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#26 Old 14th Aug 2009 at 10:54 AM
I feel that I have come home ;_;

It's difficult to find people here that don't like Twilight, everyone I've met (up until their late 20's!!) are carrying a copy of Twilight with them. As if it were a bible of some sort! When I borrowed this book to read it, I was at the mall, and was mentioning that I needed to go to a library to check it out (because there is no way I would be purchasing this fetid pile of crap)...my friend dragged me outside to HIS car (yes, it was a BOY) and he got the book out of his car! He told me that he always carried it around just in case he needed to cite something from it.

Field Researcher
#27 Old 15th Aug 2009 at 9:17 PM
well,twilight would be a little better if Nina Dobrev was casted as Bella
Field Researcher
#28 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 1:26 AM
I know some people actually like Twilight, and some people are a little too fond of it...( ) but my opinion is that it is an attempt at an escapism book filled with boring Mary Sues and overly-cliched plots. I don't think it sends out good messages either. It actually, in a horrible way promotes anti-feminism and abuse and seems to put stalking in a positive light. That is not right. Does the author even KNOW what her book is doing to it's fanatics? It is turning some of them in to an anti-feminist, abusive and just plain creepy cult. Has she even seen how some of her obsessed fans react to the news that not everyone likes her book? Apparently not. And she will continue to churn out her boring, cliched, offensive drivel so that more and more people will become her loyal followers. (Sorry about the rant but it really annoys me when people are personally over-defensive and even aggressive about others not liking Twilight, I mean it's a book and it's not like they even wrote it themselves.)

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live." - Mark Twain
#29 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 2:33 AM
I visited SMeyer's official site. God knows what made me visit. I was not aware that she was planning on releasing a new novel. It's Twilight. But from Edward's point of view. What?
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 3:52 AM
^ I found a copy of it on my friends' USB... it's so... bleh~
Edward is such a freakin' drama queen I could vomit. And he's all "hahaah Im awesome everyone loves me la dee da" and comes off as a huge shithead. He's really got a big idea of himself. Ack why did I read the entire first chapter? It was horrible! It seriously could not have been worse if it had been written by a monkey. Heck, a monkey really would do a better job and with less spelling mistakes too.
#31 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 8:39 AM
it's fair to say that this was my reaction after I finished Twilight

#32 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 9:44 AM
How can you people speak of Twilight this way!!!! It Is the best vampire series in the world!!! I love my sparkly vampires! And Edward is SOOO totally hot and I wish my boyfriend were more like him! He's so nice and Bella is so totally perfect and I wish I was Bella she's so lucky and I wish I was a vampire who sparkled in the sun and drank animal blood!!!!!!!!!!

That's what I would say if I was a Twifag (Twilight lover)
The Reality:
Twilight SUCKS! It needs to be burned. In all hoesty, I went on the website, and she based the entire book on a dream she had. A dream. What crack, I ask you, was she smoking when she had that dream? The vegetarian vampires are GAY, the sparkly vampires are GAY, and the poor girl who wants to be one of them is even GAYER!!! Honestly, who in the right mind thinks this is what vampires are like?? And they killed innocent little animals! I would have killed the humans, not the adorable wildlife! Seriously, this book is an eye sore. The best book in the entire series was New Moon, and that's cause the sparkly vampires were gone! I hated every moment I was reading these books and felt like I was being tortured every minute of the movie. And I'm going to have to sit through New Moon with my friend, who is the most twilight obssessed person I ever met! I'm kinda ashamed to have the same name as one of the sparkly vampires! At least it's the only, in my opinion, semi decent character in the book. But still, at least my name isn't Bella. Poor dog, we named her Bella because we hadn't known about Twilight. Twilight is pure torture in every f*cking sparkle filled page. I will make this clear even to Stephenie Meyer

Test Subject
#33 Old 24th Aug 2009 at 7:55 AM
I agree with most of the things you said, randomvampire, but please refrain from using the word 'gay' as a derogatory term. It's offensive.
#34 Old 24th Aug 2009 at 8:46 AM
I'm gay...and I don't find it offensive?
Test Subject
#35 Old 30th Aug 2009 at 7:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Prosthetics
I visited SMeyer's official site. God knows what made me visit. I was not aware that she was planning on releasing a new novel. It's Twilight. But from Edward's point of view. What?

