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#26 Old 15th Oct 2009 at 12:52 AM
I just really hate it >.> i would have to agree with all of you.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#27 Old 21st Oct 2009 at 4:34 AM
Has any one else received angry PMs from Twilight fans? Just got one.

I'm pretty sure the same person rated this thread one star...

Hello there, the angel from my nightmare.
The shadow in background of the morgue.
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley.
We can live like Jack and Sally, if we want. - I Miss You - Blink-182

Read my Sim story "Searching For Something " HERE
#28 Old 21st Oct 2009 at 4:55 AM
The rating is now 3 because of my 5 star rating. WIN.

I haven't gotten any PM's yet, but now I want some!
Top Secret Researcher
#29 Old 21st Oct 2009 at 7:37 PM
I hate Twilight because of the same reason I hate Counter Strike: there's so much attention drawn to it, only to find out that it actually doesn't have anything special compared to other movies of the genre.
Same with LOTR. It was good, but seeing its success, a sh*t load of movies with the same idea have been made: Narnia, Golden Compass etc.

I don't give a f*ck, God sent me to piss the world off!
#30 Old 22nd Oct 2009 at 12:17 AM Last edited by BewitchedPrue : 22nd Oct 2009 at 2:21 PM.
Hmm, why do I hate Twilight...

1) Edward is a stalking, abusive freak. He goes into Bella's bedroom at night, he watches her sleep, he follows her to Port Angeles...GET A LIFE, EDWARD.

2) Bella is the biggest Mary Sue ever written. She goes on and on and on about how plain she is, how clumsy and boring she is, why would anyone ever want to speak to her, let alone like her, and yet, YET everybody in that high school thinks she is the most amazing person they've ever met. The popular crowd take her in immediately, EVERY GUY asks her out, and even though Edward doesn't date anyone or speak to anyone and he's Satan's gift to women, he still likes BELLA.

3) In what world could a blood drinking vampire be a doctor? It's like a recovering alcoholic working in a bar but never taking a drink.

4) A majority of the fans are delusional psychopaths. See: http://twilightsucks.proboards.com/...lay&thread=5175

5) The vampires sparkle. Does anymore really need to be said?

6) The movie was shit. Let's face it, nothing happened, and Robert Pattinson looked like he was in physical pain when he had to do that sparkling meadow scene.

7) The books go on forever with nothing happening and then in the space of a chapter the entire plot of the book happens. (New Moon especially.)

8) Edward the sparkly vampire's love rival for Bella is....a werewolf.

9) Basically the entire book is a debate over whether necrophilia or beastiality is more appealing. Apparently necrophilia given the plot of book number 4.

10) Jacob imprinting on Renesmee is creepy and wrong. As is her RIDICULOUS name. Especially considering mixing Carlisle with Charlie creates Carly, a REAL name.

11) It's pretty convenient that a) Carlisle is a doctor b) Bella's special vampire power is her self-control over blood drinking c) The one person in the entire world whose thoughts Edward can't hear are Bella's.

12) Bella is a selfish bitch. When the Cullens throw her a birthday party, rather than be grateful she reacts with "Oh nooo, why did you have to throw me a party, I told you I didn't want one, I can't believe you'd be so kind and thoughtful about me, because I'm really unattractive and unpopular(eventhoughIknowI'mnotreallyandeveryonelovesme)

13) Bella jumps off a cliff in book 2. That is where the books should have ended. Right then. With death.

14) Wuthering Heights has been ruined for me forever because of Twilight.

15) The entire thing is a dream some woman had one night i.e. her sexual fantasy. It should never have been published, ever.

16) And the worst thing of all is the Cullen religion, Cullenism. The followers believe Edward, Bella and all the Cullens are real, must read at least a bit of one of the books every day and must make a pilgramge to Forks at least once in their lifetime. If they lead good lives they will get to live in the Cullen mansion eternally.

17) Why did Kristen Stewart have to be in that movie? WHY?!

And that is why I hate Twilight.

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
#31 Old 22nd Oct 2009 at 3:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by BewitchedPrue
8) Edward the sparkly vampire's love rival for Bella is....a werewolf.

Has anyone read the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton? This rivalry is like a blatant rip off of her, since Anita Blake's interest lie in a werewolf and a vampire respectively.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#32 Old 28th Oct 2009 at 9:04 PM
Everyone's points are awesome. I think at some time in the near future I will compile a list of them all and post it as one mega Twi-hate of awesome.

