give me helpful criticism and support! :D

Oh, and you can call me Kisses.

-Kisses x

Hi Kisses, it is nice to have other people interested in writing to get feedback from. Actually, I think the best writing comes from real experience, but pushing yourself to write about other things is the best way to learn. Hope to read something you wrote soon!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by LimesN'Peppers
I mainly poetry, but I write short stories too. Glad to find a group.

Can we read some of your poetry anywhere, LimesN'Peppers? I always enjoy poetry. It's a word picture of a topic, usually short, not demanding a lot of time to read, but leaving you with somethng to think about.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by piggypeach
Hey I'm not really new, but I never introduced myself so I'll do so now.

My real name is Addie but you can call me peachy or piggy or piggypeach or PP or... I don't really care

I love to write stories based on my life. And I love "continue the story" games.

Stories based on life are always interesting. The saying, "You can't make this stuff up," is true isn't it! Continue the story games would be awesome with a group of people who all love writing and thinking. I've tried it in school, and there was always a kid who would just sit and say, "I can't think of anything!"

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by WakahisaDManami
Hi! The name's Wakahisa D. Manami, called Mai =) I'm a hobby writer, and have been making up stories since before I can remember. At the moment, I am almost solely writing fanfiction, but every now and then an original piece pops into my head. I can be found on dA under the same name as here, and on under 'H. Maria Lindal' (which I will be using when I start publishing, which will happen, it's just a matter of time )

I'm learning a lot by reading what others are interested in. I've heard of fan fiction, but never really read any until today. I realize this post is a few months old. Have you published yet? Keep us posted!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TheScribbler
Call me any variation of my username you want, I'm on most Sims sites with this username, but if you find out my real name feel free to use it
I used to avoid writing stories like the plague but about a year ago I had an idea to make a Sims shipwrecked isliand game and my friends persuaded me to make the detailed character bios into a story.
3 months of planning later I'm still nowhere near to sim story blogging it yet but as soon as I do the link'll be in my signature. xD
But right now it's got secret agents, rebellion, mafia, corrupt companies, a theme of pasts and an island! Totally organized~
Ha anyway I hope the threads here will get my brain working and come up with some new ideas. :D

Your story sounds like a great episode of Survivor on steroids with interesting villains instead of every day Joes. Did you ever finish it? I realize I'm responding to old posts, but I've had a lot of fun reading what everyone says.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Robodl95
How in the world is there no group for writers??? Finally there's a group for people who like to write to post their stories, be critiqued (nicely), hang out and have fun

Yes, I was thrilled to find this group too. I've been around ModtheSims for a long time, just uploading sims2 houses. To be honest with myself, I'm thinking sims2 is about to become obsolete, so I think I'll try to branch out into my other interest, writing. I do look forward to reading what others write too.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by magikal
Hellloooooooooo! I'm Magikal, and Velocity in most other sims sites. Nice to find a Writers' Group over here. I've been on MTS for a loooong time but just started posting today.

I usually write in the fantasy and historical genres. Since recently I've been dabbling with realism-just a tad bit.

I just started my first Sims 3 story. Anyone wanting a fun read just check out! Would love comments. I may post it over here too, but kinda feel that a blog allows more flexibility.

So helllooo fellow writers, and hope we see more of each other soon!

Oh this link is out dated too. Hope it means that Magikai has moved on to greater things. I know that I always love getting a comment on an old lot so hopefully, Magikai, you will get this and know that someone was interested!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by destinychaser
Hey! I see that this hasn't had a reply in a long time, but what the heck. My name...well, username is destinychaser and when I'm not simming I love to write fantasy and horror. I mostly write short stories, but sometimes I also write poetry.

Hi destinychaser, I'm like you, kind of hoping to see people posting or joining because I think this group is really worthwhile. Of course, i don't know my way around forums very well and all the posting may be under another thread and I'm off here by myself!! Hope you're still writing destiny.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by hugbug993
If anyone's still out there:

Hi. I'm me. My username is a few inches to the left.

I prefer writing in the sci-fi/fantasy genres. I've already written a novel (sci-fi), half of another one (also sci-fi), and have starts and general ideas on three more (one sci-fi, two fantasy). I've tried writing short stories, too. Fifty-seven pages is short, right? :D

I also enjoy editing stories (except my own, because I can never tell what I need to change). So, if anyone wants help in that regard, I can take a look.

Hi hugbug! I'm hoping people are still out there too, especially since I just discovered this group today. I guess I thought everything had to be about the sims! Do you care to tell a bit more about your novel?

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by daniandan
Hey there, I'm daniandan. I usually write sci-fi fanfiction, but I have a few original stories on one of my laptop's. I also like doing online RP, like the zombie apocolypse RP that I'm doing here on MTS.

Daniandan! I know you because you've been kind enough to comment on many of my sims2 lots! Please tell me what zombie apocolypse RP is or should I google it? You learn a lot when you leave the lots and housing section.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Rawra
Hey, there. I'm currently working on a book about magic and stuff, but I won't give any details, CUZ IT'S MY IDEA! *ahem* It's written in Romanian, of course :P

Rawra, it's been a couple of years! How's your book going? I think there seems to be a great interest in magic and fantasy in our world now, especially in the young adult fiction.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lethifold
Just popping in here to say that there is a writers group here. (: We're always looking for new members, though!

Lethifold, you mean there are two writing groups? Thanks for the information. Are you a member of both?

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 10:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by LadySimming
Hai. I'm LadySimming. I write a lot of fanfic, but some original fantasy and violence stories.

Fantasy and violence require a lot of imagination I would think. I suppose you can get inspiration from the news which seems to be almost exclusively about violence these days. Writing about it would be cathartic. I've never done it, but I'm a very inexperienced writer, sticking to what is safe.