Yes and no, she did write a half a version "Midnight Sun" (which is totally hilarious) but it leaked out to other places so she, in one update, said she was thinking about not finishing the novel.
Test Subject
#36 Old 30th Aug 2009 at 8:38 AM
Default Understand something in the pits of fire
Ok, this is what you need to realize...and maybe you haven't and that's fine because no one has caught your attention. You say here that the Twilight characters are copies of Mary Sue and Marty-Stu, or at least equivlalent then you go on and say that Twilight sucks.........characters make stories, end of the line I hope you agree, so if you say Bella and Edward the main players of Twilight suck for who they are and what book they're in, then you also say that Mary Sue and Marty-Stu suck because they're sooo alike, and you've given that (could-be) evidence in your rant. I personally have never heard of Mary Sue and Marty-Stu, but Twilight did reach me and I live in the middle of freakin nowhere, people, literally.

Also, considering I'm on a role, you must understand the publishing procedure. You look through endless after endless files, websites, and cases for literature agents (if you self publish, good luck, you'll be in debit the rest of your life), you sweetin up to an agent in hopes they will like what you have to offer and most of the time it is NO even if everyone around you, including some random strangers think your work is the best thing they've ever read, the answer is still NO. Why? Because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that after awhile people write alike, themes are alike, characters are alike, and, drama queens forbid us all, plots are alike. Then again, say you are lucky and get an agent, well they first will take your work to see if it contains anything that PLAGERIZES (get familiar with that word)someone elses work. How they do this is through some programs, that even high schools have nowadays, that searches through every piece of work ever PUBLISHED--if it isn't PUBLISHED then it can't be proved that it's PLAGERISM, even if you get on your hands and knees and tell them you wrote it, whatever, you're wasting your time, get up and write something else. You have to have dated and co-signed PRINTED pages, say...from myspace, it dates everything in your blogs. After you've been cleared of the threat of PLAGERISM then it's a matter of time--you may or may not live to see your name published on the cover of a book.
Get it? Got it. Good. If Stephenie Meyer had PLAGERIZED someone else's work, it would have shown up a LONG time ago.

A little over the top, I know, but I'm ranting.

As for the changing of the Vampire aspects, like the sparkles......she was just trying to make it more original, which is something hard to do these days. How many Vampire stories have you read with sparkly Vampires? None before Twilight I would suppose, because I haven't and I'm a HUGE Vampire fan.

If you want to argue about the changing of originals just refer back to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and see what she has to say, because if she was alive today I'm sure she would have one raised holy hell and two sued every single one of those idiots who recreated her stupid monster.
The same for whoever first wrote the story of the Vampire. I'm suspecting that person would be an ancestor of someone in Romania. They should sue everyone who's written about it, including Anne Rice and writers for Buffy.

Oh and by the way, Robert Pat..t..whatever, who plays Edward and is casted on Harry Potter is freakin ugly, people. The only reason people think he's cute is because the media told them he was. For goodness sakes, the boy looks like he's stoned 24/7. That's not gorgeous people, that's a pot head.

Also, if you've watched the movie of Twilight and not read the books, you know crap because it's the worst, absolutely WORST movie made from a book, so B rated. It doesn't follow it at all. You know why? Because the director, or whoever was in charge, gave the book to movie writers and let them have at it and those type of writers usually never can approach scenes correctly. It's hard to understand how, but look what they did to the Kite Runner. Mrs. Meyer should sue them for disgracing her books. And yes, for all you who may not have read Twilight yet (and may be using this thread to see if you want to), it is a good read to those who are open minded...next to the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton, and Anne Rice's books and some, ironically, Sim stories on Garden of Shadows.

And yes, you can dream up a story. It's possible. That's how many writers have figured out what they want to write about because some people's dreams are just wicked.

Also to someone who wrote that Twilight is anti-femonist, and such. If you'll go on to the official Twilight site stepheniemeyer.com in the Breaking Dawn portion she explains that she doesn't even portray that Bella is a heroin. She's just blah........and I really don't care for Bella. Alice is much cooler.
And that everyone must realize that this book is fantasy, not real, never could be real, except in our twisted souls.

Remember, rumors are rumors. And if you want to critize me go ahead, because I'm done ranting, at the moment.