This goes along with Edward being abusive, but:
He is constantly telling her he can kill her. In any other relationship it would be abuse, but NOOO cause Edward is a magical wizard. Except that he's not.

Hello there, the angel from my nightmare.
The shadow in background of the morgue.
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley.
We can live like Jack and Sally, if we want. - I Miss You - Blink-182

Read my Sim story "Searching For Something " HERE
#33 Old 29th Oct 2009 at 6:12 PM
#34 Old 5th Nov 2009 at 6:30 PM
My friend got me a giant poster of Edward Cullen for my birthday, specifically this one:

She put it on the wall next to my bed.
I can't sleep properly now.
His eyes follow you around the room.

That is yet another reason why I hate Twilight. Now I lose sleep because of it too. Plus it looks like a poster for a musical or something, you might notice that the words Twilight and Edward sparkle.
(I may be involved in writing a little musical with some friends that we like to call 'Edward Sparkles', a Twilight parody, but that's besides the point.)

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
#35 Old 5th Nov 2009 at 9:25 PM
Why, in the name of God, would your friend buy you this poster? Is she blackmailing you?
#36 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 12:27 AM
I used to have that poster

I gave it to a twitard friend
#37 Old 8th Nov 2009 at 11:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Prosthetics
Why, in the name of God, would your friend buy you this poster? Is she blackmailing you?

She thinks it's a massive joke. My parents brought me back after a week at home today, and the first thing my mom says when she comes into my room is "I thought you hated Edward". I had to mutter "I do, Mom, but Julia got it for me". My friend says she hates Twilight too, but she never. stops. talking. about. it. I suspect that secretly she actually does like it, especially considering she has written Twilight fanfiction... She signed her birthday card to me as Edward too, and addressed it to Bella (which is what her and my other housemates call me now).

Another reason why I hate Twilight is that Stephenie Meyer writes fanfiction...for her own books. No published author should be that involved with fanfiction, let alone for their own books!

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
#38 Old 9th Nov 2009 at 3:58 AM
If that isn't pathetic, I don't know what is. About Stephenie Meyer writing fan fiction for her own books, is what I mean.

I think it's safe to say that your friend not only likes Twilight, but adores Twilight.
#39 Old 9th Nov 2009 at 7:04 AM
your friend is evil, even by my standards
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 11th Nov 2009 at 12:07 AM
I hate Twilight because SMeyer is the ultimate Suethor. WORSE THAN TARA GILESBIE!

Singing in the rain! x3
#41 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 2:56 AM
suethor? *understands after half a second of thought*
#42 Old 13th Nov 2009 at 12:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by EvilOverlord
suethor? *understands after half a second of thought*

Took me a second too, but definitely agreed!

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
#43 Old 14th Nov 2009 at 3:03 AM
yep And she's right

Hmm... I wonder if The Host is teh same way?
Test Subject
#44 Old 20th Nov 2009 at 8:40 PM
Why I hate Twilight-

1) The books are extremely poorly written. Repeated plot-lines, poor characters, no real events happening, random characters popping up when nothing is happening for no real reason (eg Oh no Edwards gone boo hoo Oh look Jacobs here!/Oh my life is perfect playing baseball with Edward Oh look some more vampires appeared!/My life is perfect with my stupidly named baby Oh no the Italian people came!) and the many, many parts of the book that make no sense.

2) Practically every character has no personality

3) Edward Cullen- I don't understand how Bella can view him as angelic and perfect. He is controlling over Bella and isolates her from her friends and family, he is arrogant, shows no emotion and he acts like a psychopath most of the time. How can somebody like a person who is constantly threatening to hurt you and thinks its ok to watch people sleeping.

4) The birthing scene in Breaking Dawn is unnecessarily gory. Seriously, do you really have to snap Bella's spine and make her puke up blood?

5) There's nothing wrong with sex scenes in books but they have sex about five times in the same chapter and for about the first 100 pages of Breaking Dawn it's just Bella begging him to fuck her.

6) It keeps contradicting itself. One minute vampires cant eat food, next minute Edwards eating. One minute the werewolves are werewolves, the next minute theyre shapeshifters.

