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Field Researcher
#51 Old 29th Mar 2012 at 9:50 AM
It only works properly on 30-second clips. Anything longer should be cut up to 30-second chunks so that the game can use it properly, afaik.
#52 Old 11th Dec 2012 at 11:09 AM
Well following the tutorial when all smoothy despite looks like I got a newer version of s3pe, until I got to the point where I'm supposed to open up "Snaitf's FNV Hash Generator" which I don't appear to have.

Ah screw it, I guess I can live without custom channels and videos
Test Subject
#53 Old 24th Aug 2013 at 12:24 AM
Sadly there are no updates to this thread. Adding Channels works still fine, but what about moodlets?

Watching recorded videos in game (generations) adds the option to watch homevideos on TV, and a moodlet occurs. There must be a way to do this yourself. Or look at the store premiumcontent (cinema) which adds different moodlets for each movie. It would be nice if someone finds out how to do this.
Test Subject
#54 Old 26th Aug 2013 at 9:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by blakegriplingph
EDIT 2: The one Vondure suggested works better than the VP6 Builder tool included in the tutorial file. Tried re-encoding my Downfall parodies using that tool and it now loops! :D

Vondure? What is this tool? Link, please!
Field Researcher
#55 Old 1st Sep 2013 at 2:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by vladok
Vondure? What is this tool? Link, please!

The link's on page 2 of this thread.
Test Subject
#56 Old 31st Jul 2014 at 10:07 PM
I can't access any of these links.. this needs to be updated :/
Test Subject
#57 Old 5th Aug 2014 at 12:29 PM
Hi, I've got troubled while trying this, can you help me please?
if you can I'll send you P.M.
Test Subject
#58 Old 14th Aug 2014 at 3:15 AM
Default Installing Package Files
Quote: Originally posted by Oldcustard
I made a mods/packages directory, still no luck.

You don't manually create the mods/packages directory yourself. This is how you do it:
You're welcome! GOOD LUCK!
Test Subject
#59 Old 3rd Sep 2014 at 1:00 AM
Thread looks dead, but I'll try anyway. Is there a tutorial for making custom channels that works? After following the one available for dl on the OP, my VP6 won't open my avi. Gives me an error each time. Spent like 8 hours doing everything only to find out VP6 won't open the almost finished vid.
Test Subject
#60 Old 10th Sep 2014 at 3:15 PM
Does anyone know whether there is a newer version of VP6_Builder? I wanted to use the VP62 codec, but it not seems to be supported by the actual VP6Converter.
Top Secret Researcher
#61 Old 10th Sep 2014 at 9:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sk8er0868
You don't manually create the mods/packages directory yourself. This is how you do it:
You're welcome! GOOD LUCK!

Is that necessarily current? I seem to recall I made my folder manually with no problems.
#62 Old 18th Feb 2015 at 2:36 PM
A little update, since todoabout and me recently worked on a custom channel.

Localization Keys:

The <Video_File_Names_BW> tag is unused in game version 1.67.
I have no idea if in previous versions/patches of TS3 the cheap TVs showed
black and white videos, but for backward compatibility it can't hurt to keep that tag
anyway using the same list of videos of the generic tag <Video_File_Names>.
To tell that in other words, don't waste time/bytes making also a grayscale version of the videos.

Not sure if the use/meaning of some of the other tags was already been explored, anyway:

<Sync_Event_Name> is used to reference a SyncEvent.
A SyncEvent can be used to request a state (<One_Shot_State_Name>) of the
current StateMachine (a state defined in the jazz script related to the tv animations).
So in order to create a custom SyncEvent that triggers a custom animation while
watching tv, the overriding of tv.jazz is necessary.

<Buff_Prereq> and <Target_Buff> work only if the channel is marked as isHorrorChannel
(<IsHorrorChannel>1</isHorrorChannel>). Note: Buff_Prereq takes as value a list of traits, not buffs.