Signing out.
#37 Old 5th Sep 2009 at 4:47 AM
All right Twilight haters. I have a shiny, club. It's called... Twilight Sucks. Made it just for us Twilight haters. So feel free to join ma club. It still had that new club smell.
#38 Old 5th Sep 2009 at 5:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by certain
Mrs. Meyer should sue them for disgracing her books.

You do realize that SMeyer made a cameo appearance in the film, right? Because I own the DVD, and have watched it many a time (to my own disgrace) with friends who are Twilight obsessed. How did I come into the DVD? It was sick joke really, because I told my mother that I hated Twilight and that translated into: "OMFG I F****** LOVE TWILIGHT."

So before you say that SMeyer should sue them...think about this: STEPHENIE MEYER DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT. She is getting rich off of her mediocre characters, and all of the merchandise that is being made.

I saw a cardboard cutout of Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen on sale for $100 at FYE, and the next day I was at FYE, it was gone. Some Twitard bought it.

People think he's hot because there are some sick, sick individuals in this world. Not because the media said we should OMG. Not every cultist idiot follows what the media tells them, okay?

I should probably emphasize that I liked the movie, even if it was, by your standards, b-level. Sometimes b-level movies are the best kind. But it's an oversight to say that I loved it, because I didn't. The characters in the movie are just as hollow as the ones in the book, and I don't feel attached to them as I would any other character.

And, btw, we're not talking about Mary Shelly or the original vampire authors, we are referring to Twilight, and how totally f***** up it is that THIS is a pop culture phenomenon when it literally has NO SUBSTANCE.

Okay. I'm done. I await any reply.
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
#39 Old 5th Sep 2009 at 5:03 AM
It seems to me that most vampires in fictional works are all severely maladjusted people. The Twilight guy? Stalker and pedophile. A whole bunch of others spend their time brooding and angsting like 12s. You'd think they'd have gotten over that after 900 years. How many of them do you see that are neither broody nor angsty, and behave like otherwise normal, 900-year-old people with regular, everyday(well, night) lives and an investment portfolio, aside from their penchant for drinking blood and avoiding sunlight, which they should be completely adjusted to by now and treat as a normal thing otherwise unworthy of attention, much like you don't spend all that much time worrying about lunch.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
#40 Old 5th Sep 2009 at 5:07 AM
I have to say that I agree entirely with Pescado. I leave vampires to my own imagination for this reason entirely...at least in my head, they are grown up. And not whining. And brooding. And generally being angsty characters of the night.
Lab Assistant
#41 Old 1st Oct 2009 at 1:28 AM
I am sad to say that I used to worship the ground Stephenie Meyer walks on. But now, I realize that everything you said is true. I'm getting really into Interview With the Vampire, as I noticed a discussion about how awesome and better than Twilight it is. I agree now. :D
Test Subject
#42 Old 2nd Nov 2009 at 2:26 PM
Oh, I saw this post, as I brushed pass the group expecting teeny twilight loving loners and then saw that you're all as bitter about sparkling vampires and Mary sues as I am. Ilu, no really.

I like my vampires mysterious and brooding, yes. I can't lie. Louis (from VC) and Angel were easily my favorites as a child, but I have to admit I find Edward overly boring. And he sparkles.

Bella annoys me on principal, and on screen. AND I LOVE KRISTEN STEWART.

I had no idea what twilight was.
At first I was excited but then...
I saw a trailer.
Instantly bored.

So I asked my mom about it. She also dislikes Bella, finds the romantic part of the storyline stupid, etc. She read the books when they first came out. Before there was a movie. Before it mattered. She likes teeny bopper books about vampires.

So she tell me the story, and I ask, but why is he drawn to her?
But why are the vampires so anti human love?
But why doesn't he turn her?
But WHY?
Answer, because then the fantasies would end and the actual story would have to go on.

