Funky Colored Converses
These are plain old black capri pants, recolored to be a little bit darker, with several different colored Chucks. Seven to be exact.
The ankle patch on these is actually in the right place-on the inner ankle. This is because nothing bugs me more than downloading an outfit with Chucks as shoes and having the ankle patch be on the outer ankle only, or both inner and outer ankle. I have yet to see sim-Chucks with just the iner ankle patch. I also have yet to see mismatched sim-Chucks, which I have done here.
The colors are very bright, and if someone wants a specific color I would be more than willing to recolor one for you. Two of the pants have mismatched Chucks, and the rest are matching. The mismatched colors are red and green and black and red. The only issue is that the toecap and shoelaces on the left shoe do not exactly match up, but if you can deal with that they are great pants, although the focus is mostly on the shoes.
Enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it!
Uploaded: 12th Mar 2006, 1.01 MB.
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