<Associated_Traits> is self explanatory: a list of traits that will make sims who have them be attracted
to the channel (when they use the watch tv interactions autonomously).

Don't ask me about the video encoding process, after a few hours of failed attempts I rage quitted ^^
Test Subject
#63 Old 18th Feb 2015 at 3:13 PM
Some remarks about video encoding.
Quote: Originally posted by Simser der Deutschen
Does anyone know whether there is a newer version of VP6_Builder? I wanted to use the VP62 codec, but it not seems to be supported by the actual VP6Converter.
As far as I understand, VP 6.2 is a proprietary codec, while VP 6.0 and 6.1 have been made free-for-use several years ago. VP6Converter008 works only with 6.0, not 6.1 or higher. However, comparable to EA TV quality can be reached with some tweaking of the 6.0 encoder settings.
While exporting your video to vp6 using VirtualDub, press Video > Compression... > VP60(r) Simple Profile > Configure. Here are the settings I use:

(Also, I've found it's better to use this version of VP6Encoder than the one in the tutorial archive (the latter has some issues with looping playback), and encode sound not with GUI but with sx.exe and a script as described here).
Test Subject
#64 Old 28th May 2015 at 4:20 PM
After looking at Arsil's News Channel in S3PE, it seems I've missed a step or 2. There is an Instantiator XML and an S3SA with a .dll. The XML looks easy enough to deal with but I don't know where the .dll comes from. Will have to do a little more digging unless someone wants to lend a bigger shovel. I know it took you guys years to figure this out and I've only been cranking on it for a few days, but any advice or help would be appreciated.
#65 Old 28th May 2015 at 5:00 PM
Our channel is added using a script. You can simply override the "TV" xml and add yours there.
Test Subject
#66 Old 28th May 2015 at 5:38 PM
Studying the scripting tutorial now and I see that that is where the missing stuff comes from. Just need to clear enough space on my hd to make room for Visual Studio and then back to it. Wouldn't have seen any of that if you hadn't shared your channel. Much thanx for that.
Test Subject
#67 Old 30th May 2015 at 10:31 AM
I think I'm almost there but just have one problem. I have one error that won't let me build my .dll. 'Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Electronics.TVChannelData' does not contain a definition for 'ParseTVChannelData'. Kinda stuck. Hope its something obvious. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
#68 Old 30th May 2015 at 10:47 AM
That's a private method. You have to use an "unprotected" Sims3GameplayObjects.dll library as reference.
See: http://modthesims.info/showthread.p...ght=unprotected

Maybe I wasn't clear before, but you don't need all this trouble.
You can override the TV xml and add your custom channel there.

But, hey, I like your initiative and using a script you avoid conflicts and make easier to share the channel
(otherwise people will have to "merge" different override versions of the TV xml to use more custom channels).
Test Subject
#69 Old 30th May 2015 at 4:45 PM
That cleared up the error and let me build the .dll. But I've done something seriously wrong. The only channel that shows in the pie menu is the one they were watching the last time I saved. My portrait panel is gone and I can't make my active sim do anything except watch tv. I don't pretend to understand much about scripting or modding in general, but I'd rather do it this way if its the best way. I have several channels I plan to make and to share if I can get them working. I know I'm being a pain, but would you mind taking a look at this when you have a free minute? It's nothing inappropriate. Hopefully you can pinpoint some simple mistake I made and I can tweak it. If you don't have time I understand.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  FunTimeTV.zip (2.38 MB, 96 downloads) - View custom content
#70 Old 30th May 2015 at 5:30 PM Last edited by Arsil : 30th May 2015 at 5:44 PM.
Look, I don't mind helping you, but you are asking about the basics and those are covered by tutorials
that explain things better than I could ever do. Anyway.

As IID (Instance ID) of the xml of the instantiator, you have to use the full classname of the your class.
With S3PE, double click on the resource, put as name "FunTimeTVChannel.Instantiator" and then click on FNV64
(remember that not always the string used as name of the resource is also the hashing key that generated its InstanceID).
I suggest to put also your nickname as part of the namespace, to further reduce chances of conflicts,
in case someone else used or will use that same generic name, and make it more recognizable,
for example "mrdugg.FunTimeTVChannel.Instantiator").