One thing we do agree on, is that we kind of like Alice. Even if she sparkles.
She's interesting. She's got an actually personality. She's fun. You want her to have to jump on more people and break their necks.
Test Subject
#43 Old 2nd Nov 2009 at 2:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by J. M. Pescado
It seems to me that most vampires in fictional works are all severely maladjusted people. The Twilight guy? Stalker and pedophile. A whole bunch of others spend their time brooding and angsting like 12s. You'd think they'd have gotten over that after 900 years. How many of them do you see that are neither broody nor angsty, and behave like otherwise normal, 900-year-old people with regular, everyday(well, night) lives and an investment portfolio, aside from their penchant for drinking blood and avoiding sunlight, which they should be completely adjusted to by now and treat as a normal thing otherwise unworthy of attention, much like you don't spend all that much time worrying about lunch.

hehe, in all fairness, Lestat (in the end) was quite well adjusted with his bad 90's rock band and what not.
Test Subject
#44 Old 18th Nov 2009 at 11:37 PM
Ok, I was tired, irritable, and on medication the last time I posted on here...and it's taken awhile to retrace my steps...where was the full bloom of my mind? I'll try to keep to my oath of not posting while on medication...

All right, I think we all can agree that Stephenie Meyer is a money whore...especially considering she was on Oprah. Ok, one thing is you become famous by being on Oprah, another thing is you are already famous then go on Oprah...there's no reason for it...unless you want more mula.

I still stand by the partial originality of Twilight. (It has to be partial because she didn't invent Vampires) No one thought to making Vampires sparkle. I still don't know why she made them sparkle, I don't necessarily agree with her, but we're going to try and live with that fact because we can't change it.

Prosthetics: I "now" know she was in the movie. And, I think, I was just using Mary Shelley and others to say, "hey, it's not the original idea so it's not perfect."

Again, apologies to those I am may have offended. The meds have been changed so I hope I don't do things like that ever again. I am not a "I love Twilight to death" type of person, but I don't hate it either.

In the end, it doesn't matter to me, I've moved onto bigger better fish with Anita Blake. Twilight is something of the past and will probably be long forgotten in ten years, but not Anne Rice and the rest of the best classics.

My Stories:
The Shadow (TS3 story) Completed
Alternate Universe (TS2 story) Chapter 30 1/19/11
The Gang (Originally a TS3 story, but converted to TS2) Chapter 4 Re-post 1/13/11
Original Poster
#45 Old 19th Nov 2009 at 3:24 AM
Certain, your arguement is that you give her credit because sparkling vampires is original?

So, I could make an original zombie movie by making them vegetarians. Just because its new, doesnt make it good. AND making in orginal by defying the definition of the creature makes it not said creature.

#46 Old 19th Nov 2009 at 8:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by certain
I've moved onto bigger better fish with Anita Blake.

Did you see that Stephenie Meyer totally ripped off her rivalry between Edward and Jacob from the Anita Blake series?
Test Subject
#47 Old 19th Nov 2009 at 6:48 PM
Vampie_of_Death: It doesn't have to be good to be original. There are other authors out there who have made Vampires come out in the sun and have no effect on them at all. Stephenie Meyer did that, but still gave an excuse why they didn't want to come out when it was sunny. In Anita Blake there are zombies that don't eat people...vegetarians--I wouldn't say.

Prosthetics: I'm only on the second book of Anita Blake...so no...but a rivalry between wolves and Vampires is common. Why not their war be over who gets Anita? ^__^

My Stories:
The Shadow (TS3 story) Completed
Alternate Universe (TS2 story) Chapter 30 1/19/11
The Gang (Originally a TS3 story, but converted to TS2) Chapter 4 Re-post 1/13/11
#48 Old 19th Nov 2009 at 9:25 PM
i enjoyed the movie because i wasn't comparing it to other vampires. the glitteryness was abit annoying, when he took her up the mountain and was all like "he have to see what i really look like!" i thought he was gonna turn around and look all demonic and scary, but instead he sparkled...

and bellas FACE got on my nurves - she apparently loves him, but she looked both pissed off and terrified everytime she was around him, even when they were suppost to be happy!!

but besides that i enjoyed the movie and plan to see the rest.
never read the books - mainly because i'd never heard of them.
#49 Old 19th Nov 2009 at 9:26 PM
p.s. i also love spike ^^
he is awsome! but for some reason i was much more attracted to him when he was evil? XD
Zombie Socks
#50 Old 22nd Nov 2009 at 1:08 AM
Robert Patterson's eyebrows are capable of independent thought and devouring small children.

Nintendork Island | Please call me WWW!| Despite what avatar says, loves all of mts <3
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