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#51 Old 8th Aug 2005 at 2:05 PM
Thank you!
Thank you Grapholina! That´s just what I´m looking for! Thank you so so much! *hugs* :cdance:
Test Subject
#52 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 11:40 AM
Default Thanks for the Help!
Just to say thanks. I managed to update all the ugly NPCs. Here's a pic of the result: (This is my first post, so let's hope this works)
Test Subject
#53 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 8:15 PM
Thanks for the tutorial, I wish I could tell you all that it worked but I can't. I tried to change the outfit of the maid this way so I exported the maid with the "export" option in the surgery window. Then I gave her a name, different clothes (the Maid4U outfit somewhere on this forum) and everything else needed in CAS. The last thing to do was to do surgery to finish it all (so I thought). But nothing happened, the next morning I got the usual maid, nothing changed! I tried some other maids and it appears that just the haircolor and minipicture have changed. What did I do wrong? Can anyone help me?
Test Subject
#54 Old 14th Aug 2005 at 2:39 PM
thanx luv ya i always let my teen simmies marry the cleaner, but all the kids turn out to be absolutely ugly ..........................
Test Subject
#55 Old 15th Aug 2005 at 2:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pieter
Just to say thanks. I managed to update all the ugly NPCs. Here's a pic of the result: (This is my first post, so let's hope this works)
:confused: how did you get it to stay with the custom clothes??? i tried it in mine and the makeup face ect. chaged but when it the maid came the next morning it came with the same clothes!!!! so could you tell me how you got it to stay like that plz!! would appreciate greatly!!!
Test Subject
#56 Old 31st Aug 2005 at 1:01 AM
thank you thank you thank you!! :D
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 13th Sep 2005 at 5:37 AM
Thanks, very useful. I changed all of the townies in one of my neighborhoods into all alien. It looks awesome :D
Object(ive) Investigator
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#58 Old 13th Sep 2005 at 8:45 AM
How do the changed sims look in SimPE after they revert? Which sim do they look like?
Object(ive) Investigator
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#59 Old 14th Sep 2005 at 3:55 AM
This will help the reversion problem http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?p=749405.
Lab Assistant
#60 Old 14th Sep 2005 at 6:42 PM
I don't know why no one else is experiencing this problem, but after following the tut and going into Sim Surgery, my archetype character isn't there. I even moved her into a lot, saved, and quit, and she's still not showing up in Sim Surgery or even Sim Browser. Any ideas?
Lab Assistant
#61 Old 14th Sep 2005 at 8:19 PM
COOL! :bump:

WOW. I wish reality was this real.
Object(ive) Investigator
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#62 Old 14th Sep 2005 at 9:50 PM
Are you looking in the right neighborhood?
Test Subject
#63 Old 15th Sep 2005 at 9:47 AM
where can i get simPe???????

i really like this thread... thanks so much!!!!!!!! now i can make over my ugly made

NYAN NYAN NYAN, your point has been mooted.
Object(ive) Investigator
retired moderator
#64 Old 15th Sep 2005 at 8:47 PM
Lab Assistant
#65 Old 18th Sep 2005 at 5:21 PM
Aww man I love the tutorial but when I tried it out with my custom neighborhood the sim pool was empty! I tried it with pleasntview and it wokred for them. PLease tell whats going on, I only play my custom n'hood and would really like to change some of those ugly maids...

Dance little star! Dance!
Check out my uber cool site!!! http://xentariorpg.bravehost.com/
Not a sims 2 site ;)
Object(ive) Investigator
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#66 Old 18th Sep 2005 at 6:40 PM Last edited by jaxad0127 : 18th Sep 2005 at 6:48 PM. Reason: Yet
Do you have NL? SimPE can't read NL character data, yet.
Lab Assistant
#67 Old 24th Sep 2005 at 10:18 AM
actually, SimPE can read nightlife character data. it just cant do things like make vampires and such.
Object(ive) Investigator
retired moderator
#68 Old 24th Sep 2005 at 6:38 PM
That was posted before version .48c.
Test Subject
#69 Old 24th Sep 2005 at 11:07 PM
Can we use this on playable characters?
Object(ive) Investigator
retired moderator
#70 Old 24th Sep 2005 at 11:10 PM
Yes. You can use in on townies, downtownies, npcs, user-created, Maxis-made, etc. I wouldn't try it on nonsociables though.
Lab Assistant
#71 Old 25th Sep 2005 at 12:48 AM
duh, sorry. i wasnt paying aattention. thanks for pointin that out. it can now, but with limited functionality. the plan is to release the full ep2 compatible version by the end of this weekend.
Test Subject
#72 Old 25th Sep 2005 at 2:53 PM
Ok, good job, but... how to change the maid clothes?
Test Subject
#73 Old 25th Sep 2005 at 4:15 PM
Thank you

Aka "Cee C"
Object(ive) Investigator
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#74 Old 25th Sep 2005 at 7:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by totamon
Ok, good job, but... how to change the maid clothes?

Can you be more specific?
Test Subject
#75 Old 25th Sep 2005 at 7:52 PM
i like to change the maid clothes but with Grapholina tutorial only the genetics are replaced. Someone knows...
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