EDIT: this has nothing to do with your code, but if you end up liking scripting, remember that in case of
inner classes (classes defined inside the main class), for the full classname you have to use "+" instead of "."
as "divider" or "separator" (I don't know the right term).
Example: let's say you define the class "Test" inside the main class "Instantiator".
The full class name of the class "Test" is "mrdugg.FunTimeTVChannel.Instantiator+Test"

In your Visual Studio project, make sure that in the AssemblyInfo.cs (under Properties) there are these lines near the top:
using Sims3.SimIFace;
[assembly: Tunable]

This is needed to make sure that the xml "wakes up" your script. Notice my advanced technical language ^^

The IID of the STBL must have "00" as the first two hex digits to be associated with the English language.
The keys you used in the STBL are wrong, you have to use:
Same as before, I suggest you to use "mrdugg_Fun_Time_TV" to make it less generic and prone to conflict.
Once you verified that all strings are right in game, I suggest you to use Easy STBL Manager to automatically
generate the STBL resources for the other languages (you can download it here at MTS).
Field Researcher
#71 Old 27th Sep 2015 at 7:23 PM
I was making an Avant Garde Channel featuring avant-garde films for The Sims 3, and I have had trouble with encoding the video I was using for it into vp6. I used the VP6 Converter 0.08 featured on the second page of this thread to encode my video into vp6 for the channel, and it acts as though my computer does not have the vp6 6.0 codec, even though it does. It has this message "Supported only On2 Technologies VP6 codec!" when I have tried to convert a video into vp6. Has anyone else ever gotten this message when trying to encode a video into vp6 through the VP6 Converter? And how have you solved this problem, or at least gotten around it? Finally, what alternatives to the VP6 Converter have you used to encode videos for your Sims 3 television channels into vp6? Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.
Mad Poster
#72 Old 29th Feb 2016 at 8:05 PM
I'm trying to convert the TS4 TV clips. The clips are all in .avi format already, but VirtualDub is claiming the files are invalid and not in RIFF format. What can I do about this?

insert signature here
( Join my dumb Discord server if you're into the whole procrastination thing. But like, maybe tomorrow. )
Test Subject
#73 Old 30th Jul 2018 at 5:12 PM
I'm Trying to make my own custom channels, but are not working. I've followed the tutorial but I don't Know what I've done wrong, the problem is that the channel will not show up. Any Help?
Test Subject
#74 Old 9th May 2020 at 7:56 AM
Could anyone help me? I've been trying to make some new video game channels. After a few trials I decided to stick to just editing Arsil's All News package file, because if I follow the steps in the tutorial (which I know is outdated) nothing seems to work. So, the thing is, when I add this part:


to the XML in Arsil_ToDoAbout_AllNewsTVChannel file, everything works just fine and the channel shows up on the TV (under the "Watch TV" interaction). But right after I add this line in the end (which I guess is needed for the video to be identified as a video game):


nothing works and the channel doesn't show up neither on the TV nor on the computer. There's obviously some step missing but because of my lack of programming/coding skills I can't figure out what this step is! I don't think I need to add a custom interaction because I guess it's just purely XML scripting, isn't it? So what else could it be?
Test Subject
#75 Old 9th May 2020 at 8:04 AM
For everyone who's struggling with this error "Supported only On2 Technologies VP6 codec!" when opening their .avi file in VP6 Converter. I've had this problem too because I didn't have the VP6 codec option in the Compression menu of VirtualDub even if the VP6 codec was installed. This video "How to Convert AVI to VP6" helped me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzyJH-EFBZE&t=66s

There are links to the programs needed, you just install everything in the "VP6 Tutorial" archive. Then the VP6 codec appears in VirtualDub!
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