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#26 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 8:25 PM
ok so it was what you said i was just in the wrong view once i placed it in wireframe it showed up but now i cant put it in edit mode?!?!? is it because i saved it and closed the program or somthjing i dont know why i cant edit now i still need to set up the materials so i can edit the uv mapps and such....ack i wish i knew what i was doing lol
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#27 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 9:14 PM
when you're in object mode,
you always have to choose which mesh you're going to edit, before you can go to edit mode
when a mesh is selected in object mode, it's pink
have you tried clicking the lines of your mesh?
once it's selected, you should be able to go to edit mode, by clicking the link in the 'mode menu'
#28 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 10:56 PM Last edited by dragon_tfm : 10th Aug 2005 at 11:02 PM.
hmm then i dont know what id did wrong cause i did selct the object..all of it was in pink and i un selcted and re sected it a couple of time just to see if thats what i did wrong...but ill try it again now

ok so i looked and nope still only object mode heres a pic maybe this will help you to help me?
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#29 Old 11th Aug 2005 at 4:51 PM
ok, that IS weird
you don't even have buttons in your 'button window' ....
maybe the thing just crashed
what happens if you close Blender and start it up again? cause that usually resets the whole thing
if you can, try exporting the mesh as an object,
then restart blender and import it again
unless that is what you've been doing all along....
#30 Old 11th Aug 2005 at 8:38 PM Last edited by dragon_tfm : 12th Aug 2005 at 4:04 AM.
yea i have been and i did do that and then there was nuthing showing up like i saved a blank page or somthing arg!!! but ill try now again

ok now im really confussed cause this time it seems to have worked.....my brain is turning into putty i think lol
thanks for the help lets see if the prog will keep working lol

ok so after i got all that figured out now i have a whole other problem...when i do all the uv mapping prep work in blender i guess i do it correct since i think im following your directions correctly though i have three seperate groups....ok so i go to uvmapper and follow along but when i go to cselect...by material i only have one option and it material 001...or somthing liek that so i dont know what to do next...have i missed a step?
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#31 Old 12th Aug 2005 at 9:13 AM
hm, yes, messing with materials is a bit of touch and go, really
I usually don't bother, all I can tell you is that it works if you do it exactly like in the tut, (at least, for me it works )
make sure that when you select the different meshes, the name of the materials changes, not just the counter
otherwise, press the delete button under the materials, till you have zero and start over
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 12th Aug 2005 at 4:11 PM
Thanks for this Lethe. I found once you get started the controls of Blender are so intuative its a dream to work with compared to milkshape. There is no going back for me now.
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#33 Old 12th Aug 2005 at 6:24 PM
heehee, I converted someone
#34 Old 14th Aug 2005 at 2:40 AM
ok i tried it how you said but this time i only had material 002 to choose? im confussed al lover again lol do you have nay other ideas?
#35 Old 14th Aug 2005 at 4:00 AM
how come when i download your pdf tutorial its in realplayer format? plz help cause im really confused :hmm:
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#36 Old 14th Aug 2005 at 8:57 AM
maybe you could post the object, and I'll take a look at it

eternaly alone,
um, it's a pdf with me... what does the extension say? and do you have pdf installed? maybe your realplayer just automatically attaches itself to all unknown file formats.
#37 Old 14th Aug 2005 at 7:55 PM
ok this is want im trying to get the materials to work with (this should be the right one lol and before i messed with the material at all)
Attached files:
File Type: rar  s2ctm-staggeredbookcasescaleddown_gmdc.obj.rar (7.1 KB, 49 downloads) - View custom content
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#38 Old 15th Aug 2005 at 10:20 AM
oh yes, damn, it's just the one mesh
Silly of me to ask for an object, of course
could be that you had two 'groups' or meshes once, but when you import or export as an object, Blender melts everything together,
hence the need for materials if you want to differentiate
as long as you haven't assigned materials, it's best to save as blend.