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 11:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Yazoo
Hello, I am Nevemore Raven, as you can tell by the name I am a huge Edgar Allen Poe fan But I do write:


Short Stories



I am a huge writer, and heck I love to write. I try to stop, and I usually end up writing anywhere from 75 pages to 350 pages. I tend to get more ideas than one, and my imagination runs wild o.o

I think writing is a really healthy activity. It makes you think, create, imagine, invent, all those things most needed in the world!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 11:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by minimogut
Hey, I'm minimogut, and I love fantasy and gothic writing style. I've written stories in class, and I am working (halfheartedly now. My muse is gone...) on writing a fantasy novel. I try ti get started on an idea, decide that idea is crap, then restart. I've restarted the same fantasy story at least five times now. I have settled on the most recent, and I ain't changing it anytime soon. I like to write songs as well, but have only finished one that I don't think is stupid.

To me, the fact that you keep reworking your fantasy novel shows that you're going to be a great writer. I can't imagine getting something really good perfect the first time. I would bet that other people would think your songs were anything but stupid too!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 11:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by zaia72
I'm Zaia72. I write poems, novels, fanfictions and others.

Zaia, hope you're still writing. Any that you care to share? I would think this would be a good place!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 11:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kdsjds
Just a quick intro. I'm KD. I'm a writer, gamer, all around dorky chick. I work from home, so most of my friends live in my computer. I'm hoping I'm going to join like minded people here and make all kinds of friends. I promise not to abuse the smileys and welcome friendly chatter. Nice to meet you all.

KD are you the owner of I had a look, especially at your books and literature section. I can see how you stay busy managing the site. Hope you're still around here too!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 11:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Artimis
I am artimis a writier of fan fcition, poetry, stories, play scripts (occassionaly) and I am currently working on a sims story. I love writing stories the only porblem that they are usally very ling as another I am working on is already 108 pages and it is still not finished lol.

A pleasure to meet you all


I lose track of time when I'm building a sims2 lot, so I imagine that you lose track of time when writing your stories. When you love doing something it's hard to stop. I'm just starting to realize that I love writing!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 11:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Littleweirdo
Hello! I am Littleweirdo and I just write stuff, mostly realism.

It's easier for me to relate to realism than fantasy, so that's what I enjoy reading. It seems that fantasy is really enjoying a bigger slot in the literary world these days though. Do you like to write sims stories? I find that the sims lend themselves to realism!! I'm always amazed at how true to life the game is. The other day I invited a neighbor to a luncheon and he didn't come. I realized it was because I didn't have enough relationship points with him!

triciamanly 6th Oct 2013 11:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Rarr
Hi, I'm Octavia I like to write novels and short stories, usually fantasy or sci fi-ish things

I always think of young people when I think of fantasy, but my husband is a sci-fi fan. If I had to guess, I would say you were young though! Just a feeling!

Wingudever 8th Oct 2013 1:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by triciamanly
I just read your poem, "Something I Wrote Off Topic". I really liked it. I enjoyed the structure and the rhythm. The rhyming was natural and not contrived. The words you chose clearly showed how you felt about the word in question. I think you're a great writer.

Aaaw thanks

Blue77 17th Oct 2013 11:27 PM

Hey, I'm Blue77 and I just discovered this group and joined I like writing stories, but I prefer Sim Stories because I get bored too easily while describing scenes; its better when I can take pictures of the scene in-game - it does take a lot of time to set up everything but I still thinks its easier and it brings the story to life better. In my writing I focus mainly on the plot, I like it to always have a mystery behind it, or several mysteries along the way
That should do it for a brief introduction. Anyway, I'm glad I found this group and I'm looking forward to a healthy exchange of ideas :D

CulMiku 24th Apr 2014 9:46 AM

Hi! I haven't written anything original in ages but I love to write.

TheBleedingWoodland 20th Sep 2014 3:01 AM

Hi all! I just dicovered this group and hope this group is not neglected

I'm BloodyScholastic. You may recognize the long background story on my Sim creations. I'm actually a writer/storyteller in real life. I have many storyline imagination in my head, (Sims stories and non-Sims stories) and love to write if I have time to do. My stories are mostly revolved on realism: thriller, espionage, violence, realistic love drama and comedy. I wrote an unpublished thriller/espionage novel before. I also write the storyline for Sims, especially TS3 with lots of custom pose packs inspired me to make the story fit for the Sims screenshots in-game.

WingedCat 22nd Mar 2015 9:34 PM

I just joined, call me Silver Dawn. I love to write and when I was asked to write a short story, it was 9 pages long... would of been more except I was running out of time. I write stories, but I'm best at poems. I guess I can post little samples of what I work on here... Hi. Oh also, how do you access the story thing on here?

TheBleedingWoodland 25th Apr 2015 12:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by WingedCat
I just joined, call me Silver Dawn. I love to write and when I was asked to write a short story, it was 9 pages long... would of been more except I was running out of time. I write stories, but I'm best at poems. I guess I can post little samples of what I work on here... Hi. Oh also, how do you access the story thing on here?

It'd be better to share your poem/story on Creative Corner

bookloverblue 26th Apr 2015 8:13 PM

Hi, I am an amateur writer who publishes work online under the name "bookloverblue". I mainly write comedy scripts, but have dabbled in prose, poetry, and more recently, non-legacy Sim stories.

NekoSwagga 14th Jan 2016 12:25 AM

Hi all! My name is Maya and I love to write.

BMVagabond 7th Feb 2016 7:37 PM

Hey, I'm Laurie and I love Lolita. I love Achievement Hunter, MLP, Homestuck, Undertale, and so much more! I cosplay, draw, and write in my freetime. Currently writing a novel!

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