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lethifold 25th Jul 2009 12:04 PM

What's your favourite Vampire movie/TV series/book?
So, I've noticed that in recent years vampires seem to have gained popularity in modern culture. Even so, there have been plenty of old movies made about our favourite creatures as well! So what's your favourite movie or TV series or book about vampires?

For me, I'm a total True Blood junkie. I love the Sookie Stackhouse series, and I love the TV series now. They're both amazing in my opinion, and they don't murder the myths about vampires.

So what's yours?

NightmareCandle 25th Jul 2009 12:05 PM

True Blood ^.^

Gangreless 25th Jul 2009 12:24 PM

I really can't name an absolute favorite. I like them all for different reasons. Except Twilight (the movie, haven't read the books). Although I do enjoy the movie from a girly-hate-to-admit-I-love-chick-flicks point of view, I outright reject it as a vampire movie.

I love the original stuff, Nosferatu, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, cheesy 80s b movies (Fright Night, Once Bitten, Vamp, Near Dark, Lost Boys, The Hunger). I also love the more modern movies what with all the great special effects. Blade I, II, III, John Carpenter's Vampires/Los Muertos, Underworld, Dracula 2000 & sequels. I have to admit, I will watch any vampire movie and generally love it, but those with sexy actors half naked, I'm sold.

I also love all the vampire tv shows except Buffy and Angel. Well, maybe Angel, but only because of David Boreanaz, tall, dark, and brooding, yum!

As far as books go, if I've read them, I love them. That being said, I refuse to read that bile that is Twilight.

lethifold 25th Jul 2009 12:41 PM

I read Twilight, but I didn't enjoy it. I found it tedious, predictable and S. Meyer ruined all the vampire myths around. As that avatar says, Vampires DO NOT sparkle in the sun. They burn.
I'm after some other vampire books to read. I've read Interview with a Vampire, but I, surprisngly enough, didn't fall in love with it like I expected to. Any suggestions?

Gangreless 25th Jul 2009 1:06 PM

Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series, awesome... although it may be a bit "adult" at times for you, haha

lethifold 25th Jul 2009 1:07 PM

How much more adult than True Blood and The Sookie Stackhouse series ? They're preeeeeetty "adult".

Gangreless 25th Jul 2009 1:09 PM

I don't know, I haven't read those.

Gangreless 25th Jul 2009 1:09 PM

Well, actually, I started to read them, but found the writing to be extremely sub-par. I couldn't get past the first chapter.

lethifold 25th Jul 2009 1:10 PM

The books are very...detailed. The writing isn't fantastic, but I still love the story. Besides, in the books, Eric is so crazy awesome it hurts.

NightmareCandle 25th Jul 2009 1:56 PM

I is making mom get them for me when I have sucessfully forced Apartment Life out of her. ^.^

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 11:26 AM

I like watching movies where the vampire is the hero and not the bad. I saw several of vampire movies "Interview with a Vampire," "Dracula" and I do not remember the name of the others ...
The last I saw was the "Twilight" and I think is my favourite even though is a soft vampire movie , now I'm reading the book and I like

Gangreless 26th Jul 2009 11:28 AM

I find I enjoy movies even when the vamp is the bad guy, simply because they're usually hotter XD

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 11:32 AM

I hope you find the books much better than the movie, like they are.

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:02 PM

Edward is my ideal vampire!

Gangreless 26th Jul 2009 1:13 PM


lethifold 26th Jul 2009 1:14 PM

Definitely. They. Do. Not. Sparkle.
I prefer a real vampire .

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 1:14 PM


Edward Cullen fucking sucks.

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:17 PM

Ok maybe with a bit of blood was better and loved seeing him with the vampire teeth

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 1:20 PM

Vampire teeth?
He doesn't have vampire teeth, that's why he isn't a vampire.
Stupid no fangs sparkly pretty boy played by one of the ugliest actors ever.

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:22 PM

Yes, but I want him to have...

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:24 PM

I don't like Edward appearance I like the personality... I like mystery...

NightmareCandle 26th Jul 2009 1:26 PM

that's whats most annoying about him...

lethifold 26th Jul 2009 1:28 PM

I find the stalkerish and over protective and tool-ness of him unbelievably irritating. Not once during the books did I think him mildly attractive in anyway. I am so not what people expect a 14 year old girl to be XD

Gangreless 26th Jul 2009 1:28 PM

Eh, I may hate the ideas behind it, but I love Robert Pattinson and being all pale and brooding just makes him that much hotter

And yeah, I really hate that he's so freaking obsessed with mary-sue, one of the characters many faults

Kiara24 26th Jul 2009 1:29 PM

You donĀ“t like mystery?

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