anyhew, here's your bookcase back, as a blend file
this is what I did:
selected all the planks and deleted them
then exported the books and things as dragonbooks.obj
undo/undo/undo etc. until mesh was complete again
selected all the books and things,
deleted them, and exported the planks as dragonplanks.obj
then started over and imported the two meshes
I assigned the group 'Planks' to the planks (duh) and gave them a new material (Material)
then assigned the group 'Books' and gave them a new material (Material 001)
I tested this file by exporting as an object and opening it in UV Mapper
the materials are ther, but take a look at the blend file, though

oh, and I noticed that you still have to align your bookcase with one from the game (depending on which one you're cloning)
my clonebase bookcase was a bit to the side and down of yours.
hope this helps you back on your way
Attached files:
File Type: rar  dragon-tfm-bookcase.rar (23.8 KB, 32 downloads) - View custom content
#39 Old 15th Aug 2005 at 7:54 PM
thanks ill take alook
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 16th Aug 2005 at 3:56 PM
I followed the whole tutorial.. and in SimPE it showed a preview of my table (it was fine), but when I opened the game my table was invisible.. I could see the shadows under it, but just no table. Can you please tell me what went wrong?

I am a modder working on the Rockin' the Road Content Pack.
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#41 Old 16th Aug 2005 at 5:14 PM
was your table textured in the SimPE preview?
If it was white,
you need to check the name of your mesh and make sure it's exactly the same as the original was
also, make sure you took off the materials before you imported the mesh in Simpe,
for more advice, try scrolling through JWoods' thread
there's about five different people with invisibility problems in there
JWoods is much better at explaining the whole SimPE thing anyway
Lab Assistant
#42 Old 17th Aug 2005 at 10:57 AM Last edited by angelface345 : 17th Aug 2005 at 11:38 AM.
EDIT: I fixed it myself! In SimPE I opened the package, and the name of the table was "SimPE something", rather than "tabledining". I changed that and the texture showed up . Yay. Thanks so much for the tutorial.

EDIT AGAIN: It worked in SimPE, but not in the game. Damn.
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#43 Old 17th Aug 2005 at 10:00 PM
don't forget to commit every time you do something
then, fix integrity, and save
Test Subject
#44 Old 22nd Aug 2005 at 5:09 PM
does anyone know any good blender 3d tutorials for clothing and hair?
Lab Assistant
#45 Old 12th Oct 2005 at 8:49 PM
I experinced a general proplem with Blender.
All objects i export with Blender are not excact enough. SimPE export .obj with 13 digits like

v 0.115847527981 -0.000026125907 0.177671998739

but Blender only export them with 7 digits like

v 0.115847 -0.000026 0.17767199

i found no way to adjust this in Blender. Finaly a im- and export with SimPE made my modified Meshes work with the Meshtool (i worked on Bodymeshes for Clothes). The final reimport in Sims worked. Animations worked too... but all Body´s created this way look ugly.

Anyone a Idear how to solve this Problem?
Zombie Coder
#46 Old 28th Oct 2005 at 5:44 AM
Many many thanks for writing this, Lethe. You saved me the work of having to do it myself. I can spend all my time working on a GMDC import/export script now. :D
Test Subject
#47 Old 28th Oct 2005 at 10:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Drachenfels
All objects i export with Blender are not excact enough. SimPE export .obj with 13 digits like

v 0.115847527981 -0.000026125907 0.177671998739

but Blender only export them with 7 digits like

v 0.115847 -0.000026 0.17767199

Hmm. Difference between a 16bit and 8bit word for the location values there Drachen. You'd have to ask the blender Guru's over at Blender.org how to have blender default to 'Double precision variables'.
Test Subject
#48 Old 11th Nov 2005 at 3:51 AM
Very good tutorial.. it helped me very much ^_^ Do you think you could make a tutorial on clothes meshes with Blender?? Just wondering it dont matter if you dont wanna.

*...xX~suspended on silver wings~Xx...*
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#49 Old 11th Nov 2005 at 10:31 AM
I would, but I don't know a thing about making clothes meshes
Test Subject
#50 Old 12th Nov 2005 at 2:30 AM
Lol okay thats alright ^_^

*...xX~suspended on silver wings~Xx...*
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