7) The obbsessive morbid fans. Practically everything has obbsessive fans but some of these fans take it WAY too far. They threaten abuse to people who don't like twilight and they've founded their own religion! Its scary how obsessed with it some of them have become.

8) The film was absolutely terrible. It had terrible, awkward acting and was much much worse than the book. They've also brought even more morbid fans to it. My friends are trying to force me to watch New Moon at the moment but it looks even worse than Twilight

9) There are so many books that are similar and better than these books. SMeyer just happened to be the one that got famous which is annoyoing because so many parts of Twilight are practically copied from others and unoriginal

That's all I can think of at the moment!
#45 Old 25th Nov 2009 at 7:17 AM
Anyone else here watch vampire diaries? It has the same human girl in love with vamp guy in it, but this is more teenagey, and also has personality! And if anyone tries saying that they copied Twilight-make sure you know your facts, cos Vampire Diaries was originally written in the early 90s- 14 YEARS before the suethors.

Hm... wonder if smeyer decided to copy the series?
Lab Assistant
#46 Old 25th Nov 2009 at 7:53 AM
twilight is total crap. i admit to never giving it a real chance, but with constant fangirl talk in my ears and weirdo vampires shot in a very blah kind of way (idk if its just me but color seems to be nonexistent in the posters and movie and shit)

and then it spawned a bunch of other crappy vampire shows. cmon! not cool. ive sworn to never read or watch anything twillight weenie related, especially reading this forum which ive looked at the stuff said here on other sites. you guys are totally right. and whats worse...i have an edward cullen sim in my game thanks to my sister begging me to put him in! curse me!!!

what happened to the good old times when harry potter ruled (my hero and soulmate) and fyi im not obsessed, im just a regular fan of magic, not pussy vampires who cant get their lives straight.
#47 Old 25th Nov 2009 at 5:18 PM
There are a lot of books and shows that focus in on a human and a vampire in love, SMeyer didn't invent vampire romance. She just wrote a really shitty example of it.
The other one
#48 Old 25th Nov 2009 at 6:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Krazoom
Plain and simple, I hate Twilight because of the fans. Mainly the fans like this idiot


These type of people made me hate this film before it was even released.

I don't really belong on this thread since I don't particularly hate Twilight but people like the moron in that video make me lol.

I watched the first one on DVD last year sometime and liked it enough to be interested in watching the second one. I haven't seen it yet though since I like to read the book first before watching films. I just finished the book and...I kind of cried,...not just the once What can I say, I'm a sucker for a heartbreak novel .

So anyway, I agree with a lot of what you guys have said about it, it does promote a lot of crap that young impressionable teens would be better off ignoring and I hate obsessive fan types but...well, I can see the appeal and I'm a little bit sucked in by all the prettiness (yes, I'm shallow )

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
Field Researcher
#49 Old 25th Nov 2009 at 7:18 PM
I don't hate Twilight, I actually used to love it.
But I will say things I really really don't like about it.

1. Bella. Is. An. Idiot. I agree she should've died when she jumped off that cliff.
Or Edward should've left her to die in that dance studio.
2. The movie was beyond horrid.
3. Robert whatever is so weird looking and throughout half of the movie he was making weird ass faces.
4. How are Vampires gonna drink blood from animals? That's non-sense.
5. Edward should be able to read Bella's thoughts so he can know how psycho she is.
6. Renesme? What the fuck. Why would Bella even combined names in the first place.
7. Why does everyone in Forks love her? If she was an ugly pale freak in Arizona she is in Forks too!
8. Why on Earth do the vampires sparkle? "I can't go in the sunlight, not because I will burn up or anything like that. It's because I sparkle!"
9. The whole dating each other thing is a bit weird to me too..
10. Edward should've just gave in and killed Bella like the first time he saw her, and just massacred the whole school.
11. I don't like how Bella used Jacob, she's a conceided bitch, he shoulda just told her to fuck off.

Lots of repeats, so basically Twilight sucks for a few main reasons.

#50 Old 25th Nov 2009 at 9:32 PM
Bella is a twat, in the nicest sense of the word. She is a weak ass, main female character who always needs a male companion at her side. When Edward left her? "OMG JACOBBBB" when Edward came back "OMG EDWARDDD"

bitch needs to quit playing with emotions already.

But no really, Stephenie Meyer should've just submitted this crap to fanfiction.net and left it to rot there.
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